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Restriction (mathematics)

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Function with a smaller domain
For other uses, seeRestriction (disambiguation).
The functionx2{\displaystyle x^{2}} with domainR{\displaystyle \mathbb {R} } does not have aninverse function. If we restrictx2{\displaystyle x^{2}} to the non-negativereal numbers, then it does have an inverse function, known as thesquare root ofx.{\displaystyle x.}
xf (x)
History of the function concept
Types bydomain andcodomain
  List of specific functions

Inmathematics, therestriction of afunctionf{\displaystyle f} is a new function, denotedf|A{\displaystyle f\vert _{A}} orfA,{\displaystyle f{\upharpoonright _{A}},} obtained by choosing a smallerdomainA{\displaystyle A} for the original functionf.{\displaystyle f.} The functionf{\displaystyle f} is then said toextendf|A.{\displaystyle f\vert _{A}.}

Formal definition


Letf:EF{\displaystyle f:E\to F} be a function from asetE{\displaystyle E} to a setF.{\displaystyle F.} If a setA{\displaystyle A} is asubset ofE,{\displaystyle E,} then therestriction off{\displaystyle f}toA{\displaystyle A} is the function[1]f|A:AF{\displaystyle {f|}_{A}:A\to F}given byf|A(x)=f(x){\displaystyle {f|}_{A}(x)=f(x)} forxA.{\displaystyle x\in A.} Informally, the restriction off{\displaystyle f} toA{\displaystyle A} is the same function asf,{\displaystyle f,} but is only defined onA{\displaystyle A}.

If the functionf{\displaystyle f} is thought of as arelation(x,f(x)){\displaystyle (x,f(x))} on theCartesian productE×F,{\displaystyle E\times F,} then the restriction off{\displaystyle f} toA{\displaystyle A} can be represented by itsgraph,

G(f|A)={(x,f(x))G(f):xA}=G(f)(A×F),{\displaystyle G({f|}_{A})=\{(x,f(x))\in G(f):x\in A\}=G(f)\cap (A\times F),}

where the pairs(x,f(x)){\displaystyle (x,f(x))} representordered pairs in the graphG.{\displaystyle G.}



A functionF{\displaystyle F} is said to be anextension of another functionf{\displaystyle f} if wheneverx{\displaystyle x} is in the domain off{\displaystyle f} thenx{\displaystyle x} is also in the domain ofF{\displaystyle F} andf(x)=F(x).{\displaystyle f(x)=F(x).} That is, ifdomainfdomainF{\displaystyle \operatorname {domain} f\subseteq \operatorname {domain} F} andF|domainf=f.{\displaystyle F{\big \vert }_{\operatorname {domain} f}=f.}

Alinear extension (respectively,continuous extension, etc.) of a functionf{\displaystyle f} is an extension off{\displaystyle f} that is also alinear map (respectively, acontinuous map, etc.).


  1. The restriction of thenon-injective functionf:RR, xx2{\displaystyle f:\mathbb {R} \to \mathbb {R} ,\ x\mapsto x^{2}} to the domainR+=[0,){\displaystyle \mathbb {R} _{+}=[0,\infty )} is the injectionf:R+R, xx2.{\displaystyle f:\mathbb {R} _{+}\to \mathbb {R} ,\ x\mapsto x^{2}.}
  2. Thefactorial function is the restriction of thegamma function to the positive integers, with the argument shifted by one:Γ|Z+(n)=(n1)!{\displaystyle {\Gamma |}_{\mathbb {Z} ^{+}}\!(n)=(n-1)!}

Properties of restrictions




Inverse functions

Main article:Inverse function

For a function to have an inverse, it must beone-to-one. If a functionf{\displaystyle f} is not one-to-one, it may be possible to define apartial inverse off{\displaystyle f} by restricting the domain. For example, the functionf(x)=x2{\displaystyle f(x)=x^{2}}defined on the whole ofR{\displaystyle \mathbb {R} } is not one-to-one sincex2=(x)2{\displaystyle x^{2}=(-x)^{2}} for anyxR.{\displaystyle x\in \mathbb {R} .} However, the function becomes one-to-one if we restrict to the domainR0=[0,),{\displaystyle \mathbb {R} _{\geq 0}=[0,\infty ),} in which casef1(y)=y.{\displaystyle f^{-1}(y)={\sqrt {y}}.}

(If we instead restrict to the domain(,0],{\displaystyle (-\infty ,0],} then the inverse is the negative of the square root ofy.{\displaystyle y.}) Alternatively, there is no need to restrict the domain if we allow the inverse to be amultivalued function.

Selection operators

Main article:Selection (relational algebra)

Inrelational algebra, aselection (sometimes called a restriction to avoid confusion withSQL's use of SELECT) is aunary operation written asσaθb(R){\displaystyle \sigma _{a\theta b}(R)} orσaθv(R){\displaystyle \sigma _{a\theta v}(R)} where:

The selectionσaθb(R){\displaystyle \sigma _{a\theta b}(R)} selects all thosetuples inR{\displaystyle R} for whichθ{\displaystyle \theta } holds between thea{\displaystyle a} and theb{\displaystyle b} attribute.

The selectionσaθv(R){\displaystyle \sigma _{a\theta v}(R)} selects all those tuples inR{\displaystyle R} for whichθ{\displaystyle \theta } holds between thea{\displaystyle a} attribute and the valuev.{\displaystyle v.}

Thus, the selection operator restricts to a subset of the entire database.

The pasting lemma

Main article:Pasting lemma

The pasting lemma is a result intopology that relates the continuity of a function with the continuity of its restrictions to subsets.

LetX,Y{\displaystyle X,Y} be two closed subsets (or two open subsets) of a topological spaceA{\displaystyle A} such thatA=XY,{\displaystyle A=X\cup Y,} and letB{\displaystyle B} also be a topological space. Iff:AB{\displaystyle f:A\to B} is continuous when restricted to bothX{\displaystyle X} andY,{\displaystyle Y,} thenf{\displaystyle f} is continuous.

This result allows one to take two continuous functions defined on closed (or open) subsets of a topological space and create a new one.


Main article:Sheaf theory

Sheaves provide a way of generalizing restrictions to objects besides functions.

Insheaf theory, one assigns an objectF(U){\displaystyle F(U)} in acategory to eachopen setU{\displaystyle U} of atopological space, and requires that the objects satisfy certain conditions. The most important condition is that there arerestrictionmorphisms between every pair of objects associated to nested open sets; that is, ifVU,{\displaystyle V\subseteq U,} then there is a morphismresV,U:F(U)F(V){\displaystyle \operatorname {res} _{V,U}:F(U)\to F(V)} satisfying the following properties, which are designed to mimic the restriction of a function:

The collection of all such objects is called asheaf. If only the first two properties are satisfied, it is apre-sheaf.

Left- and right-restriction


More generally, the restriction (ordomain restriction orleft-restriction)AR{\displaystyle A\triangleleft R} of abinary relationR{\displaystyle R} betweenE{\displaystyle E} andF{\displaystyle F} may be defined as a relation having domainA,{\displaystyle A,} codomainF{\displaystyle F} and graphG(AR)={(x,y)F(R):xA}.{\displaystyle G(A\triangleleft R)=\{(x,y)\in F(R):x\in A\}.} Similarly, one can define aright-restriction orrange restrictionRB.{\displaystyle R\triangleright B.} Indeed, one could define a restriction ton{\displaystyle n}-ary relations, as well as tosubsets understood as relations, such as ones of theCartesian productE×F{\displaystyle E\times F} for binary relations.These cases do not fit into the scheme ofsheaves.[clarification needed]



Thedomain anti-restriction (ordomain subtraction) of a function or binary relationR{\displaystyle R} (with domainE{\displaystyle E} and codomainF{\displaystyle F}) by a setA{\displaystyle A} may be defined as(EA)R{\displaystyle (E\setminus A)\triangleleft R}; it removes all elements ofA{\displaystyle A} from the domainE.{\displaystyle E.} It is sometimes denotedA{\displaystyle A} ⩤ R.{\displaystyle R.}[5] Similarly, therange anti-restriction (orrange subtraction) of a function or binary relationR{\displaystyle R} by a setB{\displaystyle B} is defined asR(FB){\displaystyle R\triangleright (F\setminus B)}; it removes all elements ofB{\displaystyle B} from the codomainF.{\displaystyle F.} It is sometimes denotedR{\displaystyle R} ⩥ B.{\displaystyle B.}

See also



  1. ^Stoll, Robert (1974).Sets, Logic and Axiomatic Theories (2nd ed.). San Francisco: W. H. Freeman and Company. pp. [36].ISBN 0-7167-0457-9.
  2. ^Halmos, Paul (1960).Naive Set Theory. Princeton, NJ: D. Van Nostrand. Reprinted by Springer-Verlag, New York, 1974.ISBN 0-387-90092-6 (Springer-Verlag edition). Reprinted by Martino Fine Books, 2011.ISBN 978-1-61427-131-4 (Paperback edition).
  3. ^Munkres, James R. (2000).Topology (2nd ed.). Upper Saddle River: Prentice Hall.ISBN 0-13-181629-2.
  4. ^Adams, Colin Conrad; Franzosa, Robert David (2008).Introduction to Topology: Pure and Applied. Pearson Prentice Hall.ISBN 978-0-13-184869-6.
  5. ^Dunne, S. and Stoddart, BillUnifying Theories of Programming: First International Symposium, UTP 2006, Walworth Castle, County Durham, UK, February 5–7, 2006, Revised Selected ... Computer Science and General Issues). Springer (2006)
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