Arefuge castle[1] orrefuge fort (German:Fliehburg, alsoFluchtburg,Volksburg,Bauernburg orVryburg) is acastle-like defensive location, usually surrounded byramparts, that is not permanently occupied but acts as a temporary retreat for the local population when threatened by war or attack. In former times such sites were also described as giant castles (German:Hünenburgen) because their origin was ascribed togiants.
In Europe a multitude of largeprotohistoric sites surrounded by earthworks has been uncovered by archaeological excavations, many over 100 metres in diameter, that are understood to be refuge castles. Amongstancient historical references to them are the refuge castles of theGauls described byCaesar asoppida, although they could also be permanent settlements. Similarringwork (Ringwall) systems were built by the variousGermanic andSlavic tribes, the latter until well into theMiddle Ages period. Such systems are also known ashillforts (Wallburgen), the primary construction material being earth, but wood and stone were also used in a variety of construction methods.
As a rule they have no towers, but occasionally superstructures resemblinggate towers occur (seeBennigsen Castle). Refuge castles of this type belonged to unprotected farming communities and offered protection to the population of the local region in case of a hostile attack, whilst the settlements themselves usually fell victim to plundering and destruction by the aggressors. The large size of refuge castles enabled them to provide stores and supplies in the event of asiege.
Later on during the Middle Ages this type of castle was also built by local farmers. These "farmers' castles" provided protection for country folk from marauding bands of troops. Their fortifications generally had little in common with the castles erected by thenobility as residences, but often consisted just of earthworks and woodenpalisades sited in easily defensible locations on hilltops or spurs.
Because the majority of refuge castles were not permanent settlements, archaeological excavations often produce little by way of finds.
In the Middle Agesfortified churches (Wehrkirchen) andfortress churches (Kirchenburgen) also acted as refuge castles. They were primarily utilised as the village churches, but their fortifications also made them suitable for use as temporary places of refuge for the villages. The wall of the churchyard, which was actually designed to protect the cemetery, was upgraded in church castles into a defensibledefensive wall (Wehrmauer) and even the church tower could be given a defensive function.