Arefectory (alsofrater,frater house,fratery) is adining room, especially inmonasteries,boarding schools and academic institutions. One of the places the term is most often used today is in graduateseminaries[citation needed]. The name derives from the Latinreficere "to remake or restore," viaLate Latinrefectorium, which means "a place one goes to be restored" (cf. "restaurant").
Communal meals are the times when all monks of an institution are together. Diet and eating habits differ somewhat bymonastic order, and more widely by schedule. TheBenedictine rule is illustrative.
TheRule of St Benedict orders two meals.Dinner is provided year-round;supper is also served from late spring to early fall, except for Wednesdays and Fridays. The diet originally consisted of simple fare: two dishes, with fruit as a third course if available. The food was simple, with the meat of mammals forbidden to all but the sick. Moderation in all aspects of diet is the spirit of Benedict's law. Meals are eaten in silence, facilitated sometimes by hand signals. A single monk might read aloud from the Scriptures or writings of thesaints during the meals.
Refectories vary in size and dimension, based primarily on wealth and size of the monastery, as well as when the room was built. They share certain design features. Monks eat at long benches; important officials sit at raised benches at one end of the hall. Alavabo, or large basin for hand-washing, usually stands outside the refectory.
Tradition also fixes other factors. In England, the refectory is generally built on anundercroft (perhaps in an allusion to the upper room where theLast Supper reportedly took place) on the side of thecloister opposite the church. Benedictine models are traditionally generally laid out on an east–west axis, whileCistercian models lie north–south.
Norman refectories could be as large as 160 feet (49 m) long by 35 feet (11 m) wide (such as the abbey atNorwich). Even relatively early refectories might have windows, but these became larger and more elaborate in the high medieval period. The refectory atCluny Abbey was lit through thirty-six large glazed windows. The twelfth-century abbey atMont Saint-Michel had six windows, five feet wide by twenty feet high.
InEastern Orthodox monasteries, the trapeza (Greek:τραπεζαρία,refectory) is considered a sacred place, and in some cases is even constructed as a full church with analtar andiconostasis. Some services are intended to be performed specifically in the trapeza. There is always at least oneicon with alampada (oil lamp) kept burning in front of it. The service of theLifting of the Panagia is performed at the end of meals. DuringBright Week, this service is replaced with theLifting of the Artos. In some monasteries, theCeremony of Forgiveness at the beginning ofGreat Lent is performed in the trapeza. All food served in the trapeza should be blessed, and for that purpose,holy water is often kept in the kitchen.
As well as continued use of the historic monastic meaning, the wordrefectory is often used in a modern context to refer to acafé orcafeteria that is open to the public—including non-worshipers such astourists—attached to acathedral orabbey. This usage is particularly prevalent inChurch of England buildings, which use the takings to supplement their income.[1]
Manyuniversities in the UK also call their student cafeteria or dining facilities the refectory. The term is rare at American colleges, althoughBrown University calls its main dining hall the Sharpe Refectory,[2] the main dining hall atRhodes College is known as the Catherine Burrow Refectory,[3] and, in August of 2019,Villanova University chose the name 'The Refectory' for the "sophisticated-yet-casual restaurant service" (open to students and the public) to purposefully acknowledge and recognize the history of the refectory name to connote "a dining room for communal meals at academic institutions and monasteries".[4][5]