Reefing reduces the area of asail, usually by folding or rolling one edge of thecanvas in on itself and attaching the unused portion to aspar or astay, as the primary measure to preserve asailing vessel's stability in strong winds. Restoring full sail area is termedshaking out areef.[1]
Whereasfore-and-aft rigged vessels store the unused portion of the sail on aboom (below the sail),square-rigged vessels stow the unused portion on a spar above the sail. Reefing may occur by rolling the sail around itsluff orfoot, either on a rotating stay or within a spar.
Sails may have built-in alternative attachment points that allow their area to be reduced. In a mainsail, reefingcringles may be installed in the sail; a cruising boat will typically have two to three pairs. These are pulled down to the boom to form a new tack and clew, reducing the sail's area. The first pair closest to the boom is called a single reef, the next pair is called a double reef, and so on. A sail usually has eyelets at the same level as the reefing cringles. These are used with reefing points (short lengths of small rope either permanently or temporarily fed through the sail) to secure the excess fabric of the sail after reefing; the points are passed under the foot of the sail or round the boom and tied with a reef knot . Alternatively, a reefing line can be fed through all the eyelets and round the foot of the sail. This keeps the wind out of the unused part of the sails and may improve visibility.[2][1][3]
Slab orjiffy reefing allows for the quick establishment of a new tack and clew, while the halyard is partially lowered and then raised. One or two reefing lines passing through the sail's luff and leach reefcringles create a new tack and clew for the sail by pulling them tight to the boom. These can be led back to the cockpit to allow crew members to reef without going on deck in heavy weather. Intermediate reef cringles need not be used.[4][5]
Roller reefing rolls or wraps the sail around a wire, foil, orspar to reduce its exposure to the wind. In mainsail furling systems the sail is either wrapped around theboom by a mechanism in thegooseneck or hardware inside the boom winds it around a rotating foil. Furling systems controlled with lines led to the cockpit allow reefing without crew having to go on deck in heavy weather. Roller reefing also allows more variable sail area than conventional or jiffy reefing. Countering these advantages are the furled sail possibly not having an optimal shape and sail repair or replacement being more difficult. In-mast roller-furling mainsails are not conducive to good sail shape.[4]
Square-rigged sails hang from a spar, called ayard. When reefed, the sail is pulled upwards and affixed to the yard at one of the reef bands that runs horizontally across the sail. Each reef band is a canvas-reinforced strip, which containscringles—eyes through which the reefing points (short pieces of rope) pass that attach the sail to the yard. A sail may have several reef bands to shorten sail to different degrees.[6]
Rousemaniere, John (7 January 2014).The Annapolis Book of Seamanship.ISBN 978-1451650198.