The red fox originated in Eurasia during theMiddle Pleistocene at least 400,000 years ago[5] and later colonised North America sometime prior to 130,000 years ago.[6] Among the true foxes, the red fox represents a more progressive form in the direction ofcarnivory.[7] Apart from its large size, the red fox is distinguished from other fox species by its ability to adapt quickly to new environments. Despite its name, the species often produces individuals with other colourings, includingleucistic andmelanistic individuals.[7] Forty-fivesubspecies are currently recognised,[8] which are divided into two categories: the large northern foxes and the small,basal southern grey desert foxes of Asia and North Africa.[7]
Red foxes are usually found in pairs or small groups consisting of families, such as amated pair and their young, or a male with several females having kinship ties. The young of the mated pair remain with their parents to assist in caring for new kits.[9] The species primarily feeds on small rodents, though it may also targetrabbits,squirrels,game birds,reptiles,invertebrates[7] and youngungulates.[7] Fruit and vegetable matter is also eaten sometimes.[10] Although the red fox tends to kill smaller predators, including other fox species, it is vulnerable to attack from larger predators, such aswolves,coyotes,golden jackals, large predatory birds such asgolden eagles andEurasian eagle owls,[11] and medium- and large-sizedfelids.[12]
The species has a long history of association with humans, having been extensively hunted as a pest andfurbearer for many centuries, as well as being represented in human folklore and mythology. Because of its widespread distribution and large population, the red fox is one of the most important furbearing animals harvested for thefur trade.[13]: 229–230 Too small to pose a threat to humans, it has extensively benefited from the presence of human habitation, and has successfullycolonised manysuburban andurban areas. Domestication of the red fox is also underway inRussia, and has resulted in thedomesticated silver fox.
Males are called tods or dogs, females are called vixens, and young are known as cubs or kits.[14] Although theArctic fox has a small native population in northern Scandinavia, and while thecorsac fox's range extends intoEuropean Russia, the red fox is the only fox native to Western Europe, and so is simply called "the fox" in colloquial British English.
The word "fox" comes fromOld English, which derived fromProto-Germanic *fuhsaz. Compare withWest Frisianfoks,Dutchvos, andGermanFuchs. This, in turn, derives fromProto-Indo-European *puḱ- 'thick-haired; tail'. Compare to theHindipū̃ch 'tail',Tocharian Bpäkā 'tail; chowrie', andLithuanianpūkas 'fur / fluff'. The bushy tail also forms the basis for the fox'sWelsh name,llwynog, literally 'bushy', fromllwyn 'bush'. Likewise,Portuguese:raposa fromrabo 'tail', Lithuanianuodẽgis fromuodegà 'tail', andOjibwewaagosh fromwaa, which refers to the up and down "bounce" or flickering of an animal or its tail.[citation needed]
The scientific termvulpes derives from the Latin word for fox, and gives the adjectivesvulpine andvulpecular.[15]
Comparative illustration of skulls of the red fox (left) and Rüppell's fox (right): note the more developed facial area of the former.
The red fox is considered to be a more specialised form ofVulpes than theAfghan,corsac andBengal fox species, in regards to their overall size and adaptation tocarnivory; the skull displays far fewerneotenous traits than in other foxes, and its facial area is more developed.[7] It is, however, not as adapted for a purely carnivorous diet as theTibetan fox.[7]
The sister lineage to the red fox is theRüppell's fox, but the two species are surprisingly closely related throughmitochondrial DNA markers, with Rüppell's fox nested inside the lineages of red foxes.[16][17] Such a nesting of one species within another is calledparaphyly. Several hypotheses have been suggested to explain this,[16] including (1) recent divergence of Rüppell's fox from a red fox lineage, (2)incomplete lineage sorting, orintrogression of mtDNA between the two species. Based on fossil record evidence, the last scenario seems most likely, which is further supported by the clear ecological and morphological differences between the two species.[citation needed]
The species is Eurasian in origin, and may have evolved from eitherVulpes alopecoides or the related ChineseV. chikushanensis, both of which lived during the MiddleVillafranchian of thePleistocene Epoch.[19] The earliest fossil specimens ofV. vulpes were uncovered inBaranya County,Hungary, dating from 3.4 to 1.8 million years ago.[20] The ancestral red fox was likely more diminutive compared to today's extant foxes, as the earliest red fox fossils have shown a smaller build than living specimens.[19]: 115–116 The earliest fossil remains of the modern species date back to the mid-Pleistocene,[21] found in association withmiddens and refuse left by early human settlements. This has led to the theory that the red fox was hunted by primitive humans (as both a source of food and pelts); the possibility also exists of red foxes scavenging from middens or butchered animal carcasses.[22]
Red foxes colonised the North American continent in two waves: before and during theIllinoian glaciation, and during theWisconsinan glaciation.[23]Gene mapping demonstrates that red foxes in North America have been isolated from their Old World counterparts for over 400,000 years, thus raising the possibility thatspeciation has occurred, and that the previousbinomial name ofVulpes fulva may be valid.[24] In the far north, red fox fossils have been found inSangamonian Stage deposits near theFairbanks District,Alaska, andMedicine Hat,Alberta. Fossils dating from the Wisconsinan are present in 25 sites acrossArkansas,California,Colorado,Idaho,Missouri,New Mexico,Ohio,[25]Tennessee,Texas,Virginia, andWyoming. Although they ranged far south during the Wisconsinan, the onset of warm conditions shrank their range toward the north, and they have only recently reclaimed their former North American ranges because of human-induced environmental changes.[26]Genetic testing indicates that two distinct red foxrefugia exist in North America, which have been separated since the Wisconsinan. The northern (or boreal) refugium occurs in Alaska and western Canada, and consists of the larger subspeciesV. v. alascensis,V. v. abietorum,V. v. regalis, andV. v. rubricosa. The southern (or montane) refugium occurs in the subalpine parklands and alpine meadows of the west, from theRocky Mountains to theCascades and theSierra Nevada ranges, consisting of the smaller subspeciesV. v. cascadensis,V. v. macroura,V. v. necator, andV. v. patwin. The latterclade has been separated from all other red fox populations since at least the last glacial maximum, and may possess unique ecological or physiological adaptations.[23]
Although European foxes (V. v. crucigera) were introduced to portions of the United States in the 1900s, recent genetic investigation indicates an absence of European fox mitochondrial haplotypes in any North American populations.[27] Additionally, introduced eastern North American red foxes have colonised most of inland California, fromSouthern California to theSan Joaquin Valley,Monterey and north-coastalSan Francisco Bay Area (including urbanSan Francisco and adjacent cities). In spite of the red fox's adaptability to city life, they are still found in somewhat greater numbers in the northern portions of California (north of the Bay Area) than in the south, as the wilderness is more alpine and isolated. The eastern red foxes appear to have mixed with theSacramento Valley red fox (V. v. patwin) only in a narrow hybrid zone.[28] In addition, no evidence is seen of interbreeding of eastern American red foxes in California with the montaneSierra Nevada red fox (V. v. necator) or other populations in the Intermountain West (between theRocky Mountains to the east and the Cascade and Sierra Nevada Mountains to the west).[29]
Skull of a northern foxSkull of a southern grey desert fox
The 3rd edition ofMammal Species of the World[8] listed 45 subspecies as valid. In 2010, a distinct 46th subspecies, the Sacramento Valley red fox (V. v. patwin), which inhabits the grasslands of the Sacramento Valley, was identified throughmitochondrialhaplotype studies.[30] Castello (2018) recognized 30 subspecies of the Old World red fox and nine subspecies of theNorth American red fox as valid.[31]
Substantialgene pool mixing between different subspecies is known; British red foxes havecrossbred extensively with red foxes imported from Germany, France, Belgium, Sardinia and possibly Siberia and Scandinavia.[32]: 140 However, genetic studies suggest very little differences between red foxes sampled across Europe.[33][34] Lack of genetic diversity is consistent with the red fox being a highly agile species, with one red fox covering 320 km (200 mi) in under a year's time.[35]
Red fox subspecies in Eurasia and North Africa are divided into two categories:[7]
Northern foxes are large and brightly coloured.
Southern grey desert foxes include the Asian subspeciesV. v. griffithi,V. v. pusilla, andV. v. flavescens. These foxes display transitional features between the northern foxes and other, smaller fox species; their skulls possess more primitive,neotenous traits than the northern foxes[7] and they are much smaller; the maximum sizes attained by southern grey desert foxes are invariably less than the average sizes of northern foxes. Their limbs are also longer and their ears larger.[7]
Red foxes living in Middle Asia show physical traits intermediate to the northern foxes and southern grey desert foxes.[7]
A large subspecies measuring 70–90 cm in length and weighing 5–10 kg; the maximum length of the skull for males is 163.2 mm. The fur is bright red with a strongly developed whitish and yellow ripple on the lower back.[7]
Scandinavia and the northern and middle (forest) districts of the European part of theformer Soviet Union, southwards to the forest-steppe and eastwards approximately to theUrals and probably Central and Western Europe
A small subspecies weighing 4 kg; its maximum skull length is 132–39 mm in males and 121–26 mm in females. The fur is rusty grey or rusty brown, with a brighter rusty stripe along the spine. The coat is short, coarse and sparse.[7]
A large subspecies; it is the most brightly coloured of the Old World red foxes, the fur being saturated bright-reddish and almost lacking the bright ripple along the back and flanks. The coat is fluffy and soft.[7]
A large subspecies; its coat is variable in colour, ranging from reddish to red-grey and nearly grey. The fur is short and coarse. This subspecies could be a hybrid caused by mixing the populations ofV. v. stepensis andV. v. karagan.[7]
A medium-sized subspecies; its yellowish-fulvous or reddish-brown pelt lacks the whitish shading on the upper back. The tail is not grey, as in most other red fox subspecies.[39] It is primarily distinguished fromV. v. vulpes by its slightly smaller size, distinctly smaller teeth and widely spaced premolars. Red foxes present in Great Britain (and therefore Australia) are usually ascribed to this subspecies, though many populations there display a great degree of tooth compaction not present in continental European red fox populations.[9]
All of Europe except Scandinavia, the Iberian Peninsula and some islands of the Mediterranean Sea; introduced to Australia and North America
A large subspecies; the colour along its spine is light, dull yellowish-reddish with a strongly developed white ripple and greyish longitudinal stripes on the anterior side of the limbs. The coat is coarse but fluffy.[7]
A very pale-coloured form; its light, straw-yellow fur deepens to golden yellow or buff-fulvous in some places. The tail lacks the usual black basal spot. The hind feet and claws are very large.[37]
This is a smaller subspecies thanV. v. vulpes, with a smaller, sharper face, a shorter tail, a lighter pelt more profusely mixed with whitish and darker limbs.[37]
This large subspecies has an enormous tail and coarse, wolf-like fur on the tail and lower back. The hairs on the neck and shoulders are greatly elongated and form a ruff.[37]
This subspecies is large, but smaller thanV. v. beringiana. The back, neck and shoulders are brownish-rusty, while the flanks are bright ocherous reddish-yellow.[7]
A form intermediate in size betweenV. v. alpheryaki andV. v. caucasica; its fur is pale yellow or light grey, sometimes brownish-reddish and is fluffier and denser than that of the other two Caucasian red fox subspecies.[7]
This subspecies is distinguished fromV. v. vulpes by its smaller size, proportionately smaller skull and teeth and coarser fur. The hairs on the sole of the feet are copiously mixed with softer, woolly hairs.[40]: 111
A small subspecies; it measures 76.7–105.3 cm in body length, 30.2–40.1 cm in tail length and weighs 1.8–3.8 kg. It is ruddy to grey-brown above and darker on the back of the neck. The flanks are greyer and tinged with buff.[42] It is larger thanV. v. arabica andV. v. palaestina.[43]
Slightly smaller thanV. v. griffithii;[40]: 123 it closely resembles theBengal fox (V. bengalensis) in size, but is distinguished by its longer tail and hind feet.[40]: 129
The largest North American red fox subspecies; it has very large and broad ears and a very long tail. It is a golden-yellow colour with pure black feet.[37]
Though equal in size toV. v. vulpes, it has smaller teeth and more widely spaced premolars. The fur is dull buff without any yellowish or reddish tints. The hindquarters are frosted with white and the tail is clear grey in colour.[44]
This subspecies is slightly smaller and more lightly coloured thanV. v. crucigera, with shorter, coarser fur. Specimens from the Crimean Mountains have brighter, fluffier and denser fur.[7]
This large subspecies has yellowish-rusty or dirty-reddish fur with a well-developed cross and often a black area on the belly. The coat is long and fluffy.[7]
The red fox has an elongated body and relatively short limbs. The tail, which is longer than half the body length[7] (70 percent of head and body length),[46] is fluffy and reaches the ground when in a standing position. Their pupils are oval and vertically oriented.[7]Nictitating membranes are present, but move only when the eyes are closed. The forepaws have five digits, while the hind feet have only four and lackdewclaws.[9] They are very agile, being capable of jumping over 2 m (6 ft 7 in) high fences, and swim well.[47] Vixens normally have four pairs ofteats,[7] though vixens with seven, nine, or ten teats are not uncommon.[9] Thetestes of males are smaller than those of Arctic foxes.[7]
Theirskulls are fairly narrow and elongated, with smallbraincases. Theircanine teeth are relatively long.Sexual dimorphism of the skull is more pronounced than in corsac foxes, with female red foxes tending to have smaller skulls than males, with wider nasal regions and hardpalates, as well as having larger canines.[7] Their skulls are distinguished from those of dogs by their narrowermuzzles, less crowdedpremolars, more slender canine teeth, and concave rather than convex profiles.[9]
Red foxes are the largest species of the genusVulpes.[48] However, relative to dimensions, red foxes are much lighter than similarly sized dogs of the genusCanis. Their limb bones, for example, weigh 30 percent less per unit area of bone than expected for similarly sized dogs.[49]: 122 They display significant individual, sexual, age and geographical variation in size. On average, adults measure 35–50 cm (14–20 in) high at the shoulder and 45–90 cm (18–35 in) in body length with tails measuring 30–55.5 cm (11.8–21.9 in). The ears measure 7.7–12.5 cm (3.0–4.9 in) and the hind feet 12–18.5 cm (4.7–7.3 in). Weights range from 2.2–14 kg (4.9–30.9 lb), with vixens typically weighing 15–20% less than males.[50][51] Adult red foxes have skulls measuring 129–167 mm (5.1–6.6 in), while those of vixens measure 128–159 mm (5.0–6.3 in).[7] The forefoot print measures 60 mm (2.4 in) in length and 45 mm (1.8 in) in width, while the hind foot print measures 55 mm (2.2 in) long and 38 mm (1.5 in) wide. They trot at a speed of 6–13 km/h (3.7–8.1 mph), and have a maximum running speed of 50 km/h (31 mph). They have a stride of 25–35 cm (9.8–13.8 in) when walking at a normal pace.[49]: 36 North American red foxes are generally lightly built, with comparatively long bodies for their mass and have a high degree of sexual dimorphism. British red foxes are heavily built, but short, while continental European red foxes are closer to the general average among red fox populations.[52] The largest red fox on record in Great Britain was a 1.4 m (4 ft 7 in) long male, that weighed 17.2 kg (38 lb), killed inAberdeenshire, Scotland, in early 2012.[53]
A red fox in its winter coat in the Rocky Mountains of Colorado, U.S.
The winter fur is dense, soft, silky and relatively long. For the northern foxes, the fur is very long, dense and fluffy, but it is shorter, sparser and coarser in southern forms.[7] Among northern foxes, the North American varieties generally have the silkiestguard hairs,[13]: 231 while most Eurasian red foxes have coarser fur.[13]: 235 The fur in "thermal windows" areas such as the head and the lower legs is kept dense and short all year round, while fur in other areas changes with the seasons. The foxes actively control the peripheralvasodilation and peripheralvasoconstriction in these areas to regulate heat loss.[54] There are three maincolour morphs; red, silver/black and cross (seeMutations).[46] In the typical red morph, their coats are generally bright reddish-rusty with yellowish tints. A stripe of weak, diffuse patterns of many brown-reddish-chestnut hairs occurs along the spine. Two additional stripes pass down the shoulder blades, which, together with the spinal stripe, form a cross. The lower back is often a mottled silvery colour. The flanks are lighter coloured than the back, while the chin, lower lips, throat and front of the chest are white. The remaining lower surface of the body is dark, brown or reddish.[7] During lactation, the belly fur of vixens may turn brick red.[9] The upper parts of the limbs are rusty reddish, while the paws are black. The frontal part of the face and upper neck is bright brownish-rusty red, while the upper lips are white. The backs of the ears are black or brownish-reddish, while the inner surface is whitish. The top of the tail is brownish-reddish, but lighter in colour than the back and flanks. The underside of the tail is pale grey with a straw-coloured tint. A black spot, the location of thesupracaudal gland, is usually present at the base of the tail. The tip of the tail is white.[7]
The rump and spine is brown or grey with light yellowish bands on the guard hairs. The cross on the shoulders is brown, rusty brown or reddish-brown. The limbs are brown.[7]
The fur has a darker colouration than the colour morph listed directly above. The rump and lower back are dark brown or dark grey, with varying degrees of silver on the guard hairs. The cross on the shoulders is black or brown, sometimes with light silvery fur. The head and feet are brown.[7]
The melanistic colour morph of the Eurasian red foxes. Has blackish-brown or black skin with a light brownish tint. The skin area usually has a variable admixture of silver. Reddish hairs are either completely absent or in small quantities.[7]
The melanistic colour morph of the North American red foxes, but introduced to the Old World by the fur trade. Characterised by pure black colour with skin that usually has a variable admixture of silver (covering 25–100% of the skin area)[7]
Distinguished from the silver colour morph by its pale, almost silvery-white fur with a bluish cast[13]: 251
Distinguished by its woolly pelt, which lacks guard hairs[13]: 230
Red foxes havebinocular vision,[9] but their sight reacts mainly to movement. Theirauditory perception is acute, being able to hearblack grouse changing roosts at 600 paces, the flight ofcrows at 0.25–0.5 km (0.16–0.31 mi) and the squeaking of mice at about 100 m (330 ft).[7] They are capable of locating sounds to within one degree at 700–3,000 Hz, though less accurately at higher frequencies.[47] Their sense of smell is good, but weaker than that of specialised dogs.[7]
Red foxes have a pair ofanal sacs lined by sebaceous glands, both of which open through a single duct.[55] The size and volume of the anal sacs increases with age, ranging in size from 5–40mm in length, 1–3mm in diameter, and with a capacity of 1–5 mL.[56] The anal sacs act as fermentation chambers in whichaerobic andanaerobic bacteria convertsebum into odorous compounds, includingaliphatic acids. The oval-shapedcaudal gland is 25 mm (0.98 in) long and 13 mm (0.51 in) wide, and reportedly smells ofviolets.[7] The presence of foot glands is equivocal. The interdigital cavities are deep, with a reddish tinge and smell strongly. Sebaceous glands are present on the angle of the jaw and mandible.[9]
V. v. crucigera, SlovakiaMulti-coloured North American red fox
The red fox is a wide-ranging species. Its range covers nearly 70,000,000 km2 (27,000,000 sq mi) including as far north as theArctic Circle. It occurs all across Europe, in Africa north of the Sahara Desert, throughout Asia apart from extreme Southeast Asia, and across North America apart from most of the southwestern United States and Mexico. It is absent in the Arctic islands,[disputed –discuss] the most northern parts of centralSiberia, and in extreme deserts.[1]It is not present inNew Zealand and is classed as a "prohibited new organism" under theHazardous Substances and New Organisms Act 1996, which does not allow import.[57]
In Australia, estimates in 2012 indicated that there were more than 7.2 million red foxes,[58] with a range extending throughout most of the continental mainland.[49]: 14 They became established in Australia through successive introductions in the 1830s and 1840s, by settlers in the British colonies ofVan Diemen's Land (as early as 1833) and thePort Phillip District of New South Wales (as early as 1845), who wanted to foster the traditional English sport offox hunting. A permanent red fox population did not establish itself on the island ofTasmania, and it is widely held that foxes were out-competed by theTasmanian devil.[59] On the mainland, however, the species was successful as anapex predator. The fox is generally less common in areas where thedingo is more prevalent, but it has, primarily through its burrowing behaviour, achievedniche differentiation with both theferal dog and theferal cat. Consequently, the fox has become one of the continent's most destructive invasive species.[citation needed]
The red fox has been implicated in the extinction or decline of several native Australian species, particularly those of the familyPotoroidae, including thedesert rat-kangaroo.[60] The spread of red foxes across the southern part of the continent has coincided with the spread ofrabbits in Australia, and corresponds with declines in the distribution of several medium-sized ground-dwelling mammals, includingbrush-tailed bettongs,burrowing bettongs,rufous bettongs,bilbies,numbats,bridled nail-tail wallabies andquokkas.[61] Most of those species are now limited to areas (such as islands) where red foxes are absent or rare. Local fox eradication programs exist, although elimination has proven difficult due to the fox's denning behaviour and nocturnal hunting, so the focus is on management, including the introduction of state bounties.[62] According to the Tasmanian government, red foxes were accidentally introduced to the previously fox-free island of Tasmania in 1999 or 2000, posing a significant threat to native wildlife, including theeastern bettong, and an eradication program was initiated, conducted by the TasmanianDepartment of Primary Industries and Water.[63]
The origin of theichnusae subspecies inSardinia, Italy is uncertain, as it is absent from Pleistocene deposits in their current homeland. It is possible it originated during theNeolithic following its introduction to the island by humans. It is likely then that Sardinian fox populations stem from repeated introductions of animals from different localities in the Mediterranean. This latter theory may explain the subspecies' phenotypic diversity.[22]
Red foxes either establish stable home ranges within particular areas or are itinerant with no fixed abode.[49]: 117 They use theirurine to mark their territories.[64][65] A male fox raises one hind leg and his urine is sprayed forward in front of him, whereas a female fox squats down so that the urine is sprayed in the ground between the hind legs.[66] Urine is also used to mark emptycache sites, used to store found food, as reminders not to waste time investigating them.[49]: 125 [67][68] Males generally have higher urine marking rates during late summer and autumn, but the rest of the year the rates between male and female are similar.[69] The use of up to 12 different urination postures allows them to precisely control the position of the scent mark.[70] Red foxes live in family groups sharing a joint territory. In favourable habitats and/or areas with low hunting pressure, subordinate foxes may be present in a range. Subordinate foxes may number one or two, sometimes up to eight in one territory. These subordinates could be formerlydominant animals, but are mostly young from the previous year, who act as helpers in rearing the breeding vixen's kits. Alternatively, their presence has been explained as being in response to temporary surpluses of food unrelated to assisting reproductive success. Non-breeding vixens will guard, play, groom, provision and retrieve kits,[9] an example ofkin selection. Red foxes may leave their families once they reach adulthood if the chances of winning a territory of their own are high. If not, they will stay with their parents, at the cost of postponing their own reproduction.[49]: 140–141
Red foxes reproduce once a year in spring. Two months prior tooestrus (typically December), the reproductive organs of vixens change shape and size. By the time they enter their oestrus period, theiruterine horns double in size, and theirovaries grow 1.5–2 times larger.Sperm formation in males begins in August–September, with the testicles attaining their greatest weight in December–February.[7] The vixen's oestrus period lasts three weeks,[9] during which the dog-foxes mate with the vixens for several days, often in burrows. The male'sbulbus glandis enlarges duringcopulation,[10] forming acopulatory tie which may last for more than an hour.[9] Thegestation period lasts 49–58 days.[7] Though foxes are largelymonogamous,[71] DNA evidence from one population indicated large levels ofpolygyny,incest and mixed paternity litters.[9] Subordinate vixens may become pregnant, but usually fail to whelp, or have their kits killed postpartum by either the dominant female or other subordinates.[9]
Red fox kits coming out of their den
The average litter size consists of four to six kits, though litters of up to 13 kits have occurred.[7] Large litters are typical in areas where fox mortality is high.[49]: 93 Kits are born blind, deaf and toothless, with dark brown fluffy fur. At birth, they weigh 56–110 g (2.0–3.9 oz) and measure 14.5 cm (5.7 in) in body length and 7.5 cm (3.0 in) in tail length. At birth, they are short-legged, large-headed and have broad chests.[7] Mothers remain with the kits for 2–3 weeks, as they are unable tothermoregulate. During this period, the fathers or barren vixens feed the mothers.[9] Vixens are very protective of their kits, and have been known to even fight off terriers in their defence.[32]: 21–22 If the mother dies before the kits are independent, the father takes over as their provider.[32]: 13 The kits' eyes open after 13–15 days, during which time their ear canals open and their upper teeth erupt, with the lower teeth emerging 3–4 days later.[7] Their eyes are initially blue, but change to amber at 4–5 weeks. Coat colour begins to change at three weeks of age, when the black eye streak appears. By one month, red and white patches are apparent on their faces. During this time, their ears erect and their muzzles elongate.[9] Kits begin to leave their dens and experiment with solid food brought by their parents at the age of 3–4 weeks. Thelactation period lasts 6–7 weeks.[7] Their woolly coats begin to be coated by shiny guard hairs after 8 weeks.[9] By the age of 3–4 months, the kits are long-legged, narrow-chested and sinewy. They reach adult proportions at the age of 6–7 months.[7] Some vixens may reachsexual maturity at the age of 9–10 months, thus bearing their first litters at one year of age.[7] In captivity, theirlongevity can be as long as 15 years, though in the wild they typically do not survive past 5 years of age.[72]
Outside thebreeding season, most red foxes favour living in the open, in densely vegetated areas, though they may enter burrows to escape bad weather.[9] Their burrows are often dug on hill or mountain slopes, ravines, bluffs, steep banks of water bodies, ditches, depressions, gutters, in rock clefts and neglected human environments. Red foxes prefer to dig their burrows on well drained soils. Dens built among tree roots can last for decades, while those dug on the steppes last only several years.[7] They may permanently abandon their dens duringmange outbreaks, possibly as a defence mechanism against the spread of disease.[9] In the Eurasian desert regions, foxes may use theburrows of wolves, porcupines and other large mammals, as well as those dug by gerbil colonies. Compared to burrows constructed by Arctic foxes, badgers, marmots and corsac foxes, red fox dens are not overly complex. Red fox burrows are divided into a den and temporary burrows, which consist only of a small passage or cave for concealment. The main entrance of the burrow leads downwards (40–45°) and broadens into a den, from which numerous side tunnels branch. Burrow depth ranges from 0.5–2.5 m (1 ft 8 in – 8 ft 2 in), rarely extending toground water. The main passage can reach 17 m (56 ft) in length, standing an average of 5–7 m (16–23 ft). In spring, red foxes clear their dens of excess soil through rapid movements, first with the forepaws then with kicking motions with their hind legs, throwing the discarded soil over 2 m (6 ft 7 in) from the burrow. When kits are born, the discarded debris is trampled, thus forming a spot where the kits can play and receive food.[7] They may share their dens with woodchucks[10] or badgers.[7] Unlike badgers, which fastidiously clean their earths and defecate inlatrines, red foxes habitually leave pieces of prey around their dens.[32]: 15–17 The average sleep time of a captive red fox is 9.8 hours per day.[73]
A European fox (V. v. crucigera) in an inquisitive posture
Red fox body language consists of movements of the ears, tail and postures, with their body markings emphasising certain gestures. Postures can be divided into aggressive/dominant and fearful/submissive categories. Some postures may blend the two together.[49]: 42–43 Inquisitive foxes will rotate and flick their ears whilst sniffing. Playful individuals will perk their ears and rise on their hind legs. Male foxes courting females, or after successfully evicting intruders, will turn their ears outwardly, and raise their tails in a horizontal position, with the tips raised upward. When afraid, red foxes grin in submission, arching their backs, curving their bodies, crouching their legs and lashing their tails back and forth with their ears pointing backwards and pressed against their skulls. When merely expressing submission to a dominant animal, the posture is similar, but without arching the back or curving the body. Submissive foxes will approach dominant animals in a low posture, so that their muzzles reach up in greeting. When two evenly matched foxes confront each other over food, they approach each other sideways and push against each other's flanks, betraying a mixture of fear and aggression through lashing tails and arched backs without crouching and pulling their ears back without flattening them against their skulls. When launching an assertive attack, red foxes approach directly rather than sideways, with their tails aloft and their ears rotated sideways.[49]: 43 During such fights, red foxes will stand on each other's upper bodies with their forelegs, using open mouthed threats. Such fights typically only occur among juveniles or adults of the same sex.[9]
Red foxes have a wide vocal range, and produce different sounds spanning fiveoctaves, which grade into each other.[49]: 28 Recent analyses identify 12 different sounds produced by adults and 8 by kits.[9] The majority of sounds can be divided into "contact" and "interaction" calls. The former vary according to the distance between individuals, while the latter vary according to the level of aggression.[49]: 28
Contact calls: The most commonly heard contact call is a three to five syllable barking "wow wow wow" sound, which is often made by two foxes approaching one another. This call is most frequently heard from December to February (when they can be confused with the territorial calls oftawny owls). The "wow wow wow" call varies according to individual; captive foxes have been recorded to answer pre-recorded calls of their pen-mates, but not those of strangers. Kits begin emitting the "wow wow wow" call at the age of 19 days, when craving attention. When red foxes draw close together, they emit trisyllabic greeting warbles similar to the clucking of chickens. Adults greet their kits with gruff huffing noises.[49]: 28
Interaction calls: When greeting one another, red foxes emit high pitched whines, particularly submissive animals. A submissive fox approached by a dominant animal will emit a ululating siren-like shriek. During aggressive encounters with conspecifics, they emit a throaty rattling sound, similar to aratchet, called "gekkering". Gekkering occurs mostly during the courting season from rival males or vixens rejecting advances.[49]: 28
Another call that does not fit into the two categories is a long, drawn-out, monosyllabic "waaaaah" sound. As it is commonly heard during the breeding season, it is thought to be emitted by vixens summoning males. When danger is detected, foxes emit a monosyllabic bark. At close quarters, it is a muffled cough, while at long distances it is sharper. Kits make warbling whimpers when nursing, these calls being especially loud when they are dissatisfied.[49]: 28
While the popular consensus is thatolfaction is very important for hunting,[77] two studies that experimentally investigated the role of olfactory, auditory and visual cues found that visual cues are the most important ones for hunting in red foxes[78] and coyotes.[79][80]
Red foxes prefer to hunt in the early morning hours before sunrise and late evening.[7] Although they typically forage alone, they may aggregate in resource-rich environments.[72] When hunting mouse-like prey, they first pinpoint their prey's location by sound, then leap, sailing high above their quarry, steering in mid-air with their tails, before landing on target up to 5 m (16 ft) away.[1] They typically only feed on carrion in the late evening hours and at night.[7] They are extremely possessive of their food and will defend their catches from even dominant animals.[49]: 58 Red foxes may occasionally commit acts ofsurplus killing; during one breeding season, four red foxes were recorded to have killed around 200black-headed gulls each, with peaks during dark, windy hours when flying conditions were unfavourable. Losses to poultry and penned game birds can be substantial because of this.[9][49]: 164 Red foxes seem to dislike thetaste ofmoles, but will nonetheless catch them alive and present them to their kits as playthings.[49]: 41
A 2008–2010 study of 84 red foxes in theCzech Republic andGermany found that successful hunting in long vegetation or under snow appeared to involve an alignment of the red fox with the Earth'smagnetic field.[81][82]
Red foxes typically dominate other fox species.Arctic foxes generally escape competition from red foxes by living farther north, where food is too scarce to support the larger-bodied red species. Although the red species' northern limit is linked to the availability of food, the Arctic species' southern range is limited by the presence of the former. Red and Arctic foxes were both introduced to almost every island from theAleutian Islands to theAlexander Archipelago during the 1830s–1930s by fur companies. The red foxes invariably displaced the Arctic foxes, with one male red fox having been reported to have killed off all resident Arctic foxes on a small island in 1866.[49]: 85 Where they aresympatric, Arctic foxes may also escape competition by feeding onlemmings and flotsam rather than voles, as favoured by red foxes. Both species will kill each other's kits, given the opportunity.[7] Red foxes are serious competitors ofcorsac foxes, as they hunt the same prey all year. The red species is also stronger, is better adapted to hunting in snow deeper than 10 cm (3.9 in) and is more effective in hunting and catching medium-sized to large rodents. Corsac foxes seem to only outcompete red foxes in semi-desert and steppe areas.[7][83] In Israel, Blanford's foxes escape competition with red foxes by restricting themselves to rocky cliffs and actively avoiding the open plains inhabited by red foxes.[49]: 84–85 Red foxes dominatekit andswift foxes. Kit foxes usually avoid competition with their larger cousins by living in more arid environments, though red foxes have been increasing in ranges formerly occupied by kit foxes due to human-induced environmental changes. Red foxes will kill both species and compete with them for food and den sites.[10]Grey foxes are exceptional, as they dominate red foxes wherever their ranges meet. Historically, interactions between the two species were rare, as grey foxes favoured heavily wooded or semiarid habitats as opposed to the open and mesic ones preferred by red foxes. However, interactions have become more frequent due to deforestation, allowing red foxes to colonise grey fox-inhabited areas.[10]
Female red fox and kits interacting with a malegolden jackal in south-western Germany
Wolves may kill and eat red foxes in disputes over carcasses.[7][84] In areas in North America where red fox andcoyote populations are sympatric, red fox ranges tend to be located outside coyote territories. The principal cause of this separation is believed to be active avoidance of coyotes by the red foxes. Interactions between the two species vary in nature, ranging from active antagonism to indifference. The majority of aggressive encounters are initiated by coyotes, and there are few reports of red foxes acting aggressively toward coyotes except when attacked or when their kits were approached. Foxes and coyotes have sometimes been seen feeding together.[85] In Israel, red foxes share their habitat withgolden jackals. Where their ranges meet, the two canids compete due to near-identical diets. Red foxes ignore golden jackal scents or tracks in their territories and avoid close physical proximity with golden jackals themselves. In areas where golden jackals become very abundant, the population of red foxes decreases significantly, apparently because ofcompetitive exclusion.[86] However, there is one record of multiple red foxes interacting peacefully with a golden jackal in southwestern Germany.[87]
Red foxes dominateraccoon dogs, sometimes killing their kits or biting adults to death. Cases are known of red foxes killing raccoon dogs after entering their dens. Both species compete for mouse-like prey. This competition reaches a peak during early spring when food is scarce. InTatarstan, red fox predation accounted for 11.1% of deaths among 54 raccoon dogs and amounted to 14.3% of 186 raccoon dog deaths in northwestern Russia.[7]
Red foxes may kill smallmustelids likeweasels,[10]stone martens,[88]pine martens (martes martes),stoats,Siberian weasels,polecats and youngsables.Eurasian badgers may live alongside red foxes in isolated sections of large burrows.[7] It is possible that the two species tolerate each other out ofmutualism; red foxes provide Eurasian badgers with food scraps, while Eurasian badgers maintain the shared burrow's cleanliness.[32]: 15 However, cases are known of Eurasian badgers driving vixens from their dens and destroying their litters without eating them.[89]Wolverines may kill red foxes, often while the latter is sleeping or near carrion.[7]: 546 Red foxes, in turn, may kill young wolverines.[90]
Red foxes may compete withstriped hyenas on large carcasses. Red foxes may give way to striped hyenas on unopened carcasses, as the latter's stronger jaws can easily tear open flesh that is too tough for red foxes. Red foxes may harass striped hyenas, using their smaller size and greater speed to avoid the hyena's attacks. Sometimes, red foxes seem to deliberately torment striped hyenas even when there is no food at stake. Some red foxes may mistime their attacks and are killed.[49]: 77–79 Red fox remains are often found in striped hyena dens and striped hyenas may steal red foxes from traps.[7]
In Eurasia, red foxes may be preyed upon byleopards,caracals andEurasian lynxes. The Eurasian lynxes chase red foxes into deep snow, where their long legs and larger paws give them an advantage over red foxes, especially when the depth of the snow exceeds one meter.[7] In theVelikoluksky District in Russia, red foxes are absent or are seen only occasionally where Eurasian lynxes establish permanent territories.[7] Researchers consider Eurasian lynxes to represent considerably less danger to red foxes than wolves do.[7] North American felid predators of red foxes includecougars,Canada lynxes andbobcats.[46]
Red foxes are the most importantrabies vector in Europe. InLondon,arthritis is common in foxes, being particularly frequent in the spine.[9] Foxes may be infected withleptospirosis andtularemia, though they are not overly susceptible to the latter. They may also fall ill fromlisteriosis andspirochetosis, as well as acting asvectors in spreadingerysipelas,brucellosis and tick-borneencephalitis. A mysterious fatal disease nearLake Sartlan in theNovosibirsk Oblast was noted among local red foxes, but the cause was undetermined. The possibility was considered that it was caused by an acute form ofencephalomyelitis, which was first observed in captive-bred silver foxes. Individual cases of foxes infected withYersinia pestis are known.[7]
Red foxes are not readily prone to infestation withfleas. Species likeSpilopsyllus cuniculi are probably only caught from the fox's prey species, while others likeArchaeopsylla erinacei are caught whilst traveling. Fleas that feed on red foxes includePulex irritans,Ctenocephalides canis andParaceras melis.Ticks such asIxodes ricinus andI. hexagonus are not uncommon in red foxes, and are typically found on nursing vixens and kits still in their earths. ThelouseTrichodectes vulpis specifically targets red foxes, but is found infrequently. ThemiteSarcoptes scabiei is the most important cause ofmange in red foxes. It causes extensive hair loss, starting from the base of the tail and hindfeet, then the rump before moving on to the rest of the body. In the final stages of the condition, red foxes can lose most of their fur, 50% of their body weight and may gnaw at infected extremities. In theepizootic phase of the disease, it usually takes red foxes four months to die after infection. Other endoparasites includeDemodex folliculorum,Notoderes,Otodectes cynotis (which is frequently found in theear canal),Linguatula serrata (which infects the nasal passages) andringworms.[7]
Red foxes feature prominently in the folklore and mythology of human cultures with which they are sympatric. InGreek mythology, theTeumessian fox,[108] or Cadmean vixen, was a gigantic fox that was destined never to be caught. The fox was one of the children ofEchidna.[109]
InCeltic mythology, the red fox is a symbolic animal. In theCotswolds,witches were thought to take the shape of foxes to stealbutter from their neighbours.[110] In later European folklore, the figure ofReynard the Fox symbolises trickery and deceit. He originally appeared (then under the name of "Reinardus") as a secondary character in the 1150 poem "Ysengrimus". He reappeared in 1175 in Pierre Saint Cloud'sLe Roman de Renart, and made his debut in England inGeoffrey Chaucer'sThe Nun's Priest's Tale. Many of Reynard's adventures may stem from actual observations on fox behaviour; he is an enemy of the wolf and has a fondness for blackberries and grapes.[49]: 32–33
Chinese folk tales tell of fox-spirits calledhuli jing that may have up to nine tails, orkumiho as they are known in Korea.[111] InJapanese mythology, thekitsune are fox-like spirits possessing magical abilities that increase with their age and wisdom. Foremost among these is the ability toassume human form. While some folktales speak of kitsune employing this ability to trick others, other stories portray them as faithful guardians, friends, lovers, and wives.[112] InArab folklore, the fox is considered a cowardly, weak, deceitful, and cunning animal, said to feign death by filling its abdomen with air to appear bloated, then lies on its side, awaiting the approach of unwitting prey.[43] The animal's cunning was noted by the authors of theBible who applied the word "fox" to false prophets (Ezekiel 13:4) and the hypocrisy ofHerod Antipas (Luke 13:32).[113]
The cunning Fox is commonly found inNative American mythology, where it is portrayed as an almost constant companion toCoyote. Fox, however, is a deceitful companion that often steals Coyote's food. In theAchomawicreation myth, Fox and Coyote are the co-creators of the world, that leave just before the arrival of humans. TheYurok tribe believed that Fox, in anger, captured theSun, and tied him to a hill, causing him to burn a great hole in the ground. AnInuit story tells of how Fox, portrayed as a beautiful woman, tricks a hunter into marrying her, only to resume her true form and leave after he offends her. AMenominee story tells of how Fox is an untrustworthy friend to Wolf.[114]
The earliest historical records of fox hunting come from the 4th century BC;Alexander the Great is known to have hunted foxes and aseal dated from 350 BC depicts aPersian horseman in the process of spearing a fox.Xenophon, who viewed hunting as part of a cultured man's education, advocated the killing of foxes as pests, as they distracted hounds from hares. TheRomans were hunting foxes by AD 80. During theDark Ages in Europe, foxes were considered secondary quarries, but gradually grew in importance.Cnut the Great re-classed foxes as Beasts of the Chase, a lower category of quarry than Beasts of Venery. Foxes were gradually hunted less as vermin and more as Beasts of the Chase, to the point that by the late 1200s,Edward I had a royalpack of foxhounds and a specialised fox huntsman. In this period, foxes were increasingly hunted above ground with hounds, rather than underground with terriers.Edward, Second Duke of York assisted the climb of foxes as more prestigious quarries in hisThe Master of Game. By theRenaissance, fox hunting became a traditional sport of the nobility. After theEnglish Civil War caused a drop in deer populations, fox hunting grew in popularity. By the mid-1600s, Great Britain was divided into fox hunting territories, with the first fox hunting clubs being formed (the first was theCharlton Hunt Club in 1737). The popularity of fox hunting in Great Britain reached a peak during the 1700s.[49]: 21 Although already native to North America, red foxes from England were imported for sporting purposes to Virginia andMaryland in 1730 by prosperous tobacco planters.[115] These American fox hunters considered the red fox more sporting than the grey fox.[115]
The grays furnished more fun, the reds more excitement. The grays did not run so far, but usually kept near home, going in a circuit of six or eightmiles. 'An old red, generally so called irrespective of age, as a tribute to his prowess, might lead the dogs all day, and end by losing them as evening fell, after taking them a dead stretch for thirty miles. The capture of a gray was what men boasted of; a chase after 'an old red' was what they 'yarned' about.[115]
Red foxes are still widely persecuted as pests, with human-caused deaths among the highest causes of mortality in the species. Annual red fox kills are: UK 21,500–25,000 (2000); Germany 600,000 (2000–2001); Austria 58,000 (2000–2001); Sweden 58,000 (1999–2000); Finland 56,000 (2000–2001); Denmark 50,000 (1976–1977); Switzerland 34,832 (2001); Norway 17,000 (2000–2001);Saskatchewan (Canada) 2,000 (2000–2001);Nova Scotia (Canada) 491 (2000–2001);Minnesota (US) 4,000–8,000 (average annual trapping harvest 2002–2009);[116]New Mexico (US) 69 (1999–2000).[88]
Red fox peltsA red fox in a fur farm inVörå, Finland
Red foxes are among the most importantfur-bearing animals harvested by thefur trade. Their pelts are used fortrimmings,scarfs,muffs,jackets andcoats. They are principally used as trimming for both cloth coats and fur garments, including evening wraps.[13]: 229–230 The pelts of silver foxes are popular ascapes,[13]: 246 while cross foxes are mostly used for scarves and rarely for trimming.[13]: 252 The number of sold fox scarves exceeds the total number of scarves made from other fur-bearers. However, this amount is overshadowed by the total number of red fox pelts used for trimming purposes.[13]: 229–230 The silver colour morphs are the most valued by furriers, followed by the cross colour morphs and the red colour morphs, respectively.[32]: 207 In the early 1900s, over 1,000 American red fox skins were imported to Great Britain annually, while 500,000 were exported annually from Germany and Russia.[32]: 6 The total worldwide trade of wild red foxes in 1985–86 was 1,543,995 pelts. Red foxes amounted to 45% of U.S. wild-caught pelts worth $50 million.[88] Pelt prices are increasing, with 2012 North American wholesale auction prices averaging $39 and 2013 prices averaging $65.78.[117]
North American red foxes, particularly those of northern Alaska, are the most valued for their fur, as they have guard hairs of a silky texture which, after dressing, allow the wearer unrestricted mobility. Red foxes living in southern Alaska's coastal areas and the Aleutian Islands are an exception, as they have extremely coarse pelts that rarely exceed one-third of the price of their northern Alaskan cousins.[13]: 231 Most European peltries have coarse-textured fur compared to North American varieties. The only exceptions are the Nordic and Far Eastern Russian peltries, but they are still inferior to North American peltries in terms of silkiness.[13]: 235
A carcass of a lamb near a red fox denA red fox in aBirmingham garden investigating a rabbit hutch
Red foxes may on occasion prey on lambs. Usually, lambs targeted by red foxes tend to be physically weakened specimens, but not always. Lambs belonging to small breeds, such as theScottish Blackface, are more vulnerable than larger breeds, such as theMerino. Twins may be more vulnerable to red foxes than singlets, as ewes cannot effectively defend both simultaneously. Crossbreeding small, upland ewes with larger, lowland rams can cause difficult and prolonged labour for ewes due to the heaviness of the resulting offspring, thus making the lambs more at risk to red fox predation. Lambs born from gimmers (ewes breeding for the first time) are more often killed by red foxes than those of experienced mothers, who stick closer to their young.[49]: 166–167
Red foxes may prey ondomestic rabbits andguinea pigs if they are kept in open runs or are allowed to range freely in gardens. This problem is usually averted by housing them in robust hutches and runs. Urban red foxes frequently encountercats and may feed alongside them. In physical confrontations, the cats usually have the upper hand. Authenticated cases of red foxes killing cats usually involve kittens. Although most red foxes do not prey on cats, some may do so and may treat them more as competitors rather than food.[49]: 180–181
In their unmodified wild state, red foxes are generally unsuitable as pets.[118] Many supposedly abandoned kits are adopted by well-meaning people during the spring period, though it is unlikely that vixens would abandon their young. Actual orphans are rare and the ones that are adopted are likely kits that simply strayed from their den sites.[119] Kits require almost constant supervision; when still suckling, they require milk at four-hour intervals day and night. Once weaned, they may become destructive to leather objects, furniture and electric cables.[49]: 56 Though generally friendly toward people when young, captive red foxes become fearful of humans, save for their handlers, once they reach 10 weeks of age.[49]: 61 They maintain their wild counterparts' strong instinct of concealment and may pose a threat to domestic birds, even when well-fed.[32]: 122 Although suspicious of strangers, they can form bonds with cats and dogs, even ones bred for fox hunting. Tame red foxes were once used to draw ducks close to hunting blinds.[32]: 132–133
White to black individual red foxes have been selected and raised on fur farms as "silver foxes". In the second half of the 20th century, a lineage ofdomesticated silver foxes was developed byRussian geneticistDmitry Belyayev who, over a 40-year period, bred several generations selecting only those individuals that showed the least fear of humans. Eventually, Belyayev's team selected only those that showed the most positive response to humans, thus resulting in a population of silver foxes whose behaviour and appearance was significantly changed. After about 10 generations of controlled breeding, these foxes no longer showed any fear of humans and often wagged their tails and licked their human caretakers to show affection. These behavioural changes were accompanied by physical alterations, which includedpiebald coats, floppy ears in kits and curled tails, similar to the traits that distinguish domestic dogs from grey wolves.[120]
An urban red fox crossing a city street in PortugalAn urban red fox in a built-up area in London, EnglandAn urban red fox eating from a bag of biscuits in Dorset, England
Red foxes have been exceedingly successful in colonising built-up environments, especially lower-density suburbs,[47] although many have also been sighted in dense urban areas far from the countryside. Throughout the 20th century, they have established themselves in many Australian, European, Japanese and North American cities. The species first colonised British cities during the 1930s, enteringBristol and London during the 1940s, and later established themselves inCambridge andNorwich. In Ireland, they are now common in suburbanDublin. In Australia, red foxes were recorded inMelbourne as early as the 1930s, while inZurich, Switzerland, they only started appearing in the 1980s.[121] Urban red foxes are most common in residential suburbs consisting of privately owned, low-density housing. They are rare in areas where industry,commerce or council-rented houses predominate.[47] In these latter areas, the distribution is of a lower average density because they rely less on human resources; the home range of these foxes average from 80–90 ha (0.80–0.90 km2; 200–220 acres), whereas those in more residential areas average from 25–40 ha (0.25–0.40 km2; 62–99 acres).[122]
In 2006, it was estimated that there were 10,000 red foxes in London.[123] City-dwelling red foxes may have the potential to consistently grow larger than their rural counterparts as a result of abundant scraps and a relative lack of predators. In cities, red foxes may scavenge food from litter bins and bin bags, although much of their diet is similar to rural red foxes.[citation needed]
Urban red foxes are most active at dusk and dawn, doing most of their hunting and scavenging at these times. It is uncommon to spot them during the day, but they can be caught sunbathing on roofs of houses or sheds. Urban red foxes will often make their homes in hidden and undisturbed spots in urban areas as well as on the edges of a city, visiting at night for sustenance. They sleep at night in dens.
While urban red foxes will scavenge successfully in the city (and the red foxes tend to eat anything that humans eat) some urban residents will deliberately leave food out for the animals, finding them endearing. Doing this regularly can attract urban red foxes to one's home; they can become accustomed to human presence, warming up to their providers by allowing themselves to be approached and in some cases even played with, particularly young kits.[122]
Urban red foxes can cause problems for local residents. They have been known to steal chickens, disrupt rubbish bins and damage gardens. Most complaints about urban red foxes made to local authorities occur during the breeding season in late January/early February or from late April to August when the new kits are developing.[122]
In the U.K., hunting red foxes in urban areas is banned and shooting them in an urban environment is not suitable. One alternative to hunting urban red foxes has been to trap them, which appears to be a more viable method.[124] However, killing red foxes has little effect on the population in an urban area; those that are killed are very soon replaced, either by new kits during the breeding season or by other red foxes moving into the territory of those that were killed. A more effective method of urban red fox control is to deter them from the specific areas they inhabit. Deterrents such as creosote, diesel oil, or ammonia can be used. Cleaning up and blocking access to den locations can also discourage an urban red fox's return.[122]
"Fleet", the urban red fox from the BBC TV seriesWinterwatch
In January 2014 it was reported that "Fleet", a relatively tame urban red fox tracked as part of a wider study by theUniversity of Brighton in partnership with the BBC TV seriesWinterwatch, had unexpectedly traveled 195 miles in 21 days from his neighbourhood inHove at the western edge ofEast Sussex across rural countryside as far as the town ofRye, near the eastern edge of the county. He was still continuing his journey when theGPS collar stopped transmitting due to suspected water damage. Along with setting a record for the longest journey undertaken by a tracked red fox in the United Kingdom, his travels have highlighted the fluidity of movement between rural and urban red fox populations.[125][126]
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^Ancient Greek:Τευμησ(σ)ία ἀλώπηξ (Teumēs(s)íā alôpēx),gen.: Τευμησίας ἀλώπεκος, also known as ἀλώπηξ τῆς Τευμησσοῦ "fox ofTeumessos"; Teumessos was an ancient city inBoeotia.
^Smyers, Karen Ann (1999).The Fox and the Jewel: Shared and Private Meanings in Contemporary Japanese Inari Worship. University of Hawaii Press.ISBN978-0-8248-2102-9.
^Bastian, Dawn Elaine & Mitchell, Judy K. (2004).Handbook of Native American Mythology. ABC-CLIO. pp. 99–100.ISBN978-1-85109-533-9.
^abcPotts, Allen (1912).Fox Hunting in America. Washington: The Carnahan Press. pp. 7, 38. Retrieved9 July 2016.
^Dexter, Margaret (8 December 2009).Trapping Harvest Statistics(PDF). Minnesota Department of Natural Resources. p. 282 (Table 5).Archived(PDF) from the original on 25 August 2014. Retrieved21 December 2014.