TheRed List Index (RLI), based on theIUCN Red List of Threatened Species, is an indicator of the changing state of globalbiodiversity. It defines theconservation status of majorspecies groups, and measures trends inextinction risk over time. By conducting conservation assessments at regular intervals, changes in the threat status of species in ataxonomic group can be used to monitor trends in extinction risk. RLIs have been calculated forbirds andamphibians, using changes in threat status for species in each of the groups.
As well as taxonomic groups, RLIs can show trends in extinction risk according tobiogeographic realm,habitat type, and dominant threat process.
Producing indices of change in extinction risk by comprehensively assessing whole species groups, while feasible for well studied groups with relatively few species, is not suitable for all taxonomic groups. Assessing every species in the larger and lesser known groups which comprise the majority of the world’s biodiversity, such asfungi, invertebrates (particularlyinsects) andplants, is not practical.
TheRed List Index (sampled approach) (SRLI) has been developed in order to determine the threat status and also trends of lesser-known and less charismatic species groups. It is a collaboration between IUCN members and is coordinated through theInstitute of Zoology (IoZ), the research division of theZoological Society of London (ZSL). The SRLI is based on a representative sample of species selected from taxonomic groups within animals (invertebrates andvertebrates),fungi andplants.
Assessment of the selected species will provide baseline information on the current status of biodiversity. Reassessment at regular intervals will identify changes in threat status over time to provide a more broadly representative picture of biodiversity change.
The aim is that the SRLI will aid in the production of a global biodiversity indicator capable of measuring whether the rate ofbiodiversity loss has been reduced. In addition, it will help to develop a better understanding of which taxonomic groups, realms orecosystems are deteriorating the most rapidly, why species are threatened, where they are threatened, what conservation actions exist and which actions are needed. The aim is to provide policy makers, resource managers, scientists, educators, conservation practitioners and the general public with more thorough knowledge of biodiversity change and further tools with which to make informed decisions.
In April 2002 at theConvention on Biological Diversity (CBD), 188 Nations committed themselves to actions to:“… achieve, by 2010, a significant reduction of the current rate of biodiversity loss at the global, regional and national levels…” The RLI has been adopted by the CBD as one of the indicators to measure progress towards this important target, and specifically to monitor changes in threat status of species.