Ligands connect to specific receptor proteins based on the shape of the active site of the protein.
The receptor releases a messenger once the ligand has connected to the receptor.
Inbiochemistry andpharmacology,receptors are chemical structures, composed ofprotein, that receive andtransduce signals that may be integrated into biological systems.[1] These signals are typically chemical messengers[nb 1] which bind to a receptor and producephysiological responses such as change in theelectrical activity of a cell. For example,GABA, an inhibitoryneurotransmitter, inhibits electrical activity of neurons by binding toGABAA receptors.[2] There are three main ways the action of the receptor can be classified: relay of signal, amplification, or integration.[3] Relaying sends the signal onward, amplification increases the effect of a singleligand, and integration allows the signal to be incorporated into another biochemical pathway.[3]
Receptor proteins can be classified by their location.Cell surface receptors, also known as transmembrane receptors, includeligand-gated ion channels,G protein-coupled receptors, and enzyme-linkedhormone receptors.[1]Intracellular receptors are those found inside the cell, and include cytoplasmic receptors andnuclear receptors.[1] A molecule that binds to a receptor is called aligand and can be a protein,peptide (short protein), or anothersmall molecule, such as aneurotransmitter,hormone, pharmaceutical drug, toxin,calcium ion or parts of the outside of a virus or microbe. An endogenously produced substance that binds to a particular receptor is referred to as its endogenous ligand. E.g. the endogenous ligand for thenicotinic acetylcholine receptor isacetylcholine, but it can also be activated bynicotine[4][5] and blocked bycurare.[6] Receptors of a particular type are linked to specific cellular biochemical pathways that correspond to the signal. While numerous receptors are found in most cells, each receptor will only bind with ligands of a particular structure. This has been analogously compared tohow locks will only accept specifically shaped keys. When a ligand binds to a corresponding receptor, it activates or inhibits the receptor's associated biochemical pathway, which may also be highly specialised.
The structures of receptors are very diverse and include the following major categories, among others:
Type 1:Ligand-gated ion channels (ionotropic receptors) – These receptors are typically the targets of fast neurotransmitters such asacetylcholine (nicotinic) andGABA; activation of these receptors results in changes in ion movement across a membrane. They have a heteromeric structure in that each subunit consists of the extracellular ligand-binding domain and a transmembrane domain which includes four transmembranealpha helices. The ligand-binding cavities are located at the interface between the subunits.
Type 2:G protein-coupled receptors (metabotropic receptors) – This is the largest family of receptors and includes the receptors for several hormones and slow transmitters e.g. dopamine, metabotropic glutamate. They are composed of seven transmembrane alpha helices. The loops connecting the alpha helices form extracellular and intracellular domains. The binding-site for larger peptide ligands is usually located in the extracellular domain whereas the binding site for smaller non-peptide ligands is often located between the seven alpha helices and one extracellular loop.[7] The aforementioned receptors are coupled to different intracellular effector systems viaG proteins.[8] G proteins are heterotrimers made up of 3 subunits: α (alpha), β (beta), and γ (gamma). In the inactive state, the three subunits associate together and the α-subunit binds GDP.[9] G protein activation causes a conformational change, which leads to the exchange of GDP for GTP. GTP-binding to the α-subunit causes dissociation of the β- and γ-subunits.[10] Furthermore, the three subunits, α, β, and γ have additional four main classes based on their primary sequence. These include Gs, Gi, Gq and G12.[11]
Type 3: Kinase-linked and related receptors (see "Receptor tyrosine kinase" and "Enzyme-linked receptor") – They are composed of an extracellular domain containing the ligand binding site and an intracellular domain, often with enzymatic-function, linked by a single transmembrane alpha helix. Theinsulin receptor is an example.
Type 4:Nuclear receptors – While they are called nuclear receptors, they are actually located in thecytoplasm and migrate to thenucleus after binding with their ligands. They are composed of aC-terminal ligand-binding region, a coreDNA-binding domain (DBD) and anN-terminal domain that contains theAF1(activation function 1) region. The core region has two zinc fingers that are responsible for recognizing the DNA sequences specific to this receptor. The N terminus interacts with other cellular transcription factors in a ligand-independent manner; and, depending on these interactions, it can modify the binding/activity of the receptor. Steroid and thyroid-hormone receptors are examples of such receptors.[12]
Ligand binding is anequilibrium process. Ligands bind to receptors and dissociate from them according to thelaw of mass action in the following equation, for a ligand L and receptor, R. The brackets around chemical species denote their concentrations.
One measure of how well a molecule fits a receptor is its binding affinity, which is inversely related to thedissociation constantKd. A good fit corresponds with high affinity and lowKd. The final biological response (e.g.second messenger cascade, muscle-contraction), is only achieved after a significant number of receptors are activated.
Affinity is a measure of the tendency of a ligand to bind to its receptor. Efficacy is the measure of the bound ligand to activate its receptor.
Not every ligand that binds to a receptor also activates that receptor. The following classes of ligands exist:
(Full)agonists are able to activate the receptor and result in a strong biological response. The naturalendogenous ligand with the greatestefficacy for a given receptor is by definition a full agonist (100% efficacy).
Partial agonists do not activate receptors with maximal efficacy, even with maximal binding, causing partial responses compared to those of full agonists (efficacy between 0 and 100%).
Antagonists bind to receptors but do not activate them. This results in a receptor blockade, inhibiting the binding of agonists and inverse agonists. Receptor antagonists can be competitive (or reversible), and compete with the agonist for the receptor, or they can be irreversible antagonists that formcovalent bonds (or extremely high affinity non-covalent bonds) with the receptor and completely block it. The proton pump inhibitoromeprazole is an example of an irreversible antagonist. The effects of irreversible antagonism can only be reversed by synthesis of new receptors.
Inverse agonists reduce the activity of receptors by inhibiting their constitutive activity (negative efficacy).
Allosteric modulators: They do not bind to the agonist-binding site of the receptor but instead on specific allosteric binding sites, through which they modify the effect of the agonist. For example,benzodiazepines (BZDs) bind to the BZD site on theGABAA receptor and potentiate the effect of endogenous GABA.
Note that the idea of receptor agonism and antagonism only refers to the interaction between receptors and ligands and not to their biological effects.
A receptor which is capable of producing a biological response in the absence of a bound ligand is said to display "constitutive activity".[13] The constitutive activity of a receptor may be blocked by aninverse agonist. The anti-obesity drugsrimonabant andtaranabant are inverse agonists at the cannabinoidCB1 receptor and though they produced significant weight loss, both were withdrawn owing to a high incidence of depression and anxiety, which are believed to relate to the inhibition of the constitutive activity of the cannabinoid receptor.
TheGABAA receptor has constitutive activity and conducts some basal current in the absence of an agonist. This allowsbeta carboline to act as an inverse agonist and reduce the currentbelow basal levels.
Mutations in receptors that result in increased constitutive activity underlie some inherited diseases, such asprecocious puberty (due to mutations in luteinizing hormone receptors) andhyperthyroidism (due to mutations in thyroid-stimulating hormone receptors).
Early forms of thereceptor theory of pharmacology stated that a drug's effect is directly proportional to the number of receptors that are occupied.[14] Furthermore, a drug effect ceases as a drug-receptor complex dissociates.
Ariëns & Stephenson introduced the terms "affinity" & "efficacy" to describe the action of ligands bound to receptors.[15][16]
Affinity: The ability of a drug to combine with a receptor to create a drug-receptor complex.
Efficacy: The ability of drug to initiate a response after the formation of drug-receptor complex.
In contrast to the acceptedOccupation Theory, Rate Theory proposes that the activation of receptors is directly proportional to the total number of encounters of a drug with its receptors per unit time. Pharmacological activity is directly proportional to the rates of dissociation and association,not the number of receptors occupied:[17]
Agonist: A drug with a fast association and a fast dissociation.
Partial-agonist: A drug with an intermediate association and an intermediate dissociation.
Antagonist: A drug with a fast association & slow dissociation
In some receptor systems (e.g. acetylcholine at the neuromuscular junction in smooth muscle), agonists are able to elicit maximal response at very low levels of receptor occupancy (<1%). Thus, that system has spare receptors or a receptor reserve. This arrangement produces an economy of neurotransmitter production and release.[12]
Cells can increase (upregulate) or decrease (downregulate) the number of receptors to a givenhormone orneurotransmitter to alter their sensitivity to different molecules. This is a locally actingfeedback mechanism.
Change in the receptor conformation such that binding of the agonist does not activate the receptor. This is seen with ion channel receptors.
The ligands for receptors are as diverse as their receptors. GPCRs (7TMs) are a particularly vast family, with at least 810 members. There are alsoLGICs for at least a dozen endogenous ligands, and many more receptors possible through different subunit compositions. Some common examples of ligands and receptors include:[19]
Some example ionotropic (LGIC) and metabotropic (specifically, GPCRs) receptors are shown in the table below. The chief neurotransmitters are glutamate and GABA; other neurotransmitters areneuromodulatory. This list is by no means exhaustive.
Enzyme linked receptors includeReceptor tyrosine kinases (RTKs), serine/threonine-specific protein kinase, as in bone morphogenetic protein and guanylate cyclase, as in atrial natriuretic factor receptor. Of the RTKs, 20 classes have been identified, with 58 different RTKs as members. Some examples are shown below:
Manygenetic disorders involve hereditary defects in receptor genes. Often, it is hard to determine whether the receptor is nonfunctional or thehormone is produced at decreased level; this gives rise to the "pseudo-hypo-" group ofendocrine disorders, where there appears to be a decreased hormonal level while in fact it is the receptor that is not responding sufficiently to the hormone.
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