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Ship type
This article is about a cut-down ship. Not to be confused withrace-built galleon.
See also:razee plane
A painting ofHMSAnson as a razee

Arazee orrazée/rəˈz/[1] is asailing ship that has been cut down (razeed) to reduce the number of decks. The word is derived from the Frenchvaisseau rasé, meaning a razed (in the sense of shaved down) ship.[2]

Seventeenth century

Sovereign of the Seas, 1637, by J Payne

During the transition fromgalleons to morefrigate-like warships (1600 – 1650) there was a general awareness that the reduction in topweight afforded by the removal of upperworks made ships better sailers;Rear AdmiralSirWilliam Symonds noted after thelaunch ofSovereign of the Seas that she was "cut down" and made a safe and fast ship. In 1651Sovereign of the Seas was again made more manoeuvrable by reducing the number ofcannon. Ships were razeed not only by navies but also bypiratesCharles Johnson'sA General History of the Robberies and Murders of the most notorious Pyrates[3] describesGeorge Lowther refittingGambia Castle in 1721:

They one and all came into measures, knocked down the cabins, made the ship flush fore and aft, prepared black colours, new named her theDelivery, having about 50 hands and 16 guns.

This did not reduce the number of gun decks, but had the effect of making the razee ship much handier, since theforecastle andaftcastle no longer createdwindage, top weight was reduced, and the ship was made lighter overall.

Eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries


Royal Navy

See also:Rating system of the Royal Navy
RazeeHMSIndefatigable (right) fightsVirginie, 1796, by John Fairburn

In theRoyal Navy, the razee operation was typically performed on a smaller two-deckship of the line, resulting in a largefrigate. The rationale for this apparent reduction in gun power was that the smaller ships-of-the-line could no longer be used safely in fleet actions as the overall size and armament of opposing ships increased. The resulting razeed ship was classed as a frigate; it was stronger than the usual run of purpose-built frigates.

In similar fashion, three-decked ships of the line were sometimes razeed, either to becomeflush-decked (with thequarterdeck and forecastle removed) or cut down to become two-deckers.

HMS Namur (1756) was a 90-gun second rate launched in 1756. She was razeed as a 74-gunthird rate in 1805.

Three 64-gun ships were cut down (razeed) in 1794 into 44-gun frigates. The most successful was HMSIndefatigable which was commanded by SirEdward Pellew.

Towards the close of the Napoleonic Wars, three elderly 74-gun ships were razeed into 58-gun fourth rates (not losing a complete deck, so remaining a two-decker, but having the quarterdeck removed). Two more followed immediately post-war, although the second never completed conversion.

Another eleven more-recent 74s were razeed in 1826-1845, in this case being fully reduced to 50-gun heavy frigates; three others were scheduled for similar conversion, but this was never completed.

French razée warships (Revolutionary War conversions)


In the French navy, a number of 74-gun two-deckers were similarly razeed into 54-gun ships:

  • Diadème (renamedBrutus in September 1792 and razeed between December 1793 and May 1794)
  • Hercule of 1778 (razeed between February and June 1794, then renamedHydre in May 1795)
  • Argonaute of 1781 (razeed between December 1793 and March 1794, then renamedFlibustier in June 1794)
  • Illustre of 1781 (razeed between August 1793 and February 1794, renamedMucius Scevola in January 1794, name shortened toScevola in February 1794)
  • Brave of 1781 (razeed between April 1793 and January 1794, without change of name)
  • Borée of 1785 (renamedÇa Ira in April 1794, then againAgricola in June 1794 and razeed between April and July 1794)
  • Agamemnon of 1812

United States razee warship


Late nineteenth century

USSCumberland before conversion
USSCumberland as a Razee

In theUnited States Navy, several of the final generation of sailing frigates launched in the 1840s were cut down to become largesloops-of-war. Advances inmetallurgy andartillery in the 1850s allowed the casting ofguns that fired substantially heaviershot than had previously been in use, as well asexploding shells. Thus, when the decision was made to rearm these frigates with heavier but fewer guns, the reduction increw size allowed the ships to be razeed. Theirsail plan and size made them superb sailers. Although these ships carried a heavier broadside as 20 gun sloops-of-war than they did as 40 gun frigates, they were rerated as nominally smaller sloops-of-war because they mounted fewer guns. Such ships includeUSSMacedonian andUSSCumberland.


  1. ^OED
  2. ^Razee at
  3. ^A General History of the Robberies and Murders of the Most Notorious Pyrates, Charles Johnson, 1724. (Modern paperback by The Lyons Press, 2002,ISBN 1-58574-558-8)
Types ofsailing vessels andrigs
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