"Radio Free Europe" and "Radio Liberty" redirect here. For the R.E.M. song, seeRadio Free Europe (song). For the UCKG UK radio station, seeLiberty Radio.
English Programs are also available in Albanian, Armenian, Azerbaijani, Bashkir, Bosnian, Belarusian, Bulgarian, Chechen, Crimean Tatar, Dari, Georgian, Hungarian, Kazakh, Kyrgyz, Macedonian, Montenegrin, Pashto, Persian, Romanian, Russian, Serbian, Tajik, Tatar, Turkmen, Ukrainian, Uzbek In the past also Polish, Czech, Slovak, Lithuanian, Latvian, Estonian and various other languages; seethis list
Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty (RFE/RL) is a media organization broadcasting news and analyses in 27 languages to 23 countries[7] acrossEastern Europe,Central Asia, theCaucasus, and theMiddle East. Headquartered inPrague since 1995, RFE/RL operates 21 local bureaus with over 500 core staff, 1,300 freelancers, and 680 employees. Nicola Careem serves as the editor-in-chief.
Founded during theCold War, RFE began in 1949 targetingSoviet satellite states,[8] while RL, established in 1951, focused on theSoviet Union. Initially funded covertly by theCIA until 1972,[9][10] the two merged in 1976. RFE/RL was headquartered inMunich from 1949 to 1995, with additional broadcasts from Portugal'sGlória do Ribatejo until 1996. Soviet authorities jammed their signals, andcommunist regimes often infiltrated their operations.
Radio Free Europe/ Radio Liberty Newsroom in Munich, 1994
Radio Free Europe was created and grew in its early years through the efforts of theNational Committee for a Free Europe (NCFE), an anti-communist CIAfront organization that was formed byAllen Dulles inNew York City in 1949.[14][15] RFE/RL received funds covertly from the CIA until 1972.[9][10] During RFE's earliest years of existence, the CIA andU.S. Department of State issued broad policy directives, and a system evolved where broadcast policy was determined through negotiation between them and RFE staff.[16]
Radio Free Europe received widespread public support from Eisenhower's "Crusade for Freedom" campaign.[17] In 1950, over 16 million Americans signed Eisenhower's "Freedom Scrolls" on a publicity trip to more than 20 U.S. cities and contributed $1,317,000 to the expansion of RFE.[18]
Writer Sig Mickelson said that the NCFE's mission was to support refugees and provide them with a useful outlet for their opinions and creativity while increasing exposure to the modern world.[19] The NCFE divided its program into three parts:exile relations,radio, and American contacts.[14]
The United States funded a long list of projects to counter the "Communist appeal" among intellectuals in Europe and the developing world.[20] RFE was developed out of a belief that the Cold War would eventually be fought by political rather than military means.[21] American policymakers such asGeorge Kennan andJohn Foster Dulles acknowledged that theCold War was essentially awar of ideas. The implementation of surrogate radio stations was a key part of the greater psychological war effort.[18]
RFE was modeled afterRadio in the American Sector (RIAS) a U.S. government-sponsored radio service initially intended for Germans living in theAmerican sector of Berlin. According to Arch Puddington, a former bureau manager for RFE/RL, it was also widely listened to by East Germans.[22] Staffed almost entirely by Germans with minimal U.S. supervision, the station provided free media to German listeners.
Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty Building in Prague-Hagibor, 2008
In January 1950, the NCFE obtained a transmitter base atLampertheim, West Germany, and on July 4 of the same year RFE completed its first broadcast aimed atCzechoslovakia.[23] In late 1950, RFE began to assemble a full-fledged foreign broadcast staff, becoming more than a "mouthpiece for exiles".[24] Teams of journalists were hired for each language service, and an elaborate system ofintelligence gathering provided up-to-date broadcast material. Most of this material came from a network of well-connectedémigrés and interviews with travelers and defectors. RFE did not use paid agents inside theIron Curtain and based its bureaus in regions popular with exiles.[25] RFE also extensively monitoredCommunist bloc publications and radio services, creating a body of information that would later serve as a resource for organizations across the world.[26]
In addition to its regular broadcasts, RFE spread broadcasts through a series of operations that distributedleaflets viameteorological balloons; one such operation, Prospero, sent messages to Czechoslovakia.[27] From October 1951 to November 1956, the skies of Central Europe were filled with more than 350,000 balloons carrying over 300 million leaflets, posters, books, and other printed matter.[18] The nature of the leaflets varied, and according to Arch Puddington included messages of support and encouragement "to citizens suffering under communist oppression", "satirical criticisms of communist regimes and leaders", information about dissident movements and human rights campaigns, and messages expressing the solidarity of the American people with the residents of Eastern European nations. Puddington stated that "the project served as a publicity tool to solidify RFE's reputation as an unbiased broadcaster".[clarification needed][28]
Antennas of RFE's/RL's transmission facilities on the beach of Pals (Catalonia, Spain) in 2005
Whereas Radio Free Europe broadcast toSoviet satellite countries, Radio Liberty broadcast to theSoviet Union.[29] Radio Liberty was formed byAmerican Committee for the Liberation of the Peoples of Russia (Amcomlib) in 1951.[30] Originally named Radio Liberation from Bolshevism, the station was renamed in 1956 to Radio Liberation in 1956, and received its present name, Radio Liberty, after a policy statement emphasizing "liberalization" rather than "liberation".[31][32]
Radio Liberty began broadcasting fromLampertheim on March 1, 1953, gaining a substantial audience when it covered the death ofJoseph Stalin four days later. In order to better serve a greater geographic area, RFE supplemented itsshortwave transmissions from Lampertheim with broadcasts from a transmitter base atGlória,Portugal in 1951.[33] It also had a base atOberwiesenfeld Airport on the outskirts of Munich,[34] employing several former Nazi agents who had been involved in theOstministerium underGerhard von Mende during World War II.[35] In 1955, Radio Liberty began broadcasting programs to Russia's eastern provinces from shortwave transmitters located onTaiwan.[36] In 1959, Radio Liberty commenced broadcasts from a base atPlatja de Pals,Spain.[37]
Radio Liberty expanded its audience by broadcasting programs in languages other than Russian. By March 1954, Radio Liberty was broadcasting six to seven hours daily in eleven languages.[38] By December 1954, Radio Liberty was broadcasting in 17 languages includingUkrainian,Belarusian,Kazakh,Kyrgyz,Tajik,Turkmen,Uzbek,Tatar,Bashkir,Armenian,Azerbaijani,Georgian, and other languages of the Caucasus and Central Asia.[31]
covered by the Romanian Service between 1950–1953 and 1990–1998 covered by the Russian Service between 1953 and 1990 Romanian Service merged into it in 2008 Romanian Service split from it in 2019
According to certain European politicians such asPetr Nečas, RFE played a significant role in the collapse of communism and the development of democracy in Eastern Europe.[40][41][42] Unlike government-censored programs, RFE publicized anti-Soviet protests and nationalist movements. Its audience increased substantially following the failedBerlin riots of 1953 and the highly publicized defection ofJózef Światło.[43] Arch Puddington argues that itsHungarian service's coverage ofPoland'sPoznań riots in 1956 served as an inspiration for theHungarian revolution that year.[44]
During theHungarian Revolution of 1956, RFE broadcasts encouraged rebels to fight and suggested that Western support was imminent.[a][46] These RFE broadcasts violatedEisenhower's policy, which had determined that the United States would not provide military support for the Revolution.[47] According to Arch Puddington, a former bureau manager for RFL/RL, a number of changes were implemented at RFE in the wake of this scandal, including the establishment of the Broadcast Analysis Division to ensure that broadcasts were accurate and professional while maintaining the journalists' autonomy.[48]
RFE was seen as a serious threat by Romanian presidentNicolae Ceaușescu. From the mid-1970s to his overthrow and execution in December 1989, Ceaușescu waged a vengeful war against the RFE/RL under the program "Ether". Ether operations included physical attacks on Romanian journalists working for RFE/RL, including the controversial circumstances surrounding the deaths of three directors of RFE/RL's Romanian Service.[49]
On February 21, 1981, RFE/RL's headquarters in Munich was struck by a massive bomb, causing $2 million in damage.[50] Several employees were injured, but there were no fatalities.Stasi files opened after 1989 indicated that the bombing was carried out by a group under the direction ofIlich Ramírez Sánchez (known as "Carlos the Jackal"), and paid for byNicolae Ceaușescu, president of Romania.[51]
But, according to the former head of the KGB Counterintelligence Department K, generalOleg Kalugin, the bombing operation was planned over two years by Department K, with the active involvement of a KGB mole inside the radio station, Oleg Tumanov. This revelation directly implicates KGB colonelOleg Nechiporenko, who recruited Tumanov in the early 1960s and was his Moscow curator.[52][53] Nechiporenko has never denied his involvement. In an interview with Radio Liberty in 2003, he justified the bombing on the grounds that RFE/RL was an American propaganda tool against the Soviet Union.[54] Tumanov was exfiltrated back to the USSR in 1986.[55] Nechiporenko contacts with Carlos in the 1970s were confirmed by Nechiporenko himself in an article published bySegodnya in 2000[56] and by an article inIzvestia in 2001.[57]
For the first two days following theChernobyl disaster on April 26, 1986, the official Eastern Bloc media did not report any news about the disaster, nor any full account for another four months. According to theHoover Institute, the people of the Soviet Union "became frustrated with inconsistent and contradictory reports", and 36% of them turned to Western radio to provide accurate and pertinent information.[58] Listenership at RFE/RL "shot up dramatically" as a "great many hours" of broadcast time were devoted to the dissemination of life-saving news and information following the disaster.[59] Broadcast topics included "precautions for exposure to radioactive fallout" and reporting on the plight of the Estonians who were tasked with providing the clean-up operations in Ukraine.[59]
Communist governments also sent agents to infiltrate RFE's headquarters. Although some remained on staff for extended periods of time, government authorities discouraged their agents from interfering with broadcast activity, fearing that this could arouse suspicions and detract from their original purpose of gathering information on the radio station's activities. From 1965 to 1971, an agent of theSB (Służba Bezpieczeństwa, Communist Poland's security service) successfully infiltrated the station with an operative, Captain Andrzej Czechowicz. According to formerVoice of America Polish service director Ted Lipien:
"Czechowicz is perhaps the most well known communist-era Polish spy who was still an active agent while working at RFE in the late 1960s. Technically, he was not a journalist. As a historian by training, he worked in the RFE's media analysis service in Munich. After more than five years, Czechowicz returned to Poland in 1971 and participated in programs aimed at embarrassing Radio Free Europe and the United States government."[60]
According to Richard Cummings, former Security Chief of Radio Free Europe, other espionage incidents included a failed attempt by a Czechoslovak Intelligence Service (StB) agent in 1959 to poison the salt shakers in the organization's cafeteria.[61]
In late 1960, an upheaval in the Czechoslovak service led to a number of dramatic changes in the organization's structure. RFE's New York headquarters could no longer effectively manage theirMunich subsidiary. As a result major management responsibilities were transferred to Munich, making RFE a European-based organization.[62]
According to Puddington, PolishSolidarity leaderLech Wałęsa and Russian reformerGrigory Yavlinsky would later recall secretly listening to the broadcasts despite the heavy jamming.[63]
The Soviet government turned its efforts towards blocking reception of Western programs. To limit access to foreign broadcasts, the Central Committee decreed that factories should remove all components allowing short-wave reception fromUSSR-made radio receivers. However, consumers easily learned that the necessary spare parts were available on the black market, and electronics engineers opposing the idea would gladly convert radios back to being able to receive short-wave transmissions.[64]
The most extensive form of reception obstruction wasradio jamming.[65] This was controlled by theKGB, which in turn reported to the Central Committee. Jamming was an expensive and arduous procedure, and its efficacy is still debated. In 1958, the Central Committee mentioned that the sum spent on jamming was greater than the sum spent on domestic and international broadcasting combined.[66] The Central Committee has admitted that circumventing jamming was both possible and practised in the Soviet Union. Due to limited resources, authorities prioritized jamming based on the location, language, time, and theme of Western transmissions.[67] Highly political programs in Russian, broadcast at prime time to urban centers, were perceived as the most dangerous. Seen as less politically threatening, Western music such asjazz was often transmitted unjammed.[68]
During and after theCuban Missile Crisis in late 1962, jamming was intensified. The Cuban Missile Crisis, however, was followed by a five-year period when the jamming of most foreign broadcasters ceased, only to intensify again with the Prague Spring in 1968. It ceased again in 1973, whenHenry Kissinger became theU.S. Secretary of State. The end to jamming came abruptly on 21 November 1988 when Soviet and Eastern European jamming of virtually all foreign broadcasts, including RFE/RL services, ceased at 21:00CET.[69]
During the Cold War, RFE was often criticized in the United States as not being sufficiently anti-communist. Although its non-governmental status spared it from full scaleMcCarthyist investigations, several RFE journalists, including the director of the Czech service,Ferdinand Peroutka, were accused of being soft on Communism.[70]Fulton Lewis, a U.S.radio commentator and fervent anti-communist, was one of RFE's sharpest critics throughout the 1950s. His critical broadcasts inspired other journalists to investigate the inner workings of the organization, including its connection to the CIA. When its CIA ties were exposed in the 1960s, direct funding responsibility shifted to Congress.[71]
RFE/RL received funds from theCIA until 1972.[72][73] The CIA's relationship with the radio stations began to break down in 1967, whenRamparts magazine published an exposé claiming that the CIA was channeling funds to civilian organizations. Further investigation into the CIA's funding activities revealed its connection to both RFE and RL, sparking significant media outrage.[74]
In 1971, the radio stations came under public spotlight once more whenU.S. SenatorClifford Case introducedSenate Bill 18, which would have removed funding for RFE and RL from the CIA's budget, appropriated $30 million to pay forfiscal year 1972 activities, and required theState Department to temporarily oversee the radio stations.[73]
In May 1972, PresidentRichard Nixon appointed aspecial commission to deliberate RFE/RL's future.[75] The commission proposed that funding come directly from the United States Congress and that a new organization, theBoard for International Broadcasting (BIB) would simultaneously link the stations and the federal government, and serve as an editorial buffer between them.[76]
According to Arch Puddington, a former bureau manager for RFE/RL, though both radio stations initially received most of their funding from the CIA, RFE maintained a strong sense of autonomy; Puddington says that underCord Meyer, the CIA officer in charge of overseeing broadcast services from 1954 to 1971, the CIA took a position of minimal government interference in radio affairs and programming.[77]
In 1974, they came under the control of an organization called theBoard for International Broadcasting (BIB). The BIB was designed to receiveappropriations from Congress, give them to radio managements, and oversee the appropriation of funds.[78] On 1 October 1976, the two radio stations merged to form Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty (RFE/RL) and added the threeBaltic language services to their repertoire.[citation needed]
Funding for RFE/RL increased during theReagan administration. PresidentRonald Reagan, a fervent anticommunist, urged the stations to be more critical of the communist regimes. This presented a challenge to RFE/RL's broadcast strategy, which had been very cautious since the controversy over its alleged role in the Hungarian Revolution.[79]
During theMikhail Gorbachev era in the Soviet Union underGlasnost, RFE/RL benefited significantly from the Soviet Union's new openness. Gorbachev stopped the practice of jamming the broadcasts. In addition, dissident politicians and officials could be freely interviewed by RFE/RL for the first time without fearing persecution or imprisonment.[80] By 1990, Radio Liberty had become the most listened-to Western radio station broadcasting to the Soviet Union.[81]
Its coverage of the 1991August coup enriched sparse domestic coverage of the event and drew in a wide audience.[82] The broadcasts allowed Gorbachev andBoris Yeltsin to stay in touch with the Russian people during this turbulent period. Boris Yeltsin later expressed his gratitude through apresidential decree allowing Radio Liberty to open a permanent bureau in Moscow.[83]
Following theNovember 17 demonstrations in 1989 and brutal crackdown by Czechoslovak riot police,Drahomíra Dražská [cs], a porter at a dormitory in Prague, reported that a student,Martin Šmíd, had been killed during the clashes.[84] TheCharter 77 activistPetr Uhl believed this account and passed it along to major news organizations, who broadcast it.[85] AfterReuters and theVoice of America (VOA) reported the story, RFE/RL decided to run it too.[86] However, the report later turned out to be false. The story is credited by many sources with inspiring Czechoslovak citizens to join the subsequent (larger) demonstrations which eventually brought down the communist government.[87][88][89] Czech journalistPetr Brod, was stationed in Prague as RFE/RL’s first permanent correspondent in post-revolutionary Czechoslovakia, witnessing firsthand the fall of the communist regime during theVelvet Revolution.[90]
In 1994–2008, RFE/RL used the formerFederal Parliament building of the abolishedCzechoslovakia inPrague New Town. For many years after the9/11 attacks in 2001 in the US, the building was protected by security concrete barriers. These reduced the capacity of the most frequented roads in Prague center.
RFE/RL Chief Jeffrey Gedmin said in 2008 that the agency's mission is to serve as a surrogate free press in countries where such press is banned by the government or not fully established. It maintains 20 local bureaus. Governments that are subjected to critical reporting often attempt to obstruct the station's activities through a range of tactics, including extensive jamming, shutting down local re-broadcasting affiliates, or finding legal excuses to close down offices.[92]
RFE/RL says that its journalists and freelancers often risk their lives to broadcast information, and their safety has always been a major issue. Reporters have frequently been threatened and persecuted.[93] RFE/RL also faces a number of central security concerns, includingcyberterrorist attacks[94] and general terrorist threats.[95] After theSeptember 11 attacks, American and Czech authorities agreed to move RFE/RL's Prague headquarters away from the city center in order to make it less vulnerable toterrorist attack.[96] On February 19, 2009, RFE/RL began broadcasting from its new headquarters east of the city center.[97]
A reporter for RFE/RL's Afghan Service interviews a citizen inHelmand,Afghanistan.
RFE/RL says that it continues to struggle with authoritarian regimes for permission to broadcast freely within their countries. On January 1, 2009,Azerbaijan imposed a ban on all foreign media in the country, including RFE/RL.[98]Kyrgyzstan suspended broadcasts of Radio Azattyk, RFE/RL's Kyrgyz language service, because it had asked that the government be able to pre-approve its programming. Other states such asBelarus,Iran,Turkmenistan,Tajikistan, andUzbekistan prohibit re-broadcasting to local stations, making programming difficult for average listeners to access.[citation needed]
In 2008, Afghan presidentHamid Karzai urged his government to provide assistance to a rape victim after listening to her story onRadio Azadi, RFE/RL's Afghan service.[100] According to REF/RL in 2009, Radio Azadi was the most popular radio station in Afghanistan, and Afghan listeners mailed hundreds of hand-written letters to the station each month.[101]
The following month RFE/RL introduced a daily, one-hour Russian-language broadcast, broadcasting to the breakaway regions ofSouth Ossetia andAbkhazia. The program, calledEkho Kavkaza (Echo of the Caucasus), focused on local and international news and current affairs, organized in coordination with RFE/RL's Georgian Service.[103]
On January 15, 2010, RFE/RL began broadcasting to the Pashtun tribal areas of Pakistan inPashto. The service, known asRadio Mashaal ("Torch"), was created in an attempt to counter the growing number of local Islamic extremist radio stations broadcasting in the border region between Pakistan and Afghanistan.[104]Radio Mashaal says that it broadcasts local and international news with in-depth reports on terrorism, politics, women's issues, and health care (with an emphasis onpreventive medicine). The station broadcasts roundtable discussions and interviews with tribal leaders and local policymakers, in addition to regular call-in programs.[105]
On October 14, 2014, Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty (RFE/RL) and theVoice of America (VOA) launched a new Russian-language TV news program,Current Time, "to provide audiences in countries bordering Russia with a balanced alternative to thedisinformation produced by Russian media outlets that is drivinginstability in the region".[106] Over the next two years,Current Time – led by RFE/RL in cooperation with VOA – expanded to become a 24/7 digital and TV stream for Russian-speaking audiences worldwide.[107][108]
Around 2017, Voice of America and RFE/RL launchedPolygraph.info, and the Russian-languagefactograph.info, asfact-checking sites.[109][110] On July 19, 2018, RFE/RL announced it will be returning its news services to Bulgaria and Romania by the end of 2018 amid growing concern about a reversal in democratic gains and attacks on the rule of law and the judiciaryin Bulgaria andin Romania.[111] The Romanian news service re-launched on January 14, 2019,[112] and the Bulgarian service re-launched on January 21, 2019.[113] On 8 September 2020 the Hungarian service was also relaunched.[114]
In the aftermath ofBelarusian presidential elections of 2020, Radio Liberty and independent media resources experienced significant pressure from the government and law enforcement.[117][118][119][120][121][122] Journalists’ accreditations were cancelled by the authorities on October 2, 2020.[123] On July 16, 2021, the office inMinsk and homes of the journalists were raided by the police.[124][125][126]
In Russia, the government designated the station's website as a "foreign agent" on May 14, 2021. RL's bank accounts were frozen.[127] By that time,Roskomnadzor, the Russian mass media regulator, had initiated 520 cases against the broadcaster, with total fines for the RL's refusal to mark its content with the "foreign agent" label estimated at $2.4m.[128] On May 19, 2021, RL filed a legal case at theEuropean Court of Human Rights, accusing the Russian government of violating freedom of expression and freedom of the media.[129]
In March 2023, a criminal case was opened against Moscow resident Yury Kokhovets, a participant in the RFE/RL's street poll.[130] He faced up to 10 years in prison under Russia's2022 war censorship laws.[131]
In 2023, a court inBishkek, capital ofKyrgyzstan, accepted a request from the Culture Ministry to ban the operations of RFE/RL's Kyrgyz Service.[133]
In September 2023, RFE/RL'sAzerbaijani service, Radio Azadliq, was revealed to have a leadership with links to Azerbaijan’s ruling authorities, which censored content critical of the Azerbaijani government and instead published content that promoted the government's agendas.[134]
In February 2024, RFE was listed as an 'undesirable organization' by Russia, effectively making it illegal in the country.[135]
On 14 March, Trump signed anexecutive order to eliminate USAGM, among other agencies, "to the maximum extent consistent with applicable law."[139] An anonymous source toldPolitico that DOGE imposed a 30-day total freeze on funding to RFE/RL and other USAGM outlets, with the intention of making that permanent.[140][141] On March 15, 2025, theUnited States Agency for Global Media terminated grants to RFE/RL andRadio Free Asia following a directive from theTrump Administration.[11] Reporters and other employees at broadcasters including RFE/RL received an email over the weekend stating that they would no longer be allowed access to their offices and would have to surrender press credentials, work phones, and other equipment.[142] In response,Steve Capus, president of RFE/RL, said that "The cancellation of Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty’s grant agreement would be a massive gift to America’s enemies."[143][144] On March 18, RFE/RL sued USAGM and two USAGM officials to block the grant termination.[12][13]
On March 22, 2025, TheCzech government pledged to support Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty (RFE/RL) following funding cuts by the U.S. administration under President Donald Trump.[145]
The program was a musical review byDmitri Savitski[146] from 1989 to 2004. The theme song of the program was "So Tired" byBobby Timmons. The program was cancelled on April 10, 2004 due to "the change of Liberty's format".[147]
^The RFE broadcast's ('notorious', according to Rawnley) role in the crisis was established by a United Nations Committee looking into the crisis in 1957 already.[45]
^Андрей Солдатов – По Чечне шпионы ходят хмуро... Мировые разведцентры изучают Россию через северокавказский бинокль. Сегодня, 24 февраля 2000 (tr. "Andrey Soldatov - Spies are walking around Chechnya glumly... World intelligence centers are studying Russia through North Caucasian binoculars. Today, February 24, 2000")
^Евгений Крутиков – Шпиономания. В Тель-Авиве предостерегают Россию от пакистанской разведки. Известия, 9 июля 2001 (tr. "Evgeny Krutikov - Spy mania. Tel Aviv warns Russia against Pakistani intelligence. Izvestia, July 9, 2001")
^Parta, R. Eugene (2007).Discoverying the Hidden Listener. Hoover Institute Press Publication. p. 57.ISBN978-0817947323.
^abSosin, Gene (2010).Sparks of Liberty: An Insiders Memoir of Radio Liberty. Penn State Press. p. 195.
^Pravda, Ukrainska (9 February 2025)."Elon Musk calls for Radio Free Europe and Voice of America to be shut down". Yahoo! Finance. Retrieved7 March 2025.American billionaire Elon Musk, who heads the Department of Government Efficiency (DOGE), has called for the US-funded radio stations Radio Free Europe and Voice of America to be shut down.
Cummings, Richard (2008). "The Ether War: Hostile Intelligence Activities Directed Against Radio Free Europe, Radio Liberty, and the Émigré Community in Munich during the Cold War".Journal of Transatlantic Studies.6 (2):168–182.doi:10.1080/14794010802184374.S2CID143544822.
Holt, Robert T.Radio Free Europe (U of Minnesota Press, 1958)
Johnson, A. Ross,Radio Free Europe and Radio Liberty: The CIA Years and Beyond. (Woodrow Wilson Center Press, Stanford University Press, 2010)
Johnson, A. Ross and R. Eugene Parta (eds.),Cold War Broadcasting: Impact on the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe. (Budapest: Central European University Press, 2010)
Machcewicz, Paweł.Poland's War on Radio Free Europe, 1950–1989 (Trans. by Maya Latynski. Cold War International History Project Series) (Stanford University Press, 2015). 456 pp.online review
Pomar, Mark G.Cold War Radio: The Russian Broadcasts of the Voice of America and Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty (University of Nebraska Press, 2022)online scholarly book review
Puddington, Arch (2003).Broadcasting Freedom: The Cold War Triumph of Radio Free Europe and Radio Liberty. Lexington:University Press of Kentucky.
Urban, George R. (1997).Radio Free Europe and the pursuit of democracy: My War Within the Cold War. Yale University Press. Urban was the director of RFE in the 1980s.