Quark orquarg is a type of freshdairy product made from milk. The milk issoured, usually by addinglactic acid bacteria cultures, and strained once the desiredcurdling is achieved. It can be classified asfreshacid-set cheese. Traditional quark can be made withoutrennet, but in modern dairies small quantities of rennet are typically added. It is soft, white and unaged, and usually has no salt added.
Dictionaries sometimes translate it ascurd cheese,cottage cheese,farmer cheese orjunket. In Germany, quark and cottage cheese are considered different types offresh cheese and quark is often not considered cheese at all, while in Eastern Europe cottage cheese is usually viewed as a type of quark (e.g. theUkrainian word "сир"syr is a general term for any cheese or quark).
Quark is similar to Frenchfromage blanc. It is distinct from Italianricotta because ricotta (Italian "recooked") is made from scaldedwhey. Quark is somewhat similar toyogurt cheeses such as the South Asianchak(k)a, the Arabiclabneh, and the Central Asiansuzma or Persiankashk, but while these products are obtained by strainingyogurt (milk fermented withthermophile bacteria), quark is made fromsoured milk fermented withmesophile bacteria.
Although quark is sometimes referred to loosely as a type of "cottage cheese", they can be distinguished by the different production aspects and textural quality, with the cottage cheese grains described as more chewy or meaty.[3]
The originalOld Church Slavonicтварогъ (tvarogъ) is supposed to be related to theChurch Slavonicтворъ,tvor, meaning "form".[13] The meaning can thus be interpreted as "milk that solidified and took a form".[14] The word formation is thus similar to that of theItalianformaggio andFrenchfromage.[13]
In several languages quark is also known as "white cheese" (French:fromage blanc, southernGerman:Weißkäse orweißer Käs,Hebrew:גבינה לבנה,romanized: gevina levana,Lithuanian:baltas sūris,Polish:biały ser,Serbian:beli sir), as opposed to any rennet-set "yellow cheese".[1] Another French name for it isfromage frais (fresh cheese), where the difference tofromage blanc is defined by French legislation: a product namedfromage frais must contain live cultures when sold, whereas withfromage blanc fermentation has been halted.[18] InSwiss French, it is usually calledséré.
In Israel,gevina levana denotes the creamy variety similar to the German types of quark.[1] The firmer version which was introduced to Israel during theAliyah of the 1990s by immigrants from the former Soviet Union is differentiated astvorog.
In Austria, the nameTopfen (pot cheese) is common.[19] InFlanders, it is calledplattekaas (runny cheese). InFinnish, it is known asrahka, while inEstonian askohupiim (foamy milk), inLithuanian asvarškės sūris (curd cheese), inUkrainian it is frequently calledcир (syr), and inLatvian is known asbiezpiens (thick milk). Among the Albanians quark is known asgjizë.
Manufacture of quark normally usespasteurizedskim milk as the main ingredient, but cream can be added later to adjust fat content.[23][24][3] The lactic acid bacteria are introduced in the form ofmesophilicLactococcus starter cultures.[3][25][26] In the dairy industry today, quark is mostly produced with a small quantity of rennet, added after the culture when the solution is still only slightly acidic (ph 6.1).[23][3] The solution will then continue to acidify, allowed to reach an approximatepH of 4.6.[23][3] At this point, the acidity causes thecasein proteins in the milk to beginprecipitating.[27]
In Germany, it is continuously stirred to prevent hardening, resulting in a thick, creamy texture.[28] According to German regulations on cheese (Käseverordnung), "fresh cheeses" (Frischkäse) such as quark or cottage cheese must contain at least 73% water in the fat-free component.[21] German quark is usually sold in plastic tubs. This type of quark has the firmness ofsour cream but is slightly drier, resulting in a somewhat crumbly texture (likericotta).[28]
Basic quark contains about 0.2% fat; this basic quark or skimmed quark (Magerquark) must under German law have less than 10% fat bydry mass.[29][30] Quark with higher fat content is made by adding cream after cooling.[23][29] It has a smooth and creamy texture, and is slightly sweet (unlikesour cream). A firmer version calledSchichtkäse (layer cheese) is often used for baking.Schichtkäse is distinguished from quark by having an added layer of cream sandwiched between two layers of quark.
Quark may be flavored with herbs, spices, or fruit.[28] In general, the dry mass of quark has 1% to 40%fat;[28] most of the rest isprotein (80% of which is casein),calcium, andphosphate.
In the 19th century, there was no industrial production of quark (as end-product) and it was produced entirely for home use.[31] In the traditional home-made process, the milk would be allowed to let stand until it soured naturally by the presence of naturally occurring bacteria, although the hardening could be encouraged with the addition of somerennet.[22][31]
Some or most of the whey is removed to standardize the quark to the desired thickness. Traditionally, this is done by hanging the cheese in amuslin bag[23][32] or a loosely woven cottongauze calledcheesecloth and letting the whey drip off,[33] which gives quark its distinctive shape of a wedge with rounded edges. In industrial production, however, cheese is separated from whey in acentrifuge and later formed into blocks.[23]
Variations in quark preparation occur across different regions of Germany and Austria.[28] Most of the Austrian and other Central and Eastern European varieties contain less whey and are therefore drier and more solid than the German and Scandinavian ones.
In the Netherlands, many products labelled "kwark" are not based on quark as described in this article (freshacid-set cheese), but instead a thickyogurt-like product made using yogurt bacteria (such asStreptococcus thermophilus andLactobacillus acidophilus) in a quicker process using a centrifuge.[34][35]
Under Russian governmental regulations,tvorog is distinguished from cheeses, and classified as a separate type of dairy product.[36] Typicaltvorog usually contain 65–80% water out of the total mass.[37]
Various cuisines feature quark as an ingredient for appetizers, salads, main dishes, side dishes and desserts.
In Germany, quark is sold in cubic plastic tubs and usually comes in three different varieties,Magerquark (skimmed quark, <10% fat by dry mass.[29][30]), "regular" quark (20% fat in dry mass[b]) andSahnequark ("creamy quark", 40% fat in dry mass[c]) with added cream. Similar gradations in fat content are also common in Eastern Europe.
WhileMagerquark is often used for baking or is eaten as breakfast with a side of fruit ormuesli,Sahnequark also forms the basis of a large number of quark desserts (calledQuarkspeise when homemade orQuarkdessert when sold in German[39]).
Much likeyoghurts in some parts of the world, these foods mostly come with fruit flavoring (Früchtequark, fruit quark), sometimes withvanilla and are often also simply referred to as quark.
Topfenstrudel orQuarkstrudel contains a filling of topfen and raisins.
One common use for quark is in makingcheesecake calledKäsekuchen orQuarkkuchen in Germany.[40][41] Quark cheesecake is calledTopfenkuchen in Austria. TheQuarktorte in Switzerland may be equivalent, though this has also been described as atorte that combines quark and cream.[d][11]
In neighboring Netherlands there is a different variant; these cakes, calledkwarktaart in Dutch, usually have a cookie crumb crust, and the quark is typically mixed withwhipped cream,gelatine, andsugar. These cakes do not require baking or frying, but instead are placed in therefrigerator to firm up.[42] They may be made with quark or with the yogurt-like quark that is common in the Netherlands (see above).[35]
In Austria,Topfen is commonly used in baking for desserts like above-mentionedTopfenkuchen,Topfenstrudel andTopfen-Palatschinken (Topfen-filled crèpes).
Quark is also often used as an ingredient forsandwiches,salads, and savory dishes. Quark, vegetable oil and wheat flour are the ingredients of a popular kind of baking powder leaveneddough calledQuarkölteig ("quark oil dough"), used inGerman cuisine as an alternative toyeast-leavened dough in home baking, since it is considerably easier to handle and requires no rising period. The resulting baked goods look and taste very similar to yeast-leavened goods, although they do not last as long and are thus usually consumed immediately after baking.
In Germany, quark mixed with choppedonions and herbs such asparsley andchives is calledKräuterquark. Kräuterquark is commonly eaten with boiled potatoes and has some similarity totzatziki which is based onyoghurt.
Desserts using quarks (Russiantvorog etc.) in Slavic regions include thetvarohovník in Slovakia,tvarožník in Czech Republic,sernik in Poland, andsyrnyk in Ukraine) and cheese pancakes (syrniki/syrnyky in Russia and Ukraine).
In Poland,twaróg is mixed with mashed potatoes to produce a filling forpierogi.Twaróg is also used to makegnocchi-shaped dumplings calledleniwe pierogi ("lazy pierogi"). Ukrainian recipes forvarenyky orlinyvi varenyky are similar butsyr and mashed potatoes are different fillings which are usually not mixed together.
Lithuanianvirtiniai with quark filling are similar to Ukrainianvarenyky and Polishpierogi.
In Russia, Ukraine, and Belarus,tvorog (Belarusian:тварог, Russian:творог, Ukrainian:сир) is highly popular and is bought frequently or made at home by almost every family. In Russian families, it is especially recommended for growing babies. It can be enjoyed simply with sour cream, or jam, sugar, sugar condensed milk, or as a breakfast food. It is often used as a stuffing inblinchiki/nalysnyky offered at many fast-food restaurants. It is also commonly used as the base for making Easter cakes. It is mixed with eggs, sugar,raisins and nuts and dried into a solid pyramid-shaped mass calledpaskha/syrna paska. The mass can also be fried, then known assyrniki/syrnyky.
In Latvia, quark is eaten savory mixed with sour cream and scallions onrye bread or with potatoes. In desserts, quark is commonly baked intobiezpiena plātsmaize, a crusted sheet cake baked with or without raisins. A sweetened treatbiezpiena sieriņš (small curd cheese) is made of small sweetened blocks of quark dipped inchocolate.
Dishes including quark
Blintzes /naleśniki filled with quark and garnished with blackberries
Farmer cheese produced byLifeway FoodsRussian[43]tvorog, a firmer and drier variety of quark
Although common in continental Europe, manufacturing of quark is rare in theAmericas.[citation needed] A few dairies manufacture it, such as theVermont Creamery inVermont,[44] and some specialty retailers carry it.[45][46][47]Lifeway Foods manufactures a product under the title "farmer cheese" which is available in a variety of metropolitan locations withJewish, as well as formerSoviet populations.[citation needed] Elli Quark, a Californian manufacturer of quark, offers soft quark in different flavors.[48]
In Canada, the firmer East European variety of quark is manufactured byLiberté Natural Foods;[citation needed] a softer German-style quark is manufactured in theDidsbury, Alberta, plant of Calgary-based Foothills Creamery.[citation needed] Glengarry Fine Cheesemaking inLancaster (Eastern Ontario) also produces Quark.[citation needed] Also available in Canada is the very similar Dry Curd Cottage Cheese manufactured byDairyland.[citation needed] Quark may also be available asbaking cheese,pressed cottage cheese, orfromage frais.[49]
In the United Kingdom, fat-free quark is produced by several independent manufacturers based throughout the country.[citation needed] All the big foursupermarkets in the UK sell their own branded quark, as well as other brands of quark.[citation needed]
^This group is distinguished from the "rennet cheeses", whose coagulation relies primarily on the action of rennet, in Fox's classification scheme (1993).[20]
^A quark pie in German Switzerland is a cream cheese pie in Germany because cream cheese is a sweet cream made of quark and whipped cream; "Was in der deutschen Schweiz eine Quarktorte, ist in Deutschland eine Käsesahnetorte, denn Käsesahne ist eine süsse Creme aus Quark und Sahne."
^abKluge, Friedrich (2002). "Quark".Etymologisches Wörterbuch der deutschen Sprache (24., durchgesehene und erweiterte Auflage (bearbeitet vonElmar Seebold) ed.). Berlin/New York: Walter de Gruyter. p. 605.ISBN3-11-017473-1(in German)
^abPronk-Tiethoff, Saskia (2013).The Germanic loanwords in Proto-Slavic. Rodopi. p. 71.ISBN9789401209847., citingKluge & Seebold (2002) "Quark", Philippa, EWN (Etymlogisch woordenboek van het Nederlands) "kvark", Schuster-Sewc, HEW (Historisch-etymologisches Wörterbuch der ober- und niedersorbischen Sprache) 20:1563, etc.
^abcWolfgang Pfeifer.Das Digitale Wörterbuch der deutschen Sprache (DWDS), Etymologisches Wörterbuch.Quark(in German)
^Johann Gottlieb Hauptmann.Niederlausitzsche Wendische Grammatica. Lübben, 1761.Twarog, p. 73(in German).
^Shansky, N. M. (Н. М. Шанский); Bobrova, T. A. (Т. А. Боброва) (2004),Shkol'nyy etimologicheskiy slovar' russkogo yazyka. Proiskhozhdeniye slovШкольный этимологический словарь русского языка. Происхождение слов [Scholastic etymological dictionary of the Russian language. Origin of words], Moscow: Drofa ДрофаISBN5-7107-8679-9(in Russian).
^Johann Rädeln.Europäischer Sprach-Schatz – oder ... Wörterbuch ... in drei Theile verfasset. Leipzig, 1711."Quarg", Quark-Käs(in German)
^Christian Samuel Theodor Bernd.Die deutsche Sprache in dem Herzogthume Posen und einem Theile des angrenzenden Königreiches Polen. Bonn, 1820, p. 227,Der Qua(o)rk (in German).
^abFox, Patrick F (2004),"1. Cheese: An Overview",Cheese: Chemistry, Physics and Microbiology, vol. 1: General Aspects (3rd ed.), Elsevier Academic Press, pp. 1–2,ISBN978-0-08-050093-5. Also 2nd edition (1993),p. 22
^Fox, Patrick F; Guinee, Timothy P.; Cogan, Timothy M.; McSweeney, Paul L. H. (2000),"1. Cheese: An Overview",Cheese: Chemistry, Physics and Microbiology, vol. 1: General Aspects (1st ed.), Aspen, pp. 379–380,ISBN978-0-8342-1260-2
^Jelen, P.; A. Renz-Schauen (1989). "Quark manufacturing innovations and their effect on quality, nutritive value and consumer acceptance".Food Technology.43 (3): 74.
^Farkye, Nana Y.; Vedamuthu, Ebenezer R. (2005), Robinson, Richard K. (ed.),"Microbiology of Soft Cheeses",Dairy Microbiology Handbook: The Microbiology of Milk and Milk Products, John Wiley & Sons, p. 484,ISBN978-0-4712-2756-4
^Pokrovskiy, A. A. (А. А. Покровский); Samsonov, M. A. (М. А. Самсонов), eds. (1981).Spravochnik po diyetologiiСправочник по диетологии [Dietology Handbook] (in Russian). Moscow: Medicina publishers.