PyCBC is an open source software package primarily written in thePython programming language which is designed for use ingravitational-wave astronomy and gravitational-wave data analysis.[1] PyCBC contains modules for signal processing,FFT,matched filtering, gravitational waveform generation, among other tasks common in gravitational-wave data analysis.[1]
The software is developed by the gravitational-wave community alongside LIGO and Virgo scientists to analyze gravitational-wave data, search for gravitational-waves, and to measure the properties of astrophysical sources. It has been used to analyze gravitational-wave data from theLIGO andVirgo observatories to detect gravitational-waves from the mergers of neutron stars[2] and black holes[3][4][5][6] and determine their statistical significance.[7] PyCBC based analyses can integrate with theOpen Science Grid for large scale computing resources.[8] Software based on PyCBC has been used to rapidly analyze gravitational-wave data for astronomical follow-up.[9][10][11]
^Fan, Xilong (December 2017). "The first confirmed gravitational wave detection in LIGO's second observational run".Science China. Vol. 60, no. 60.doi:10.1007/s11433-017-9094-8.
^Collins, Harry (January 2017).Gravity's Kiss. The MIT Press. pp. 118, 164.ISBN9780262036184.