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Proto-Oceanic language

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Reconstructed ancestor of the Oceanic languages
"POc" redirects here. For other POC abbreviations, seePOC (disambiguation).
Reconstruction ofOceanic languages
RegionBismarck Archipelago
Eraca. late 2nd millennium BCE
Lower-order reconstructions

Proto-Oceanic (abbreviated asPOc) is aproto-language thathistorical linguists sinceOtto Dempwolff have reconstructed as the hypothetical common ancestor of theOceanic subgroup of theAustronesian language family. Proto-Oceanic is a descendant of theProto-Austronesian language (PAN), the common ancestor of the Austronesian languages.

Proto-Oceanic was probably spoken around the late 2nd millennium BCE in theBismarck Archipelago, east ofPapua New Guinea.[1] Archaeologists and linguists currently agree that its community more or less coincides with theLapita culture.

Linguistic characteristics


The methodology ofcomparative linguistics, together with the relative homogeneity ofOceanic languages, make it possible to reconstruct with reasonable certainty the principal linguistic properties of their common ancestor, Proto-Oceanic. Like all scientific hypotheses, these reconstructions must be understood as obviously reflecting the state of science at a particular moment in time; the detail of these reconstructions is still the object of much discussion amongOceanicist scholars.



The phonology of POc can be reconstructed with reasonable certainty.[2]Proto-Oceanic had five vowels: *i, *e, *a, *o, *u, with no length contrast.

Twenty-three consonants are reconstructed. When the conventional transcription of a protophoneme differs from its value in theIPA, the latter is indicated:


Based on evidence from theSouthern Oceanic andMicronesian languages,Lynch (2003) proposes that the bilabial series may have been phonetically realized aspalatalized:/pʲ//ᵐbʲ//mʲ/.[4]

Basic word order


Many Oceanic languages ofNew Guinea,Vanuatu, theSolomon Islands, andMicronesia areSVO, or verb-medial, languages.SOV, or verb-final, word order is considered to be typologically unusual for Austronesian languages, and is only found in some Oceanic languages of New Guinea and to a more limited extent, the Solomon Islands. This is because SOV word order is very common in some non-AustronesianPapuan languages in contact with Oceanic languages. In turn, mostPolynesian languages, and several languages ofNew Caledonia, have theVSO word order. Whether Proto-Oceanic had SVO or VSO is still debatable.


This article shouldspecify the language of its non-English content, using{{langx}},{{transliteration}} for transliterated languages, and{{IPA}} for phonetic transcriptions, with an appropriateISO 639 code. Wikipedia'smultilingual support templates may also be used.See why.(June 2021)

From the mid-1990s to 2023, reconstructing thelexicon of Proto-Oceanic was the object of theOceanic Lexicon Project, run by scholarsAndrew Pawley,Malcolm Ross and Meredith Osmond.[5] This encyclopedic project produced 6 volumes altogether, allavailable in open access.

In addition,Robert Blust also includes Proto-Oceanic in hisAustronesian Comparative Dictionary (abbr. ACD).[6]

Animal names

Main article:Wiktionary:Appendix:List of Proto-Oceanic animal names

Selected reconstructed Proto-Oceanic terms of various animals from Blust's ACD:

Proto-OceanicCommon nameScientific name
*bubu₇triggerfishBalistes sp.
*sulika fish, thefusilierCaesionidae sp.
*tipi-tipibutterflyfishChaetodon spp.
*taŋapawrasseCheilinus spp.
*bolo bolosmall darksurgeonfishpossiblyCtenochaetus
*komisuckerfish / remoraEcheneis naucrates; hold on by biting
*kamaRia fish, the rainbow runnerElagatis bipinnulata
*kulaboa fishLethrinidae spp.
*sabutu; *surup₂; *susul₁; *kasikaa fish, the emperorLethrinus spp.
*tasiwasea perchLutjanus sp.
*pu-pulana white fish, thetarpon;herringMegalops cyprinoides
*mwanoReunicornfishNaso unicornis
*taRashort snouted unicornfishNaso spp.
*laua fish, the banded sweetlipsPlectorhinchus spp.
*lio-liobrown triggerfishPseudobalistes fuscus
*kitoŋrabbitfishSiganus punctatus (familySiganidae)
*palajarabbitfishSiganus sp.
*takuayellowfin tunaThunnus albacares
*piRa₂sailfin tangZebrasoma veliferum
Proto-OceanicCommon nameScientific name
*pusiRastarlingAplonis spp.
*kaRamaleeclectus parrotEclectus roratus
*kaoheronprobablyEgretta sp.
*kiki₁kingfisherHalcyon spp.
*kikau, *kipauBismarck scrub fowlMegapodius eremita
*saua bird, the Golden WhistlerPachycephala spp.
*takerea bird, the fantailRhipidura sp.
*bunefruit doveprobablyTreron spp.
*pwiripparrotprobablyTrichoglossus sp.
Other animals
Proto-OceanicCommon nameScientific name
*poñuthegreen turtleChelonia mydas
*kasito scrape; scraper or grater made from circular bivalve shellAsaphis spp.
*buliq₁cowrie shellCypraea mauritiana
*sapulubivalve molluscpossiblyPinna sp.

Plant names

See also:Domesticated plants and animals of Austronesia

Pawley and Ross (2006)


Reconstructed Proto-Oceanic terms for horticulture and food plants (other than coconuts):[7]

Tubers and their culture
*mwapo(q)taro (possibly allAraceae)
*talo(s)taro,Colocasia esculenta
*piRaqgiant taro, elephant ear taro,Alocasia macrorrhiza
*bulakaswamp taro,Cyrtosperma merkusii
*kamwakind of wild taro (?)
*qupigreater yam,Dioscorea alata; yam (generic)
*pwatikpotato yam, aerial yam,Dioscorea bulbifera
*(s,j)uli(q)banana or taro sucker, slip, cutting, shoot (i.e. propagation material)
*wasi(n)taro stem (used for planting)
*bwaŋonew leaves or shoots, or taro tops for planting
*up(e,a)taro seedling
*pasoq[-i]to plant (tubers)
*kotiŋto cut off taro tops
*pudibanana,Musa cultivars
*joRagabanana,Australimusa group
*sakupkind of cooking banana: long with white flesh (presumablyEumusa group)
Other food plants
*topusugar cane,Saccharum officinarum
*pijoa kind of edible wild cane or a reed,Saccharum spontaneum
*[ka]timuncucurbit (generic); cucumber,Cucumis sativus
*laqiaginger,Zingiber officinale
*yaŋoturmeric,Curcuma longa
*kuluRbreadfruit,Artocarpus altilis
*baReqobreadfruit fruit (?)
*padranpandanus (generic); coastal pandanus,Pandanus tectorius
*kiRecoastal pandanus,Pandanus tectorius
*pakumPandanus dubius
*imakind of pandanus with useful leaves
*Rabiasago,Metroxylon spp., mainlyMetroxylon sagu
*sag(u)sago starch
*qatopsago fronds, thatch
*taliseJava almond, Indian almond,Terminalia catappa
*qipiTahitian chestnut, Pacific chestnut,Inocarpus fagifer
*[ka]ŋaRicanarium almond,Canarium spp.
*moliscitrus fruit or citrus-like fruit
*pau(q)mango, probablyMangifera indica
*wai, *waiwaimango (generic)
*kapikaMalay apple and rose apple,Eugenia spp.
*ñonumMorinda citrifolia
*tawanPometia pinnata
*wasaedible greens,Abelmoschus manihot
*m(w)asokuwild cinnamon,Cinnamomum spp.
*quRisPolynesian plum, hog plum, Tahitian apple,Spondias cytherea
*ñatu(q)kind of tree with avocado-like fruit and hard wood,Burckella obovata
*raqu(p)New Guinea walnut,Dracontomelon dao
*buaqareca palm,Areca catechu
Gardening practices
*tanoqsoil, earth
*pokito clear ground for planting
*sarato dig a hole
*tanum[-i]to plant

Ross (2008)


Reconstructed plant terms fromMalcolm Ross (2008):[8]

Proto-Oceanic plant terms inherited fromProto-Austronesian orProto-Malayo-Polynesian (65 reconstructions)
*[a]ñuliŋPisonia sp.
*aRua shore tree,Casuarina equisetifolia
*bai-bai(t)a cycad,Cycas rumphii
*[baR]baRcoral tree,Erythrina variegata
*bitu(ŋ)bamboo sp.
*botu(ŋ)large bamboo, presumablyBambusa sp.
*buaqbetelnut, areca nut, palm,Areca catechu
*drokolsmallDillenia sp.
*droRu(ŋ)Trema orientalis
*guRu(n)sword grass,Imperata cylindrica
*[ja]latoŋLaportea andDendrocnide spp.
*kanawa(n)Cordia subcordata
*[ka]tim(o,u)nCucumis spp. (generic?); cucumber,Cucumis sativus
*kati(p)ala palm with black wood,Caryota sp.
*kayutree or shrub: generic name for plants with woody stems and branches, probably not including palms or tree-ferns; wood, stick
*kiRecoastalPandanus sp., probablyPandanus tectorius
*kulapu(R)Dillenia schlechteri
*kuluRbreadfruit,Artocarpus altilis
*laqiaginger,Zingiber officinale (?)
*m(ʷ)aso(q)uwild cinnamon,Cinnamomum sp., probablyCinnamomum xanthoneuron; possibly alsoCananga odorata
*malopaper mulberry,Broussonetia papyrifera; barkcloth, loincloth
*naRaPterocarpus indicus
*ñatuqBurckella obovata
*nini(q)shrub,Donax cannaeformis
*nipaqNypa fruticans
*niuRcoconut palm and/or fruit,Cocos nucifera
*nunukfig trees,Ficus taxon
*ŋiRacPemphis acidula
*p(ʷ)atoRua cycad,Cycas rumphii
*padrancoastal pandanus,Pandanus tectorius; pandanus (generic)
*pali[s,j]igeneric term for grasses and other grass-like plants
*(p,b)anaRoThespesia populnea
*para(k)Zingiberaceae spp. with edible rhizomes
*paRuHibiscus tiliaceus
*pila(q)uCasuarina equisetifolia
*pinu(q)anMacaranga spp., perhapsMacaranga involucrata
*piRaqgiant taro, elephant ear taro,Alocasia macrorrhizos
*piRu(q)fan palm,Licuala sp.
*pitaquRCalophyllum inophyllum
*pudibanana,Musa cultivars
*[pu-]pulubetel pepper,Piper betle
*punavine used for fish poison, probablyDerris elliptica
*putunBarringtonia asiatica
*qa(l,R)aFicus sp.
*qaramʷaqiPipturus argenteus
*qasamfern used for tying and binding,Lygodium circinnatum
*(qate-)qateWedelia biflora
*qauRbamboo spp.
*qipila taxon of hardwood trees includingIntsia bijuga andCasuarina equisetifolia
*qu(w)erattan,Calamus spp.
*qupigreater yam,Dioscorea alata: yam (generic)
*Rabiasago,Metroxylon spp., mainlyMetroxylon sagu (syn.Metroxylon rumphii)
*raqu(p)New Guinea walnut,Dracontomelon dao
*rarapcoral tree,Erythrina spp.
*taliseTerminalia catappa
*talo(s)taro,Colocasia esculenta
*toŋoRmangrove,Bruguiera spp.; mangroves (generic)
*topusugarcane,Saccharum officinarum
*toRasa taxon of hardwood trees includingIntsia bijuga (?)
*tuiDolichandrone spathacea
*tupaclimbing shrubs,Derris spp.
*wai, *waiwaimango (generic)
*walasitree sp. with poisonous sap,Semecarpus forstenii
*waR[e]Flagellaria indica
*waRocgeneric term for vines and creepers, plants with creeping or climbing growth structure; string, rope
Proto-Oceanic plant terms inherited from Proto-Central-Eastern Malayo-Polynesian (11 reconstructions)
*[bual]bualspecies of palm used for making spears and bows; palm-wood spear or bow, probablyCaryota sp.
*daloCalophyllum inophyllum
*dradrapHoya sp.
*imaPandanus sp. with useful leaves
*jasiCordia subcordata
*kai(k)Albizia sp.
*[ka]ŋaRicanarium almond,Canarium indicum
*lowaŋaLitsea sp.
*pailFalcataria moluccana
*pau(q)mango,Mangifera sp. (notMangifera indica)
*Reqisword grass,Imperata cylindrica
Proto-Oceanic plant terms inherited from Proto-Eastern Malayo-Polynesian (4 reconstructions)
*na[su]-nasuScaevola taccada
*qayawanFicus, strangler fig taxon
*tawan[9]Pometia pinnata
*tuRi-tuRicandlenut tree,Aleurites moluccanus (?)
Reconstructed terms with no external cognates
Proto-Oceanic plant terms with no known non-Oceanic cognates (97 reconstructions)
*ba(k,g)abanyan tree, medium-sizedFicus spp., not stranglers
*babakFalcataria moluccana
*balataxon including variousEuodia spp. (?)
*baqunbanana cultivar
*bauhardwood taxon
*beleAbelmoschus manihot
*biRi-biRiHernandia nymphaefolia
*bosia forest tree with white wood, probablyEuodia elleryana
*bouFagraea spp.
*buluGarcinia sp., perhapsGarcinia novo-guineensis
*b(ʷ)alatree fern,Cycas orCyathea sp.
*bʷelebamboo sp.
*bʷeraMusa cultivar
*dralashrub sp.,Vitex trifolia
*(dr,d)aRa(q,k)awildnutmeg,Myristica sp.
*i(u)buCorynocarpus cribbianus
*iguRaFicus sp. with sandpapery leaves, eitherFicus copiosa orFicus wassa or both
*ipiTahitian chestnut,Inocarpus fagifer
*jajalcroton,Codiaeum variegatum
*jamaRCommersonia bartramia
*jiRitaxon consisting ofCordyline fruticosa andDracaena angustifolia
*joRagabanana, Fei (?) cultivars
*ka(mʷa)-kamʷaFicus sp., perhapsFicus nodosa
*ka[(r,l)a]qabusiAcalypha spp.
*kalakaPlanchonella sp.
*kapikaMalay apple, rose apple,Syzygium malaccense
*karagʷamseaweed, seagrass
*kaRi(q)ataxon of decorative plants
*kaRi(q)anaPandanus lamekotensis
*kayu qoneHeritiera littoralis
*kokaMacaranga spp.
*koma(r,R)(o,u)Endospermum sp.
*kopubamboo sp.
*koRawild mango,Mangifera minor
*kuratthe dye produced fromMorinda citrifolia
*m(ʷ)asewild mulberry, paper mulberry,Broussonetia papyrifera
*ma(i)tagaR(a)Kleinhovia hospita
*mapuqanFlueggea flexuosa (?)
*maqotaDysoxylum spp.
*maRakitathe putty nut, probablyParinari laurina andParinari glaberrima
*maRakoTrichospermum peekelii
*mari(a)sapaSyzygium sp.
*moliscitrus fruit or citrus-like fruit, perhapsClymenia polyandra
*mʷala(q)uGlochidion philippicum
*mʷalak (?)spider lily,Crinum asiaticum
*mʷañaPandanus sp., perhapsPandanus conoideus
*mʷapo(q)taro,Colocasia esculenta
*mʷaruqeDioscorea sp. or perhaps a cultivar ofDioscorea alata
*nipusCryptocarya sp.
*ñoñuMorinda citrifolia
*olaŋaCampnosperma brevipetiolatum
*pakumPandanus dubius
*pala(ŋ)cut nut, bush nut,Barringtonia novae-hiberniae (green variety?)
*paliaRuaa vine,Merremia peltata
*paqoHeliconia sp.
*paquKleinhovia hospita
*pasa(r,R)Vitex cofassus
*pesia coastal forest tree, perhapsPongamia pinnata
*pi(y)uŋMiscanthus floridulus
*pijocane or reed taxon, includingSaccharum spontaneum
*poipoiPandanus sp., perhapsPandanus tectorius
*poka(q)variety ofMalay apple
*(p,b)osokind oftaro
*puRetaxon of beach creepers; perhaps prototypicallyIpomoea grandiflora andIpomoea pes-caprae
*pʷa(k,g)ekind of green vegetable (?)
*pʷabosifree-standing small or medium-sizedFicus sp., probablyFicus wassa
*p(ʷ)asa(r,R)largePandanus sp.
*pʷatikapotato yam, aerial yam,Dioscorea bulbifera
*p(ʷ)awa(t)Cerbera spp., probablyCerbera floribunda andCerbera manghas
*pʷetebird's nest fern,Asplenium nidus
*pʷi(r,R)aCananga odorata
*qaropPremna spp.
*qat(V)Terminalia sp. with edible nut
*(q,k)atitathe putty nut, probablyParinari laurina andParinari glaberrima
*(q)alipa, *lalipanut sp., possibly canarium almond,Canarium sp. (?)
*qopeGyrocarpus americanus
*quRisSpondias cytherea
*(quta)qutagrass and weeds (generic)
*Rigirosewood,Pterocarpus indicus
*sabakapAlstonia scholaris
*sakupbanana cultivar with long fruit (?)
*seRaFicus sp., perhapsFicus adenosperma
*silaJob's tears,Coix lacryma-jobi
*tamanuCalophyllum sp.
*taŋaFicus tinctoria
*tapi(l)puzzlenut tree,Xylocarpus granatum (?)
*tapoRaa nut-bearing tree sp.
*tawasiRhus taitensis
*toRuCordia subcordata
*udu(r,R)Dioscorea alata cultivar (?)
*wasaAbelmoschus manihot; green vegetables in general
*wasi-wasiAbroma augusta
*yaŋoturmeric,Curcuma longa
Proto-Western Oceanic plant terms with no known external cognates (22 reconstructions)
*baraMacaranga spp.
*baulmangrove,Rhizophora sp. (?)
*bʷanaIntsia bijuga
*bʷatiqbanana cultivar
*gobuDioscorea sp.
*ka(p)ulseed yam
*kamisalesser yam,Dioscorea esculenta
*kam(ʷ)apaRCryptocarya sp.
*kobotaxon ofMacaranga spp.
*kokoimushroom sp.
*[ku,i]Rim(a,o)Octomeles sumatrana
*lapukakind of tree with fruit similar to breadfruit,Parartocarpus venenosa (?)
*m(ʷ)aliDerris sp.
*mamisalesser yam,Dioscorea esculenta
*mokePandanus sp.
*mʷa(r,R)etaxon includingCodiaeum variegatum andCordyline fruticosa
*nagiCordia sp.
*(s,j)a(q,k)umuPandanus sp.
*tabunGarcinia sp.
*tabuqaRSaccharum edule
Proto-Eastern Oceanic plant terms with no known external cognates (15 reconstructions)
*bakuRaCalophyllum sp., probablyCalophyllum kajewskii
*bukataxon of littoral trees, includingPisonia spp. andGyrocarpus americanus
*bulipaFicus sp.
*gamaFinschia cloroxantha
*(k)a(r,l)adroŋaAcalypha sp.
*kokatree sp.,Bischofia javanica
*mabʷeTahitian chestnut,Inocarpus fagifer
*meloElaeocarpus angustifolius
*miloThespesia populnea
*mʷa(q)elea cycad,Cycas rumphii
*pakalo, *pʷakala (?)Hibiscus sp.
*paRagePangium edule
*pinuaqa nut tree, perhapsCanarium sp. (?)
*rakoHeliconia sp., usuallyHeliconia indica
*sinutaxon of shrubs whose sap causes irritation, including species ofPhaleria
Proto-Remote Oceanic plant terms with no known external cognates (6 reconstructions)
*buavuHernandia sp.
*sasaRuAbelmoschus manihot
*vaRoNeisosperma oppositifolium
*vubakind of vine, probablyDerris elliptica
*wasi-wasiSterculia vitiensis

Blust and Trussel (2020)


Selected reconstructed Proto-Oceanic terms of various plants from theAustronesian Comparative Dictionary:[6]

Proto-OceanicCommon nameScientific name
*kalaqabusia shrubAcalypha sp.
*piRaq₂wild taro, elephant-ear or itching taroAlocasia spp.
*sabakapa treeAlstonia scholaris
*putun₁a shore treeBarringtonia spp.
*querattanCalamus sp.
*pitaquRa shore treeCalophyllum inophyllum
*kaŋaRitree with edible nut, the Canarium almondCanarium commune
*(q)alipaa nut treeCanarium sp.
*aRua shore treeCasuarina equisetifolia
*talostaroColocasia esculenta
*toRua treeCordia subcordata
*aŋoturmericCurcuma longa
*punata plant used to stun fishDerris elliptica
*tupa₂fish poisonDerris spp.
*pwatikapotato yam, aerial yamDioscorea bulbifera
*rarapa tree with dense clusters of red flowers, theIndian coral treeErythrina indica
*buRata tree with sweet-smelling flowersFagraea berteroana
*paila plantFalcataria moluccana
*taŋa₃a shrub with edible figsFicus tinctoria
*baka₂kind of banyan treeFicus sp.
*pwano-pwanoa plantGuettarda speciosa
*paqoa plantHeliconia spp.
*kuRun; *pitu₂sword grassImperata cylindrica
*ipi₂the ‘Tahitian chestnutInocarpus fagiferus orInocarpus edulis
*puRe₂beach creepersincludingIpomoea grandiflora andIpomoea pes-caprae
*paua plantKleinhovia hospita
*karat₂a small stinging plantperhapsLaportea interrupta
*latoŋ, *la-latoŋ, *salatoŋ, *silatoŋstinging nettleLaportea spp.
*piRufan palmLicuala rumphii
*pinuana treeMacaranga spp.
*kokaa treeMacaranga spp.,Euphorbiaceae
*koRawild mangoMangifera minor
*paliaRuaa vineMerremia peltata
*gurata tree with roots that furnish a red dyeMorinda citrifolia tree
*kuratthe dye produced from theMorinda citrifoliaMorinda citrifolia dye
*ñoñutree with inedible white fruit and root that yields a useful dyeMorinda citrifolia tree
*paoq (ʔ)a treeOchrosia oppositifolia
*mwañapandanus sp.probablyPandanus conoideus
*kiRea pandanusPandanus odoratissimus; a mat made from the leaves of this plant
*katitaputty nutParinari laurinum
*pu-pulubetel pepperPiper betle
*pesicoastal treeperhapsPongamia pinnata
*tawasia treeRhus taitensis
*pijokind of reed or caneincludingSaccharum spontaneum
*kapika, *kapikuthe Malay appleSyzygium malaccense
*talise₁a shore tree with edible nutsTerminalia catappa
*pasa(r,R)a woody plant or treeVitex cofassus



There are several known reconstructed words evident of material pottery culture among theLapita:[10]

  • *kuroŋ – earthernware pot
  • *kalala(ŋ) – water jar
  • *palaŋa – frying pan (cf. Malaybelanga)

Example sentences


From Lynch, Ross, and Crowley (2002):











*I=kaRat-i=a a tau na ᵐboRok.

3SG=bite-TR=3SG ART person ART pig

'The pig bit a/the person.'









*A na=ᵑgu a Rumaq.

ART CL=3SG ART house

'The house is mine.'

From Ross (2004):











*Au=papa-i=a natu-mu i=ua i laur.

1SG=carry-TR=3SG child-2SG 3SG=go PREP coast

'I brought your child (to you) to the beach.'









*Ra=sipo ra=paqus-i=a na waᵑga.

3PL=go.down 3PL=bind-TR=3SG ART canoe

'They went down to bind up the canoe.'

See also



  1. ^Pawley, Andrew (2007),"Locating Proto Oceanic"(PDF), inRoss, Malcolm; Pawley, Andrew; Osmond, Meredith (eds.),The lexicon of Proto Oceanic: The physical environment, vol. 2, Canberra: Pacific Linguistics, pp. 17–34,hdl:1885/106908,ISBN 9781921313196, retrieved12 December 2023
  2. ^SeeRoss, Pawley, Osmond (1998): 15).
  3. ^The consonant *R has been recently reconstructed as analveolar flap byFrançois (2011), p.141.
  4. ^Lynch, John (2003). "The Bilabials in Proto Loyalties". In Lynch, John (ed.).Issues in Austronesian Historical Phonology. Canberra: Pacific Linguistics. pp. 153–173 (171).doi:10.15144/PL-550.153.
  5. ^Homepage of theOceanic Lexicon Project;downloadable set of volumes.
  6. ^abBlust, Robert; Trussel, Stephen (June 21, 2020)."Austronesian Comparative Dictionary, web edition". RetrievedOctober 1, 2020.
  7. ^Pawley, Andrew and Malcolm Ross. 2006.The Prehistory of Oceanic Languages: A Current View. InThe Austronesians: Historical and Comparative Perspectives.doi:10.22459/A.09.2006
  8. ^Ross, Malcolm. Concluding notes, 427–436. InRoss, Pawley, Osmond, Meredith (2008).
  9. ^Robert Blust has identified cognates in western Malayo-Polynesian languages, so *tawan can be reconstructed for PMP, cf.Blust, Robert (25 April 2020)."*tawan".Austronesian Comparative dictionary. Retrieved30 April 2020.
  10. ^Ross, Pawley & Osmond (1998). Vol. I pp. 68-71.



External links

Greater Barito*
Greater North Borneo*
South Sulawesi
  • * indicates proposed status
  • ? indicates classification dispute
  • † indicatesextinct status
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