Inmathematics, and more particularly innumber theory,primorial, denoted by "pn#", is afunction fromnatural numbers to natural numbers similar to thefactorial function, but rather than successively multiplying positive integers, the function only multipliesprime numbers.
The name "primorial", coined byHarvey Dubner, draws an analogy toprimes similar to the way the name "factorial" relates tofactors.
For thenth prime numberpn, the primorialpn# is defined as the product of the firstn primes:[1][2]
wherepk is thekth prime number. For instance,p5# signifies the product of the first 5 primes:
The first five primorialspn# are:
The sequence also includesp0# = 1 asempty product. Asymptotically, primorialspn# grow according to:
whereo( ) isLittle O notation.[2]
In general, for a positive integern, its primorial,n#, is the product of the primes that are not greater thann; that is,[1][3]
whereπ(n) is theprime-counting function (sequenceA000720 in theOEIS), which gives the number of primes ≤n. This is equivalent to:
For example, 12# represents the product of those primes ≤ 12:
Sinceπ(12) = 5, this can be calculated as:
Consider the first 12 values ofn#:
We see that for compositen every termn# simply duplicates the preceding term(n − 1)#, as given in the definition. In the above example we have12# =p5# = 11# since 12 is a composite number.
Primorials are related to the firstChebyshev function, writtenϑ(n) orθ(n) according to:
Sinceϑ(n) asymptotically approachesn for large values ofn, primorials therefore grow according to:
The idea of multiplying all known primes occurs in some proofs of theinfinitude of the prime numbers, where it is used to derive the existence of another prime.
Primorials play a role in the search forprime numbers in additive arithmetic progressions. For instance,2236133941 + 23# results in a prime, beginning a sequence of thirteen primes found by repeatedly adding 23#, and ending with5136341251. 23# is also the common difference in arithmetic progressions of fifteen and sixteen primes.
Everyhighly composite number is a product of primorials (e.g.360 =2 × 6 × 30).[9]
Primorials are allsquare-free integers, and each one has more distinctprime factors than any number smaller than it. For each primorialn, the fractionφ(n)/n is smaller than for any lesser integer, whereφ is theEuler totient function.
Anycompletely multiplicative function is defined by its values at primorials, since it is defined by its values at primes, which can be recovered by division of adjacent values.
Base systems corresponding to primorials (such as base 30, not to be confused with theprimorial number system) have a lower proportion ofrepeating fractions than any smaller base.
Every primorial is asparsely totient number.[10]
Then-compositorial of acomposite numbern is the product of all composite numbers up to and includingn.[11] Then-compositorial is equal to then-factorial divided by the primorialn#. The compositorials are
TheRiemann zeta function at positive integers greater than one can be expressed[13] by using the primorial function andJordan's totient functionJk(n):
n | n# | pn | pn# | Primorial prime? | |
pn# + 1[14] | pn# − 1[15] | ||||
0 | 1 | — | 1 | Yes | No |
1 | 1 | 2 | 2 | Yes | No |
2 | 2 | 3 | 6 | Yes | Yes |
3 | 6 | 5 | 30 | Yes | Yes |
4 | 6 | 7 | 210 | Yes | No |
5 | 30 | 11 | 2310 | Yes | Yes |
6 | 30 | 13 | 30030 | No | Yes |
7 | 210 | 17 | 510510 | No | No |
8 | 210 | 19 | 9699690 | No | No |
9 | 210 | 23 | 223092870 | No | No |
10 | 210 | 29 | 6469693230 | No | No |
11 | 2310 | 31 | 200560490130 | Yes | No |
12 | 2310 | 37 | 7420738134810 | No | No |
13 | 30030 | 41 | 304250263527210 | No | Yes |
14 | 30030 | 43 | 13082761331670030 | No | No |
15 | 30030 | 47 | 614889782588491410 | No | No |
16 | 30030 | 53 | 32589158477190044730 | No | No |
17 | 510510 | 59 | 1922760350154212639070 | No | No |
18 | 510510 | 61 | 117288381359406970983270 | No | No |
19 | 9699690 | 67 | 7858321551080267055879090 | No | No |
20 | 9699690 | 71 | 557940830126698960967415390 | No | No |
21 | 9699690 | 73 | 40729680599249024150621323470 | No | No |
22 | 9699690 | 79 | 3217644767340672907899084554130 | No | No |
23 | 223092870 | 83 | 267064515689275851355624017992790 | No | No |
24 | 223092870 | 89 | 23768741896345550770650537601358310 | No | Yes |
25 | 223092870 | 97 | 2305567963945518424753102147331756070 | No | No |
26 | 223092870 | 101 | 232862364358497360900063316880507363070 | No | No |
27 | 223092870 | 103 | 23984823528925228172706521638692258396210 | No | No |
28 | 223092870 | 107 | 2566376117594999414479597815340071648394470 | No | No |
29 | 6469693230 | 109 | 279734996817854936178276161872067809674997230 | No | No |
30 | 6469693230 | 113 | 31610054640417607788145206291543662493274686990 | No | No |
31 | 200560490130 | 127 | 4014476939333036189094441199026045136645885247730 | No | No |
32 | 200560490130 | 131 | 525896479052627740771371797072411912900610967452630 | No | No |
33 | 200560490130 | 137 | 72047817630210000485677936198920432067383702541010310 | No | No |
34 | 200560490130 | 139 | 10014646650599190067509233131649940057366334653200433090 | No | No |
35 | 200560490130 | 149 | 1492182350939279320058875736615841068547583863326864530410 | No | No |
36 | 200560490130 | 151 | 225319534991831177328890236228992001350685163362356544091910 | No | No |
37 | 7420738134810 | 157 | 35375166993717494840635767087951744212057570647889977422429870 | No | No |
38 | 7420738134810 | 163 | 5766152219975951659023630035336134306565384015606066319856068810 | No | No |
39 | 7420738134810 | 167 | 962947420735983927056946215901134429196419130606213075415963491270 | No | No |
40 | 7420738134810 | 173 | 166589903787325219380851695350896256250980509594874862046961683989710 | No | No |