Apotion is a liquid "that containsmedicine,poison, or something that is supposed to have magic powers."[1] It derives from the Latin wordpotio which refers to a drink or the act of drinking.[2] The termphiltre is also used, often specifically for alove potion, a potion that is supposed to create feelings of love or attraction in the one who drinks it.[3]Throughout history there have been several types of potions for a range of purposes.[4] Reasons for taking potions ranged from curing an illness, tosecuring immortality to trying to induce love. These potions, while often ineffective or poisonous, occasionally had some degree of medicinal success depending on what they sought to fix and the type and amount of ingredients used.[5] Some popular ingredients used in potions across history includeSpanish fly,[6]nightshade plants,cannabis, andopium.[7]
During the 17th to 19th century, it was common in Europe to seepeddlers offering potions for ailments ranging from heartbreak to the plague. These were eventually dismissed asquackery.[8] Prostitutes, courtesans, enchanters and midwives were also known to distribute potions.[9]
The word potion has its origins in the Latin wordpotus, an irregular past participle ofpotare, meaning "to drink". This evolved to the wordpotionem (nominativepotio) meaning either "a potion, a drinking" or a "poisonous draught, magic potion".[2] In Ancient Greek, the word for both drugs and potions was "pharmaka" or "pharmakon".[10] In the 12th century, the French had the wordpocion, meaning "potion", "draught", or "medicine". By the 13th century, this word becamepocioun, referring to either a medicinal drink, or a dose of liquid medicine (or poison).
The word "potion" is also cognate with the Spanish wordspocion with the same meaning, andponzoña, meaning "poison"; The wordpozione was originally the same word for both "poison" and "potion" in Italian, but by the early 15th century in Italy, potion began to be known specifically as amagical or enchanted drink.[2]
The practice of administering potions has had a long history of being illegalised. Despite these laws, there have been several different administrators of potions across history.[5]
Quacks orcharlatans are people who sell "medical methods that do not work and are only intended to make money".[11] In Europe in the 15th century it was also common to see long-distancepeddlers, who sold supposedly magical healing potions andelixirs.[9] During theGreat Plague of London in the 17th century, quacks sold many fake potions promising either cures or immunity.[12] Because pills looked less trustworthy to the public, potions were often the top sellers of quacks.[13] These potions often included bizarre ingredients such as floral pomanders and the smoke of fragrant woods.[14] The well knownWessex quack Vilbert was known to sell love potions made of pigeon hearts.[5] By the 18th century in England, it was common for middle class households to stock potions that claimed to solve a variety of ailments. Quackery grew to its height in the 19th century.[8]
In 18th- and 19th-century Britain,pharmacies orapothecaries were often a cheaper, more accessible option for medical treatment than doctors.[15] Potions distributed by chemists for illnesses were often derived from herbs and plants, and based on old beliefs and remedies.[16]
Prior to thePharmacy Act 1868 anybody could become a pharmacist or chemist. Since the practice was unregulated, potions were often made from scratch.[17]
Potions were additionally used to cure illness in livestock. One potion found in a 19th-century pharmacist's recipe book was to be used for "lambs of about 7 years old" and contains chalk, pomegranate and opium.[17]
There was a strict hierarchy in the medical community of Europe during the 12th to 15th centuries. Male doctors were the most respected and paid followed by female apothecaries, barber-surgeons and surgeons.[18] Women were often the main way that individuals who could not afford doctors orapothecaries could gain medical treatment[citation needed] Potions, in addition to calming teas or soup, were a common homemade treatment made by women. When unable to go to a female house member, early modern people would often go to the wise women of their village.[citation needed] Wise women (who were often supposedwitches) were knowledgeable in health care[19] and could administer potions, lotions or salves in addition to performing prayers or chants. This was often free of charge or significantly less expensive than the potions of apothecaries.[citation needed]
The limited jobs available to women during the 17th to 18th century in Europe often involved a knowledge of potions as an additional way to gain a financial income.[20] Jobs that often involved the selling of love potions included prostitutes, courtesans, enchanters and midwives.[20] These practices varied by region. In Rome, up until the period of thecivil wars, the only physicians were drug-sellers, enchanters andmidwives.[21] In Greece, retiredcourtesans often both created potions and worked as midwives.[22]Prostitutes in Europe were often expected to be an expert in magic and administer love potions.[21][failed verification]
In the Middle Ages and the early modern period, using potions to induce sterility andabortion was widely practiced in Europe. The majority of abortive potions were made usingemmenagogue herbs (herbs used to stimulate menstruation) which were intended to cause a period and end a pregnancy.[23] Additionally abortive potions could also be prepared by infusion of a herb or tree. Thewillow tree was a common ingredient in these potions, as it was fabled to cause sterility.[24] Several key theological and legal literature of the time condemned this practice, includingVisigothic law and the Church.[24]
Many herbal potions containingemmenagogues did not containabortifacients (substances that induce abortion) and were instead used to cure amenorrhoea (a lack of period). There are several different types of literature in thehumoral tradition that propose the use of herbal potions or suppositories to provoke menstruation.[23]
Giulia Tofana (1581-1651) was an Italian poisoner, known as the inventor of the famous poisonAqua Tofana. Born in Sicily, she invented and started to sell the poison in Palermo in Sicily.[25] She later established herself inRome, where she continued the business, specialising in selling to women in abusive marriages who wanted to become widows.[25] She died peacefully in 1651 and left the business to her stepdaughterGironima Spana, who expanded it to a substantial business in the 1650s. The organization was exposed in 1659 and resulted in the famousSpana Prosecution, which became a subject of sensationalistic mythologization for centuries.[25]
Paula de Eguiluz was born into slavery in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic in the 17th century. Within the area in which she lived, sickness and disease ravaged the towns and major cities. Paula de Eguiluz decided to research and find her own cures to these maladies. Because of this, she is widely known for being involved in health care and healing.
Once her healing and health care practice took off, she started to sell potions and serums to clients. de Eguiluz's business attracted a following and slowly got her into a bit of trouble.
Due to Paula's healing accomplishments, she was arrested approximately 3 times. During these inquisitions, she was forced to tell the jury that she performed witchcraft. In response to these false confessions, she was imprisoned and whipped several times.
Catherine Monvoisin, better known to some as La Voisin, was born within the year 1640 in France.
Catherine Monvoisin married Antoine Monvoisin who was a jeweler in Paris. His business plummeted and Catherine had to find work in order for her and her family to survive. She had a knack for reading people very accurately coupled withchiromancy and utilized her skills in order to make money.
La Voisin would read people's horoscopes and perform abortions, but she also sold potions and poisons to her clients. Her work quickly became well known throughout France and people would quickly become her clients. Around the year 1665, her fortune telling was questioned bySaint Vincent de Paul's Order, but she was quick to dismiss the allegations of witchcraft.
Catherine would then begin making potions whether it be for love, murder, or everyday life. Her love potion consisted of bones, the teeth of moles, human blood,Spanish fly beetles, and even small amounts of human remains. Her predecessor and major influence wasGiulia Tofana.
On March 12, 1679, Catherine was arrested Notre- Dame Bonne- Nouvelle due to a string of incidents involving her and her potions. She confessed her crimes of murder and told authorities a majority of everything they needed to know about the people she knowingly murdered.
On February 22, 1680, La Voisin was sentenced to a public death wherein she was to be burned as the stake for witchcraft.
Jacqueline Felice de Almania was tried in Italy in 1322 for the unlicensed practice of medicine. She was mainly accused of doing a learned male physicians job and accepting a fee.[26] This job involved "examining urine by its physical appearance; touching the body; and prescribing potions, digestives, and laxatives."[18] Eight witnesses testified to her medical experience and wisdom. However, as she had not attended university, her knowledge was dismissed. Jacqueline Felice was then found guilty and fined and excommunicated from the church.[18]
Emotions such as anger, fear, and sadness are universal[27] and as such potions have been created across history and cultures in response to these human emotions.[4]
Love potions have been used throughout history and cultures.[6] Scandinavians often used love-philtres, which is documented in the Norse poemThe Lay of Gudrun.[5]
In 17th-centuryCartagena, Afro-Mexican curer (curanderos/as) and other Indigenous healers could gain an income and status from selling spells and love potions to women trying to secure men and financial stability.[28] These love potions were sold to women of all social classes, who often wished to gain sexual agency.[28]
In the early 9th century, Arab physicianYuhanna ̄ Ibn Masawaih used the dyekermes to create a potion calledConfectio Alchermes. The potion was "intended for the caliph and his court and not for commoners."[29] The potion was intended to cure heart palpitations, restore strength and cure madness and depression.[29]
During theRenaissance in Europe,Confectio Alchermes was used widely. Recipes for the potion appeared in the work of the popular English apothecaryNicholas Culpeper and the official pharmacopoeia handbooks of London and Amsterdam. QueenElizabeth's French ambassador was even treated with the remedy; however, the recipe was altered to include a "unicorn's horn" (possibly a ground-upnarwhal tusk) in addition to the traditional ingredients.[29] The ingredients for the potion mainly included ambergris, cinnamon, aloes, gold leaf, musk, pulverized lapis lazuli, and white pearls.[29]
St Paul's potion was intended to cure epilepsy,catalepsy and stomach problems. Many ingredients used in the potion had medicinal value. According toToni Mount the list of ingredients included "liquorice, sage, willow, roses, fennel, cinnamon, ginger, cloves, cormorant blood, mandrake, dragon's blood and three kinds of pepper".[30]
Many of these ingredients still have medicinal value in the 21st century.Liquorice can be used to treat coughs and bronchitis.Sage can help memory and improve blood flow to the brain.Willow contains salicylic acid, which is a component of aspirin.Fennel, cinnamon and ginger are all carminatives, which help relieve gas in the intestines. Thecormorant blood adds iron to treat anemia. If used in small doses,Mandrake is a good sleeping draught (though in large doses Mandrake can be poisonous.) Dragon's blood refers to the bright red resin of the treeDracaena draco. According to Toni Mount "it has antiseptic, antibiotic, anti-viral and wound-healing properties, and it is still used in some parts of the world to treat dysentery."[30]
Creating a potion for immortality, was a common pursuit ofalchemists throughout history.[31] TheElixir of Life is a famous potion that aimed to createeternal youth.[32] During theChinese dynasties, this elixir of life was often recreated and drunk by emperors, nobles and officials.[citation needed] In India, there is a myth of the potionamrita, a drink of immortality made out of nectar.[33]
Ayahuasca, is a hallucinogenic plant-based potion used in many parts of the world. It was first created by indigenous South Americans from the Amazon basin as a spiritual medicine.[34] The potion was often administered by ashaman during a ceremony. The potion contains the boiled stems of theayahuasca vine and leaves from thechacruna plant. Chacruna containsdimethyltryptamine (also known as DMT), a psychedelic drug. The potion caused users to vomit or 'purge' and induced hallucinations.[35]
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Potions or mixtures are common within many of local mythologies. In particular, references to love potions are common in many cultures.[36]Yusufzai witches, for example, would bathe a recently deceased leatherworker and sell the water to those seeking a male partner; this practice is said to exist in a modified form in modern times.[36]
Potions have played a critical role in many pieces of literature. Shakespeare wrote potions into many of his plays including a love potion inA Midsummer Night's Dream, poison inHamlet, andJuliet takes a potion to fake her death inRomeo and Juliet.[37]
In the fairytale "The Little Mermaid" byHans Christian Andersen, the Little Mermaid wishes to become human and have an immortal soul. She visits the Sea Witch who sells her a potion, in exchange for which she cuts out the Little Mermaid's tongue. The Sea Witch makes the potion using her own blood that she cuts from her breast. She warns the Little Mermaid that it will feel as if she had been cut with a sword when her fin becomes legs, that she will never be able to become a mermaid again, and risks turning into seafoam and not having an immortal soul if she fails to win the Prince's love. The Little Mermaid decides to take the potion which successfully turns her into a human so that she can try to win the love of the Prince and an immortal soul.[38]
In the novellaTheStrange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde by Robert Louis Stevenson,Dr. Henry Jekyll creates a potion that transforms him into an evil version of himself called Edward Hyde. Dr. Jekyll does not explain how he created this potion because he felt his "discoveries were incomplete," he only indicates that it requires a "particular salt." He uses the potion successfully to go back and forth between his normal self, Dr. Jekyll, and his evil self, Mr. Hyde.
In theHarry Potter series, potions also play a main role.[citation needed] The students are required to attend potion classes, taught bySeverus Snape andHorace Slughorn and knowledge of potions often becomes a factor for many of the characters. Throughout the course of the story, several characters take Polyjuice Potion to impersonate other characters, while the use of Felix Felicus potion in Book 6 helps Harry Potter gain vital information about horcruxes.
In the 11th century, plants belonging to the nightshade familySolanaceae were often used as an ingredients in the potions - aphrodisiac or otherwise - andflying ointments of witches. The specific nightshades used in such concoctions were usuallytropane alkaloid-containing species belonging to theOld World tribesHyoscyameae andMandragoreae.[4] These potions were known aspharmaka diabolika ("devilish drugs").[4]
The root ofMandragora officinarum, the celebrated mandrake, fabled in legend to shriek when uprooted, was often used to prepare sleeping potions, although it could prove poisonous in excess, due to its tropane alkaloid content.[39]M. officinarum is native to theMediterranean region. Administered in small doses mandrake root has been used infolk medicine as ananalgesic, anaphrodisiac and a remedy for infertility. Larger doses act as anentheogen of thedeliriant class, having the potential to cause profoundconfusion anddysphoria characterised by realistichallucinations of an unpleasant character. Classical and Renaissance authors have left certain accounts of the use of the plant by witches in the preparation of potions intended variously to excite love, cause insanity or even kill.Scopolamine, a toxic, deliriant alkaloid present in (and named after)Scopolia carniolica and also present inMandragora,Hyoscyamus and other Solanaceae, was used by the infamousDr. Crippen to kill his wife.[40]
In ancient Greece, theSpanish fly (also known ascantharides) was crushed with herbs and used in love potions. It was believed to be effective due to the bodily warmth that resulted from ingesting it. However, this was actually a result of inflammation from toxins in the tissues of the beetle.Ferdinand II of Aragon drank many potions and elixir contains the Spanish fly.[41]
Cochineal, another type of dye, replaced kermes as an ingredient in Confectio Alchermes in the 17th and 18th centuries. Cochineal was also heavily used as an ingredient in potions forjaundice. Jaundice potions were a mix of Cochineal, cream of tartar and Venetian soap and patients were directed to take it three times a day.[42]
Cannabis andopium has been used in potions throughout human history.[7] Potions containing cannabis and/or opium were particularly popular in Arabia, Persia, and Muslim India after the arrival of the drugs around the 9th century.[43] Cannabis and opium were a common ingredient used in potions andtinctures sold by apothecaries in 19th-century Europe, as the ingredients made patients feel better, and the addictive nature of the drug meant it sold well.[16]Nepenthes pharmakon is a famous type of magical potion recorded in Homer's Odyssey, intended to cure sorrow. In Ancient GreekPharmakon was the word for medicine andNepenthes meant no (ne) sorrow (penthes). Since the 18th century it is believed to be made from opium.[7]
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