A common use is in relation to blood sugar (or bloodglucose) levels, which are normally measured 2 hours after and before eating in apostprandial glucose test. This is because blood glucose levels usually rise after a meal. TheAmerican Diabetes Association recommends a postprandial glucose level under 180 mg/dl and a preprandial plasma glucose between 70 and 130 mg/dl.[4]
Other uses ofpostprandial include:
Postprandial dip is a mild decrease in blood sugar after eating a big meal.
Postprandialthermogenesis is heat production due to metabolism after a meal, temporarily increasing themetabolic rate.
Postprandial abdominal distension usually refers to bloating of the abdomen following a meal, especially a large one. It is generally harmless, but tends to be uncomfortable. Instances of its sudden onset or prolonged duration can, however, be symptoms of certain severe adverse gastro-intestinal conditions such as irritable bowel disease.[which?] Postprandial abdominal distension is also a documented side effect of some medications.[which?][citation needed]
In the postprandium, there isdigestion of food in thegastrointestinal tract, followed by uptake and variousmetabolic processes, mainlyanabolic ones (building organic molecules from smaller units). The postprandium is characterized by an increased activity of theparasympathetic nervous system, putting the body in a state of "rest and digest".
^American Diabetes Association. January 2006 Diabetes Care. "Standards of Medical Care – Table 6 and Table 7, Correlation between A1C level and Mean Plasma Glucose Levels on Multiple Testing over 2–3 months." Vol. 29, Supplement 1, pp. 51–58.
^Merck Manual Home Health Handbook."Postprandial Hypotension." Last revised February 2003. Last accessed July 13, 2007.