Before the advent ofpostal codes and the post office, postal systems would route items to a specific post office forreceipt or delivery. During the 19th century in theUnited States, this often led to smaller communities being renamed after their post offices, particularly after thePost Office Department began to require that post office names not be duplicated within astate.[2]
The term "post-office"[3] has been in use since the 1650s,[4] shortly after the legalisation of private mail services inEngland in 1635.[5] Inearly modern England,post riders—mounted couriers—were placed, or "posted",[6] every few hours alongpost roads atposting houses (also known as post houses) between major cities, or "post towns". Thesestables orinns permitted important correspondence to travel without delay. In early America, post offices were also known as stations. This term, as well as the term "post house", fell from use as horse andcoach services were replaced byrailways,aircraft, andautomobiles.
The term "post office" usually refers to government postal facilities providing customer service. "General Post Office" is sometimes used for the national headquarters of a postal service, even if the building does not provide customer service. A postal facility that is used exclusively for processing mail is instead known as a sorting office or delivery office, which may have a large central area known as a sorting or postal hall. Integrated facilities combining mail processing with railway stations or airports are known as mail exchanges.
InIndia, post offices are found in almost every village havingpanchayat (a "village council"), towns, cities, and throughout the geographical area of India. India's postal system changed its name toIndia Post after the advent of private courier companies in the 1990s. It is run by the Indian government's Department of Posts.[7] India Post accepts and delivers inland letters, postcards, parcels, postal stamps, and money orders (money transfers). Few post offices in India offer speed post (fast delivery) and payments or bank savings services. It is also uncommon for Indian post offices to sell insurance policies or accept payment for electricity, landline telephone, or gas bills. Until the 2000 A.D., post offices would collect fees for radio licenses, recruitment for government jobs, and the operation of public call telephone (PCO) booths.Postmen would deliver letters, money orders, and parcels to places that are within the assigned area of a particular post office. Each Indian post office is assigned a unique six-digit code called thePostal Index Number, or PIN. Each post office is identified by its PIN. Post offices coming under Department of Posts, Ministry of Communication, Government of India have a history of one hundred fifty years.[8]
There is evidence of corps of royalcouriers disseminating the decrees ofEgyptianpharaohs as early as 2400BCE, and it is possible that the service greatly precedes that date. Similarly, there may be ancient organised systems of post houses providing mounted courier service, although sources vary as to precisely who initiated the practice.[9]
TheRomanhistorianSuetonius creditedAugustus with regularising the Roman transportation and courier network, theCursus Publicus. Local officials were obliged to provide couriers who would be responsible for their message's entire course. Locally maintained post houses (Latin:stationes) privately owned rest houses (Latin:mansiones) and were obliged or honored to care for couriers along their way. The Roman emperorDiocletian later established two parallel systems: one providing fresh horses or mules for urgent correspondence and the other providing sturdy oxen for bulk shipments. TheByzantine historianProcopius, though not unbiased, records theCursus Publicus system remained largely intact until it was dismantled in the Byzantine empire by the emperorJustinian in the 6th century.
Rural parts of Canada in the 19th century utilised the way office system. Villagers could leave their letters at the way office which were then taken to the nearest post office, as well as pick up their mail from the way office.[10]
In parts of Europe, specialpostal censorship offices existed[when?] to intercept and censor mail. In France, such offices were known ascabinets noirs.
Students attend an unstaffed postal facilityThe Inland Letter Office of theGPO in London in 1844
In many jurisdictions,mailboxes andpost office boxes have long been in widespread use for drop-off and pickup (respectively) of mail and small packages outside post offices or when offices are closed. Germany's national postage systemDeutsche Post introduced thePack-Station forpackage delivery, including both drop-off and pickup, in 2001. In the 2000s, theUnited States Postal Service began to install Automated Postal Centers (APCs) in many locations in both post offices, for when they are closed or busy, and retail locations.[11] APCs can print postage and accept mail and small packages.