This article needs to beupdated. The reason given is: is now officially one port together with Antwerp. Please help update this article to reflect recent events or newly available information.(December 2024)
Port of Zeebrugge
Bruges and the port area of Bruges-Zeebrugge(pink)
The port of Zeebrugge is managed by the port authority MBZ (Maatschappij van de Brugse Zeehaven - translated: 'Company of the Bruges Seaport'), an autonomous company regulated by public law, the city of Bruges being the main shareholder.
Outer port of ZeebruggeThe cruise terminal of Zeebrugge
Zeebrugge is a multifaceted port that handles a wide range of trades: unit loads (trailers andcontainers), new cars, conventional general cargo, 'high & heavy' cargoes, dry and liquid bulk cargoes and natural gas. From a purely transit port Zeebrugge has gradually evolved into a centre for European distribution.
The port has become a major European port since major development works were carried in the 1972 to 1985 period. Since then total tonnage has doubled. As of 2008, Bruges-Zeebrugge is one of the fastest growing ports betweenLe Havre andHamburg.[4] It is Europe's leadingRoRo port, handling 12.5 million mt in 2010, and the world's largest port for imports and exports of new vehicles, with over 1.6 million units handled in 2010 (24.5% less than in 2008 due to the economical crises). It is also Europe's largest terminal forliquefied natural gas (LNG),[5] receiving natural gas from theTroll gas field via the 814-kilometre (506 mi; 440 nmi) longZeepipe under theNorth Sea. LNG is also delivered in specialized gas tankers from various origins, like Africa, Australia or the Middle East. Zeebrugge counts as one of the most important ports in Europe for containerized cargo as well, handling over 2.5 millionTEUs in 2010.
The port employs directly over 11,000 people and handles over 10,000 ship moorings annually. Together with the indirect employees, the port creates over 28,000 jobs.
The most important functions of the port are:
Intense RoRo traffic between the Continent, Great Britain,Scandinavia and Southern Europe;
European hub port for the automotive industry;
Container port with a good nautical accessibility for + 19,000 TEU ships;
Import of Liquefied Natural Gas and energy products;
Handling, storage and distribution of perishables and other agricultural products;
Handling of conventional general cargo and 'high & heavy' cargoes;
Passenger transport;
Organisation of the European distribution via an intricate network of hinterland connections.
The port complex of Bruges-Zeebrugge offers several main assets, which will allow volumes to develop even further in the years to come, namely,
The favourable geographical position:
On the coast of the North Sea, the busiest sea in the world;
Central in relation to other North Sea ports;
Within a short distance of Great Britain;
Close to many major, densely populated and industrialised cities;
Good nautical accessibility with a deep water draught in the approaches and at the berths;
Good road and rail connections to all countries of Continental Europe;
Several daily liner services to Great Britain and to other ports innorthern and southern Europe, Zeebrugge being the cross-roads for traffic in all directions;
A network of intercontinental and intra-European container services;
Modern port equipment, recently established, which meets all the expectations of modern shipping and handling techniques;
A large potential of skilled labour achieving high productivity.
1866 MrAugust de Maere d'Aertrijcke [nl], aGhentAlderman describes the project of connecting his town with the sea in a public conference. He is known as the father of the Zeebrugge port.
1894 Belgian parliament votes the law approving the construction ofPort of Heyst
The port was inaugurated on 23 July 1907 by KingLeopold II, who arrived by sea.
On 23 April 1918, the port was the target of theZeebrugge Raid by theRoyal Navy andRoyal Marines. This was an attempt to block access to and from the port by intentionally sinking ships to block the canal entrance, thus preventing its use by German ships and submarines. Eight participants in the raid were awarded theVictoria Cross.
October 1918, the capture of Zeebrugge by theAllies.
On 6 March 1987, the ferryHerald of Free Enterprise (owned by Townsend-Thoresen) was just outside the port when it took on water due to the bow doors remaining open, became unstable and capsized, killing 193 passengers.
On 16 August 2014, 35 people ofAfghan origin, were found in a container atTilbury Docks that had originated from The Bruges-Zeebruge port. All were suspected to bedehydrated and 1 man died from his injuries.
A. de Maere-Limnander, (1866). Des communications directes du port de Gand à la mer. Canal de Terneuzen - Canal de Heyst: conférence donnée au Cercle Commercial et Industriel de Gand. Imprimerie et Lithographie C. Annoot-Braeckman: Gand, Belgium. 52, plates I-II pp.,
A. de Maere-Limnander, (1877). D'une communication directe de Bruges à la mer. Imprimerie Houdmont, Frères: Bruges, Belgium. 57, plates I-IV pp
J. Nyssens-Hart,Le Port de vitesse de Heyst. (Actuellement port de Zeebrugge) avec cartes (circa 1895).
J. Nyssens-Hart et J. Zone,Le port de vitesse de Heyst. 120 pp. avec planches couleurs. (circa 1895)
J. Nyssens-HartThe Outer Port and the Inner Port of Bruges. Brussels, A. Lesigne, 1898, 43 pp.Online
U. Naert, (1977). Baron August de Maere d'Aertrycke: vader van Brugge-Zeehaven. chez l'Auteur à Eernegem, Belgique. 148 pp
E. Bilé; E. Trips, (1970). Zeebrugge: een haven in de branding 1895–1970. Brugsch Handelsblad: Belgium. 244 pp.
Anon. (1995). Tentoonstelling 100 jaar Zeehaven Brugge 8 juli-20 September 1995. Zeehaven Brugge: Brugge, Belgium. 184 pp.,