ThePont Neuf (French pronunciation:[pɔ̃nœf], "New Bridge") is the oldest standingbridge across the river Seine inParis,France. It stands by the western (downstream) point of theÎle de la Cité, the island in the middle of the river that was, between 250 and 225 BCE, the birthplace of Paris, then known asLutetia and, during themedieval period, the heart of the city.
The bridge is composed of two separate spans, one of five arches joining the left bank to theÎle de la Cité, another of seven joining the island to the right bank. Old engraved maps of Paris show that the newly built bridge just grazed the downstream tip of theÎle de la Cité; since then, the natural sandbar building of amid-river island, aided by stone-faced embankments calledquais, has extended the island. Today the tip of the island is the location of theSquare du Vert-Galant, a small public park named in honour ofHenry IV, nicknamed the "Green Gallant".
The namePont Neuf was given to distinguish it from older bridges that were lined on both sides with houses, and has remained after all of those were replaced. Its name notwithstanding, it has long been the oldest bridge in Paris crossing the Seine. It has been listed since 1889 as amonument historique by theFrench Ministry of Culture.[3]
Painting of thePont Neuf project as approved byKing Henry III in 1578. The bridge was completed in 1607 with a less ornate design.
As early as 1550,Henry II considered building a new bridge at the Ile de la Cite because the existingPont Notre-Dame was congested and needed repair. The idea was not advanced for lack of funds. By 1577, however, Henry III released funds from the national treasury for a new bridge and appointed a building commission for its designing and planning. Henry rejected the first design proposed by the committee, which included monumental arches, but no plan for buildings along the sides. The commission proceeded in 1578 with modifications to its initial plan, perhaps devised by the royal architect,Androuet de Cerceau. While Henry had already allowed for piers to be driven for the northern arm of bridge, the first construction under the 1579 design indicated a wider deck in preparation of buildings to be constructed on the side. The houses were never built, but the wide bridge deck was retained.[2]
In February 1578,[4] the decision to build the bridge was made byHenry III who laid its first stone in on 31 May 1578,[5] the same year when the foundations of four piers and one abutment were completed.[2] Pierre des Isles, one of the builders, convinced the supervisory commission that the bridge, which was originally planned straight, would be more resistant to the river currents if its two sections were built at a slight angle. The change was adopted in May 1578.[6]
Further design changes were made during the summer of 1579. First, the number of arches was changed from eight and four to seven and five. This was not a problem on the north side, where nothing had been built, but on the south, where the four piles and the abutment on the Left Bank were already laid, the addition of the fifth arch necessitated reducing the length of the platform on the island, theterre-plein, from 28.5toises to about 19. Second, it was decided to allow houses to be built on the bridge (though they never were). This required the widening of the bridge.[7] The remaining piers were built over the next nine years.[2] After a long delay beginning in 1588, due to political unrest and to theWars of Religion, construction was resumed in 1599 under the reign of Henry IV.[2] The bridge was opened to traffic in 1604 and completed in July 1606.[8] It was inaugurated by Henry IV in 1607.
Like most bridges of its time, thePont Neuf is constructed as a series of many shortarch bridges, followingRoman precedents. It was the first stone bridge in Paris not to support houses in addition to a thoroughfare, and was also fitted with pavements protecting pedestrians from mud and horses; pedestrians could also step aside into itsbastions to let a bulky carriage pass. The decision not to include houses on the bridge can be traced back directly to Henry IV, who decided against their inclusion on the grounds that houses would impede a clear view of theLouvre,[9] which the newly builtgalerie du bord de l'eau linked to theTuileries Palace.
Pont Neuf was for a long time the widest bridge in Paris. It has undergone much repair and renovation work, including rebuilding of seven spans in the long arm and lowering of the roadway by changing the arches from an almost semi-circular to elliptical form (1848–1855), lowering of sidewalks and faces of thepiers,spandrels,cornices and replacing crumbledcorbels as closely to the originals as possible.[2] In 1885, one of the piers of the short arm was undermined, removing the two adjacent arches, requiring them to be rebuilt and all the foundations strengthened.[2]
A major restoration of thePont Neuf was begun in 1994 and was completed in 2007, the year of its 400th anniversary.
The mascarons, 381 in number, are copies of the Renaissance originals
Themascarons are the stone masks, 381 in number, each being different and which decorate the sides of the bridge. They represent the heads of forest and field divinities from ancient mythology, as well assatyrs andsylvains. They are copies of the originals attributed to the French Renaissance sculptorGermain Pilon (1525–1590), who also sculpted the tomb of KingHenry II of France and QueenCatherine de'Medici in theBasilica of St Denis, five kilometers north of Paris. Themascarons remained in place until 1851–1854, when the bridge was completely rebuilt. At that time six of the originalmascarons from the 16th century were placed in theMusée Carnavalet, along with eight molds of other originals. Eight other originals were first placed in theMusée de Cluny – Musée national du Moyen Âge, and are now in the French National Museum of the Renaissance in theChâteau d'Écouen. During their reconstruction, the Renaissance masks were replaced with copies made by noted 19th-century sculptors, including Hippolyte Maindron, Hubert Lavigne,Antoine-Louis Barye and Fontenelle. Fontenelle made 61 masks, which are found on the upstream side of the bridge between the right bank and theÎle de la Cité.[10]
Statue of Henry IV on thePont Neuf (1618, destroyed 1792, replaced 1818)
At the point where the bridge crosses theÎle de la Cité, there stands a bronzeequestrian statue of king Henry IV, originally commissioned fromGiambologna under the orders ofMarie de Médicis, Henri's widow and Regent of France. After his death, Giambologna's assistantPietro Tacca completed the statue, which was erected on its pedestal byPietro Francavilla, in 1614.[11] It was destroyed in 1792 during theFrench Revolution, but was rebuilt in 1818, following the restoration of theBourbon monarchy. Commissioned from public donations, bronze for the new statue was obtained from a statue ofLouis Charles Antoine Desaix and melted down.[12] The new statue was cast from a mold made using a surviving cast of the original. Inside the statue, the new sculptorFrançois-Frédéric Lemot put four boxes, containing a history of the life of Henry IV, a 17th-century parchment certifying the original statue, a document describing how the new statue was commissioned, and a list of people who contributed to a public subscription.
Between 1712 and 1719, replacing an earlier one, a large pump house was built on the bridge. It was decorated with an image of theSamaritan woman at the well. As a result, the structure (which included a carillon) was namedLa Samaritaine. Years after it was torn down (in 1813), Ernest Cognacq, a 19th-century merchant, set up a stand on the site and gradually grew his business to what became, in 1869, the department storeLa Samaritaine.
Upon completion, Pont Neuf attracted throngs of visitors, many of whom used the bridge as a public square, conducting business, socializing, and taking in the view. One contemporary writer repeated a proverb about Pont Neuf to illustrate the variety of people who frequented the bridge, "one never crossed the Pont Neuf without meeting three things: a monk, a girl and a white horse."[2]
All through the 18th century, thePont Neuf was the center of Paris, lively with both crime and commerce:
Czar Peter the Great, who came to study French civilization under the regency of the Duke d'Orleans, declared that he had found nothing more curious in Paris than the Pont Neuf; and, sixty years later, the philosopher Franklin wrote to his friends in America that he had not understood the Parisian character except in crossing the Pont Neuf.[13]
In 1862,Édouard Fournier traced its history in his lively two-volumeHistoire du Pont-Neuf.[14] He describes how, even before it was completed (in 1607), gangs hid out in and around it, robbing and murdering people. It remained a dangerous place even as it became busier. For a long time, the bridge even had its own gallows.
This did not prevent people from congregating there, drawn by various stands and street performers (acrobats, fire-eaters, musicians, etc.). Charlatans and quacks of various sorts were also common, as well as the hustlers (shell game hucksters, etc.) and pickpockets often found in crowds – not to mention a lively trade in prostitution. Among the many businesses which, however, unofficially set up there, were several famous tooth pullers.
In 1701, Cotolendi quoted a letter supposedly written by a Sicilian tourist:
One finds on the Pont-Neuf an infinity of people who give tickets, some put fallen teeth back in, and others make crystal eyes; there are those who cure incurable illnesses; those who claim to have discovered the virtues of some powdered stones to white and to beautify the face. This one claims he makes old men young; there are those who remove wrinkles from the forehead and the eyes, who make wooden legs to repair the violence of bombs; finally everybody is so applied to work, so strongly and continually, that the devil can tempt no one but on Holidays and Sundays.[15]
With its numerous sellers of pamphlets and satirical performers, it was also a center for social commentary:
In the 16th cent. the Pont-Neuf was the scene of the recitals of Tabarin, a famous satirist of the day, and it was long afterwards the favourite rendezvous of news-vendors, jugglers, showmen, loungers, and thieves. Any popular witticism in verse was long known asun Pont-Neuf.[16]
In the seventeenth century, that bridge of memories, the oldPont Neuf of Paris, was the rendezvous of quacksalvers and mountebanks. Booths for the sale of various articles lined the sides of the bridge. People flocked there to see the sights, laugh, chat, make love and enjoy life as only Parisians can. Students andgrisettes of theQuartier latin elbowed ladies and gentlemen of the court. Bourgeois families came to study the flippant manners of thearistocrats.Poodle clippers plied their trade; jugglers amused thequid nuncs with feats of dexterity; traveling dentists pulled teeth and sold balsams; clowns tumbled; and last, but not least, pickpockets lifted purses and silk handkerchiefs with impunity. Says Augustus J. C. Hare (Walks in Paris): "So central an artery is the Pont Neuf, that it used to be a saying with the Parisian police, that if, after watching three days, they did not see a man cross the bridge, he must have left Paris." One of the principal vendors of quack nostrums of thePont Neuf was Montdor. He was aided by a buffoon namedTabarin, who made facetious replies to questions asked by his master, accompanied with laughable grimaces and grotesque gestures. The modern ringmaster and clown of the circus have similar scenes together, minus the selling of medicines.[17]
UnderLouis XV, thieves and entertainers were joined by recruiters, or "sellers of human flesh", who did their best to lure newcomers to Paris and others "with as much violence as the sale of Negros in the Congo".[18] Silversmiths and other luxury businesses nearby (which gave their name to theQuai des Orfèvres) drew visitors as well.
One yearly event, held on the nearbyPlace Dauphine, prefigured theSalon des Refusés which would give rise to theImpressionists. During the celebration of theCorpus Christi (Fête-Dieu), thePlace Dauphine hosted one of the most magnificentreposoirs (portable altars for the Host).
Along with all the rich silverwork and tapestries placed on it, some local silversmiths ordered paintings for these. This led to art dealers being asked to participate and, ultimately, to the newest talents being shown at thePetite Fête-Dieu (the Small Corpus Christi), a reduced version of the Corpus Christi holiday which took place eight days later. Though their canvases were only shown from six in the morning to noon, this became an important opportunity for unknown artists to draw attention. Among other things, this led to the painters there signing their work, as was not frequent in the Salon – which was not always an advantage when the work was publicly and loudly critiqued.
Showing works, which often had no pretense of a religious subject, they might then be noticed and find an entree into the official Academy. Chardin is one of the most famous painters to have started this way.
In 1720, a young man of about twenty-two, son of the man who maintained the king's billiards, displayed a canvas here showing an antique bas-relief. J.-B. Vanloo passed by, looked at the canvas for a long time, found great qualities there, and bought it. He wanted afterwards to know the young painter, encouraged him, gave him advice, of which the latter perhaps had no need, got him work, which was more useful, and eight years later, the unknown of theplace Dauphine was his colleague at the Academy of Painting.... he was calledJean-Baptiste-Siméon Chardin.[19]
The slow decline of the bridge's central role began in 1754: "Starting in 1754, the first year of the vogue, the madness of the boulevards, it was no longer the thing to talk about theCours [the Champs-Elysées], and still less of this poor Pont-Neuf. To the Boulevard, at once, long live the Boulevard!".[20] Still the bridge remained a lively place through the end of the century. With time, people became wary of its reputation and other changes subdued its atmosphere. In 1840, Lacroix wrote: "Once the pont Neuf was a perpetual fair; at present, it is just a bridge to be crossed without stopping."[21]
Pont Neuf photographed by Louis Daguerre, 1836-39. Like most daguerreotypes, the image is mirrored. Two people can be seen lying in the shade.
In 1838,Louis Daguerre produced his famousdaguerreotype portrait of theView of the Boulevard du Temple, widely considered the first photograph where ahuman can be seen. However, between 1836 and 1837, Daguerre made several tests, in order to experiment with and perfect the new technique in an outdoor environment.
One surviving example is an image of the Pont Neuf and the equestrian statue ofHenry IV, made possibly as early as 1836. On the lower-left side of the image, what appears to be a worker, or perhaps two, can be seen lying against the fence, in the shadow of the statue.[22]
^Ballon 1991, p. 117. A surveyor's report of 3 March 1578 is described and reproduced in Lasteyrie 1882, pp.25–34. Thelettres patentes were signed on 16 March 1578 (Lasteyrie 1882,p. 9).
DeJean, Joan (2014).How Paris Became Paris: The Invention of the Modern City. New York: Bloomsbury.ISBN978-1608195916..
Evans, Henry Ridgely (1909).The Old and the New Magic. Chicago: The Open Court Publishing Co. Retrieved11 January 2025.
Fournier, Édouard (1862). Dentu, E. (ed.).Histoire du Pont-Neuf (in French). Paris: Libraire de la Société des Gens de Lettres. Retrieved11 January 2025.
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