Pomace spirit (orpomace brandy) is aliquor distilled frompomace that is left over fromwinemaking, after the grapes arepressed. It is calledmarc in both English and French, but "grappa" in Italian and "bagaço" in Portuguese.[1] In Spanish it is calledorujo.[2]Alcohol derived from pomace is also used as the traditional base spirit of other liquors, such as someanise-flavored spirits. Unlike winebrandy, most pomace brandies are neither aged nor coloured.
Pomace may be eitherfermented, semi-fermented, or unfermented. During red winevinification, the pomace is left to soak in themust for the entire fermentation period and is thus fermented; fermented pomace is particularly suitable for the production of pomace brandy, as it is soft, dry, and has a high alcohol content. Semi-fermented pomace is produced duringrosé wine vinification; the pomace is removed before fermentation is complete. Virgin pomace, which is produced during white wine vinification, is not fermented at all.
The pomace is then fermented to completion and the alcohol is then distilled off to produce the pomace brandy.