Podcasting discovery website and mobile application
Player FM orPlayerFM is apodcast discovery and cataloguing service which lists podcasts hosted across different podcast publishing sites.[ 5] [ 6] [ 7] [ 8] [ 9] It was created by software designer[ 10] Michael Mahemoff in 2011.[ 4] [ 9] The service was acquired byMaple Media , a mobile media company, in May 2020 for an undisclosed amount.[ 11]
^ FM, Player."TERMS OF SERVICE" .player.fm . ^ "Terms of Service" .^ "Die wichtigsten Podcast-Apps für iOS & Co.: Funktionsvergleich und Übersicht" [The most important podcast apps for iOS & Co .: function comparison and overview].iPhone-Ticker.de (in German). 7 May 2013.Archived from the original on 22 March 2020. Retrieved22 March 2020 .^a b "Player.fm WHOIS, DNS, & Domain Info - DomainTools" .whois.domaintools.com .Archived from the original on 22 March 2020. Retrieved22 March 2020 .^ Minter Dial (24 August 2014)."Interview with Michael Mahemoff, founder of PlayerFM, talking podcasting" .Minter Dialogue (Podcast) (110 ed.). MinterDial.com. Retrieved22 March 2020 . ^ Roettgers, Janko (17 May 2012)."Player FM makes podcasts look cool again" .Gigaom .Archived from the original on 18 May 2012. Retrieved22 March 2020 . ^ "Open or closed: Who will control the paid-podcast experience, podcasters or tech companies?" .Nieman Lab .Archived from the original on 20 August 2019. Retrieved22 March 2020 .^ Mahemoff, Michael (16 March 2013)."Why Google killed off Google Reader: It was self-defense" .Gigaom . Archived fromthe original on 19 March 2013. Retrieved22 March 2020 . ^a b Roettgers, Janko (23 June 2014)."Player FM relaunches with new UI and in-app indexing" .gigaom.com .Archived from the original on 25 June 2014. Retrieved22 March 2020 . ^ Mahemoff, Michael (2006).Ajax Design Patterns: Creating Web 2.0 Sites with Programming and Usability Patterns .Sebastopol, California : O'Reilly Media.ISBN 978-0-596-51488-4 .OCLC 71666100 . ^ Chambers, Bradley (29 April 2020)."Maple Media purchases podcast app Player FM to expand podcast presence" .9to5Mac . Retrieved26 March 2021 .