Plator (? –169 BC) theIllyrian was brother to KingGentius, the lastIllyrian king of theArdiaean State.
Plator may have been killed because he wanted to marryEtuta in 169 BC.[1] She was the daughter ofMonunius[2] and was married[3] toGentius himself.
The personal name Plator was very common among Illyrians, attested among the southern Illyrians,Delmatae, andPannoni; sometimes in lands north of the Delmatae it was also spelled Pletor. The name is also found in derivatives such as Platino and Platoris. Among theLiburnians the name is found as Plaetor; among theVeneti as Plaetorius.[4] Thegens namePlaetorius is also found among theRomans, and a Gaius Plaetorius was one of the threeambassadors sent to King Gentius on behalf of Rome's allies.[5]