The European pine marten's fur is usually light to dark brown. It is short and coarse in the summer, growing longer and silkier during the winter. It has a cream- to yellow-coloured "bib" marking on its throat. Its body is up to 53 cm (21 in) long, with a bushy tail of about 25 cm (9.8 in). It weighs around 1.5–1.7 kg (3.3–3.7 lb); males are slightly larger than females. It has excellent senses of sight, smell, and hearing.[4]
InEngland, the European pine marten was considered to be extinct.Analysis of a scat found atKidland Forest inNorthumberland in June 2010 may represent either a recolonisation from Scotland, or arelict population that has escaped notice previously.[7]There have been numerous reported sightings of European pine martens inCumbria; however, only in 2011, scat was found and DNA-tested,[8] followed in October 2022 by images of a European pine marten inGrizedale Forest.[9]
In July 2015, the first confirmed sighting of a European pine marten in England for over a century was recorded by an amateur photographer in the woodlands ofShropshire.[10] Sightings have continued in the area and juveniles were recorded in 2019, indicating a breeding population.[11] In July 2017, footage of a live European pine marten was captured by a camera trap in theNorth York Moors inYorkshire;[12][13] in March 2018, the first ever footage of a European pine marten in Northumberland was captured by the Back from the Brink pine marten project.[14]
The European pine marten's presence in Southern England'sNew Forest was confirmed in 2021, and they are now breeding there.[15][16] In September 2022, the first European pine marten to be seen in London in a century was spotted by theZoological Society of London's wildlife cameras as part of a hedgehog monitoring program.[17] TheKent Wildlife Trust in collaboration with theSussex Wildlife Trust announced a project in February 2024 to assess the feasibility of reintroducing European pine martens toSouth East England.[18][19]
There is a small population of the European pine marten inWales. Scat found in Cwm Rheidol forest in 2007 was confirmed by DNA testing to be from a European pine marten. A male was found in 2012 as road kill nearNewtown, Powys. This was the first confirmation in Wales of the species, living or dead, since 1971.[20] TheVincent Wildlife Trust (VWT) has begun a reinforcement of these mammals in themid-Wales area. During autumn 2015, 20 European pine martens were captured in Scotland, in areas where a healthy European pine marten population occurs, under licence fromScottish Natural Heritage. These individuals were translocated and released in an area of mid-Wales. All of the martens were fitted with radio collars and are being tracked daily to monitor their movements and find out where they have set up territories. During autumn 2016, the VWT planned to capture and release another 20 European pine martens in the hope of creating a self-sustaining population.[21] Following the success of these projects, 35 European pine martens were reintroduced between 2019 and 2021 to theForest of Dean inSouth West England where they were last seen in 1860,[22][23] with the hope that in time they will merge with the growing population in Wales to form a contiguous presence.[24] After successful breeding every year, by 2023 their numbers were estimated to be approaching 60.[25]
The European pine marten is still quite rare inIreland, but the population is recovering and spreading; its traditional strongholds are in the west and south, especiallythe Burren andKillarney National Park, but the population in the Midlands has significantly increased in recent years.[26] A study managed by academics atQueen's University Belfast, using cameras and citizen scientists, published in 2015, showed that European pine martens were distributed across allcounties of Northern Ireland.[27] Their reintroduction has been controversial.[28]
The European pine marten is the onlymustelid with semiretractable claws. This enables them to lead morearboreal lifestyles, such as climbing or running on tree branches, although they are also relatively quick runners on the ground. They are mainly active at night and dusk. They have small, rounded, highly sensitive ears and sharp teeth adapted for eating small mammals, birds, insects, frogs, andcarrion. They have also been known to eatberries, fruits, birds' eggs, nuts, and honey. The European pine marten isterritorial and marks itshome range by depositingfeces. Its scat is black and twisted.[5]
The recovery of the European pine marten in Ireland has been credited with reducing the population ofinvasive grey squirrels.[29] Where the range of the expanding European pine marten population meets that of the grey squirrel, the population of the grey squirrels quickly retreats and thered squirrel population recovers. Because the grey squirrel spends more time on the ground than the red squirrel, whichco-evolved with the pine marten, they are thought to be far more likely to come in contact with this predator.[30]
The European pine marten has lived to 18 years in captivity, but the maximum age recorded in the wild is only 11 years, with 3–4 years being more typical. They reach sexual maturity at 2–3 years of age.Copulation usually occurs on the ground and can last more than 1 hour.[31] Mating occurs in July and August but the fertilized egg does not enter the uterus for about 7 months. The young are usually born in late March or early April after a month-longgestation period that happens after the implantation of the fertilized egg, in litters of one to five.[4] Young European pine martens weigh around 30 g (1.1 oz) at birth. The young begin to emerge from their dens around 7–8 weeks after birth and are able to disperse from the den around 12–16 weeks after their birth.[citation needed]
Humans are the greatest threat to the European pine marten. They are vulnerable to conflict with humans, arising from predator control for other species, or following predation of livestock and the use of inhabited buildings for denning. Martens may also be affected by woodland loss, which results in habitat loss for the animal.[6] Persecution (illegal poisoning and shooting), loss of habitat leading to fragmentation, and other human disturbances have caused a considerable decline in the European pine marten population. In some areas, they are also prized for their very fine fur. In the UK, European pine martens and their dens are offered full protection under theWildlife and Countryside Act 1981 and theEnvironmental Protection Act 1990.[33]