Since 2019, defined as the length of the path travelled bylight in a vacuum during a time interval of 1/299,792,458 of asecond, where the second is defined by a hyperfine transition frequency ofcaesium.
Lower bound of the (possibly infinite) radius of the universe, if it is a3-sphere, according to one estimate using theWMAP data at 95% confidence[52] It equivalently implies that there are at minimum 21particle horizon-sized volumes in the universe.
According to the laws of probability, the distance one must travel until one encounters a volume of space identical to ourobservable universe with conditions identical to our own.[53]
1.6 × 10−5 quectometers (1.6 × 10−35 meters) – thePlanck length (Measures of distance shorter than this do not make physical sense, according to current theories ofphysics.)
1 qm – 1 quectometer, the smallest named subdivision of the meter in theSI base unit of length, one nonillionth of a meter.[55]
To help compare differentorders of magnitude, this section lists lengths between 10−13m and 10−12 m (100fm and 1pm).
570 fm – typical distance from the atomic nucleus of the two innermost electrons (electrons in the1s shell) in theuranium atom, the heaviest naturally-occurring atom
Comparison of sizes of semiconductor manufacturing process nodes with some microscopic objects and visible light wavelengths. At this scale, thewidth of a human hair is about 10 times that of the image.[70]
To help compare differentorders of magnitude this section listslengths between 10−8 and 10−7m (10 nm and 100 nm).
Comparison of sizes of semiconductor manufacturing process nodes with some microscopic objects and visible light wavelengths. At this scale, thewidth of a human hair is about 10 times that of the image.[78]
200 nm – typical size of aMycoplasma bacterium, among the smallest bacteria
300 nm – greatest particle size that can fit through aHEPA (high efficiency particulate air) filter (N100 removes up to 99.97% at 300 nm, N95 removes up to 95% at 300 nm)[83]
Leonardo da Vinci drew theVitruvian Man within a square of side 1.83 m (6 ft 0 in) and a circle about 1.2 m (3 ft 11 in) in radius.
To help compare differentorders of magnitude, this section lists lengths between onemeter and ten meters.Light, in vacuum, travels 1 meter in1⁄299,792,458, or 3.3356409519815E-9 of a second.
1.63 m – (5 feet 4 inches) (or 64 inches) – height of average U.S. female human as of 2002[update] (source: U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC))
1.75 m – (5 feet 8 inches) – height of average U.S. male human as of 2002[update] (source: U.S. CDC as per female above)
15 meters – approximate distance the tropical circles of latitude are moving towards the equator and the polar circles are moving towards the poles each year due to a natural, gradual decrease in the Earth's axial tilt
16 meters – length of asperm whale, the largest toothed whale
18 meters – height of aSauroposeidon, the tallest-known dinosaur
20 meters – length of aLeedsichthys, the largest-known fish to have lived
21 meters – height ofHigh Force waterfall in England
30.5 meters – length of thelion's mane jellyfish, the largest jellyfish in the world
33 meters – length of ablue whale,[127] the largest animal on earth, living or extinct, in terms of mass
39 meters – length of aSupersaurus, the longest-known dinosaur and longest vertebrate[128]
84 meters – height ofGeneral Sherman, the largest tree in the world
30 meters – diameter of1998 KY26, a rapidly spinning meteoroid
30.8568 meters – 1 femtoparsec
32 meters – approximate diameter of2008 HJ, a small meteoroid
1 hectometer
The Great Pyramid of Giza is 138.8 m (455 ft) high.Britishdriver location sign and location marker post on theM27 inHampshire. The location marker posts are installed at 100-meter intervals.[130]
A length of100 kilometers (about 62 miles), as a rough amount, is relatively common in measurements on Earth and for some astronomical objects.It is the altitude at which theFAI definesspaceflight to begin.
Small planets, theMoon anddwarf planets in the Solar System have diameters from one to ten million meters. Top row:Mars (left),Mercury (right); bottom row:Moon (left),Pluto (center), andHaumea (right), to scale.
Planets from Venus up to Uranus have diameters from ten to one hundred million meters. Top row:Uranus (left),Neptune (right); middle row:Earth (left),Sirius B (center), andVenus (right), to scale.
TheEarth-Moon orbit,Saturn,OGLE-TR-122b,Jupiter, andother objects, to scale. Click on image for detailed view and links to other length scales.Scale model at megameters of the main Solar System bodies
Thegigametre (SI symbol:Gm) is aunit oflength in themetric system equal to1000000000meters (109 m). To help compare different distances this section lists lengths starting at 109meters (1 gigameter (Gm) or 1 billionmeters).
5.0 Gm – closest approach ofComet Halley to Earth, happened on 10 April 837
5.0 Gm –(proposed) Size of the arms of the giant triangle shaped Michelson interferometer of theLaser Interferometer Space Antenna (LISA) planned to start observations sometime in the 2030s.
7.9 Gm – diameter ofGamma Orionis, a blue dwarf or blue giant
Rigel and Aldebaran (top left and right) compared to smaller stars, the Sun (very small dot in lower middle, with orbit of Mercury as yellow ellipse) and transparent sphere with radius of one light-minute
35 Gm – approximate diameter ofArcturus, a close red giant star.[177] It is on thered giant branch, fusing hydrogen into helium in a shell surrounding an inert helium core.[176]
From largest to smallest: Jupiter's orbit, red supergiant star Betelgeuse, Mars' orbit, Earth's orbit, star R Doradus, and orbits of Venus, Mercury. Inside R Doradus's depiction are the blue supergiant star Rigel and red giant star Aldebaran. The faint yellow glow around the Sun represents one light-minute. Click image to see more details and links to their scales.
965 Gm (6.4 au) – maximum distance between the Earth and Jupiter
1 terameter
Eight things in the terameter groupComparison of size of the Kuiper belt (large faint torus) with the star VY Canis Majoris (within Saturn's orbit), Betelgeuse (inside Jupiter's orbit) and R Doradus (small central red sphere) together with the orbits of Neptune and Uranus, to scale. The yellow ellipses represent the orbits of each planet and the dwarf planet Pluto.
1.114 Tm – 7.5 au – diameter ofWOH G64, a star in theLarge Magellanic Cloud, which recently transformed from a red hypergiant to a yellow hypergiant[187]
1.4 Tm – 9.5 au – average distance betweenSaturn and theSun
7.5 Tm – 50.1 au – outer boundary of theKuiper Belt
10 terameters
Sedna's orbit (left) is longer than 100 Tm, but other lengths are between 10 and 100 Tm:Comet Hale-Bopp's orbit (lower, faint orange); onelight-day (yellow spherical shell with yellow Vernal point arrow as radius); the heliosphere'stermination shock (blue shell); and other arrows show positions ofVoyager 1 (red) andPioneer 10 (green). Click on image for larger view and links to other scales.
Largest circle with yellow arrow indicates onelight-year fromSun;Cat's Eye Nebula on left andBarnard 68 in middle are depicted in front ofComet 1910 A1's orbit. Click image for larger view, details and links to other scales.
7.5 Pm – 50,000 AU – possible outer boundary ofOort cloud (other estimates are 75,000 to 125,000 or even 189,000AU (1.18, 2, and 3light-years, respectively))
9.5 Pm – 63,241.1 AU – onelight-year, the distance light travels in one year
Objects with size order of magnitude 1e16m: Ten light-years (94.6Pm) radius circle with yellow Vernal Point arrow; Bubble Nebula (NGC 7635), left; Dumbbell Nebula (NGC 6853), right; one light-year shell lower right with the smaller Cat's Eye Nebula (NGC_6543) and Barnard 68 adjacent.1e16m lengths: Ten light-years (94.6Pm) yellow shell; Sirius below right; BL Ceti below left; Proxima and Alpha Centauri upper right; light-year shell with Comet 1910 A1's orbit inside top right
To help compare different distances this section lists lengths starting at 1016m (10Pm or 66,800AU, 1.06light-years).
Lengths with order of magnitude 1e17m: yellow Vernal Point arrow traces hundred light-year radius circle with smaller ten light-year circle at right; globular cluster Messier 5 in background; 12 light-year radius Orion Nebula middle right; 50-light-year-wide view of the Carina Nebula bottom left; Pleiades cluster and Bubble nebula with similar diameters each around 10 light-years bottom right; grey arrows show distances from Sun to stars Aldebaran (65 light-years) and Vega (25 light-years)
To help compare differentdistances this section lists lengths between 1017m (100Pm or 11light-years) and 1018 m (106 light-years).
260 Pm – 27 light-years – Distance toChara, a star approximately as bright as the Sun. Its faintness gives an idea how theSun would appear when viewed from this distance.
Lengths with order of magnitude 1e18m: thousand light-year radius circle with yellow arrow and 100 light-year circle at right with globular cluster Messier 5 within and Carina Nebula in front; globular cluster Omega Centauri to left of both; part of the 1,400-light-year-wide Tarantula Nebula fills the background
Theexametre (SI symbol:Em) is aunit oflength in themetric system equal to 1018meters. To help compare differentdistances this section lists lengths between 1018m (1 Em or 105.7light-years) and 1019 m (10 Em or 1,057 light-years).
The universe within one billion light-years of Earth
To help compare differentorders of magnitude, this section listsdistances starting at 10Ym (1025m or 1.1 billionlight-years). At this scale, expansion of theuniverse becomes significant. Distance of these objects are derived from their measuredredshifts, which depends on thecosmological models used.
13 Ym – 1.37 billion light-years – length of theSouth Pole Wall
13 Ym – 1.38 billion light-years – length of theSloan Great Wall
To help compare differentorders of magnitude, this section listsdistances starting at 100Ym (1026m or 11 billionlight-years). At this scale, expansion of theuniverse becomes significant. Distance of these objects are derived from their measuredredshifts, which depend on thecosmological models used.
260 Ym – 27.4 billion light-years – diameter of the observable universe (double LTD)
440 Ym – 46 billion light-years – radius of the universe measured as acomoving distance
590 Ym – 62 billion light-years – cosmologicalevent horizon: the largest comoving distance from which light will ever reach us (the observer) at any time in the future
886.48 Ym – 93.7 billion light-years – the diameter of theobservable universe (twice theparticle horizon); however, there might be unobserved distances that are even greater.
To help compare differentorders of magnitude, this section listsdistances starting at 1 Rm (1027m or 105.7 billionlight-years). At this scale, expansion of theuniverse becomes significant. Distance of these objects are derived from their measuredredshifts, which depend on thecosmological models used.
>1 Rm – >105.7 billion light-years – size of universe beyond thecosmic light horizon, depending on its curvature; if the curvature is zero (i.e. the universe is spatially flat), the value can beinfinite (seeShape of the universe) as previously mentioned.
2.764 Rm - 292.2 billion light-years – circumference of the observable universe, as it is in the shape of a sphere.
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