Depiction of the "Susian guards" from thePalace of Darius in Susa. Their garments match the description of the Immortals by ancient authors.[1]
Immortals (Greek:ἈθάνατοιAthánatoi), orPersian Immortals, was the name given by the Greek historianHerodotus to a 10,000-strong unit ofelite heavy infantry in theAchaemenid army. They served in a dual capacity, operating as animperial guard and contributing to the ranks of thestanding army. The force mainly consisted ofPersians, along withMedes andElamites. Essential questions regarding the unit's history and organization remain unanswered due to the lack of authoritative sources.[2]
Herodotus describes the Immortals asheavy infantry led by the Persian military commanderHydarnes the Younger; they provided the professional corps of the Achaemenid army and numbered exactly 10,000 men. He stated that the unit's name stemmed from the fact that every dead, seriously wounded, or sick Immortal was immediately replaced with a new one, maintaining the corps as a cohesive entity with a constant strength.[3]
Xenophon (Cyropaedia 6.4.1; 7.1.2) describes the guard ofCyrus the Great as having bronze breastplates and helmets, while their horses worechamfrons and peitrels of bronze together with shoulder pieces that also protected the rider's thighs. Herodotus instead describes their armament as follows: wicker shields covered in leather, short spears, quivers, swords or large daggers,slings, and bows and arrows. They wore coats ofscale armour. The spear counterbalances of the common soldiery were of silver; to differentiate commanding ranks, the officers' spear butt-spikes were of gold.[3] The regiment was followed by a caravan of covered carriages, camels, and mules that transported their supplies, along withconcubines and attendants to serve them; this supply train carried special food that was reserved only for their consumption.[4][5]
The headdress worn by the Immortals is believed to have been a conical or rounded metal on top and scale or chains on the sides, resembling a ridge helmet orPhrygian cap; surviving Achaemenid coloured glazed bricks and carved reliefs represent the Immortals as wearing elaborate robes, hoop earrings, and gold jewellery, although these garments and accessories were most likely worn only for ceremonial occasions.[6]
The Persian denomination of the unit is uncertain.[7] This elite force is only referred to as the "Immortals" in sources based on Herodotus. There is evidence from Persian sources of the existence of a permanent corps, which provided a backbone for the tribal levies (raised bysatraps) who, together with increasing numbers of mercenaries, made up the bulk of the Achaemenid army.[8] However these do not record the name of "Immortals"; it is suggested that Herodotus' informant confused the wordanûšiya- (lit.'companion') withanauša- (lit.'immortal'),[3] but this theory has been criticized by German linguistRüdiger Schmitt.[2]
AMedian (left) and aPersian (right), both in army ceremonial dress, depicted in ancient carvings atPersepolis. Some scholars speculate that these warriors represent the Immortals.
The first recurrence of the word "Immortals" is inRoman historians' description ofan elite cavalry unit in thearmy of theSasanian Empire. Primary sources suggest that they numbered around 10,000 men in accordance with tradition, with the main formational difference being that they wereheavy cavalry. However, recent scholarship has doubted the Roman description of the force, including their name, their size, and that they were modeled on the Achaemenid Immortals, although there may have been one or more of such distinct elite cavalry units during the Sasanian period. Their task was mainly to secure any breakthroughs and to enter battles at crucial stages.[7]
Herodotus' account of two warrior elites—thehoplites ofSparta and the Immortals ofPersia—facing each other in battle has inspired a set of fanciful depictions of the battle, especially with regard to the Immortals:
In the 1962 filmThe 300 Spartans, the Immortals carry a spear and wicker shields like the actual Immortals. However, they are mostly dressed in black and other dark colors in contrast to historical depictions.[11]
Thesecond season of the showDeadliest Warrior featured the Persian Immortals in a simulated match-up against Celtic warriors. The Immortals were found to be victorious.
In the video gamePrince of Persia: The Lost Crown, the protagonist Sargon is part of an elite group called The Immortals, who in the game serve as soldiers in the Persian army as well as bodyguards to the royal family, including the titular prince.[citation needed]