Inphysics, aperfect fluid orideal fluid is afluid that can be completely characterized by its rest framemass density andisotropicpressure.[1] Real fluids are viscous ("sticky") and contain (and conduct) heat. Perfect fluids are idealized models in which these possibilities are ignored. Specifically, perfect fluids have noshear stresses,viscosity, orheat conduction.[1] Aquark–gluon plasma[2]andgraphene are examples of nearly perfect fluids that could be studied in a laboratory.[3]
Perfect fluids are used ingeneral relativity to model idealized distributions ofmatter, such as the interior of a star or an isotropic universe. In the latter case, the symmetry of the cosmological principle and theequation of state of the perfect fluid lead toFriedmann equation for theexpansion of the universe.[4]
A flock of birds in the medium of air is an example of a perfect fluid without relativistic symmetry; an electron gas in a solid with possible electron-phonon coupling is also modeled as a perfect fluid.[1]
Inclassical mechanics, ideal fluids are described byEuler equations. Ideal fluids produce nodrag according tod'Alembert's paradox. If a fluid produced drag, then work would be needed to move an object through the fluid and that work would produce heat or fluid motion. However, a perfect fluid can not dissipate energy and it can't transmit energy infinitely far from the object.[5]: 34
In space-positivemetric signature tensor notation, thestress–energy tensor of a perfect fluid can be written in the form
whereU is the4-velocityvector field of the fluid and where is the metric tensor ofMinkowski spacetime.
In time-positivemetric signature tensor notation, thestress–energy tensor of a perfect fluid can be written in the form
where is the 4-velocity of the fluid and where is the metric tensor ofMinkowski spacetime.
This takes on a particularly simple form in the rest frame
where is theenergy density and is thepressure of the fluid.
Perfect fluids admit aLagrangian formulation, which allows the techniques used infield theory, in particular,quantization, to be applied to fluids.