Inhistoriography, thePax Ottomana (literally "the Ottoman Peace") orPax Ottomanica[1][2] is a term used to describe the economic and social stability attained in the conquered provinces of theOttoman Empire at the height of its power during the 16th and 17th centuries, applied to lands in theBalkans,Anatolia, theMiddle East,North Africa, theCaucasus, and westernIran.[citation needed]
The term is preferred in particular by historians and writers who hold a positive view of Ottoman rule to underline the positive impact of Ottoman rule on the conquered regions. They compare it favourably with theinstability experienced before the Ottoman founding and conquests, as well as with the period afterWorld War I, when onlyAsia Minor andEastern Thrace remained underTurkish rule and the Ottoman Empire was officiallydissolved.[citation needed]
The term is derived by analogy from the more commonPax Romana, "the Roman Peace,” and is sometimes used by those whoconsider the Ottoman Empire to be a continuation of theByzantine Empire.
FromSelim's conquest until the early eighteenth century, which marked the beginning of British and French domination of the Mediterranean Sea routes, the region witnessed what Rhoads Murphey [an Ottoman Studies professor] has described as thepax Ottomanica.