This article is about the cycle of days before and after Easter in Eastern Orthodoxy. For the cycle of days before and after Easter in Western Christianity, seeEaster cycle.
ThePaschal cycle, inEastern Orthodox Christianity, is the cycle of themoveable feasts built aroundPascha (Easter).[a] The cycle consists of approximately ten weeks before and seven weeks after Pascha. The ten weeks before Pascha are known as the period of theTriodion, referring to theliturgical book that contains the services for this liturgical season. This period includes the three weeks precedingGreat Lent, the "pre-Lenten period", the forty days of Lent, andHoly Week. The 50 days following Pascha are called thePentecostarion, also named after the liturgical book.
The Sunday of each week has a special commemoration, named for theGospel reading assigned to that day. Certain other weekdays have special commemorations of their own. The entire cycle revolves around Pascha. The weeks before Pascha end on Sunday, i.e., the Week of the Prodigal Son begins on the Monday that follows the Publican and the Pharisee. This is because everything in the Lenten period is anticipatory of Pascha. Starting on Pascha, the weeks again begin on Sunday, i.e., Thomas Week begins on the Sunday of St. Thomas.
While the Pentecostarion closes after All Saints Sunday, the Paschal cycle continues throughout the year, until the beginning of the next Pre-Lenten period. TheTone of the Week, theEpistle andGospel readings at theDivine Liturgy, and the 11Matins Gospels with their accompanying hymns are dependent on it.
TheProdigal Son: 9th Sunday before Pascha (63 days)
TheLast Judgment; also,Meat-Fare Sunday (the last day meat may be eaten): 8th Sunday before Pascha (56 days)
Sunday of Forgiveness; also,Cheese-Fare Sunday (the last day dairy products may be consumed — during Great Lent fish, wine, and olive oil will be allowed only on certain days): 7th Sunday before Pascha (49 days)
TheResurrection of Jesus Christ: very late Saturday night (with theprocession starting at midnight)
AgapeVespers: Proclamation of theGospel to all the ends of the Earth, symbolized by the reading of the Gospel in various languages from the four corners of the Church building (Sunday afternoon)