Partalopa saga (orPartalópa saga) is a medieval Icelandicromance saga deriving from the medieval FrenchPartenopeus de Blois.
Kalinke and Mitchell summarise the saga thus:
Presumably either a thirteenth-century translation from a lost version of the FrenchPartenopeus de Blois, or an Icelandic reworking of a lost Norwegian translation. Partalopi, son of King Hlöðvir of Frakkland, is transported to Miklagarð where he becomes the lover of Marmoria, a maiden king, who remains invisible to Partalopi, while he remains invisible to her courtiers. Marmoria warns Partalopi that any attempt to see her will result in his death. Partalopi disobeys, but is saved by Marmoria's sister. After a succession of adventures, the lovers become reconciled, marry, and rule jointly.[1]
Kalinke and Mitchell identified the following manuscripts of the saga:[1]