The termpanpsychism comes from theGreekpan (πᾶν: "all, everything, whole") andpsyche (ψυχή: "soul,mind").[7]: 1 The use of "psyche" is controversial because it is synonymous with "soul", a term usually taken to refer to something supernatural; more common terms now found in the literature includemind,mental properties, mental aspect, andexperience.
Panpsychism holds that mind or a mind-like aspect is a fundamental and ubiquitous feature of reality.[1] It is sometimes defined as a theory in which "the mind is a fundamental feature of the world which exists throughout the universe".[2] Panpsychists posit that the type of mentality we know through our own experience is present, in some form, in a wide range of natural bodies.[7] This notion has taken on a wide variety of forms. Some historical and non-Western panpsychists ascribe attributes such as life or spirits to all entities (animism).[8] Contemporary academic proponents, however, hold thatsentience orsubjective experience is ubiquitous, while distinguishing these qualities from more complex human mental attributes.[8] They therefore ascribe a primitive form of mentality to entities at the fundamental level of physics but may not ascribe mentality to most aggregate things, such as rocks or buildings.[1][9][10]
The philosopherDavid Chalmers, who has explored panpsychism as a viable theory, distinguishes between microphenomenal experiences (the experiences ofmicrophysical entities) and macrophenomenal experiences (the experiences of larger entities, such as humans).[11]
Philip Goff draws a distinction betweenpanexperientialism andpancognitivism. In the form of panpsychism under discussion in the contemporary literature, conscious experience is present everywhere at a fundamental level, hence the termpanexperientialism. Pancognitivism, by contrast, is the view that thought is present everywhere at a fundamental level—a view that had some historical advocates, but no present-day academic adherents. Contemporary panpsychists do not believe microphysical entities have complex mental states such as beliefs, desires, and fears.[1]
Originally, the termpanexperientialism had a narrower meaning, having been coined byDavid Ray Griffin to refer specifically to the form of panpsychism used inprocess philosophy (see below).[8]
Twoiwakura – a rock where akami or spirit is said to reside in the religion ofShinto
Panpsychist views are a staple inpre-SocraticGreek philosophy.[4] According toAristotle,Thales (c. 624 – 545 BCE), the first Greek philosopher, posited a theory which held "that everything is full of gods".[12] Thales believed that magnets demonstrated this. This has been interpreted as a panpsychist doctrine.[4] Other Greek thinkers associated with panpsychism includeAnaxagoras (who saw the unifying principle orarche asnous or mind),Anaximenes (who saw thearche aspneuma or spirit) andHeraclitus (who said "The thinking faculty is common to all").[8]
Plato argues for panpsychism in hisSophist, in which he writes that all things participate in theform of Being and that it must have a psychic aspect of mind and soul (psyche).[8] In thePhilebus andTimaeus, Plato argues for the idea of a world soul oranima mundi. According to Plato:
This world is indeed a living being endowed with a soul and intelligence ... a single visible living entity containing all other living entities, which by their nature are all related.[13]
Stoicism developed a cosmology that held that the natural world is infused with the divine fiery essencepneuma, directed by the universal intelligencelogos. The relationship between beings' individuallogos and the universallogos was a central concern of the Roman StoicMarcus Aurelius. Themetaphysics of Stoicism finds connections withHellenistic philosophies such asNeoplatonism.Gnosticism also made use of the Platonic idea ofanima mundi.
Illustration of the Cosmic order by Robert Fludd, where the World soul is depicted as a woman
After Emperor Justinian closedPlato's Academy in 529 CE,neoplatonism declined. Though there were mediaeval theologians, such asJohn Scotus Eriugena, who ventured into what might be called panpsychism, it was not a dominant strain in philosophical theology. But in theItalian Renaissance, it enjoyed something of a revival in the thought of figures such asGerolamo Cardano,Bernardino Telesio,Francesco Patrizi,Giordano Bruno, andTommaso Campanella. Cardano argued for the view that soul oranima was a fundamental part of the world, and Patrizi introduced the termpanpsychism into philosophical vocabulary. According to Bruno, "There is nothing that does not possess a soul and that has no vital principle".[8] Platonist ideas resembling theanima mundi (world soul) also resurfaced in the work ofesoteric thinkers such asParacelsus,Robert Fludd, andCornelius Agrippa.
In the 17th century, tworationalists,Baruch Spinoza andGottfried Leibniz, can be said to be panpsychists.[4] In Spinoza's monism, the one single infinite and eternal substance is "God, or Nature" (Deus sive Natura), which has the aspects of mind (thought) and matter (extension). Leibniz's view is that there are infinitely many absolutely simple mental substances calledmonads that make up the universe's fundamental structure. While it has been said thatGeorge Berkeley'sidealist philosophy is also a form of panpsychism,[4] Berkeley rejected panpsychism and posited that the physical world exists only in the experiences minds have of it, while restricting minds to humans and certain other specific agents.[14]
Arthur Schopenhauer argued for a two-sided view of reality as bothWill and Representation (Vorstellung). According to Schopenhauer, "All ostensible mind can be attributed to matter, but all matter can likewise be attributed to mind".[citation needed]
Josiah Royce, the leading American absolute idealist, held that reality is a "world self", a conscious being that comprises everything, though he didn't necessarily attribute mental properties to the smallest constituents of mentalistic "systems". The Americanpragmatist philosopherCharles Sanders Peirce espoused a sort of psycho-physicalmonism in which the universe is suffused with mind, which he associated with spontaneity and freedom. Following Pierce,William James also espoused a form of panpsychism.[16] In his lecture notes, James wrote:
Our only intelligible notion of an objectin itself is that it should be an objectfor itself, and this lands us in panpsychism and a belief that our physical perceptions are effects on us of 'psychical' realities[8]
English philosopherAlfred Barratt, the author ofPhysical Metempiric (1883), has been described as advocating panpsychism.[17][18]
In 1893,Paul Carus proposed a philosophy similar to panpsychism, "panbiotism", according to which "everything is fraught with life; it contains life; it has the ability to live".[19]: 149 [20]
One widespread misconception is that the arguably greatest systematic metaphysician of the 20th century,Alfred North Whitehead, was also panpsychism's most significant 20th century proponent.[4] This misreading attributes to Whitehead anontology according to which the basic nature of the world is made up ofatomic mental events, termed "actual occasions".[4][8] But rather than signifying such exotic metaphysical objects—which would in fact exemplify thefallacy of misplaced concreteness Whitehead criticizes—Whitehead's concept of "actual occasion" refers to the "immediate experienced occasion" of any possible perceiver, having in mind only himself as perceiver at the outset, in accordance with his strong commitment toradical empiricism.[25]
Panpsychism has recently seen a resurgence in thephilosophy of mind, set into motion byThomas Nagel's 1979 article "Panpsychism"[26] and further spurred byGalen Strawson's 2006realistic monist article "Realistic Monism: Why Physicalism Entails Panpsychism".[27][28][29] Other recent proponents include American philosophersDavid Ray Griffin[1] and David Skrbina,[4][19] British philosophers Gregg Rosenberg,[1]Timothy Sprigge,[1] andPhilip Goff,[5][30] and Canadian philosopherWilliam Seager.[31] The British philosopherDavid Papineau, while distancing himself from orthodox panpsychists, has written that his view is "not unlike panpsychism" in that he rejects a line in nature between "events lit up by phenomenology [and] those that are mere darkness".[32][33]
Theintegrated information theory of consciousness (IIT), proposed by the neuroscientist and psychiatristGiulio Tononi in 2004 and since adopted by other neuroscientists such asChristof Koch, postulates that consciousness is widespread and can be found even in some simple systems.[34]
In 2019,cognitive scientist Donald Hoffman publishedThe Case Against Reality: How evolution hid the truth from our eyes. Hoffman argues thatconsensus reality lacks concrete existence, and is nothing more than an evolveduser-interface. He argues that the true nature of reality is abstract "conscious agents".[35] Science editorAnnaka Harris argues that panpsychism is a viable theory in her 2019 bookConscious, though she stops short of fully endorsing it.[36][37]
Panpsychism has been postulated by psychoanalystRobin S. Brown as a means to theorizing relations between "inner" and "outer" tropes in the context of psychotherapy.[38] Panpsychism has also been applied in environmental philosophy by Australian philosopherFreya Mathews,[39] who has put forward the notion ofontopoetics as a version of panpsychism.[40]
The geneticistSewall Wright endorsed a version of panpsychism. He believed that consciousness is not a mysterious property emerging at a certain level of the hierarchy of increasing material complexity, but rather an inherent property, implying the most elementary particles have these properties.[41]
Cosmopsychism hypothesizes that the cosmos is aunified object that is ontologically prior to its parts. It has been described as an alternative to panpsychism,[42] or as a form of panpsychism.[43] Proponents of cosmopsychism claim that the cosmos as a whole is the fundamental level of reality and that it instantiates consciousness. They differ on that point from panpsychists, who usually claim that the smallest level of reality is fundamental and instantiates consciousness. Accordingly, human consciousness, for example, merely derives from a larger cosmic consciousness.
Panexperientialism is associated with the philosophies of, among others,Charles Hartshorne andAlfred North Whitehead, although the term itself was invented byDavid Ray Griffin to distinguish theprocess philosophical view from other varieties of panpsychism.[8] Whitehead'sprocess philosophy argues that the fundamental elements of the universe are "occasions of experience", which can together create something as complex as a human being.[4] Building on Whitehead's work, process philosopherMichel Weber argues for a pancreativism.[44] Goff has used the termpanexperientialism more generally to refer to forms of panpsychism in which experience rather than thought is ubiquitous.[1]
Panprotopsychists believe that higher-order phenomenal properties (such asqualia) arelogically entailed by protophenomenal properties, at least in principle. This is similar to how facts about H2O molecules logically entail facts about water: the lower-level facts are sufficient to explain the higher-order facts, since the former logically entail the latter. It also makes sense of questions about the unity of consciousness relating to the diversity of phenomenal experiences and the deflation of the self.[45] Adherents of panprotopsychism believe that "protophenomenal" facts logically entail consciousness. Protophenomenal properties are usually picked out through a combination of functional and negative definitions: panphenomenal properties are those that logically entail phenomenal properties (a functional definition), which are themselves neither physical nor phenomenal (a negative definition).[46]
Panprotopsychism is advertised as a solution to thecombination problem: the problem of explaining how the consciousness of microscopic physical things might combine to give rise to the macroscopic consciousness of the whole brain. Because protophenomenal properties are by definition the constituent parts of consciousness, it is speculated that their existence would make the emergence of macroscopic minds less mysterious.[9] The philosopherDavid Chalmers argues that the view faces difficulty with the combination problem. He considers it "ad hoc", and believes it diminishes the parsimony that made the theory initially interesting.[47]
Russellian monism is a type ofneutral monism.[47][48] The theory is attributed toBertrand Russell, and may also be calledRussell's panpsychism, orRussell's neutral monism.[9][47] Russell believed that allcausal properties areextrinsic manifestations of identicalintrinsic properties. Russell called these identical internal propertiesquiddities. Just as the extrinsic properties of matter can form higher-order structure, so can their corresponding and identical quiddities. Russell believed the conscious mind was one such structure.[49][9]
Animism maintains that all things have a soul, and hylozoism maintains that all things are alive.[8] Both could reasonably be interpreted as panpsychist, but both have fallen out of favour in contemporary academia.[8] Modern panpsychists have tried to distance themselves from theories of this sort, careful to carve out the distinction between the ubiquity of experience and the ubiquity of mind and cognition.[1][11]
Between 1840 and 1864, the Austrian mysticJakob Lorber claimed to have received a 26-volume revelation. Various books of the Lorber Revelations say that specifica, closely resembling Leibniz'smonads, form the most basic, irreducible substance of all physical and metaphysical creation.[52][53][54][55][56] According to the Lorber Revelations, specifica grow in complexity and intelligence to form ever higher level clusters of intelligence until a fully intelligent human soul is reached.[57] In this scenario panpsychism andmetempsychosis are used to overcome thecombination problem.
In the art of theJapanese rock garden, the artist must be aware of the "ishigokoro" ('heart', or 'mind') of the rocks.[58]
Buddha-nature is an important and multifaceted doctrine inMahayana Buddhism that is related to the capacity to attainBuddhahood.[59][60] In numerous Indian sources, the idea is connected to the mind, especially the Buddhist concept of theluminous mind.[61] In some Buddhist traditions, the Buddha-nature doctrine may be interpreted as implying a form of panpsychism. Graham Parks argues that most "traditional Chinese, Japanese and Korean philosophy would qualify as panpsychist in nature".[58]
TheHuayan,Tiantai, andTendai schools of Buddhism explicitly attribute Buddha-nature to inanimate objects such as lotus flowers and mountains.[7]: 39 This idea was defended by figures such as the Tiantai patriarchZhanran, who spoke of the Buddha-nature of grasses and trees.[58][62] Similarly,Soto Zen masterDogen argued that "insentient beings expound" the teachings of the Buddha, and wrote about the "mind" (心,shin) of "fences, walls, tiles, and pebbles". The 9th-centuryShingon figureKukai went so far as to argue that natural objects such as rocks and stones are part of the supreme embodiment of the Buddha. According to Parks, Buddha-nature is best described "in western terms" as something "psychophysical".[58]
It is a natural and near-universal assumption that the world has the properties and causal structures that we perceive it to have; to paraphrase Einstein's famous remark, we naturally assume that the moon is there whether anyone looks or not. Both theoretical and empirical considerations, however, increasingly indicate that this is not correct.
— Donald Hoffman, Conscious agent networks: Formal analysis and applications to cognition
Conscious realism is a theory proposed byDonald Hoffman, a cognitive scientist specialising in perception. He has written numerous papers on the topic[63] which he summarised in his 2019 bookThe Case Against Reality: How evolution hid the truth from our eyes.[35] Conscious realism builds upon Hoffman's formerUser-Interface Theory. In combination they argue that (1)consensus reality and spacetime are illusory, and are merely a "species specific evolved user interface"; (2) Reality is made of a complex, dimensionless, and timeless network of "conscious agents".[64]
The consensus view is that perception is a reconstruction of one's environment. Hoffman views perception as a construction rather than a reconstruction. He argues that perceptual systems are analogous to information channels, and thus subject todata compression and reconstruction. The set of possible reconstructions for any given data set is quite large. Of that set, the subset that ishomomorphic in relation to the original is minuscule, and does not necessarily—or, seemingly, even often—overlap with the subset that is efficient or easiest to use.
For example, consider a graph, such as a pie chart. A pie chart is easy to understand and use not because it is perfectly homomorphic with the data it represents, but because it isn't. If a graph of, for example, the chemical composition of the human body were to look exactly like a human body, then we could not understand it. It is only because the graph abstracts away from the structure of its subject matter that it can be visualized. Alternatively, consider a graphical user interface on a computer. The reason graphical user interfaces are useful is that they abstract away from lower-level computational processes, such as machine code, or the physical state of a circuit-board. In general, it seems that data is most useful to us when it is abstracted from its original structure and repackaged in a way that is easier to understand, even if this comes at the cost of accuracy. Hoffman offers the "fitness beats truth theorem"[65] as mathematical proof that perceptions of reality bear little resemblance to reality's true nature.[66] From this he concludes that our senses do not faithfully represent the external world.
Even if reality is an illusion, Hoffman takes consciousness as an indisputable fact. He represents rudimentary units of consciousness (which he calls "conscious agents") asMarkovian kernels. Though the theory was not initially panpsychist, he reports that he and his colleague Chetan Prakash found the math to be moreparsimonious if it were.[67] They hypothesize that reality is composed of these conscious agents, who interact to form "larger, more complex" networks.[68][35]
Axioms and postulates of integrated information theory
Giulio Tononi first articulated Integrated information theory (IIT) in 2004,[69] and it has undergone two major revisions since then.[70][71] Tononi approaches consciousness from a scientific perspective, and has expressed frustration with philosophical theories of consciousness for lackingpredictive power.[34] Though integral to his theory, he refrains from philosophical terminology such asqualia or theunity of consciousness, instead opting for mathematically precise alternatives likeentropy function andinformation integration.[69] This has allowed Tononi to create a measurement for integrated information, which he callsphi (Φ). He believes consciousness is nothing but integrated information, so Φ measures consciousness.[72] As it turns out, even basic objects or substances have a nonzero degree of Φ. This would mean that consciousness is ubiquitous, albeit to a minimal degree.[73]
The philosopher Hedda Hassel Mørch's views IIT as similar toRussellian monism,[74] while other philosophers, such as Chalmers andJohn Searle, consider it a form of panpsychism.[75][76] IIT does not hold that all systems are conscious, leading Tononi and Koch to state that IIT incorporates some elements of panpsychism but not others.[34] Koch has called IIT a "scientifically refined version" of panpsychism.[77]
A diagram depicting four positions on themind-body problem. Versions of panpsychism have been likened to each of these positions as well as contrasted to them.
Because panpsychism encompasses a wide range of theories, it can in principle be compatible withreductive materialism,dualism,functionalism, or other perspectives depending on the details of a given formulation.[8]
David Chalmers and Philip Goff have each described panpsychism as an alternative to bothmaterialism and dualism.[9][5] Chalmers says panpsychism respects the conclusions of both the causal argument against dualism and theconceivability argument for dualism.[9] Goff has argued that panpsychism avoids the disunity of dualism, under which mind and matter areontologically separate, as well as dualism's problems explaining how mind and matter interact.[1] By contrast, Uwe Meixner argues that panpsychism has dualist forms, which he contrasts toidealist forms.[78]
Panpsychism is incompatible with emergentism.[8] In general, theories of consciousness fall under one or the other umbrella; they hold either that consciousness is present at a fundamental level of reality (panpsychism) or that it emerges higher up (emergentism).[8]
There is disagreement over whether idealism is a form of panpsychism or a separate view. Both views hold that everything that exists has some form of experience.[citation needed] According to the philosophers William Seager and Sean Allen-Hermanson, "idealists are panpsychists by default".[14]Charles Hartshorne contrasted panpsychism and idealism, saying that while idealists rejected the existence of the world observed with the senses or understood it as ideas within the mind of God, panpsychists accepted the reality of the world but saw it as composed of minds.[79] Chalmers also contrasts panpsychism with idealism (as well asmaterialism anddualism).[80] Meixner writes that formulations of panpsychism can be divided into dualist and idealist versions.[78] He further divides the latter into "atomistic idealistic panpsychism", which he ascribes toDavid Hume, and "holistic idealistic panpsychism", which he favors.[78]
Neutral monism rejects the dichotomy of mind and matter, instead taking a third substance as fundamental that is neither mental nor physical. Proposals for the nature of the third substance have varied, with some theorists choosing to leave it undefined. This has led to a variety of formulations of neutral monism, which may overlap with other philosophies. In versions of neutral monism in which the world's fundamental constituents are neither mental nor physical, it is quite distinct from panpsychism. In versions where the fundamental constituents are both mental and physical, neutral monism may lead to panpsychism, panprotopsychism, ordual aspect theory.[81]
InThe Conscious Mind, David Chalmers writes that, in some instances, the differences between "Russell's neutral monism" and hisproperty dualism are merely semantic.[47] Philip Goff believes that neutral monism can reasonably be regarded as a form of panpsychism "in so far as it is a dual aspect view".[1] Neutral monism, panpsychism, and dual aspect theory are grouped together or used interchangeably in some contexts.[47][82][6]
Chalmers calls panpsychism an alternative to both materialism and dualism.[9] Similarly, Goff calls panpsychism an alternative to both physicalism andsubstance dualism.[5] Strawson, on the other hand, describes panpsychism as a form of physicalism, in his view the only viable form.[29] Panpsychism can be combined withreductive materialism but cannot be combined witheliminative materialism because the latter denies the existence of the relevant mental attributes.[8]
But what consciousness is, we know not; and how it is that anything so remarkable as a state of consciousness comes about as the result of irritating nervous tissue, is just as unaccountable as the appearance of the Djin when Aladdin rubbed his lamp in the story, or as any other ultimate fact of nature.
It evidently feels like something to be a human brain.[83] This means that when things in the world are organised in a particular way, they begin to have an experience. The questions ofwhy andhow this material structure has experience, and why it hasthat particular experience rather than another experience, are known as thehard problem of consciousness.[6] The term is attributed to Chalmers. He argues that even after "all the perceptual and cognitive functions within the vicinity of consciousness" are accounted for, "there may still remain a further unanswered question:Why is the performance of these functions accompanied by experience?"[84]
Brian Jonathan Garrett has compared the hard problem tovitalism, the now discredited hypothesis that life is inexplicable and can only be understood if some vital life force exists. He maintains that given time, consciousness and its evolutionary origins will be understood just as life is now understood.[95] Daniel Dennett called the hard problem a "hunch", and maintained that conscious experience, as it is usually understood, is merely a complex cognitiveillusion.[96][97]Patricia Churchland, also aneliminative materialist, maintains that philosophers ought to be more patient: neuroscience is still in its early stages, so Chalmers's hard problem is premature. Clarity will come from learning more about the brain, not from metaphysical speculation.[98][99]
InThe Conscious Mind (1996), Chalmers attempts to pinpoint why the hard problem is so hard. He concludes that consciousness isirreducible to lower-level physical facts, just as the fundamental laws of physics are irreducible to lower-level physical facts. Therefore, consciousness should be taken as fundamental in its own right and studied as such. Just as fundamental properties of reality are ubiquitous (even small objects have mass), consciousness may also be, though he considers that an open question.[47]
InMortal Questions (1979),Thomas Nagel argues that panpsychism follows from four premises:[1][28]: 181
P1: There is no spiritual plane or disembodied soul; everything that exists ismaterial.
P2: Consciousness is irreducible to lower-level physical properties.
P3: Consciousness exists.
P4: Higher-order properties of matter (i.e., emergent properties) can, at least in principle, be reduced to their lower-level properties.
Before the first premise is accepted, the range of possible explanations for consciousness is fully open. Each premise, if accepted, narrows down that range of possibilities. If the argument issound, then by the last premise panpsychism is the only possibility left.
If (P1) is true, then either consciousness does not exist, or it exists within the physical world.
If (P2) is true, then either consciousness does not exist, or it (a) exists as distinct property of matter or (b) is fundamentally entailed by matter.
If (P3) is true, then consciousness exists, and is either (a) its own property of matter or (b) composed by the matter of the brain but not logically entailed by it.
If (P4) is true, then (b) is false, and consciousness must be its own unique property of matter.
Therefore, if all four premises are true, consciousness is its own unique property of matter and panpsychism is true.[28]: 187 [4]
In 2015, Chalmers proposed a possible solution to the mind-body problem through the argumentative format ofthesis, antithesis, and synthesis.[9] The goal of such arguments is to argue for sides of a debate (the thesis and antithesis), weigh their vices and merits, and then reconcile them (the synthesis). Chalmers's thesis, antithesis, and synthesis are as follows:
Thesis:materialism is true; everything is fundamentally physical.
Antithesis:dualism is true; not everything is fundamentally physical.
Synthesis: panpsychism is true.
(1) A centerpiece of Chalmers's argument is the physical world'scausal closure.Newton's law of motion explains this phenomenon succinctly:for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. Cause and effect is a symmetrical process. There is no room for consciousness to exert any causal power on the physical world unless it is itself physical.
(2) On one hand, if consciousness is separate from the physical world then there is no room for it to exert any causal power on the world (a state of affairs philosophers callepiphenomenalism). If consciousness plays no causal role, then it is unclear how Chalmers could even write this paper. On the other hand, consciousness is irreducible to the physical processes of the brain.
(3) Panpsychism has all the benefits of materialism because it could mean that consciousness is physical while also escaping the grasp of epiphenomenalism. After some argumentation Chalmers narrows it down further to Russellian monism, concluding that thoughts, actions, intentions and emotions may just be the quiddities of neurotransmitters, neurons, and glial cells.[9]
Physics is mathematical, not because we know so much about the physical world, but because we know so little: it is only its mathematical properties that we can discover. For the rest our knowledge is negative.
— Bertrand Russell, An Outline of Philosophy (1927)
Rather than solely trying to solve the problem of consciousness, Russell also attempted to solve theproblem of substance, which is arguably a form of theproblem of infinite regress.[citation needed]
(1) Like many sciences, physics describes the world through mathematics. Unlike other sciences, physics cannot describe what Schopenhauer called the "object that grounds" mathematics.[100] Economics is grounded in resources being allocated, and population dynamics is grounded in individual people within that population. The objects that ground physics, however, can be described only through more mathematics.[101] In Russell's words, physics describes "certain equations giving abstract properties of their changes". When it comes to describing "what it is that changes, and what it changes from and to—as to this, physics is silent".[49] In other words, physics describes matter'sextrinsic properties, but not theintrinsic properties that ground them.[102]
(2) Russell argued that physics is mathematical because "it is only mathematical properties we can discover". This is true almost by definition: ifonly extrinsic properties are outwardly observable, then they will be the only ones discovered.[49] This ledAlfred North Whitehead to conclude that intrinsic properties are "intrinsically unknowable".[4]
(3) Consciousness has many similarities to these intrinsic properties of physics. It, too, cannot be directly observed from an outside perspective. And it, too, seems to ground many observable extrinsic properties: presumably, music is enjoyable because of the experience of listening to it, and chronic pain is avoided because of the experience of pain, etc. Russell concluded that consciousness must be related to these extrinsic properties of matter. He called these intrinsic propertiesquiddities. Just as extrinsic physical properties can create structures, so can their corresponding and identical quiddites. The conscious mind, Russell argued, is one such structure.[49]
Proponents of panpsychism who use this line of reasoning include Chalmers,Annaka Harris,[103] andGalen Strawson. Chalmers has argued that the extrinsic properties of physics must have corresponding intrinsic properties; otherwise the universe would be "a giant causal flux" with nothing for "causation to relate", which he deems a logical impossibility. He sees consciousness as a promising candidate for that role.[47]Galen Strawson calls Russell's panpsychism "realistic physicalism". He argues that "the experiential considered specifically as such" is what it means for something to be physical. Just asmass is energy, Strawson believes that consciousness "just is" matter.[104]: 7
Max Tegmark, theoretical physicist and creator of themathematical universe hypothesis, disagrees with these conclusions. By his account, the universe is not just describable by math butis math; comparing physics to economics or population dynamics is a disanalogy. While population dynamics may be grounded in individual people, those people are grounded in "purely mathematical objects" such as energy and charge. The universe is, in a fundamental sense, made of nothing.[101]
In a 2018 interview, Chalmers calledquantum mechanics "a magnet for anyone who wants to find room for crazy properties of the mind", but not entirely without warrant.[105] The relationship between observation (and, by extension, consciousness) and thewave-function collapse is known as themeasurement problem. It seems thatatoms,photons, etc. are inquantum superposition (which is to say, in many seemingly contradictory states or locations simultaneously) until measured in some way. This process is known asa wave-function collapse. According to theCopenhagen interpretation of quantum mechanics, one of the oldest interpretations and the most widely taught,[106][107] it is the act of observation that collapses the wave-function.Erwin Schrödinger famously articulated the Copenhagen interpretation's unusual implications in the thought experiment now known asSchrödinger's cat. He imagines a box that contains a cat, a flask of poison, radioactive material, and aGeiger counter. The apparatus is configured so that when the Geiger counter detects radioactive decay, the flask will shatter, poisoning the cat. Unless and until the Geiger counter detects the radioactive decay of a single atom, the cat survives. The radioactive decay the Geiger counter detects is a quantum event; each decay corresponds to a quantum state transition of a single atom of the radioactive material. According to Schrödinger's wave equation, until they are observed, quantum particles, including the atoms of the radioactive material, are in quantum state superposition; each unmeasured atom in the radioactive material is in a quantum superposition ofdecayed andnot decayed. This means that while the box remains sealed and its contents unobserved, the Geiger counter is also in a superposition of states ofdecay detected andno decay detected; the vial is in a superposition of bothshattered andnot shattered and the cat in a superposition ofdead andalive. But when the box is unsealed, the observer finds a cat that is either dead or alive; there is no superposition of states. Since the cat is no longer in a superposition of states, then neither is the radioactive atom (nor the vial or the Geiger counter). Hence Schrödinger's wave function no longer holds and the wave function that described the atom—and its superposition of states—is said to have "collapsed": the atom now has only a single state, corresponding to the cat's observed state. But until an observer opens the box and thereby causes the wave function to collapse, the cat is both dead and alive. This has raised questions about, in John S. Bell's words, "where the observer begins and ends".[108]
The measurement problem has largely been characterised as the clash of classical physics and quantum mechanics. Bohm argued that it is rather a clash of classical physics, quantum mechanics, andphenomenology; all three levels of description seem to be difficult to reconcile, or even contradictory.[24] Though not referring specifically to quantum mechanics, Chalmers has written that if atheory of everything is ever discovered, it will be a set of "psychophysical laws", rather than simply a set of physical laws.[47] With Chalmers as their inspiration, Bohm and Pylkkänen set out to do just that in their panprotopsychism. Chalmers, who is critical of the Copenhagen interpretation and most quantum theories of consciousness, has coined this "the Law of the Minimisation of Mystery".[84]
According to the Copenhagen interpretation of quantum mechanics, Schrödinger's cat is both dead and alive until observed or measured in some way.
Themany-worlds interpretation of quantum mechanics does not take observation as central to the wave-function collapse, because it denies that the collapse happens. On the many-worlds interpretation, just as the cat is both dead and alive, the observer both sees a dead cat and sees a living cat. Even though observation does not play a central role in this case, questions about observation are still relevant to the discussion. InRoger Penrose's words:
I do not see why a conscious being need be aware of only "one" of the alternatives in a linear superposition. What is it about consciousnesses that says that consciousness must not be "aware" of that tantalising linear combination of both a dead and a live cat? It seems to me that a theory of consciousness would be needed for one to square the many world view with what one actually observes.
Chalmers believes that the tentative variant of panpsychism outlined inThe Conscious Mind (1996) does just that. Leaning toward the many-worlds interpretation due to its mathematicalparsimony, he believes his variety of panpsychistproperty dualism may be the theory Penrose is seeking. Chalmers believes that information will play an integral role in any theory of consciousness because the mind and brain have corresponding informational structures. He considers thecomputational nature of physics further evidence of information's central role, and suggests that information that isphysically realised is simultaneouslyphenomenally realised; both regularities in nature and conscious experience are expressions of information's underlying character. The theory implies panpsychism, and also solves the problem Penrose poses. On Chalmers's formulation, information in any given position is phenomenally realised, whereas the informational state of the superposition as a whole is not.[94] Panpsychist interpretations of quantum mechanics have been put forward by such philosophers as Whitehead,[4] Shan Gao,[109]Michael Lockwood,[4] and Hoffman, who is a cognitive scientist.[110] Protopanpsychist interpretations have been put forward by Bohm and Pylkkänen.[24]
Tegmark has formally calculated the "decoherence rates" of neurons, finding that the brain is a "classical rather than a quantum system" and that quantum mechanics does not relate "to consciousness in any fundamental way".[111]
In 2007,Steven Pinker criticized explanations of consciousness invoking quantum physics, saying: "to my ear, this amounts to the feeling that quantum mechanics sure is weird, and consciousness sure is weird, so maybe quantum mechanics can explain consciousness"; a view echoed by physicistStephen Hawking.[112][113] In 2017, Penrose rejected these characterizations, stating that disagreements are about the nature of quantum mechanics.[113]
One criticism of panpsychism is that it cannot be empirically tested.[9] A corollary of this criticism is that panpsychism has nopredictive power. Tononi and Koch write: "Besides claiming that matter and mind are one thing, [panpsychism] has little constructive to say and offers no positive laws explaining how the mind is organized and works".[34]
John Searle has alleged that panpsychism's unfalsifiability goes deeper than run-of-the-mill untestability: it is unfalsifiable because "It does not get up to the level of being false. It is strictly speaking meaningless because no clear notion has been given to the claim".[75] The need for coherence and clarification is accepted by David Skrbina, a proponent of panpsychism.[19]: 15
Many proponents of panpsychism base their arguments not on empirical support but on panpsychism's theoretical virtues. Chalmers says that while no direct evidence exists for the theory, neither is there direct evidence against it, and that "there are indirect reasons, of a broadly theoretical character, for taking the view seriously".[9] Notwithstanding Tononi and Koch's criticism of panpsychism, they state that it integrates consciousness into the physical world in a way that is "elegantly unitary".[34]
A related criticism is what seems to many to be the theory's bizarre nature.[9] Goff dismisses this objection:[1] though he admits that panpsychism is counterintuitive, he argues that Einstein's and Darwin's theories are also counterintuitive. "At the end of the day," he writes, "you should judge a view not for its cultural associations but by its explanatory power".[30]
Philosophers such as Chalmers have argued that theories of consciousness should be capable of providing insight into the brain and mind to avoid the problem of mental causation.[9][114] If they fail to do that, the theory will succumb toepiphenomenalism,[114] a view commonly criticised as implausible or even self-contradictory.[94][115][116] Proponents of panpsychism (especially those withneutral monist tendencies) hope to bypass this problem by dismissing it as afalse dichotomy; mind and matter are two sides of the same coin, and mental causation is merely the extrinsic description of intrinsic properties of mind.[117] Robert Howell has argued that all causal functions are still accounted for dispositionally (i.e., in terms of the behaviors described by science), leaving phenomenality causally inert.[118] He concludes, "This leaves us once again with epiphenomenal qualia, only in a very surprising place".[118] Neutral monists reject such dichotomous views of mind-body interaction.[117][48]
The combination problem (which is related to thebinding problem) can be traced toWilliam James,[11] but was given its present name byWilliam Seager in 1995.[119][11] The problem arises from the tension between the seeminglyirreducible nature of consciousness and its ubiquity. If consciousness is ubiquitous, then in panpsychism, every atom (or everybit, depending on the version of panpsychism) has a minimal level of it. How then, asKeith Frankish puts it, do these "tiny consciousnesses combine" to create larger conscious experiences such as "the twinge of pain" he feels in his knee?[120] This objection has garnered significant attention,[11][120][1] and many have attempted to answer it.[103][121] None of the proposed answers has gained widespread acceptance.[11]
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^Schopenhauer, A. Der Welt als Wille und Vorstellung. Book II, § 17.
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