Family of flowering plants native to the tropics and subtropics of the Old World
Pandanaceae is afamily offlowering plants native to thetropics andsubtropics of theOld World, fromWest Africa to thePacific. It contains 982 known species[2] in fivegenera,[3] of which thetype genus,Pandanus, is the most important, with species likePandanus amaryllifolius andkaruka (Pandanus julianettii) being important sources of food. The family likely originated during the Late Cretaceous.[4]
Pandanaceae includestrees,shrubs,lianas,vines,epiphytes, andperennial herbs.[5]Stems may be simple or bifurcately branched, and may haveaerial prop roots. The stems bear prominent leaf scars. Theleaves are very long and narrow, sheathing, simple, undivided, with parallel veins; the leaf margins andabaxial midribs are often prickly.[6]
The plants aredioecious. Theinflorescences are terminally borneracemes, spikes orumbels, with subtendedspathes, which may be brightly colored. Theflowers are minute and lackperianths. Male flowers contain numerousstamens with free or fused filaments. Female flowers have a superiorovary, usually of manycarpels in a ring, but may be reduced to a row of carpels or a single carpel.Fruits areberries ordrupes,[5] usuallymultiple.[7]
Pandanaceae includes five genera:Benstonea,Freycinetia,Martellidendron,Pandanus, andSararanga.[3]Benstonea (assubgenus "Acrostigma")[8] andMartellidendron[9] were formerly considered subgenera ofPandanus, but were recognized as distinct genera based onDNA sequencing.[9][8]
Particular species of Pandanus are used to make mats (e.g. Central Africa) or in food products (e.g. leaves as flavoring, or fruit in Southeast Asia).