There was a proposal to divide the Pampas cat into three distinct species, based primarily on differences inpelage colour/pattern andcranial measurements.[3] Accordingly, three species were recognised in the 2005 edition ofMammal Species of the World: the colocolo (L. colocolo), thePantanal cat (L. braccatus), and the Pampas cat (L. pajeros) with a more restricted definition.[4] This split at species level was not supported by subsequentphylogeographic analysis, although some geographical substructure was recognised,[5][6] and some authorities continue to recognise the Pampas cat as a single species.[2][7] In the 2017 revision of felid taxonomy by the Cat Specialist Group, the Pampas cat is recognized as a single species with sevensubspecies.[1] An analysis of 142 skins collected across South America revealed morphological differences between these museum specimens. It was therefore proposed to recognize five distinct species within the Pampas cat complex.[8]
The Pampas cat is a little bigger than adomestic cat and has a bushier tail.[9] Its size varies between regions, ranging in body length from 46 to 75 cm (18 to 30 in) with a 23–29 cm (9.1–11.4 in) long tail. Six variants of itspelage occur, but all have two dark lines on the cheeks:[3]
Type 1. Reddish or dark grey withrusty-cinnamon stripes on the flanks, a cinnamon upper side of the ears with black edges and tips, four or five reddish rings on the tail (outer two are darker), dark brown stripes on the legs, black chest spots, and whitish underparts with rusty-ochraceous stripes. This type occurs in central Chile in subtropical,xerophytic forests at altitudes of up to 1,800 m (5,900 ft).
Type 2A. Flanks with large, reddish-brown, rosette-shaped spots with darker borders, numerous rings on the tail (of the same colour as the flank spots), and very dark brown, almost black stripes on the legs with spots or stripes on the underparts. This type occurs in the northern Andes in the subspeciesL. c. thomasi andL. c. wolffsohni.
Type 2B resembles Type 2A, but the background colour is paler, and the body markings, stripes on the hind legs, and rings on the tail are paler and less distinct.
Type 2C is overall greyish with distinct dark brown stripes on the legs and spots on the underparts, a plain tail (no clear rings), and at most indistinct dark lines on the flanks.
Type 3A is almost entirely rusty-brown with faint spots, continuous bands, an unbanded tail with a prominent black tip, and all-black feet. This pattern is found in the subspeciesL. c. braccatus.
Type 3B is similar to type 3A, but the background color is paler and more yellowish, with flank spots that are browner and more distinct, feet that are only black on the soles, and discontinuous rings and a narrow black tip on the tail. This type occurs in the subspeciesL. c. munoai.
The subtypes of Type 2 show variation according to altitude and latitude. Only the first subtype occurs in the north (around20°S and northwards), and only the third type occurs in the far south (around40°S and southwards). In between, the majority are of second subtype, but the first subtype has been recorded as far south as29°S, and the third subtype as far north as36°S. Atlatitudes where both the first and second subtypes occur, the former tends to live in highlands and the latter in lowlands.[3]
An extensivemorphological analysis of Pampas catspecimens from across the species's range revealed differences incranial measurements, andpelage colour and pattern. Therefore, the Pampas cat group was divided into three distinct species with 11subspecies.[3] This species division was recognised in the 2005 edition ofMammal Species of the World, although the number of subspecies was reduced:[4]
Leopardus colocola (colocolo)
L. c. colocola – subtropical forests of central Chile
L. c. wolffsohni (Garcia-Perea, 1994) – in spinyshrublands andpáramo of northern Chile[3]
Based on just twospecimens, the subspeciesL. p. steinbachi is larger and paler thanL. p. garleppi. However, this is labelled with uncertainty due to the very small sample,[3] and some treat it as asynonym ofL. p. garleppi.[7] Uncertainty also exists for the subspeciesL. p. budini, which appears to resembleL. p. crespoi, and was described from lowlands of northwestern Argentina, but may actually be from humid forests in the region.[3] Some recognise it,[7] while others do not.[4] Populations in southern Chile and the southern part of Argentina, included in the nominate in the above list, were recognised as the subspeciesL. p. crucinus based on its dull pelage and large size.[3]
More recent work, primarily genetic studies, failed to find support for a split at species level, although some geographical substructure was recognized.[5][6] Several authors recognise the Pampas cat as a single species.[2][7] Since 2017, the Cat Classification Taskforce of the Cat Specialist Group recognises the Pampas cat as a single species with seven subspecies:[1]
Authors of a study published in May 2020 found significant morphological, molecular, geographic, and ecological differences between various Pampas cat populations across South America. They propose five species within the Pampas catspecies complex, namelyL. colocola,L. braccatus,L. garleppi,L. munoai andL. pajeros. They consider all five species to bemonotypic.[8] In 2022, the nameL. munoai was stated to be a junior synonym ofL. fasciatus, and the proposed species should be called by the latter name.[14]
L. c. pajeros. Illustration by Jean-Gabriel Prêtre (1844)
The Pampas cat ranges throughout most of Argentina and Uruguay into theGran Chaco andCerrado of Bolivia, Paraguay and Brazil, and north through the Andes mountain chain through Ecuador and possibly marginally into southwestern Colombia.[2] It occurs in a wide range of habitats and inhabits elevations between 1,800 and 5,000 m (5,900 and 16,400 ft) inpáramo, marginally also inpuna grassland and locally in dry forest.[3] Where its range overlaps with theAndean mountain cat in northwestern Argentina, it occurs at lower elevations on average.[15] In central to northwestern Argentina, the Pampas cat is found at elevations below 1,240 m (4,070 ft) in grassland,mesophytic and dry forest, and shrubland. In southern Argentina and far southern Chile, it is found inPatagonian steppes and shrubland at altitudes below 1,100 m (3,600 ft).[3]
In 2016 it was recorded for the first time in theSechura Desert and in the dry forest of northwestern Peru.[16]
Little is known about the Pampas cat's hunting and breeding habits. It is thought to prey mainly on small mammals and birds.Guinea pigs are thought to form a large part of its diet, along withviscachas, otherrodents, and the ground-dwellingtinamou order of birds.[17] Though some have suggested it is chieflynocturnal,[17] others suggest it is mainlydiurnal.[18]
Litters are relatively small, usually consisting of only one or two kittens, and occasionally three. The kittens weigh around 130 g (4.6 oz) at birth.[17] The average lifespan is nine years, but some have lived for over 16 years.[19]
^abcdKitchener, A. C.; Breitenmoser-Würsten, C.; Eizirik, E.; Gentry, A.; Werdelin, L.; Wilting, A.; Yamaguchi, N.; Abramov, A. V.; Christiansen, P.; Driscoll, C.; Duckworth, J. W.; Johnson, W.; Luo, S.-J.; Meijaard, E.; O'Donoghue, P.; Sanderson, J.; Seymour, K.; Bruford, M.; Groves, C.; Hoffmann, M.; Nowell, K.; Timmons, Z. & Tobe, S. (2017)."A revised taxonomy of the Felidae: The final report of the Cat Classification Task Force of the IUCN Cat Specialist Group"(PDF).Cat News (Special Issue 11):51–54.
^Cope E. D. (1889). "On the mammalia obtained by the naturalist exploring expedition to southern Brazil".American Naturalist.23 (266):128–150.doi:10.1086/274871.S2CID84456085.