ThePaag is a headdress in theMithila region ofIndia andNepal worn byMaithil people. It is a symbol of honour and respect and a significant part ofMaithil culture.[1]
The Paag dates back to pre-historic times when it was made of plant leaves.[2] It exists today in a modified form. The Paag is considered as a symbol of pride in Mithila.[3] The colour of the Paag also carries a lot of significance. The red Paag is worn by thebridegroom and by those who are undergoing thesacred thread rituals. Paag of mustard colour is donned by those attending wedding ceremonies and the elders wear a white Paag.[4]
A campaign to promote use of the paag was begun in 2016 by Mithilalok, a Mithila cultural pressure group set up in that year. CalledPaag Bachau Abhiyan (Save the Paag Campaign), Mithilalok was associated with a proposed symbolic wearing of the garment by some representatives in theBihar Legislative Council in August 2016, and also with a move to have it recognised as an official head-dress of the state ofBihar.[5]
Darbhanga MPGopal Jee Thakur had started and popularised the tradition of honouring people with Mithila Paag in the Indian Politics.[6]
Paags designed and developed by Mithilalok are of different shades, colours and shapes considering fitting and suitability.
In order to demonstrate and send across the message of the Culture of Mithila and India, Paag March is held by Mithilalok wherein a large number of people take to streets wearing traditional Paag on their heads.[5]
On 10 February 2017,India Posts released a set of sixteencommemorative postage stamps on "Headgears of India". TheMithila Paag was featured on one of those postage stamps.[2]