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Otto Lenz

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German politician
Otto Lenz (1951)

Otto Lenz (6 July 1903,Wetzlar,Rhine Province – 2 May 1957,Naples) was a Germanpolitician (CDU), serving from 1951 to 1953 asHead of the Chancellery, and from 1953 until his death as a member of the GermanBundestag. He was also a signatory of thefounding declaration of the CDU.

Early life and legal career


After completing hisAbitur, Lenz began studyinglaw at theUniversity of Freiburg. He completed his studies at theUniversity of Marburg in 1924, receiving hisdoctorate in 1925 with a dissertation entitledDie Haftung bei Gattungsschulden in § 279 BGB (The Liability of Generic Debt in § 279 BGB). After passing theStaatsexamen, Lenz joined the Administration of Justice and quickly began working in Germany'sFederal Ministry of Justice. He became director of the Ministry's press office in 1929 and served in this office for four years, during which he experienced considerable success in developing a strong relationship with the German press. In 1932 he began working as the personal advisor of state secretary Heinrich Hölscher.[1]



After theMachtergreifung in January 1933, Lenz's title was changed to Advisor of Commercial Law in theReichsjustizamt. One year later, in April 1934, he was promoted to the position ofLandgerichtsdirektor despite the protest of theNational Socialist lawyer's association.[2] His first act of defiance to the Nazi-Regime occurred in 1938, when he refused a job transfer due to his unwillingness to work as a judge in the Nazi legal system. He worked instead as a lawyer during this time, being admitted only with serious difficulty to theKammergericht.

As an opponent of the Nazis, Lenz belonged to theDonnerstagsgesellschaft (Thursday Association), a circle of formerCentre Party members, officials, and journalists. He participated in the opposition by at one point hiding resistance fighterErnst von Harnack in his apartment, as well as maintaining contact with20 July plot-conspiratorsJosef Wirmer andCarl Goerdeler.[3] As a result of these relationships Lenz was arrested after the failed assassination plot and brought to court in January 1945 for his participation in the conspiracy as well as the suspicious nature of his work as a lawyer throughout the early 1940s, during which time he was seen by theGestapo as a defender of Jews. His role as the defendant of the pardoned opposition leaderJosef Müller in 1944 was a further source of irritation to the Nazis. Due to his success as his own defence lawyer, Lenz was able to avoid execution and was sentenced instead to four years penitentiary with eight years without civil rights. He was freed bySoviet forces on 28 April 1945.[4]



Immediately after his release from prison Lenz took part in the establishment of theCDU inBerlin. His desire for an interdenominational political party held together by common Christian beliefs preceded the conclusion of the war and is present in journal entries from his time in prison.[5]

Lenz's longing to become a lawyer inMunich caused him to hesitate in acceptingKonrad Adenauer's 1946 offer to becomeSecretary of State, which he ultimately accepted and began serving as on 15 January 1951.[6] During this time Lenz remained extremely busy meeting with politicians, diplomats, church representatives, businessmen, lobbyists, and journalists as well as helping establish the direction in which the youngFederal Republic of Germany would take itself.

His desire to create a "Ministry of Information" after the 1953 elections (in which he was elected to theBundestag) ultimately failed due to the strong legacy of thePropagandaministerium of the Nazi-Era.[7] His desire to be voice in the public sphere led to the establishment ofDie Politische Meinung, a monthly publication which continues to be distributed by theKonrad-Adenauer-Stiftung today.

On 2 May 1957, while still a member of the Bundestag, Lenz died unexpectedly inNaples after developing a fever on a return trip fromAfrica.

Further reading

  • Buchstab, Günter (2004). "Otto Lenz."Christliche Demokraten gegen Hitler: Aus Verfolgung und Widerstand zur Union. Ed. Buchstab, Günter; Kaff, Brigitte; Kleinmann, Hans-Otto. Freiburg, Germany: Herder, 2004. p. 344–352. Print.ISBN 978-3-451-20805-8


  1. ^Buchstab, Günter (2004). "Otto Lenz." Christliche Demokraten gegen Hitler: Aus Verfolgung und Widerstand zur Union. Ed. Buchstab, Günter; Kaff, Brigitte; Kleinmann, Hans-Otto. Freiburg, Germany: Herder, 2004. p. 345. Print.ISBN 978-3-451-20805-8
  2. ^Buchstab p. 345
  3. ^Buchstab p.345
  4. ^Buchstab p.346
  5. ^Buchstab p.346
  6. ^Buchstab p.347
  7. ^Buchstab p.350
Speaker:Heinrich von Brentano until 7 June 1955;Heinrich Krone from 15 June 1955]]
  • CVP:
  • Ruland(from 4 January 1957, from 23 May 1957 Guest of CDU/CSU-Fraktion)
  • Schneider(from 4 January 1957, Non-attached, from 23 May 1957 Guest of CDU/CSU-Fraktion)
Speaker:Erich Mende
  • Members:
  • Atzenroth
  • Becker
  • Berg(from 27 June 1955, from 23 February 1956 Non-attached, from 15 March 1956 Demokratische Arbeitsgemeinschaft (DA), from 26 June 1956 FVP, from 14 March 1957 DP/FVP)
  • Blank(from 23 February 1956 Non-attached, from 15 March 1956 Demokratische Arbeitsgemeinschaft (DA), from 26 June 1956 FVP, from 14 March 1957 DP/FVP)
  • Blücher(from 23 February 1956 Non-attached, from 15 March 1956 Demokratische Arbeitsgemeinschaft (DA), from 26 June 1956 FVP, from 14 March 1957 DP/FVP)
  • Bucher
  • Dannemann(until 1 July 1955)
  • Dehler
  • Drechsel
  • Eberhard
  • Euler(from 23 February 1956 Non-attached, from 15 March 1956 Demokratische Arbeitsgemeinschaft (DA), from 26 June 1956 FVP, from 14 March 1957 DP/FVP)
  • Fassbender(from 18 November 1955 DP, from 14 March 1957 DP/FVP)
  • Friese-Korn
  • Frühwald
  • Gaul
  • Golitschek(from 18 April 1956)
  • Graaff(from 4 July 1955)
  • Hammer
  • Held(from 13 September 1954)
  • Henn(from 23 February 1956 Non-attached, from 15 March 1956 Demokratische Arbeitsgemeinschaft (DA), from 26 June 1956 FVP, from 14 March 1957 DP/FVP)
  • Hepp(from 23 February 1956 Non-attached, from 15 March 1956 Demokratische Arbeitsgemeinschaft (DA), from 26 June 1956 FVP, from 14 March 1957 DP/FVP)
  • Hoffmann
  • Hübner(from 23 February 1956 Non-attached, from 15 March 1956 Demokratische Arbeitsgemeinschaft (DA), from 26 June 1956 FVP, from 14 March 1957 DP/FVP)
  • Hütter(from 29 September 1955)
  • Ilk
  • Jentzsch
  • Kühn
  • Lahr(from 23 February 1956 Non-attached, from 15 March 1956 Demokratische Arbeitsgemeinschaft (DA), from 26 June 1956 FVP, from 14 March 1957 DP/FVP)
  • Lenz
  • Löwenstein-Wertheim-Freudenberg(from 6 June 1957 Non-attached, from 25 June 1957 DP/FVP)
  • Luchtenberg(from 18 September 1954, until 9 April 1956)
  • Lüders
  • Manteuffel(from 23 February 1956 Non-attached, from 15 March 1956 Demokratische Arbeitsgemeinschaft (DA), from 26 June 1956 FVP, from 14 March 1957 DP/FVP)
  • Margulies
  • Mauk
  • Mayer(until 14 May 1956)
  • Mende
  • Middelhauve(until 10 September 1954)
  • Miessner
  • Neumayer(from 23 February 1956 Non-attached, from 15 March 1956 Demokratische Arbeitsgemeinschaft (DA), from 26 June 1956 FVP, from 14 March 1957 DP/FVP)
  • Onnen
  • Pfleiderer(until 20 September 1955)
  • Preiß(from 23 February 1956 Non-attached, from 15 March 1956 Demokratische Arbeitsgemeinschaft (DA), from 26 June 1956 FVP, from 14 March 1957 DP/FVP)
  • Preusker(from 23 February 1956 Non-attached, from 15 March 1956 Demokratische Arbeitsgemeinschaft (DA), from 26 June 1956 FVP, from 14 March 1957 DP/FVP)
  • Rademacher
  • Reif
  • Schäfer(from 23 February 1956 Non-attached, from 15 March 1956 Demokratische Arbeitsgemeinschaft (DA), from 26 June 1956 FVP, from 14 March 1957 DP/FVP)
  • Scheel
  • Schloß
  • Schneider(from 23 February 1956 Non-attached, from 15 March 1956 Demokratische Arbeitsgemeinschaft (DA), from 26 June 1956 FVP, from 14 March 1957 DP/FVP)
  • Schwann
  • Stahl
  • Stammberger
  • Starke
  • Stegner(from 13 January 1954 Non-attached, from 6 February 1957 GB/BHE)
  • Weber(from 15 May 1956)
  • Wellhausen(from 23 February 1956 Non-attached, from 15 March 1956 Demokratische Arbeitsgemeinschaft (DA), from 23 June 1956 CDU/CSU)
  • Weyer(until 17 September 1954)
  • Will
  • Wirths(until 16 June 1955)
  • DPS:
  • Schneider(from 4 January 1957, Guest of FDP-Fraktion)
  • Schwertner(from 4 January 1957, from 8 January 1957 Guest of FDP-Fraktion)
  • Wedel(from 4 January 1957, Non-attached, from 8 January 1957 Guest of FDP-Fraktion)
Speaker:Horst Haasler until 15 March 1955;Karl Mocker 15 March 1955 till 26 April 1956;Erwin Feller from 26 April 1956]]
  • Members:
  • Bender(from 12 July 1955 Non-attached, from 14 July 1955 Group Kraft/Oberländer, from 15 July 1955 Guest of CDU/CSU-Fraktion, from 20 March 1956 CDU/CSU)
  • Czermak(from 14 July 1955 FDP)
  • Eckhardt(from 12 July 1955 Non-attached, from 14 July 1955 Group Kraft/Oberländer, from 15 July 1955 Guest of CDU/CSU-Fraktion, from 20 March 1956 CDU/CSU)
  • Elsner
  • Engell
  • Feller
  • Fiedler(until 13 October 1953)
  • Finck(from 12 July 1955 Non-attached, from 14 July 1955 Group Kraft/Oberländer, from 15 July 1955 Guest of CDU/CSU-Fraktion, from 20 March 1956 CDU/CSU)
  • Finselberger
  • Gemein
  • Gille
  • Haasler(from 12 July 1955 Non-attached, from 14 July 1955 Group Kraft/Oberländer, from 15 July 1955 Guest of CDU/CSU-Fraktion, from 20 March 1956 CDU/CSU)
  • Keller
  • Klötzer
  • Körner(from 12 July 1955 Non-attached, from 14 July 1955 FDP, from 23 February 1956 Non-attached, from 15 March 1956 Demokratische Arbeitsgemeinschaft (DA), from 26 June 1956 FVP, from 14 March 1957 DP/FVP)
  • Kraft(from 12 July 1955 Non-attached, from 14 July 1955 Group Kraft/Oberländer, from 15 July 1955 Guest of CDU/CSU-Fraktion, from 20 March 1956 CDU/CSU)
  • Kunz
  • Kutschera
  • Meyer-Ronnenberg(from 20 August 1954 CDU/CSU)
  • Mocker
  • Oberländer(from 12 July 1955 Non-attached, from 14 July 1955 Group Kraft/Oberländer, from 15 July 1955 Guest of CDU/CSU-Fraktion, from 20 March 1956 CDU/CSU)
  • Petersen
  • Reichstein
  • Samwer(from 15 October 1953, from 12 July 1955 Non-attached, from 14 July 1955 Group Kraft/Oberländer, from 15 July 1955 Guest of CDU/CSU-Fraktion, from 20 March 1956 CDU/CSU)
  • Seiboth
  • Sornik
  • Srock
  • Strosche
Speaker:Hans-Joachim von Merkatz until 11 September 1955;Ernst-Christoph Brühler from 11 September 1955]]
  • Members:
  • Böhner(Non-attached, until 8 January 1954)
  • Brockmann(Non-attached)
  • Heix(from 23 September 1953 CDU/CSU)
  • Rösing(from 14 January 1954, Non-attached, from 25 June 1954 Guest of CDU/CSU-Fraktion, from 6 June 1955 CDU/CSU)
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