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Genus of flowering plant
For other plants called saltbush, seeSaltbush

Garden orache (Atriplex hortensis)
From Sturm &Sturm (1796):Deutschlands Flora in Abbildungen.
Scientific classificationEdit this classification
Type species
Atriplex hortensis

SeeList ofAtriplex species

  • Armola(Kirschl.) Montandon
    CremnophytonBrullo & Pavone
    LophocaryaNutt. ex Moq.
    PhyllocarpaNutt. ex Moq.
    PterocaryaNutt. ex Moq.
    Pterochiton Torr. & Frém.
    Schizotheca(C.A.Mey.) Lindl.
    Teutliopsis(Dumort.) Celak.

Atriplex (/ˈætrɪplɛks/[2]) is a plantgenus of about 250 species, known by the common names ofsaltbush andorache (/ˈɒrɪ,-ə/;[3][4] also spelledorach). It belongs to thesubfamilyChenopodioideae of thefamilyAmaranthaceaes.l.. The genus is quite variable and widely distributed. It includes manydesert andseashore plants andhalophytes, as well as plants of moist environments. The generic name originated inLatin and was applied byPliny the Elder to the edible oraches.[5] The name saltbush derives from the fact that the plants retain salt in their leaves; they are able to grow in areas affected bysoil salination.



Species of plants in genusAtriplex areannual orperennial herbs,subshrubs, or shrubs. The plants are often covered with bladderlike hairs, that later collapse and form a silvery, scurfy or mealy surface, rarely with elongatetrichomes. The leaves are arranged alternately along the branches, rarely in opposite pairs, eithersessile or on apetiole, and are sometimes deciduous. The leaf blade is variably shaped and may be entire, tooth or lobed.[6][7][8][9][10]

The flowers are borne in leaf axils or on the ends of branches, in spikes or spike-likepanicles . The flowers areunisexual, some speciesmonoecious, othersdioecious. Male flowers have three to fiveperianth lobes and three to fivestamens. Female flowers are usually lacking a perianth, but are enclosed by two leaf-likebracteoles, have a shortstyle and twostigmas.[6][7][8][9][10]

After flowering, the bracteoles sometimes enlarge, thicken or become appendaged, enclosing the fruit but without adhering to it.[6][7][8][9][10]

Thechromosome base number is x = 9, except forAtriplex lanfrancoi, which is x=10.[11]

A fewAtriplex species areC3-plants, but most species areC4-plants, with a characteristic leaf anatomy, known as kranz anatomy.[11]


Further information:List ofAtriplex species

The genusAtriplex was first formally described in 1753 byCarl Linnaeus inSpecies Plantarum.[1][12][13] The genus name was used byPliny for orach, or mountain spinach (A. hortensis).[14]

The genus evolved in MiddleMiocene, theC4-photosynthesis pathway developed about 14.1–10.9million years ago (mya), when the climate became increasingly dry. The genus diversified rapidly and spread over the continents. The C4Atriplex colonized North America probably from Eurasia during the Middle/Late Miocene, about 9.8–8.8 mya, and later spread to South America. Australia was colonized twice by two C4 lineages, one from Eurasia or America about 9.8–7.8 mya, and one from Central Asia about 6.3–4.8 mya. The last lineage diversified rapidly, and became the ancestor of most AustralianAtriplex species.[11]

The type species (lectotype) isAtriplex hortensis.[15] The name is derived fromAncient Greek ἀτράφαξυς (atraphaxys), "orach", itself aPre-Greek substrate loanword.Atriplex is an extremely species-rich genus and comprises about 250[7]-300[11] species, with new species still being discovered. An example includesAtriplex yeelirrie, formally described in 2015.[16]

Traditionaltaxonomy ofAtripliceae based on morphological features has been controversial.[17] Molecular studies have found that many genera are not trueclades. One such study found that Atripliceae could be divided into two main clades,Archiatriplex, with a few, scattered species, and the largerAtriplex clade, which is highly diverse and found around the world.[17] Afterphylogenetic research, Kadereit et al. (2010) excludedHalimione as a distinct sister genus. The remainingAtriplex species were grouped into several clades.[11]

The following is a cladogram with estimated divergence times for the tribe Atripliceae. To infer the phylogeny, an ITS matrix composed of spacer ITS-1, the 5.8S subunit, and spacer ITS-2 were amplified and sequenced for each specimen. Not all species in the genusAtriplex are presented in the cladogram (based on page 7 of[18]). This work suggested that the Americas were colonised by C4Atriplex from Eurasia or Australia. Furthermore, that in the AmericasAtriplex first appeared in South America, where two lineages underwentin situ diversification and evolved sympatrically. North America was then colonised byAtriplex from South America, then one lineage later moved back to South America.[18]

Cladogram of estimated divergences within the genusAtriplex
Background colour in cladogram represents the region where a species is endemic.
  South America
  North America
Brignone et al. (2019) hypothesis for the evolution and movement ofAtriplex species globally.[18]
Archiatriplex clade

Extriplex californica

(13 other taxa)

Clades ofAtriplex
  • Atriplex lanfrancoi/cana-Clade:
    • Atriplex lanfrancoi (Brullo & Pavone) G. Kadereit et Sukhor. (Syn.:Cremnophyton lanfrancoi Brullo & Pavone): endemic toMalta andGozo.
    • Atriplex cana C.A. Mey.: from Eastern European Russia to western China.
  • Atriplex sectionAtriplex: annual C3-plants.
  • Atriplex sectionTeutliopsis Dumort.: annual C3-plants.
    • Atriplex australasica Moq.
    • Atriplex calotheca (Rafn) Fr.: in Northern Europe.
    • Atriplex davisii Aellen: from southern Europe to Egypt.
    • Atriplex glabriuscula Edmondston – Northeastern saltbush, Babington's orache, smooth orache,Scotland orache,glabrous orache: In central and northern Europe.
    • Atriplex gmelinii C.A. Mey. ex Bong. – Gmelin's saltbush: in Asia and North America.
    • Atriplex intracontinentalis Sukhor.: from Central Europe to Asia.
    • Atriplex laevis C.A. Mey.: in Asia, naturalized in eastern Europe.
    • Atriplex latifolia Wahlenb.: in Eurasia.
    • Atriplex littoralis L. –Grass-leaved orache: in Eurasia and North Africa.
    • Atriplex longipes Drejer – Long-stalked orache: in northern Europe.
    • Atriplex micrantha C.A. Mey.: in Asia, naturalized in Europe.
    • Atriplex nudicaulis Boguslaw – Baltic saltbush: in Eurasia.
    • Atriplex patula L. –Common orache,spreading orache: in Eurasia and North Africa.
    • Atriplex praecox Hülph. – Early orache: in northern Europe.
    • Atriplex prostrata Moq. – Spear-leaved orache, thin-leaved orache, triangle orache, fat hen: in Eurasia and North Africa.
  • C4-Atriplex-Clade: containing the majority of species. The traditional classification into sections (sect.Obione, sect.Pterochiton, sect.Psammophila, sect.Sclerocalymma, sect.Stylosa) did not reflect thephylogenetical relationships and was rejected by Kadereit et al. (2010).[11]
    • Atriplex acanthocarpa (Torr.) S. Watson: in North America.
    • Atriplex acutibractea Anderson: in Australia.
    • Atriplex altaica Sukhor.: in Asia.
    • Atriplex angulata Benth.: in Australia.
    • Atriplex billardierei (Moq.) Hook. f.: in Australia.
    • Atriplex canescens (Pursh) Nutt. –Chamiso,chamiza,four-winged saltbush, grey sagebrush: in North America.
    • Atriplex centralasiatica Iljin: in Asia.
    • Atriplex cinerea Poir. –Grey saltbush, truganini:[19] in Australia
    • Atriplex codonocarpa P.G. Wilson: in Australia.
    • Atriplex conduplicata F. Muell.: in Australia.
    • Atriplex confertifolia (Torr. & Frém.) S. Watson –Shadscale (saltbush): in North America.
    • Atriplex cordobensis Gand. & Stuck.: in South America.
    • Atriplex deserticola Phil.: in South America.
    • Atriplex dimorphostegia Kar. & Kir.: in North Africa.
    • Atriplex eardleyae Aellen: in Australia
    • Atriplex elachophylla F. Muell.: in Australia.
    • Atriplex fissivalvis F. Muell.: in Australia
    • Atriplex flabellum Bunge ex Boiss.: in Eurasia.
    • Atriplex gardneri (Moq.) D. Dietr. –Gardner's saltbush, moundscale: in North America
    • Atriplex glauca L.: in Portugal, Spain and in North Africa.
    • Atriplex halimus L. –Mediterranean saltbush,sea orache,shrubby orache: in south Europe, North Africa and southwest Asia.
    • Atriplex herzogii Standl.: in North America.
    • Atriplex holocarpa F. Muell.: in Australia.
    • Atriplex hymenelytra (Torr.) S. Watson –Desert holly: in North America.
    • Atriplex hymenotheca Moq.: in Australia.
    • Atriplex imbricata (Moq.) D. Dietr.: in South America.
    • Atriplex inamoena Aellen: in Eurasia.
    • Atriplex intermedia Anderson: in Australia.
    • Atriplex isatidea Moq.: in Australia.
    • Atriplex laciniata L. – Frosted orache: In western and northern Europe.
    • Atriplex lampa (Moq.) Gillies ex Small: in South America.
    • Atriplex lehmanniana Bunge: in Eurasia.
    • Atriplex lentiformis (Torr.) S. Watson –Quail bush: in North America.
    • Atriplex leptocarpa F. Muell.: in Australia.
    • Atriplex leucoclada Boiss.: in Eurasia.
    • Atriplex leucophylla (Moq.) D. Dietr.: in North America
    • Atriplex lindleyi Moq.: in Australia.
    • Atriplex moneta Bunge ex Boiss.: in Eurasia.
    • Atriplex muelleri Benth.: in Australia.
    • Atriplex nessorhina S.W.L. Jacobs: in Australia.
    • Atriplex nummularia Lindl. – Old man saltbush, giant saltbush: in Australia.
    • Atriplex obovata Moq.: in North America.
    • Atriplex pamirica Iljin: in Eurasia.
    • Atriplex parishii S. Watson: in North America
    • Atriplex parryi S. Watson: in North America
    • Atriplex parvifolia Kunth: in South America.
    • Atriplex patagonica (Moq.) D. Dietr.: in South America.
    • Atriplex phyllostegia (Torr. ex S. Watson) S. Watson: in North America.
    • Atriplex polycarpa (Torr.) S. Watson –Allscale (saltbush),desert saltbush,cattle saltbush,cattle spinach: in North America.
    • Atriplex powellii S. Watson – Powell's saltbush: in North America.
    • Atriplex pseudocampanulata Aellen: in Australia.
    • Atriplex quinii F. Muell.: in Australia.
    • Atriplex recurva d'Urv.: in Eurasia, endemic to areas around the Aegean.
    • Atriplex rhagodioides F. Muell.: in Australia.
    • Atriplex rosea L. – Tumbling orache: in Eurasia and North Africa.
    • Atriplex rusbyi Britton ex Rusby: in South America.
    • Atriplex schugnanica Iljin: in Asia.
    • Atriplex semibaccata R. Br. –Australian saltbush,berry saltbush,creeping saltbush: in Australia.
    • Atriplex semilunaris Aellen: in Australia.
    • Atriplex serenana A. Nelson ex Abrams: in North America
    • Atriplex sibirica L.; in Asia, naturalized in Europe.
    • Atriplex sphaeromorpha Iljin: in Russia, Ukraine and Caucasus.
    • Atriplex spinibractea Anderson: in Australia.
    • Atriplex spongiosa F. Muell.: in Australia.
    • Atriplex stipitata Benth.: in Australia.
    • Atriplex sturtii S.W.L. Jacobs: in Australia.
    • Atriplex suberecta I. Verd. – Sprawling saltbush, lagoon saltbush: in Australia.
    • Atriplex tatarica Aellen: in Europe, North Africa and Asia.
    • Atriplex turbinata (Anderson) Aellen: in Australia.
    • Atriplex undulata (Moq.) D. Dietr.: in South America.
    • Atriplex velutinella F. Muell.: in Australia.
    • Atriplex vesicaria Heward ex Benth. –Bladder saltbush: in Australia.

Distribution and habitat


The genusAtriplex is distributed nearly worldwide fromsubtropical totemperate and tosubarctic regions. Most species-rich areAustralia,North America,South America andEurasia. Many species arehalophytes and are adapted to dry environments with salty soils.[11]



Atriplex species are used as food plants by thelarvae of someLepidoptera species; see the list of Lepidoptera which feed onAtriplex.[20] They are also sometimes consumed by camels.[21] Forspiders such asPhidippus californicus and otherarthropods, saltbush plants offer opportunities to hide and hunt inhabitat that is otherwise often quite barren.[citation needed] It has been proposed that genusAtriplex was a main food source in the diet of the extinct giant kangarooProcoptodon goliah.[22]



The favored species for human consumption is now usuallygarden orache (A. hortensis),[23][24][25] but many species are edible and the use ofAtriplex as food is known since at least the lateEpipaleolithic (Mesolithic).

Common orache (A. patula) is attested as anarchaeophyte in northern Europe, and theErtebølle culture is presumed to have used it as a food.[26] Its seed has been found among apparent evidence of cereal preparation and cooking at Late Iron Age villages in Britain.[27]Grey saltbush (A. cinerea) has been used asbushfood inAustralia since prehistoric times.Chamiso (A. canescens) andshadscale (A. confertifolia) were eaten byNative Americans, and spearscale (A. hastata) was a food in ruralEurasia.

Studies onAtriplex species demonstrated their potential use in agriculture. Meat from sheep which have grazed on saltbush has surprisingly high levels ofvitamin E, is leaner and more hydrated than regularlamb and has consumer appeal equal to grain-fed lamb.[28] The vitamin E levels could have animal health benefits while extending the shelf-life and maintaining the fresh red colour of saltbush lamb. This effect has been demonstrated for old man saltbush (A. nummularia) and river saltbush (A. amnicola). For reasons unknown, sheep seem to prefer the more fibrous, less nutritious river saltbush.[29][28]

A study onA. nummularia discovered the species have a nitrogen content of 2.5–3.5%, and could potentially be used as a protein supplement for grazing if palatable.[30] A subsequent study allowed sheep and goats to voluntarily feed onAtriplex halimus and aimed to determine if the saltbush was palatable, and if so, did it provide enough nutrients to supplement the diet of these animals.[31] In this study they determined when goats and sheep are given as muchA. halimus as they like, they do obtain enough nutrients to supplement their diet – unless the animal requirements are higher during pregnancy and milk production.

Saltbushes are also used as anornamental plant inlandscaping and can be used to preventsoil erosion in coastal areas.[32][33] Old man saltbush (Atriplex nummularia) has also been successfully used to rehabilitate old mining sites in Australia.

See also



  1. ^abc"Atriplex L." Plants of the World Online. Retrieved19 June 2022.
  2. ^Sunset Western Garden Book, 1995:606–607
  3. ^"orach".The Chambers Dictionary (9th ed.). Chambers. 2003.ISBN 0-550-10105-5.
  4. ^"orache".Oxford English Dictionary third edition. Oxford University Press. June 2004. Retrieved7 December 2018.
  5. ^Quattrocchi, Umberto (2000).CRC World Dictionary of Plant Names. Vol. I: A-C. CRC Press. p. 232.ISBN 978-0-8493-2675-2.
  6. ^abcStanley L. Welsh:Atriplex - online, In: Flora of North America Editorial Committee (ed.):Flora of North America North of Mexico, Volume 4:Magnoliophyta: Caryophyllidae, part 1., Oxford University Press, New York. 2003,ISBN 0-19-517389-9.
  7. ^abcdGelin Zhu, Sergei L. Mosyakin & Steven E. Clemants:Chenopodiaceae:Atriplex - online, In: Wu Zhengyi, Peter H. Raven, Deyuan Hong (ed.):Flora of China, Volume 5:Ulmaceae through Basellaceae., Science Press und Missouri Botanical Garden Press, Beijing und St. Louis, 2003,ISBN 1-930723-27-X.
  8. ^abcWalsh, Neville G."Atriples". Royal Botanic Gardens Victoria. Retrieved16 July 2022.
  9. ^abcJacobs, Surrey W.L."Atriplex". Royal Botanic Garden Sydney. Retrieved16 July 2022.
  10. ^abc"Atriplex".FloraBase. Western Australian GovernmentDepartment of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions.
  11. ^abcdefgGudrun Kadereit, Evgeny V. Mavrodiev, Elizabeth H. Zacharias & Alexander P. Sukhorukov: Molecular phylogeny of Atripliceae (Chenopodioideae, Chenopodiaceae): Implications for systematics, biogeography, flower and fruit evolution, and the origin of C4 Photosynthesis. -American Journal of Botany 97(10): 1664-1687, 2010.
  12. ^Linnaeus, Carl (1753).Species Plantarum. Vol. 2. pp. 1052–1053. Retrieved19 June 2022.
  13. ^Carl Linnaeus (1753),"Atriplex",Species Plantarum, vol. 2, Lars Salvius/Biodiversity Heritage Library, pp. 1052–1054, retrieved19 May 2015
  14. ^Sharr, Francis Aubi; George, Alex (2019).Western Australian Plant Names and Their Meanings (3rd ed.). Kardinya, WA: Four Gables Press. p. 61.ISBN 9780958034180.
  15. ^Atriplex at Tropicos, accessed 2013-07-11
  16. ^Shepherd, Kelly; Thiele, Kevin; Sampson, Jane; Coates, David; Bryne, Margaret (2015)."A rare, new species of Atriplex (Chenopodiaceae) comprising two genetically distinct but morphologically cryptic populations in arid Western Australia: implications for taxonomy and conservation".Australian Systematic Botany.28 (4): 235.doi:10.1071/SB15029.S2CID 85903596. Retrieved8 September 2021.
  17. ^abFlores, Hilda; Davis, Jerrold I. (2001)."A Cladistic Analysis of Atripliceae (Chenopodiaceae) Based on Morphological Data".Journal of the Torrey Botanical Society.128 (3): 297.doi:10.2307/3088719.JSTOR 3088719.
  18. ^abcBrignone, Nicolás F.; Pozner, Raúl E.; Denham, Silvia S. (October 2019). "Origin and evolution of Atriplex (Amaranthaceae s.l.) in the Americas: Unexpected insights from South American species".Taxon.68 (5): 1027.doi:10.1002/tax.12133.S2CID 214371753.
  19. ^Tasmanian name, also transcribedtrucanini, trucaninny, trugannini, trugernanna, etc. The plant was the namesake forTruganini, among the last ofher people.
  20. ^Robinson, Gaden S.; Ackery, Phillip R.; Kitching, Ian; Beccaloni, George W.; Hernández, Luis M. (2023)."HOSTS - The Hostplants and Caterpillars Database at the Natural History Museum" Retrieved2020-09-28.
  21. ^Shawket, S. M. (1999)."Fattening of camel calves on saltbush, Atriplex halimas with different energy sources".Mansoura University, Journal of Agricultural Sciences (Egypt).ISSN 1110-0346.
  22. ^Prideaux, Gavin J.; Ayliffe, Linda K.; DeSantis, Larisa R. G.; Schubert, Blaine W.; Murray, Peter F.; Gagan, Michael K.; Cerling, Thure E. (2009-07-14)."Extinction implications of a chenopod browse diet for a giant Pleistocene kangaroo".Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.106 (28):11646–11650.Bibcode:2009PNAS..10611646P.doi:10.1073/pnas.0900956106.ISSN 0027-8424.PMC 2710660.PMID 19556539.S2CID 19904871.
  23. ^"Orach facts and health benefits". 4 February 2020. Retrieved2020-09-28.
  24. ^"Atriplex hortensis Orach, Garden orache PFAF Plant Database" Retrieved2020-09-28.
  25. ^"Atriplex hortensis (garden orache)" Retrieved2020-09-28.
  26. ^Koch, Eva (December 1999)."Prehistoric plant food of Denmark". Archived fromthe original on 2006-07-17.
  27. ^Christopher Evans (2015),North West Cambridge Archaeology: University of Cambridge 2013 Excavations, The Traveller's Rest Sub-site(PDF), Cambridge Archaeological Unit University Of Cambridge, pp. 100–113
  28. ^abPearce, Kelly & Jacob, Robin (2004): Saltbush lifts sheep meat vitamin content.Farming Ahead153(October): 63.PDF fulltextArchived July 23, 2005, at theWayback Machine
  29. ^Norman, Hayley C.; Freind, Colby; Masters, David G.; Rintoul, Allan J.; Dynes, Robyn A. & Williams, Ian H. (2004): Variation within and between two saltbush species in plant composition and subsequent selection by sheep.Aust. J. Agr. Res.55(9): 999–1007.doi:10.1071/AR04031 (HTML abstract)
  30. ^Wilson, A.D.; Harrington, G.N. (1980). "Nutritive value of Australian browse plants".International Livestock Centre for Africa. Addis Ababa: 291.
  31. ^Valderrabano, J.; Munoz, F.; Delgado, I. (1996)."Browsing ability and utilisation by sheep and goats of Atriplex hamilus L. shrubs".Small Ruminant Research.19 (2). Zaragoza, Spain:131–136.doi:10.1016/0921-4488(95)00754-7. Retrieved13 April 2020.
  32. ^"Saltbushes for dryland salinity management in Western Australia" Retrieved2020-09-28.
  33. ^"Atriplex semibaccata (Australian saltbush)" Retrieved2020-09-28.
  • Davidson, Alan (1999): Orach.In: Oxford Companion to Food: 556.ISBN 0-19-211579-0
  • Everitt, J.H.; Lonard, R.L.; Little, C.R. (2007).Weeds in South Texas and Northern Mexico. Lubbock: Texas Tech University Press.ISBN 0-89672-614-2
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