Laobing, pajeon, the scallion pancake, teisen nionod and zwiebelkuchen
Onion cake is a savory or sweetcake prepared usingonion as a primary ingredient. Various onion cakes are consumed in Canada, China, Germany, Korea, Switzerland, Wales and other countries. Several types and varieties of onion cakes exist, including laobing, pajeon, the scallion pancake, Edmonton-style green onion cake, teisen nionod and zwiebelkuchen.
Onion cake is prepared usingonion as a main ingredient along with other typical cake ingredients.[1][2][3] The use of boiled onion can reduce the sharpness of the onion's flavor in onion cake.[3] Potato or bacon may also be used as a main ingredient in onion cake.[4][5][6][7] Additional ingredients can include cottage cheese[7] and sour cream.[8] Various onion cakes are consumed in China, Germany, Switzerland, Wales and in other countries.[3][5][9][10][11]
InChinese cuisine, onion cake may be prepared usingscallion[12] (also referred to as spring onion). A basic Chinese onion cake can consist of flour,lard, spring onion and salt.[12]
A variant of the Chinese spring onion pancake popularized by chef Siu To has become the local specialty ofEdmonton, Canada. Two variations exist: one with a typical round pancake shape, and the other with a hole in the middle. To attributes the early popularity of his green onion cakes with the large number of Taiwanese expatriates in the area.[13]
Laobing, a traditional Chinese pan-cake, made with flour, salt, eggs, green onion and other seasonings
Laobing is apancake or unleavenedflatbread in Chinese cuisine that is prepared with flour, water and salt.[14][15][16]Scallions may be used as an additional primary ingredient, and scallions are sometimes served as a side dish with laobing.[17]
Pajeon is a savoryjeon (pancake) dish inKorean cuisine prepared with a batter of flour, eggs and green onions orleeks.[18][19] Rice flour may also be used, along with additional ingredients, such asseafood,[20] pork and beef.Dongnae pajeon is prepared using green onion and seafood.[21]
Haemul pajeon is a variety ofpajeon in Korean cuisine made with flour, scallion and seafood
Ascallion pancake is a Chinese pancake or unleavened flatbread prepared using scallion as a primary ingredient.[22] It is typically prepared using adough, although some are prepared from abatter.[22] The scallion pancake is a traditional food inShanghai, China, and is a common dish throughout the country.[22] In China, fresh scallions are typically used in the dish's preparation.[22] The scallion may be fried before it is added to the dough.[22]
^"Swiss review of world affairs".Volumes 21–24. 1971.Normally about 40 tons of onions are sold on this single day, usually in attractively designed strings, wreaths and other more exotic shapes. There is also onion cake, onion soup and dancing in the streets. This year Bern's Onion Festival takes ...