The species is aperennial, often cultivated as anannual in temperate climates, often growing to around 2 metres (6 ft 7 in) tall. As a member of the Malvaceae, it is related to such species ascotton,cocoa, andhibiscus. Theleaves are 10–20 centimetres (4–8 in) long and broad, palmately lobed with 5–7 lobes. Theflowers are 4–8 cm (1+5⁄8–3+1⁄8 in) in diameter, with five white to yellow petals, often with a red or purple spot at the base. The pollen grains are spherical and approximately 188microns indiameter. Thefruit is acapsule up to 18 cm (7 in) long withpentagonal cross-section, containing numerousseeds.
The first use of the wordokra (alternatively;okro orochro) appeared in 1679 in theColony of Virginia, deriving fromIgbo:ọ́kwụ̀rụ̀.[8] The wordgumbo was first used inAmerican English around 1805, derived fromLouisiana Creole,[9] but originates from eitherUmbundu:ochinggõmbo[10] orKimbundu:kingombo.[11] Even though the wordgumbo often refers to the dishgumbo in most of the United States, many places in theDeep South may have used it to refer to the pods and plant as well as many other variants of the word found across theAfrican diaspora in the Americas.[12]
Okra is anallopolyploid of uncertain parentage. However, proposed parents includeAbelmoschus ficulneus,A. tuberculatus and a reported diploid form of okra.[13] Truly wild (as opposed tonaturalised) populations are not known with certainty, and the West African variety has been described as acultigen.[14]
Abelmoschus esculentus is cultivated throughout the tropical and warm temperate regions of the world for its fibrous fruits or pods containing round, white seeds. It is among the most heat- anddrought-tolerant vegetable species in the world and will toleratesoils with heavyclay and intermittent moisture, but frost can damage the pods. In cultivation, the seeds are soaked overnight prior to planting to a depth of1–2 cm (3⁄8–13⁄16 in). It prefers a soil temperature of at least 20 °C (68 °F) forgermination, which occurs between six days (soaked seeds) and three weeks. As a tropical plant, it also requires a lot of sunlight, and it should also be cultivated in soil that has a pH between 5.8 and 7, ideally on the acidic side.[19] Seedlings require ample water. The seed pods rapidly become fibrous and woody and, to be edible as avegetable, must be harvested when immature, usually within a week ofpollination.[20] The first harvest will typically be ready about 2 months after planting, and the pods will be approximately 2–3 inches (51–76 mm) long.[19]
The most common disease afflicting the okra plant isverticillium wilt, often causing a yellowing and wilting of the leaves. Other diseases includepowdery mildew in dry tropical regions,leaf spots,yellow mosaic androot-knot nematodes. Resistance to yellow mosaic virus inA. esculentus was transferred through a cross withAbelmoschus manihot and resulted in a new variety calledParbhani kranti.[21]
In the U.S. much of the supply is grown in Florida, especially aroundDade in southern Florida.[22][23] Okra is grown throughout the state to some degree, so okra is available ten months of the year.[22] Yields range from less than 18,000 pounds per acre (20,000 kg/ha) to over 30,000 pounds per acre (34,000 kg/ha).[22]Wholesale prices can go as high as $18/bushel which is $0.60 per pound ($1.3/kg).[22] TheRegional IPM Centers provideintegrated pest management plans for use in the state.[22]
Okra is one of threethickeners that may be used ingumbo soup fromLouisiana.[27]Fried okra is a dish from theCuisine of the Southern United States. InCuba andPuerto Rico, the vegetable is referred to asquimbombó, and is used in dishes such asquimbombó guisado (stewed okra), a dish similar to gumbo.[28][29] It is also used in traditional dishes in theDominican Republic, where it is calledmolondrón.[30] InBrazil, it is an important component of several regional dishes, such ascaruru, made with shrimp, in the Northeastern region, andfrango com quiabo (chicken with okra) andcarne refogada com quiabo (stewed meat with okra) inMinas Gerais.
In South Asia, the pods are used in many spicy vegetable preparations as well as cooked with beef, mutton, lamb and chicken.[31][32]
The pods of the plant aremucilaginous, resulting in the characteristic "goo" orslime when the seed pods are cooked; the mucilage containssoluble fiber.[33] One possible way to de-slime okra is to cook it with an acidic food, such as tomatoes, to minimize the mucilage.[34] Pods are cooked, pickled, eaten raw, or included in salads. Okra may be used indeveloping countries to mitigatemalnutrition and alleviatefood insecurity.[33]
Young okra leaves may be cooked similarly to the greens ofbeets ordandelions, or used in salads. Okra seeds may be roasted and ground to form a caffeine-free substitute forcoffee.[4] When importation of coffee was disrupted by theAmerican Civil War in 1861, theAustin State Gazette said, "An acre of okra will produce seed enough to furnish aplantation with coffee in every way equal to that imported fromRio."[35]
Greenish-yellow edible okraoil is pressed from okra seeds; it has a pleasant taste and odor, and is high inunsaturated fats such asoleic acid andlinoleic acid.[36] The oil content of some varieties of the seed is about 40%. At 794 kilograms per hectare (708 lb/acre), the yield was exceeded only by that ofsunflower oil in one trial.[37]
^Vegetables. Wageningen, Netherlands: Backhuys. 2004. p. 21.ISBN9057821478.
^ab"Okra (Abelmoschus esculentus (L.) Moench)", pp. 216–224 in:Muimba-Kankolongo, Ambayeba (2018). "Vegetable Production".Food Crop Production by Smallholder Farmers in Southern Africa. pp. 205–274.doi:10.1016/B978-0-12-814383-4.00011-6.ISBN978-0-12-814383-4.
^Mays, D A, Buchanan, W, Bradford, B N, Giordano, P M (1990). "Fuel production potential of several agricultural crops". In Janick J, Simon JE (eds.).Advances in New Crops: Proceedings of the First National Symposium NEW CROPS, Research, Development, Economics, Indianapolis, Indiana, October 23-26, 1988. Timber Press. pp. 260–263.ISBN978-0-88192-166-3.
^De Rosa, I.M.; Kenny, J.M.; Puglia, D.; Santulli, C.; Sarasini, F. (2010). "Morphological, thermal and mechanical characterization of okra (Abelmoschus esculentus) fibres as potential reinforcement in polymer composites".Composites Science and Technology.70 (1):116–122.doi:10.1016/j.compscitech.2009.09.013.
^Konstantinos Anastasakis; Dimitrios Kalderis; Evan Diamadopoulos (2009), "Flocculation behavior of mallow and okra mucilage in treating wastewater",Desalination,249 (2):786–791,Bibcode:2009Desal.249..786A,doi:10.1016/j.desal.2008.09.013
^Araújo, Antonio; Galvão, Andrêssa; Filho, Carlos Silva; Mendes, Francisco; Oliveira, Marília; Barbosa, Francisco; Filho, Men Sousa; Bastos, Maria (October 2018). "Okra mucilage and corn starch bio-based film to be applied in food".Polymer Testing.71:352–361.doi:10.1016/j.polymertesting.2018.09.010.