The original French lyrics were translated to English in 1906.[1] Multiple English versions ensued, withRobert Stanley Weir's 1908 version (which was not a translation of the French lyrics) gaining the most popularity; the Weir lyrics eventually served as the basis for the official lyrics enacted by Parliament.[1] Weir's English-language lyrics have been revised three times, most recently whenAn Act to amend the National Anthem Act (gender) was enacted in 2018.[2] The French lyrics remain unaltered.
"O Canada" had served as ade facto national anthem since 1939, officially becoming the country's national anthem in 1980 when Canada'sNational Anthem Act receivedroyal assent and became effective on July 1 as part of that year'sDominion Day (today's Canada Day) celebrations.[1][3]
"O Canada" is a 28-bar song originally written in the key of F major for four voices and piano, as amarch in4/4 time to be played "maestoso erisoluto" ("majestic and resolved"). The original manuscript has been lost.[4]
MusicologistRoss Duffin has argued that Lavallée constructed the melody for "O Canada" by adapting material by Mozart ("March of the Priests", measures 1–8), Wagner ("Wach auf, es nahet gen den Tag", measures 9–16), Liszt ("Festklänge", measures 17–20), and Matthias Keller ("The American Hymn", measures 21–28).[5][6]
The National Anthem Act established set lyrics for "O Canada" in Canada's two official languages, English and French. However, the two sets of lyrics are not translations of each other.
O Canada! Our home and native land! True patriot love in all of us command. With glowing hearts we see thee rise, The True North strong and free! From far and wide, O Canada, we stand on guard for thee. God keep our land glorious and free! 𝄆 O Canada, we stand on guard for thee. 𝄇
French lyrics
Ô Canada! Terre de nos aïeux, Ton front est ceint de fleurons glorieux! Car ton bras sait porter l'épée, Il sait porter la croix! Ton histoire est une épopée Des plus brillants exploits. Et ta valeur, de foi trempée, 𝄆 Protégera nos foyers et nos droits. 𝄇
O Canada! Land of our ancestors Glorious deeds circle your brow For your arm knows how to wield the sword Your arm knows how to carry the cross; Your history is an epic Of brilliant deeds And your valour steeped in faith 𝄆 Will protect our homes and our rights. 𝄇
O Canada! Our home and native land! True patriot love in all of us command. Car ton bras sait porter l'épée, Il sait porter la croix! Ton histoire est une épopée Des plus brillants exploits. God keep our land glorious and free! 𝄆 O Canada, we stand on guard for thee. 𝄇
Ô Canada! Terre de nos aïeux, Ton front est ceint de fleurons glorieux! Car ton bras sait porter l'épée, Il sait porter la croix! Ton histoire est une épopée Des plus brillants exploits. God keep our land glorious and free! 𝄆 O Canada, we stand on guard for thee. 𝄇
The line "The True North strong and free" is based onLord Tennyson's description of Canada as "that true North, whereof we lately heard / A strain to shame us". In the context of Tennyson's poemTo the Queen, the wordtrue means "loyal" or "faithful".[11]
The lyrics and melody of "O Canada" are both in thepublic domain,[1] a status unaffected by the trademarking of the phrases "with glowing hearts" and "des plus brillants exploits" for the2010 Winter Olympics in Vancouver.[12] Two provinces have adopted Latin translations of phrases from the English lyrics as their mottos:Manitoba—Gloriosus et Liber (Glorious and Free)[13]—andAlberta—Fortis et Liber (Strong and Free).[14] Similarly, theCanadian Army's motto isVigilamus pro te (we stand on guard for thee).
Sheet music for an English-language version of "O Canada" published in 1906.
Five years later, the Whaley and Royce company inToronto published the music with the French text and a first translation into English by Thomas Bedford Richardson and, in 1908,Collier's Weekly magazine held a competition to write new English lyrics for "O Canada". The competition was won by Mercy E. Powell McCulloch, but her version never gained wide acceptance.[19] In fact, many made English translations of Routhier's words; however, the most popular version was created in 1908 by Robert Stanley Weir, a lawyer and Recorder of the City ofMontreal. Weir's lyrics from 1908 contained no religious references and used the phrase "thou dost in us command" before they were changed by Weir in 1913 to read "in all thy sons command".[1][21][4] In 1926, a fourth verse of a religious nature was added.[22] A slightly modified version was officially published for the Diamond Jubilee of Confederation in 1927, and gradually it became the most widely accepted and performed version of this song.[1]
The tune was thought to have become thede facto national anthem after KingGeorge VI remained at attention during its playing at the dedication of theNational War Memorial inOttawa, Ontario, on May 21, 1939;[23] though George was actually following a precedent set by his brother,Edward, the previousking of Canada, when he dedicated theCanadian National Vimy Memorial in France in 1936.[24] By-laws and practices governing the use of song during public events in municipalities varied; in Toronto, "God Save the King" or "God Save the Queen" was employed, while in Montreal it was "O Canada".
MusicologistRoss Duffin has made an extended argument that Lavallée constructed the melody for "O Canada" by adapting material by Mozart ("March of the Priests", measures 1–8), Liszt ("Festklänge", measures 17–20), Wagner ("Wach auf, es nahet gen den Tag", measures 9–16), and Matthias Keller ("The American Hymn", measures 21–28).[25][26]
Prime MinisterLester B. Pearson in 1964 said one song would have to be chosen as the country's national anthem and the government resolved to form a joint committee to review the status of the two musical works. The next year, Pearson put to the House of Commons a motion that "the government be authorized to take such steps as may be necessary to provide that 'O Canada' shall be the National Anthem of Canada while 'God Save the Queen' shall be the Royal Anthem of Canada", of which parliament approved. In 1967, the Prime Minister advisedGovernor GeneralGeorges Vanier to appoint the Special Joint Committee of theSenate andHouse of Commons on the National and Royal Anthems; the group first met in February and,[4] within two months, on April 12, 1967, presented its conclusion that "O Canada" should be designated as the national anthem and "God Save the Queen" as theroyal anthem of Canada,[1] one verse from each, inboth official languages, to be adopted by parliament. The group was then charged with establishing official lyrics for each song. For "O Canada", the Robert Stanley Weir version of 1908 was recommended for the English words, with a few minor changes: two of the "stand on guard" phrases were replaced with "from far and wide" and "God keep our land".[27][1]
In 1970, theQueen in Right of Canada purchased the right to the lyrics and music of "O Canada" from Gordon V. Thompson Music for $1.[28] The song finally became the official national anthem in 1980 with the passage of theNational Anthem Act.[24][4] The Act replaced two of the repetitions of the phrase "We stand on guard" in the English lyrics, as had been proposed by the Senate Special Joint Committee. This change was controversial with traditionalists and, for several years afterwards, it was not uncommon to hear people still singing the old lyrics at public events. In contrast, the French lyrics are unchanged from the original version.[29]
Inclusive language debates
In June 1990,Toronto City Council voted 12 to 7 in favour of recommending to theCanadian government that the phrase "our home and native land" be changed to "our home and cherished land" and that "in all thy sons command" be partly reverted to "in all of us command". CouncillorHoward Moscoe said that the words "native land" were not appropriate for the many Canadians who were not native-born and that the word "sons" implied "that women can't feel true patriotism or love for Canada".[30]SenatorVivienne Poy similarly criticized the English lyrics of the anthem as beingsexist and she introduced a bill in 2002 proposing to change the phrase "in all thy sons command" to "in all of us command".[22] In the late 2000s, the anthem's religious references (to God in English and to theChristian cross in French) were criticized bysecularists.[31]
In another attempt to make the anthem gender-neutral, Liberal MPMauril Bélanger introduced aprivate member's bill in September 2014. His Bill C-624,An Act to amend the National Anthem Act (gender), was defeated at second reading in April 2015.[35] Following the2015 federal election, Bélanger reintroduced the bill in the new parliament as Bill C-210 in January 2016.[36] In June 2016, the bill passed its third reading with a vote of 225 to 74 in theHouse of Commons.[37] The bill passed its third reading in theSenate with avoice vote on January 31, 2018, and receivedroyal assent on February 7, 2018.[38][39]
Second, third and fourth stanzas: historical refrain
A page fromHymns of the Christian Life, 1962, depicting then long-standing refrain lyrics to "O Canada", but not the original
Below are the second, third and fourth stanzas.[1] These are rarely sung.[40]
II O Canada! Where pines and maples grow. Great prairies spread and lordly rivers flow. How dear to us thy broad domain, From East to Western sea. Thou land of hope for all who toil! Thou True North, strong and free!
Chorus God keep our land glorious and free! 𝄆 O Canada, we stand on guard for thee. 𝄇
III O Canada! Beneath thy shining skies May stalwart sons, and gentle maidens rise, To keep thee steadfast through the years From East to Western sea. Our own beloved native land! Our True North, strong and free!
IV Ruler supreme, who hearest humble prayer, Hold our Dominion within thy loving care; Help us to find, O God, in thee A lasting, rich reward, As waiting for the better Day, We ever stand on guard.
Original French version
The first verse is the same. The other verses follow.
II Sous l'œil de Dieu, près du fleuve géant, Le Canadien grandit en espérant. Il est né d'une race fière, Béni fut son berceau. Le ciel a marqué sa carrière Dans ce monde nouveau. Toujours guidé par sa lumière, 𝄆 Il gardera l'honneur de son drapeau. 𝄇
III De son patron, précurseur du vrai Dieu, Il porte au front l'auréole de feu. Ennemi de la tyrannie Mais plein de loyauté, Il veut garder dans l'harmonie, Sa fière liberté; Et par l'effort de son génie, 𝄆 Sur notre sol asseoir la vérité. 𝄇
IV Amour sacré du trône et de l'autel, Remplis nos cœurs de ton souffle immortel! Parmi les races étrangères, Notre guide est la loi : Sachons être un peuple de frères, Sous le joug de la foi. Et répétons, comme nos pères, 𝄆 Le cri vainqueur : « Pour le Christ et le roi! » 𝄇
II Under the eye of God, near the giant river, The Canadian grows hoping. He was born of a proud race, Blessed was his birthplace. Heaven has noted his career In this new world. Always guided by its light, 𝄆 He will keep the honour of his flag. 𝄇
III From his patron, the precursor of the true God, He wears the halo of fire on his brow. Enemy of tyranny But full of loyalty, He wants to keep in harmony, His proud freedom; And by the effort of his genius, 𝄆 Set on our ground the truth. 𝄇
IV Sacred love of the throne and the altar, Fill our hearts with your immortal breath! Among the foreign races, Our guide is the law: Let us know how to be a people of brothers, Under the yoke of faith. And repeat, like our fathers, 𝄆 The battle cry: "For Christ and King!" 𝄇
"O Canada" is routinely played before sporting events involving Canadian teams. Singers at such public events often mix the English and French lyrics to representCanada's linguistic duality.[41] Other linguistic variations have also been performed: During the opening ceremonies of the1988 Winter Olympics in Calgary, "O Canada" was sung in the southernTutchone language by Yukon native Daniel Tlen.[42][43] At aNational Hockey League (NHL) game in Calgary, in February 2007,Cree singerAkina Shirt became the first person to perform "O Canada" in theCree language at such an event.[44]
TheNational Anthem Act specifies the lyrics and melody of "O Canada", placing both of them in thepublic domain, allowing the anthem to be freely reproduced or used as a base for derived works, including musical arrangements.[48][49] There are no regulations governing the performance of "O Canada", leaving citizens to exercise their best judgment. When it is performed at an event, traditional etiquette is to either start or end the ceremonies with the anthem, including situations when other anthems are played and for the audience to stand during the performance. Civilian men usually remove their hats, while women and children are not required to do so.[50] Military men and women in uniform traditionally keep their hats on and offer the military salute during the performance of the anthem, with the salute offered in the direction of theCanadian Flag if one is present, and if not present it is offered standing at attention.[50]
Presently, provincial regulations and policies in Manitoba, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Ontario and Prince Edward Island mandate the national anthem to be played daily in public elementary and secondary schools.[51][52] "O Canada" is to be played in British Columbia schools at least three times a year at assemblies.[52] Other provinces and territories do not have provincially-mandated regulations and policies for playing the national anthem in schools.[52]
^DeRocco, David (2008).From sea to sea to sea: a newcomer's guide to Canada. Full Blast Productions. pp. 121–122.ISBN978-0-9784738-4-6.
^abcdPotvin, Gilles; Kallmann, Helmut."O Canada".The Canadian Encyclopedia. Toronto: Historica Foundation of Canada.Archived from the original on December 3, 2013. RetrievedNovember 10, 2015.
^abBélanger, Claude."National Anthem of Canada".The Quebec History Encyclopedia. Montreal: Marianopolis College.Archived from the original on September 19, 2013. RetrievedSeptember 25, 2019.