After the cholera epidemic swept Brownsville in February through April 1849,[10] upon hearing news ofgold being discovered, Wozencraft decided to seek his fortune in California.[3][8] Wozencraft arrived atYuma, Arizona in May 1849, crossed theColorado Desert in difficult circumstances, then arrived in California.[11]
Wozencraft spoke against the admission of African Americans to California:
We have declared, by a unanimous vote, that neither slavery nor involuntary servitude shall ever exist in this State. I desire now to cast my vote in favor of the proposition just submitted, prohibiting the negro race from coming amongst us; and this I profess to do as a philanthropist, loving my kind, and rejoicing in their rapid march toward perfectibility. If there was just reason why slavery should not exist in this land, there is just reason why that part of the family of man, who are so well adapted for servitude, should be excluded from amongst us. It would appear that the all-wise Creator has created the negro to serve the white race. We see evidence of this wherever they are brought in contact; we see the instinctive feeling of the negro is obedience to the white man, and, in all instances, he obeys him, and is ruled by him. If you would wish that all mankind should be free, do not bring the two extremes in the scale of organization together; do not bring the lowest in contact with the highest, for be assured the one will rule and the other must serve.
Original title:Maidu Headmen with Treaty Commissioners. Wozencraft is seated center front. Image was captured on or around August 1, 1851 atBidwell'sRanch atBig Chico Creek.[16][17]
On July 8, 1850, PresidentMillard Fillmore appointed Wozencraft as anIndian Agent of the United States.[3][18] Salary and expenses were not provided to Wozencraft for this appointment. On October 15, 1850, his title as Indian Agent was suspended and he,Redick McKee andGeorge W. Barbour were appointed "commissioners 'to hold treaties with various Indian tribes in the State of California,' as provided in the act of Congress approved September 30, 1850." In that role Wozencraft was paid eight dollars per day plus ten cents per mile travelled.[19]
Between March 19, 1851, and January 7, 1852, Wozencraft, McKee and Barbour traversed California and negotiated 18 treaties with Native American tribes.[2] The treaties were submitted to theUnited States Senate on June 1, 1852. They were considered and rejected for ratification by the Senate inclosed session. The treaties were then sealed from public record until January 18, 1905.[20][21][22]
Fillmore removed Wozencraft's standing as an Indian Agent on August 28, 1852.[21]
Wozencraft was an advocate for creating a gravity-fed canal from theColorado River to provideirrigation to theSalton Sink area of the Colorado Desert (now known as theImperial Valley). Around 1854 to 1855 he hired Ebenezer Hadley, County Surveyor of Los Angeles and Deputy County Surveyor ofSan Bernardino, to survey a route for the canal.[23][24] In 1859 Wozencraft successfully lobbied theCalifornia State Legislature to provisionally allocate 3,000,000 acres (12,141 km2) of the Colorado Desert to himself for the scheme.[4][24]
Wozencraft required passage of federal legislation (e.g. H.R.3219[23]) to finalize the land allocation approved by the state legislature. This would allow him to secure capital to complete the project. He unsuccessfully lobbied theUnited States Congress for this allocation for the remainder of his life.[11][24]
TheSan Bernardino house of recalled Mormon ApostleAmasa Lyman was the residence of Wozencraft and his family in 1863.
Wozencraft died of a heart attack on November 22, 1887, in a boardinghouse in Washington, D.C.[11] He had been in Washington to again present a Colorado Desert irrigation scheme bill to Congress. Just prior to his death the bill had been killed in committee. In committee the bill was described as a "fantastic folly of an old man".[11]
Work began on theAlamo Canal 13 years after Wozencraft's death, ultimately providing irrigation to the Imperial Valley in a manner similar to that first proposed by Wozencraft almost 50 years earlier.[25] He has been declared the "Father of the Imperial Valley."[4][5][26]
Modern evaluations of the treaties he negotiated with California Native Americans are critical:
Taken all together, one cannot imagine a more poorly conceived, more inaccurate, less informed, and less democratic process than the making of the 18 treaties in 1851-52 with the California Indians. It was a farce from beginning to end.[22]
Nineteenth century evaluations are likewise scathing:
There was a very general impression in the state, and apparently pretty well founded, that [Wozencraft, McKee and Barbour] knew little about the country and still less about the Indians; and that everything they did was a mistake and almost everything in excess of their powers. They appear to have traveled about in considerable style and at very great expense, but accomplished nothing of importance. They made presents and promises in abundance, but got nothing of value in return. None of their treaties were approved; and nearly all the debts they contracted were repudiated as unauthorized. The reservations they established were nearly, if not entirely, useless and very unpopular...[27]
^abEdmund Charles Wendt, M.D., ed. (1885).A treatise on Asiatic cholera. New York: William Wood. p. 79. Retrieved6 June 2010.brownsville cholera 1849 california emigrants.
^abcRudy, Alan (1995)."3"(PDF).Environmental Conditions, Negotiations and Crises: The Political Economy of Agriculture in the Imperial Valley of California, 1850-1993 (Ph.D. in Sociology thesis). Retrieved26 May 2010.
Wozencraft letter to Hon. Luke Lea, Commissioner Indian Affairs, Washington requesting $500,000 to cover treaty commitments to California Native Americans.Wozencraft, Oliver M. (1851–1852).EXECUTIVE DOCUMENTS THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES. pp. 7–8.
Magazine article with Wozencraft claims of finding baby Shasta abandoned by mother; picture of Shasta in 1882.Taze Lamb; Jessie Lamb (June 1938)."Dream of a Desert Paradise".Desert Magazine. pp. 22–28. Retrieved4 June 2010.
Gunfight with Willis brothers."SAN FRANCISCO NEWS".Sacramento Daily Union. November 27, 1862. Retrieved4 June 2010. Willis accuses Wozencraft of being drunk, abusive and the first to draw a pistol."The Wozencraft and Willis Difficulty".Sacramento Daily Union. 2 December 1862. p. 3. Retrieved28 June 2011.