Nyasaye (alsoNyasae orNasaye)[1] is theLuo andGusii word forGod. The same or similar words are also used by speakers ofLuhya languages, but they refer to the same entity.[1] for the Luo people, Nyasaye means the creator of the beginning, The Luo also called Nyasaye with different names such asObongo NyaKalaga, Obong'o means one of a kind, while NyaKalaga means the all powerful everlasting one. Luos are strictly monotheistic. In other context, Nyakalaga means the crawling one. Ancient Luo had many references to serpents.
Some researchers have argued that the wordNyasaye doesn't mean exactly the same how comes thing for the Luo people as the wordGod does in English as a supreme high power, and even if the Luo people understand the concept, it doesn't necessarily carry the same connotations.[2] The fact that English language is used to study religion in this case doesn't help to understand the way that these African populations apprehend the notion of God. However, some of the expressions in Luo languages which are used as prayers to speak about God/Nyasaye are direct translations from the Bible, and they don't have any other equivalents in their language.[3]
For theLuhya people, the high god is calledWele orWere, and he is male-gendered, while other spirits and gods can be of both genders or not gendered. The Christian God,Nyasaye, is also considered to bemale.[4]
Theologist Jim Harries affirms that the way that African people get in touch with Nyasaye is throughaltered states of consciousness, which are seen as completely natural.[5] These altered states can cause people in Kenya to dance violently or to see visions. They also believe that worldly wealth and understanding of the world can also be achieved by contacting Nyasaye through these states.[5]
Further applications of the word include: