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Algebraic number field

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Finite degree (and hence algebraic) field extension of the field of rational numbers
Algebraic structure → Ring theory
Ring theory

Inmathematics, analgebraic number field (or simplynumber field) is anextension fieldK{\displaystyle K} of thefield ofrational numbersQ{\displaystyle \mathbb {Q} } such that thefield extensionK/Q{\displaystyle K/\mathbb {Q} } hasfinite degree (and hence is analgebraic field extension).ThusK{\displaystyle K} is a field that containsQ{\displaystyle \mathbb {Q} } and has finitedimension when considered as avector space overQ{\displaystyle \mathbb {Q} }.

The study of algebraic number fields, that is, of algebraic extensions of the field of rational numbers, is the central topic ofalgebraic number theory. This study reveals hidden structures behind the rational numbers, by using algebraic methods.




Main articles:Field andVector space

The notion of algebraic number field relies on the concept of afield. A field consists of aset of elements together with two operations, namelyaddition, andmultiplication, and somedistributivity assumptions. These operations make the field into an abelian group under addition, and they make the nonzero elements of the field into another abelian group under multiplication. A prominent example of a field is the field ofrational numbers, commonly denotedQ{\displaystyle \mathbb {Q} }, together with its usual operations of addition and multiplication.

Another notion needed to define algebraic number fields isvector spaces. To the extent needed here, vector spaces can be thought of as consisting of sequences (ortuples)

(x1,x2,){\displaystyle (x_{1},x_{2},\dots )}

whose entries are elements of a fixed field, such as the fieldQ{\displaystyle \mathbb {Q} }. Any two such sequences can be added by adding the corresponding entries. Furthermore, all members of any sequence can be multiplied by a single elementc of the fixed field. These two operations known asvector addition andscalar multiplication satisfy a number of properties that serve to define vector spaces abstractly. Vector spaces are allowed to be "infinite-dimensional", that is to say that the sequences constituting the vector spaces may be of infinite length. If, however, the vector space consists offinite sequences

(x1,,xn){\displaystyle (x_{1},\dots ,x_{n})},

the vector space is said to be of finitedimension,n{\displaystyle n}.



Analgebraic number field (or simplynumber field) is a finite-degreefield extension of the field of rational numbers. Heredegree means the dimension of the field as a vector space overQ{\displaystyle \mathbb {Q} }.





Algebraicity, and ring of integers


Generally, inabstract algebra, a field extensionK/L{\displaystyle K/L} isalgebraic if every elementf{\displaystyle f} of the bigger fieldK{\displaystyle K} is the zero of a (nonzero)polynomial with coefficientse0,,em{\displaystyle e_{0},\ldots ,e_{m}} inL{\displaystyle L}:

p(f)=emfm+em1fm1++e1f+e0=0{\displaystyle p(f)=e_{m}f^{m}+e_{m-1}f^{m-1}+\cdots +e_{1}f+e_{0}=0}

Every field extensionof finite degree is algebraic. (Proof: forx{\displaystyle x} inK{\displaystyle K}, simply consider1,x,x2,x3,{\displaystyle 1,x,x^{2},x^{3},\ldots } – we get a linear dependence, i.e. a polynomial thatx{\displaystyle x} is a root of.) In particular this applies to algebraic number fields, so any elementf{\displaystyle f} of an algebraic number fieldK{\displaystyle K} can be written as a zero of a polynomial with rational coefficients. Therefore, elements ofK{\displaystyle K} are also referred to asalgebraic numbers. Given a polynomialp{\displaystyle p} such thatp(f)=0{\displaystyle p(f)=0}, it can be arranged such that the leading coefficientem{\displaystyle e_{m}} is one, by dividing all coefficients by it, if necessary. A polynomial with this property is known as amonic polynomial. In general it will have rational coefficients.

If, however, the monic polynomial's coefficients are actually all integers,f{\displaystyle f} is called analgebraic integer.

Any (usual) integerzZ{\displaystyle z\in \mathbb {Z} } is an algebraic integer, as it is the zero of the linear monic polynomial:

p(t)=tz{\displaystyle p(t)=t-z}.

It can be shown that any algebraic integer that is also a rational number must actually be an integer, hence the name "algebraic integer". Again using abstract algebra, specifically the notion of afinitely generated module, it can be shown that the sum and the product of any two algebraic integers is still an algebraic integer. It follows that the algebraic integers inK{\displaystyle K} form aring denotedOK{\displaystyle {\mathcal {O}}_{K}} called thering of integers ofK{\displaystyle K}. It is asubring of (that is, a ring contained in)K{\displaystyle K}. A field contains nozero divisors and this property is inherited by any subring, so the ring of integers ofK{\displaystyle K} is anintegral domain. The fieldK{\displaystyle K} is thefield of fractions of the integral domainOK{\displaystyle {\mathcal {O}}_{K}}. This way one can get back and forth between the algebraic number fieldK{\displaystyle K} and its ring of integersOK{\displaystyle {\mathcal {O}}_{K}}. Rings of algebraic integers have three distinctive properties: firstly,OK{\displaystyle {\mathcal {O}}_{K}} is an integral domain that isintegrally closed in its field of fractionsK{\displaystyle K}. Secondly,OK{\displaystyle {\mathcal {O}}_{K}} is aNoetherian ring. Finally, every nonzeroprime ideal ofOK{\displaystyle {\mathcal {O}}_{K}} ismaximal or, equivalently, theKrull dimension of this ring is one. An abstract commutative ring with these three properties is called aDedekind ring (orDedekind domain), in honor ofRichard Dedekind, who undertook a deep study of rings of algebraic integers.

Unique factorization


For generalDedekind rings, in particular rings of integers, there is a unique factorization ofideals into a product ofprime ideals. For example, the ideal(6){\displaystyle (6)} in the ringZ[5]{\displaystyle \mathbf {Z} [{\sqrt {-5}}]} ofquadratic integers factors into prime ideals as

(6)=(2,1+5)(2,15)(3,1+5)(3,15){\displaystyle (6)=(2,1+{\sqrt {-5}})(2,1-{\sqrt {-5}})(3,1+{\sqrt {-5}})(3,1-{\sqrt {-5}})}

However, unlikeZ{\displaystyle \mathbf {Z} } as the ring of integers ofQ{\displaystyle \mathbf {Q} }, the ring of integers of a proper extension ofQ{\displaystyle \mathbf {Q} } need not admitunique factorization of numbers into a product of prime numbers or, more precisely,prime elements. This happens already forquadratic integers, for example inOQ(5)=Z[5]{\displaystyle {\mathcal {O}}_{\mathbf {Q} ({\sqrt {-5}})}=\mathbf {Z} [{\sqrt {-5}}]}, the uniqueness of the factorization fails:

6=23=(1+5)(15){\displaystyle 6=2\cdot 3=(1+{\sqrt {-5}})\cdot (1-{\sqrt {-5}})}

Using thenorm it can be shown that these two factorization are actually inequivalent in the sense that the factors do not just differ by aunit inOQ(5){\displaystyle {\mathcal {O}}_{\mathbf {Q} ({\sqrt {-5}})}}.Euclidean domains are unique factorization domains: For exampleZ[i]{\displaystyle \mathbf {Z} [i]}, the ring ofGaussian integers, andZ[ω]{\displaystyle \mathbf {Z} [\omega ]}, the ring ofEisenstein integers, whereω{\displaystyle \omega } is a cube root of unity (unequal to 1), have this property.[1]

Analytic objects: ζ-functions,L-functions, and class number formula


The failure of unique factorization is measured by theclass number, commonly denotedh, the cardinality of the so-calledideal class group. This group is always finite. The ring of integersOK{\displaystyle {\mathcal {O}}_{K}} possesses unique factorization if and only if it is a principal ring or, equivalently, ifK{\displaystyle K} hasclass number 1. Given a number field, the class number is often difficult to compute. Theclass number problem, going back toGauss, is concerned with the existence of imaginary quadratic number fields (i.e.,Q(d),d1{\displaystyle \mathbf {Q} ({\sqrt {-d}}),d\geq 1}) with prescribed class number. Theclass number formula relatesh to other fundamental invariants ofK{\displaystyle K}. It involves theDedekind zeta functionζK(s){\displaystyle \zeta _{K}(s)}, a function in a complex variables{\displaystyle s}, defined by

ζK(s):=p11N(p)s.{\displaystyle \zeta _{K}(s):=\prod _{\mathfrak {p}}{\frac {1}{1-N({\mathfrak {p}})^{-s}}}.}

(The product is over all prime ideals ofOK{\displaystyle {\mathcal {O}}_{K}},N(p){\displaystyle N({\mathfrak {p}})} denotes the norm of the prime ideal or, equivalently, the (finite) number of elements in theresidue fieldOK/p{\displaystyle {\mathcal {O}}_{K}/{\mathfrak {p}}}. The infinite product converges only forRe(s) > 1; in generalanalytic continuation and thefunctional equation for the zeta-function are needed to define the function for alls).The Dedekind zeta-function generalizes theRiemann zeta-function in that ζQ{\displaystyle \mathbb {Q} }(s) = ζ(s).

The class number formula states that ζK{\displaystyle K}(s) has asimple pole ats = 1 and at this point theresidue is given by

2r1(2π)r2hRegw|D|.{\displaystyle {\frac {2^{r_{1}}\cdot (2\pi )^{r_{2}}\cdot h\cdot \operatorname {Reg} }{w\cdot {\sqrt {|D|}}}}.}

Herer1 andr2 classically denote the number ofreal embeddings and pairs ofcomplex embeddings ofK{\displaystyle K}, respectively. Moreover, Reg is theregulator ofK{\displaystyle K},w the number ofroots of unity inK{\displaystyle K} andD is the discriminant ofK{\displaystyle K}.

Dirichlet L-functionsL(χ,s){\displaystyle L(\chi ,s)} are a more refined variant ofζ(s){\displaystyle \zeta (s)}. Both types of functions encode the arithmetic behavior ofQ{\displaystyle \mathbb {Q} } andK{\displaystyle K}, respectively. For example,Dirichlet's theorem asserts that in anyarithmetic progression

a,a+m,a+2m,{\displaystyle a,a+m,a+2m,\ldots }

withcoprimea{\displaystyle a} andm{\displaystyle m}, there are infinitely many prime numbers. This theorem is implied by the fact that the DirichletL{\displaystyle L}-function is nonzero ats=1{\displaystyle s=1}. Using much more advanced techniques includingalgebraic K-theory andTamagawa measures, modern number theory deals with a description, if largely conjectural (seeTamagawa number conjecture), of values of more generalL-functions.[2]

Bases for number fields


Integral basis


Anintegral basis for a number fieldK{\displaystyle K} of degreen{\displaystyle n} is a set

B = {b1, …,bn}

ofn algebraic integers inK{\displaystyle K} such that every element of the ring of integersOK{\displaystyle {\mathcal {O}}_{K}} ofK{\displaystyle K} can be written uniquely as aZ-linear combination of elements ofB; that is, for anyx inOK{\displaystyle {\mathcal {O}}_{K}} we have

x =m1b1 + ⋯ +mnbn,

where themi are (ordinary) integers. It is then also the case that any element ofK{\displaystyle K} can be written uniquely as

m1b1 + ⋯ +mnbn,

where now themi are rational numbers. The algebraic integers ofK{\displaystyle K} are then precisely those elements ofK{\displaystyle K} where themi are all integers.

Workinglocally and using tools such as theFrobenius map, it is always possible to explicitly compute such a basis, and it is now standard forcomputer algebra systems to have built-in programs to do this.

Power basis


LetK{\displaystyle K} be a number field of degreen{\displaystyle n}. Among all possible bases ofK{\displaystyle K} (seen as aQ{\displaystyle \mathbb {Q} }-vector space), there are particular ones known aspower bases, that are bases of the form

Bx={1,x,x2,,xn1}{\displaystyle B_{x}=\{1,x,x^{2},\ldots ,x^{n-1}\}}

for some elementxK{\displaystyle x\in K}. By theprimitive element theorem, there exists such anx{\displaystyle x}, called aprimitive element. Ifx{\displaystyle x} can be chosen inOK{\displaystyle {\mathcal {O}}_{K}} and such thatBx{\displaystyle B_{x}} is a basis ofOK{\displaystyle {\mathcal {O}}_{K}} as a freeZ-module, thenBx{\displaystyle B_{x}} is called apower integral basis, and the fieldK{\displaystyle K} is called amonogenic field. An example of a number field that is not monogenic was first given by Dedekind. His example is the field obtained by adjoining a root of the polynomial[3]x3x22x8.{\displaystyle x^{3}-x^{2}-2x-8.}

Regular representation, trace and discriminant


Recall that any field extensionK/Q{\displaystyle K/\mathbb {Q} } has a uniqueQ{\displaystyle \mathbb {Q} }-vector space structure. Using the multiplication inK{\displaystyle K}, an elementx{\displaystyle x} of the fieldK{\displaystyle K} over the base fieldQ{\displaystyle \mathbb {Q} } may be represented byn×n{\displaystyle n\times n}matricesA=A(x)=(aij)1i,jn{\displaystyle A=A(x)=(a_{ij})_{1\leq i,j\leq n}}by requiringxei=j=1naijej,aijQ.{\displaystyle xe_{i}=\sum _{j=1}^{n}a_{ij}e_{j},\quad a_{ij}\in \mathbb {Q} .}Heree1,,en{\displaystyle e_{1},\ldots ,e_{n}} is a fixed basis forK{\displaystyle K}, viewed as aQ{\displaystyle \mathbb {Q} }-vector space. The rational numbersaij{\displaystyle a_{ij}} are uniquely determined byx{\displaystyle x} and the choice of a basis since any element ofK{\displaystyle K} can be uniquely represented as alinear combination of the basis elements. This way of associating a matrix to any element of the fieldK{\displaystyle K} is called theregular representation. The square matrixA{\displaystyle A} represents the effect of multiplication byx{\displaystyle x} in the given basis. It follows that if the elementy{\displaystyle y} ofK{\displaystyle K} is represented by a matrixB{\displaystyle B}, then the productxy{\displaystyle xy} is represented by thematrix productBA{\displaystyle BA}.Invariants of matrices, such as thetrace,determinant, andcharacteristic polynomial, depend solely on the field elementx{\displaystyle x} and not on the basis. In particular, the trace of the matrixA(x){\displaystyle A(x)} is called thetrace of the field elementx{\displaystyle x} and denotedTr(x){\displaystyle {\text{Tr}}(x)}, and the determinant is called thenorm ofx and denotedN(x){\displaystyle N(x)}.

Now this can be generalized slightly by instead considering a field extensionK/L{\displaystyle K/L} and giving anL{\displaystyle L}-basis forK{\displaystyle K}. Then, there is an associated matrixAK/L(x){\displaystyle A_{K/L}(x)}, which has traceTrK/L(x){\displaystyle {\text{Tr}}_{K/L}(x)} and normNK/L(x){\displaystyle {\text{N}}_{K/L}(x)} defined as the trace and determinant of the matrixAK/L(x){\displaystyle A_{K/L}(x)}.



Consider the field extensionQ(θ){\displaystyle \mathbb {Q} (\theta )} withθ=ζ323{\displaystyle \theta =\zeta _{3}{\sqrt[{3}]{2}}}, whereζ3{\displaystyle \zeta _{3}} denotes the cube root of unityexp(2πi/3).{\displaystyle \exp(2\pi i/3).} Then, we have aQ{\displaystyle \mathbb {Q} }-basis given by{1,ζ323,(ζ323)2}{\displaystyle \{1,\zeta _{3}{\sqrt[{3}]{2}},(\zeta _{3}{\sqrt[{3}]{2}})^{2}\}} since anyxQ(θ){\displaystyle x\in \mathbb {Q} (\theta )} can be expressed as someQ{\displaystyle \mathbb {Q} }-linear combination:x=a+bζ323+c(ζ323)2=a+bθ+cθ2.{\displaystyle x=a+b\zeta _{3}{\sqrt[{3}]{2}}+c(\zeta _{3}{\sqrt[{3}]{2}})^{2}=a+b\theta +c\theta ^{2}.} We proceed to calculate the traceT(x){\displaystyle T(x)} and normN(x){\displaystyle N(x)} of this number. To this end, we take an arbitraryyQ(θ){\displaystyle y\in \mathbb {Q} (\theta )} wherey=y0+y1θ+y2θ2{\displaystyle y=y_{0}+y_{1}\theta +y_{2}\theta ^{2}} and compute the productxy{\displaystyle xy}. Writing this out givesxy=a(y0+y1θ+y2θ2)+b(2y2+y0θ+y1θ2)+c(2y1+2y2θ+y0θ2).{\displaystyle {\begin{aligned}xy=a(y_{0}+y_{1}\theta +y_{2}\theta ^{2})+\\b(2y_{2}+y_{0}\theta +y_{1}\theta ^{2})+\\c(2y_{1}+2y_{2}\theta +y_{0}\theta ^{2}).\end{aligned}}}We can find the matrixA(x){\displaystyle A(x)} such thatxy=A(x)y{\displaystyle xy=A(x)y} by writing out the associated matrix equation giving[a11a12a13a21a22a23a31a32a33][y0y1y2]=[ay0+2cy1+2by2by0+ay1+2cy2cy0+by1+ay2]{\displaystyle {\begin{bmatrix}a_{11}&a_{12}&a_{13}\\a_{21}&a_{22}&a_{23}\\a_{31}&a_{32}&a_{33}\end{bmatrix}}{\begin{bmatrix}y_{0}\\y_{1}\\y_{2}\end{bmatrix}}={\begin{bmatrix}ay_{0}+2cy_{1}+2by_{2}\\by_{0}+ay_{1}+2cy_{2}\\cy_{0}+by_{1}+ay_{2}\end{bmatrix}}} showing thatA(x)=[a2c2bba2ccba]{\displaystyle A(x)={\begin{bmatrix}a&2c&2b\\b&a&2c\\c&b&a\end{bmatrix}}} is the matrix that governs multiplication by the numberx{\displaystyle x}.

We can now easily compute the trace and determinant:T(x)=3a{\displaystyle T(x)=3a}, andN(x)=a3+2b3+4c36abc{\displaystyle N(x)=a^{3}+2b^{3}+4c^{3}-6abc}.



By definition, standard properties of traces and determinants of matrices carry over to Tr and N: Tr(x) is alinear function ofx, as expressed byTr(x +y) = Tr(x) + Tr(y),Tr(λx) =λ Tr(x), and the norm is a multiplicativehomogeneous function of degreen:N(xy) = N(x) N(y),N(λx) =λn N(x). Hereλ is a rational number, andx,y are any two elements ofK{\displaystyle K}.

Thetrace form derived is abilinear form defined by means of the trace, asTrK/L:KLKL{\displaystyle Tr_{K/L}:K\otimes _{L}K\to L} byTrK/L(xy)=TrK/L(xy){\displaystyle Tr_{K/L}(x\otimes y)=Tr_{K/L}(x\cdot y)} and extending linearly. Theintegral trace form, an integer-valuedsymmetric matrix is defined astij=TrK/Q(bibj){\displaystyle t_{ij}={\text{Tr}}_{K/\mathbb {Q} }(b_{i}b_{j})}, whereb1, ...,bn is an integral basis forK{\displaystyle K}. Thediscriminant ofK{\displaystyle K} is defined as det(t). It is an integer, and is an invariant property of the fieldK{\displaystyle K}, not depending on the choice of integral basis.

The matrix associated to an elementx ofK{\displaystyle K} can also be used to give other, equivalent descriptions of algebraic integers. An elementx ofK{\displaystyle K} is an algebraic integer if and only if the characteristic polynomialpA of the matrixA associated tox is a monic polynomial with integer coefficients. Suppose that the matrixA that represents an elementx has integer entries in some basise. By theCayley–Hamilton theorem,pA(A) = 0, and it follows thatpA(x) = 0, so thatx is an algebraic integer. Conversely, ifx is an element ofK{\displaystyle K} that is a root of a monic polynomial with integer coefficients then the same property holds for the corresponding matrixA. In this case it can be proven thatA is aninteger matrix in a suitable basis ofK{\displaystyle K}. The property of being an algebraic integer isdefined in a way that is independent of a choice of a basis inK{\displaystyle K}.

Example with integral basis


ConsiderK=Q(x){\displaystyle K=\mathbb {Q} (x)}, wherex satisfiesx3 − 11x2 +x + 1 = 0. Then an integral basis is [1,x, 1/2(x2 + 1)], and the corresponding integral trace form is[3116111119653616533589].{\displaystyle {\begin{bmatrix}3&11&61\\11&119&653\\61&653&3589\end{bmatrix}}.}

The "3" in the upper left hand corner of this matrix is the trace of the matrix of the map defined by the first basis element (1) in the regular representation ofK{\displaystyle K} onK{\displaystyle K}. This basis element induces the identity map on the 3-dimensional vector space,K{\displaystyle K}. The trace of the matrix of the identity map on a 3-dimensional vector space is 3.

The determinant of this is1304 = 23·163, the field discriminant; in comparison theroot discriminant, or discriminant of the polynomial, is5216 = 25·163.



Mathematicians of the nineteenth century assumed that algebraic numbers were a type of complex number.[4][5] This situation changed with the discovery ofp-adic numbers byHensel in 1897; and now it is standard to consider all of the various possible embeddings of a number fieldK{\displaystyle K} into its various topologicalcompletionsKp{\displaystyle K_{\mathfrak {p}}} at once.

Aplace of a number fieldK{\displaystyle K} is an equivalence class ofabsolute values onK{\displaystyle K}[6]pg 9. Essentially, an absolute value is a notion to measure the size of elementsx{\displaystyle x} ofK{\displaystyle K}. Two such absolute values are considered equivalent if they give rise to the same notion of smallness (or proximity). The equivalence relation between absolute values||0||1{\displaystyle |\cdot |_{0}\sim |\cdot |_{1}} is given by someλR>0{\displaystyle \lambda \in \mathbb {R} _{>0}} such that||0=||1λ{\displaystyle |\cdot |_{0}=|\cdot |_{1}^{\lambda }}meaning we take the value of the norm||1{\displaystyle |\cdot |_{1}} to theλ{\displaystyle \lambda }-th power.

In general, the types of places fall into three regimes. Firstly (and mostly irrelevant), the trivial absolute value | |0, which takes the value1{\displaystyle 1} on all non-zeroxK{\displaystyle x\in K}. The second and third classes areArchimedean places andnon-Archimedean (or ultrametric) places. The completion ofK{\displaystyle K} with respect to a place||p{\displaystyle |\cdot |_{\mathfrak {p}}} is given in both cases by takingCauchy sequences inK{\displaystyle K}and dividing outnull sequences, that is, sequences{xn}nN{\displaystyle \{x_{n}\}_{n\in \mathbb {N} }} such that|xn|p0{\displaystyle |x_{n}|_{\mathfrak {p}}\to 0}tends to zero whenn{\displaystyle n} tends to infinity. This can be shown to be a field again, the so-called completion ofK{\displaystyle K} at the given place||p{\displaystyle |\cdot |_{\mathfrak {p}}}, denotedKp{\displaystyle K_{\mathfrak {p}}}.

ForK=Q{\displaystyle K=\mathbb {Q} }, the following non-trivial norms occur (Ostrowski's theorem): the (usual)absolute value, sometimes denoted||{\displaystyle |\cdot |_{\infty }}, which gives rise to the completetopological field of the real numbersR{\displaystyle \mathbb {R} }. On the other hand, for any prime numberp{\displaystyle p}, thep-adic absolute value is defined by

|q|p =pn, whereq =pna/b anda andb are integers not divisible byp.

It is used to construct thep{\displaystyle p}-adic numbersQp{\displaystyle \mathbb {Q} _{p}}. In contrast to the usual absolute value, thep-adic absolute value getssmaller whenq is multiplied byp, leading to quite different behavior ofQp{\displaystyle \mathbb {Q} _{p}} as compared toR{\displaystyle \mathbb {R} }.

Note the general situation typically considered is taking a number fieldK{\displaystyle K} and considering aprime idealpSpec(OK){\displaystyle {\mathfrak {p}}\in {\text{Spec}}({\mathcal {O}}_{K})} for its associatedring of algebraic numbersOK{\displaystyle {\mathcal {O}}_{K}}. Then, there will be a unique place||p:KR0{\displaystyle |\cdot |_{\mathfrak {p}}:K\to \mathbb {R} _{\geq 0}} called a non-Archimedean place. In addition, for every embeddingσ:KC{\displaystyle \sigma :K\to \mathbb {C} } there will be a place called an Archimedean place, denoted||σ:KR0{\displaystyle |\cdot |_{\sigma }:K\to \mathbb {R} _{\geq 0}}. This statement is a theorem also calledOstrowski's theorem.



The fieldK=Q[x]/(x62)=Q(θ){\displaystyle K=\mathbb {Q} [x]/(x^{6}-2)=\mathbb {Q} (\theta )} forθ=ζ26{\displaystyle \theta =\zeta {\sqrt[{6}]{2}}} whereζ{\displaystyle \zeta } is a fixed 6th root of unity, provides a rich example for constructing explicit real and complex Archimedean embeddings, and non-Archimedean embeddings as well[6]pg 15-16.

Archimedean places


Here we use the standard notationr1{\displaystyle r_{1}} andr2{\displaystyle r_{2}} for the number of real and complex embeddings used, respectively (see below).

Calculating the archimedean places of a number fieldK{\displaystyle K} is done as follows: letx{\displaystyle x} be a primitive element ofK{\displaystyle K}, with minimal polynomialf{\displaystyle f} (overQ{\displaystyle \mathbb {Q} }). OverR{\displaystyle \mathbb {R} },f{\displaystyle f} will generally no longer be irreducible, but its irreducible (real) factors are either of degree one or two. Since there are no repeated roots, there are no repeated factors. The rootsr{\displaystyle r} of factors of degree one are necessarily real, and replacingx{\displaystyle x} byr{\displaystyle r} gives an embedding ofK{\displaystyle K} intoR{\displaystyle \mathbb {R} }; the number of such embeddings is equal to the number of real roots off{\displaystyle f}. Restricting the standard absolute value onR{\displaystyle \mathbb {R} } toK{\displaystyle K} gives an archimedean absolute value onK{\displaystyle K}; such an absolute value is also referred to as areal place ofK{\displaystyle K}. On the other hand, the roots of factors of degree two are pairs ofconjugate complex numbers, which allows for two conjugate embeddings intoC{\displaystyle \mathbb {C} }. Either one of this pair of embeddings can be used to define an absolute value onK{\displaystyle K}, which is the same for both embeddings since they are conjugate. This absolute value is called acomplex place ofK{\displaystyle K}.[7][8]

If all roots off{\displaystyle f} above are real (respectively, complex) or, equivalently, any possible embeddingKC{\displaystyle K\subseteq \mathbb {C} } is actually forced to be insideR{\displaystyle \mathbb {R} } (resp.C{\displaystyle \mathbb {C} }),K{\displaystyle K} is calledtotally real (resp.totally complex).[9][10]

Non-Archimedean or ultrametric places


To find the non-Archimedean places, let againf{\displaystyle f} andx{\displaystyle x} be as above. InQp{\displaystyle \mathbb {Q} _{p}},f{\displaystyle f} splits in factors of various degrees, none of which are repeated, and the degrees of which add up ton{\displaystyle n}, the degree off{\displaystyle f}. For each of thesep{\displaystyle p}-adically irreducible factorsfi{\displaystyle f_{i}}, we may suppose thatx{\displaystyle x} satisfiesfi{\displaystyle f_{i}} and obtain an embedding ofK{\displaystyle K} into an algebraic extension of finite degree overQp{\displaystyle \mathbb {Q} _{p}}. Such alocal field behaves in many ways like a number field, and thep{\displaystyle p}-adic numbers may similarly play the role of the rationals; in particular, we can define the norm and trace in exactly the same way, now giving functions mapping toQp{\displaystyle \mathbb {Q} _{p}}. By using thisp{\displaystyle p}-adic norm mapNfi{\displaystyle N_{f_{i}}} for the placefi{\displaystyle f_{i}}, we may define an absolute value corresponding to a givenp{\displaystyle p}-adically irreducible factorfi{\displaystyle f_{i}} of degreem{\displaystyle m} by|y|fi=|Nfi(y)|p1/m{\displaystyle |y|_{f_{i}}=|N_{f_{i}}(y)|_{p}^{1/m}}Such an absolute value is called anultrametric, non-Archimedean orp{\displaystyle p}-adic place ofK{\displaystyle K}.

For any ultrametric placev we have that |x|v ≤ 1 for anyx inOK{\displaystyle {\mathcal {O}}_{K}}, since the minimal polynomial forx has integer factors, and hence itsp-adic factorization has factors inZp. Consequently, the norm term (constant term) for each factor is ap-adic integer, and one of these is the integer used for defining the absolute value forv.

Prime ideals inOK


For an ultrametric placev, the subset ofOK{\displaystyle {\mathcal {O}}_{K}} defined by |x|v < 1 is anidealp{\displaystyle {\mathfrak {p}}} ofOK{\displaystyle {\mathcal {O}}_{K}}. This relies on the ultrametricity ofv: givenx andy inp{\displaystyle {\mathfrak {p}}}, then

|x +y|v ≤ max (|x|v, |y|v) < 1.

Actually,p{\displaystyle {\mathfrak {p}}} is even aprime ideal.

Conversely, given a prime idealp{\displaystyle {\mathfrak {p}}} ofOK{\displaystyle {\mathcal {O}}_{K}}, adiscrete valuation can be defined by settingvp(x)=n{\displaystyle v_{\mathfrak {p}}(x)=n} wheren is the biggest integer such thatxpn{\displaystyle x\in {\mathfrak {p}}^{n}}, then-fold power of the ideal. This valuation can be turned into an ultrametric place. Under this correspondence, (equivalence classes) of ultrametric places ofK{\displaystyle K} correspond to prime ideals ofOK{\displaystyle {\mathcal {O}}_{K}}. ForK=Q{\displaystyle K=\mathbb {Q} }, this gives back Ostrowski's theorem: any prime ideal inZ (which is necessarily by a single prime number) corresponds to a non-Archimedean place and vice versa. However, for more general number fields, the situation becomes more involved, as will be explained below.

Yet another, equivalent way of describing ultrametric places is by means oflocalizations ofOK{\displaystyle {\mathcal {O}}_{K}}. Given an ultrametric placev{\displaystyle v} on a number fieldK{\displaystyle K}, the corresponding localization is the subringT{\displaystyle T} ofK{\displaystyle K} of all elementsx{\displaystyle x} such that | x |v ≤ 1. By the ultrametric propertyT{\displaystyle T} is a ring. Moreover, it containsOK{\displaystyle {\mathcal {O}}_{K}}. For every elementx ofK{\displaystyle K}, at least one ofx orx−1 is contained inT{\displaystyle T}. Actually, sinceK×/T× can be shown to be isomorphic to the integers,T{\displaystyle T} is adiscrete valuation ring, in particular alocal ring. Actually,T{\displaystyle T} is just the localization ofOK{\displaystyle {\mathcal {O}}_{K}} at the prime idealp{\displaystyle {\mathfrak {p}}}, soT=OK,p{\displaystyle T={\mathcal {O}}_{K,{\mathfrak {p}}}}. Conversely,p{\displaystyle {\mathfrak {p}}} is the maximal ideal ofT{\displaystyle T}.

Altogether, there is a three-way equivalence between ultrametric absolute values, prime ideals, and localizations on a number field.

Lying over theorem and places


Some of the basic theorems in algebraic number theory are thegoing up and going down theorems, which describe the behavior of some prime idealpSpec(OK){\displaystyle {\mathfrak {p}}\in {\text{Spec}}({\mathcal {O}}_{K})} when it is extended as an ideal inOL{\displaystyle {\mathcal {O}}_{L}} for some field extensionL/K{\displaystyle L/K}. We say that an idealoOL{\displaystyle {\mathfrak {o}}\subset {\mathcal {O}}_{L}}lies overp{\displaystyle {\mathfrak {p}}} ifoOK=p{\displaystyle {\mathfrak {o}}\cap {\mathcal {O}}_{K}={\mathfrak {p}}}. Then, one incarnation of the theorem states a prime ideal inSpec(OL){\displaystyle {\text{Spec}}({\mathcal {O}}_{L})} lies overp{\displaystyle {\mathfrak {p}}}, hence there is always a surjective mapSpec(OL)Spec(OK){\displaystyle {\text{Spec}}({\mathcal {O}}_{L})\to {\text{Spec}}({\mathcal {O}}_{K})}induced from the inclusionOKOL{\displaystyle {\mathcal {O}}_{K}\hookrightarrow {\mathcal {O}}_{L}}. Since there exists a correspondence between places and prime ideals, this means we can find places dividing a place that is induced from a field extension. That is, ifp{\displaystyle p} is a place ofK{\displaystyle K}, then there are placesv{\displaystyle v} ofL{\displaystyle L} that dividep{\displaystyle p}, in the sense that their induced prime ideals divide the induced prime ideal ofp{\displaystyle p} inSpec(OL){\displaystyle {\text{Spec}}({\mathcal {O}}_{L})}.In fact, this observation is useful[6]pg 13 while looking at the base change of an algebraic field extension ofQ{\displaystyle \mathbb {Q} } to one of its completionsQp{\displaystyle \mathbb {Q} _{p}}. If we writeK=Q[X]Q(X){\displaystyle K={\frac {\mathbb {Q} [X]}{Q(X)}}}and writeθ{\displaystyle \theta } for the induced element ofXK{\displaystyle X\in K}, we get a decomposition ofKQQp{\displaystyle K\otimes _{\mathbb {Q} }\mathbb {Q} _{p}}. Explicitly, this decomposition isKQQp=Q[X]Q(X)QQp=Qp[X]Q(X){\displaystyle {\begin{aligned}K\otimes _{\mathbb {Q} }\mathbb {Q} _{p}&={\frac {\mathbb {Q} [X]}{Q(X)}}\otimes _{\mathbb {Q} }\mathbb {Q} _{p}\\&={\frac {\mathbb {Q} _{p}[X]}{Q(X)}}\end{aligned}}}furthermore, the induced polynomialQ(X)Qp[X]{\displaystyle Q(X)\in \mathbb {Q} _{p}[X]} decomposes asQ(X)=v|pQv{\displaystyle Q(X)=\prod _{v|p}Q_{v}}because ofHensel's lemma[11]pg 129-131; henceKQQpQp[X]v|pQv(X)v|pKv{\displaystyle {\begin{aligned}K\otimes _{\mathbb {Q} }\mathbb {Q} _{p}&\cong {\frac {\mathbb {Q} _{p}[X]}{\prod _{v|p}Q_{v}(X)}}\\&\cong \bigoplus _{v|p}K_{v}\end{aligned}}}Moreover, there are embeddingsiv:KKvθθv{\displaystyle {\begin{aligned}i_{v}:&K\to K_{v}\\&\theta \mapsto \theta _{v}\end{aligned}}}whereθv{\displaystyle \theta _{v}} is a root ofQv{\displaystyle Q_{v}} givingKv=Qp(θv){\displaystyle K_{v}=\mathbb {Q} _{p}(\theta _{v})}; hence we could writeKv=iv(K)Qp{\displaystyle K_{v}=i_{v}(K)\mathbb {Q} _{p}}as subsets ofCp{\displaystyle \mathbb {C} _{p}} (which is the completion of the algebraic closure ofQp{\displaystyle \mathbb {Q} _{p}}).


Schematic depiction of ramification: the fibers of almost all points inY below consist of three points, except for two points inY marked with dots, where the fibers consist of one and two points (marked in black), respectively. The mapf is said to be ramified in these points ofY.

Ramification, generally speaking, describes a geometric phenomenon that can occur with finite-to-one maps (that is, mapsf:XY{\displaystyle f:X\to Y} such that thepreimages of all pointsy inY consist only of finitely many points): the cardinality of thefibersf−1(y) will generally have the same number of points, but it occurs that, in special pointsy, this number drops. For example, the map

CC,zzn{\displaystyle \mathbb {C} \to \mathbb {C} ,z\mapsto z^{n}}

hasn points in each fiber overt, namely then (complex) roots oft, except in t =0, where the fiber consists of only one element,z = 0. One says that the map is "ramified" in zero. This is an example of abranched covering ofRiemann surfaces. This intuition also serves to defineramification in algebraic number theory. Given a (necessarily finite) extension of number fieldsK/L{\displaystyle K/L}, a prime idealp ofOL{\displaystyle {\mathcal {O}}_{L}} generates the idealpOK ofOK{\displaystyle {\mathcal {O}}_{K}}. This ideal may or may not be a prime ideal, but, according to the Lasker–Noether theorem (see above), always is given by

pOK{\displaystyle K} =q1e1q2e2qmem

with uniquely determined prime idealsqi ofOK{\displaystyle {\mathcal {O}}_{K}} and numbers (called ramification indices)ei. Whenever one ramification index is bigger than one, the primep is said to ramify inK{\displaystyle K}.

The connection between this definition and the geometric situation is delivered by the map ofspectra of ringsSpecOKSpecOL{\displaystyle \mathrm {Spec} {\mathcal {O}}_{K}\to \mathrm {Spec} {\mathcal {O}}_{L}}. In fact,unramified morphisms ofschemes inalgebraic geometry are a direct generalization of unramified extensions of number fields.

Ramification is a purely local property, i.e., depends only on the completions around the primesp andqi. Theinertia group measures the difference between the local Galois groups at some place and the Galois groups of the involved finite residue fields.

An example


The following example illustrates the notions introduced above. In order to compute the ramification index ofQ(x){\displaystyle \mathbb {Q} (x)}, where

f(x) =x3x − 1 = 0,

at 23, it suffices to consider the field extensionQ23(x)/Q23{\displaystyle \mathbb {Q} _{23}(x)/\mathbb {Q} _{23}}. Up to 529 = 232 (i.e.,modulo 529)f can be factored as

f(x) = (x + 181)(x2 − 181x − 38) =gh.

Substitutingx =y + 10 in the first factorg modulo 529 yieldsy + 191, so the valuation | y |g fory given byg is | −191 |23 = 1. On the other hand, the same substitution inh yieldsy2 − 161y − 161 modulo 529. Since 161 = 7 × 23,

|y|h=|161|23=123{\displaystyle \left\vert y\right\vert _{h}={\sqrt {\left\vert 161\right\vert }}_{23}={\frac {1}{\sqrt {23}}}}

Since possible values for the absolute value of the place defined by the factorh are not confined to integer powers of 23, but instead are integer powers of the square root of 23, the ramification index of the field extension at 23 is two.

The valuations of any element ofK{\displaystyle K} can be computed in this way usingresultants. If, for exampley =x2x − 1, using the resultant to eliminatex between this relationship andf =x3x − 1 = 0 givesy3 − 5y2 + 4y − 1 = 0. If instead we eliminate with respect to the factorsg andh off, we obtain the corresponding factors for the polynomial fory, and then the 23-adic valuation applied to the constant (norm) term allows us to compute the valuations ofy forg andh (which are both 1 in this instance.)

Dedekind discriminant theorem


Much of the significance of the discriminant lies in the fact that ramified ultrametric places are all places obtained from factorizations inQp{\displaystyle \mathbb {Q} _{p}} wherep divides the discriminant. This is even true of the polynomial discriminant; however the converse is also true, that if a primep divides the discriminant, then there is ap-place that ramifies. For this converse the field discriminant is needed. This is theDedekind discriminant theorem. In the example above, the discriminant of the number fieldQ(x){\displaystyle \mathbb {Q} (x)} withx3 − x − 1 = 0 is −23, and as we have seen the 23-adic place ramifies. The Dedekind discriminant tells us it is the only ultrametric place that does. The other ramified place comes from the absolute value on the complex embedding ofK{\displaystyle K}.

Galois groups and Galois cohomology


Generally in abstract algebra, field extensionsK /L can be studied by examining theGalois group Gal(K /L), consisting of field automorphisms ofK{\displaystyle K} leavingL{\displaystyle L} elementwise fixed. As an example, the Galois groupGal(Q(ζn)/Q){\displaystyle \mathrm {Gal} (\mathbb {Q} (\zeta _{n})/\mathbb {Q} )} of the cyclotomic field extension of degreen (see above) is given by (Z/nZ)×, the group of invertible elements inZ/nZ. This is the first stepstone intoIwasawa theory.

In order to include all possible extensions having certain properties, the Galois group concept is commonly applied to the (infinite) field extensionK /K of thealgebraic closure, leading to theabsolute Galois groupG := Gal(K /K) or just Gal(K), and to the extensionK/Q{\displaystyle K/\mathbb {Q} }. Thefundamental theorem of Galois theory links fields in betweenK{\displaystyle K} and its algebraic closure and closed subgroups of Gal(K). For example, theabelianization (the biggest abelian quotient)Gab ofG corresponds to a field referred to as the maximalabelian extensionKab (called so since any further extension is not abelian, i.e., does not have an abelian Galois group). By theKronecker–Weber theorem, the maximal abelian extension ofQ{\displaystyle \mathbb {Q} } is the extension generated by allroots of unity. For more general number fields,class field theory, specifically theArtin reciprocity law gives an answer by describingGab in terms of theidele class group. Also notable is theHilbert class field, the maximal abelian unramified field extension ofK{\displaystyle K}. It can be shown to be finite overK{\displaystyle K}, its Galois group overK{\displaystyle K} is isomorphic to the class group ofK{\displaystyle K}, in particular its degree equals the class numberh ofK{\displaystyle K} (see above).

In certain situations, the Galois groupacts on other mathematical objects, for example a group. Such a group is then also referred to as a Galois module. This enables the use ofgroup cohomology for the Galois group Gal(K), also known asGalois cohomology, which in the first place measures the failure of exactness of taking Gal(K)-invariants, but offers deeper insights (and questions) as well. For example, the Galois groupG of a field extensionL /K acts onL×, the nonzero elements ofL. This Galois module plays a significant role in many arithmeticdualities, such asPoitou-Tate duality. TheBrauer group ofK{\displaystyle K}, originally conceived to classifydivision algebras overK{\displaystyle K}, can be recast as a cohomology group, namely H2(Gal (K,K×)).

Local-global principle


Generally speaking, the term "local to global" refers to the idea that a global problem is first done at a local level, which tends to simplify the questions. Then, of course, the information gained in the local analysis has to be put together to get back to some global statement. For example, the notion ofsheaves reifies that idea intopology andgeometry.

Local and global fields


Number fields share a great deal of similarity with another class of fields much used inalgebraic geometry known asfunction fields ofalgebraic curves overfinite fields. An example isKp(T). They are similar in many respects, for example in that number rings are one-dimensional regular rings, as are thecoordinate rings (the quotient fields of which are the function fields in question) of curves. Therefore, both types of field are calledglobal fields. In accordance with the philosophy laid out above, they can be studied at a local level first, that is to say, by looking at the correspondinglocal fields. For number fieldsK{\displaystyle K}, the local fields are the completions ofK{\displaystyle K} at all places, including the archimedean ones (seelocal analysis). For function fields, the local fields are completions of the local rings at all points of the curve for function fields.

Many results valid for function fields also hold, at least if reformulated properly, for number fields. However, the study of number fields often poses difficulties and phenomena not encountered in function fields. For example, in function fields, there is no dichotomy into non-archimedean and archimedean places. Nonetheless, function fields often serves as a source of intuition what should be expected in the number field case.

Hasse principle

Main article:Hasse principle

A prototypical question, posed at a global level, is whether some polynomial equation has a solution inK{\displaystyle K}. If this is the case, this solution is also a solution in all completions. Thelocal-global principle or Hasse principle asserts that for quadratic equations, the converse holds, as well. Thereby, checking whether such an equation has a solution can be done on all the completions ofK{\displaystyle K}, which is often easier, since analytic methods (classical analytic tools such asintermediate value theorem at the archimedean places andp-adic analysis at the nonarchimedean places) can be used. This implication does not hold, however, for more general types of equations. However, the idea of passing from local data to global ones proves fruitful in class field theory, for example, wherelocal class field theory is used to obtain global insights mentioned above. This is also related to the fact that the Galois groups of the completionsKv can be explicitly determined, whereas the Galois groups of global fields, even ofQ{\displaystyle \mathbb {Q} } are far less understood.

Adeles and ideles


In order to assemble local data pertaining to all local fields attached toK{\displaystyle K}, theadele ring is set up. A multiplicative variant is referred to asideles.

See also




Algebraic number theory


Class field theory



  1. ^Ireland, Kenneth;Rosen, Michael (1998),A Classical Introduction to Modern Number Theory, Berlin, New York:Springer-Verlag,ISBN 978-0-387-97329-6, Ch. 1.4
  2. ^Bloch, Spencer;Kato, Kazuya (1990), "L-functions and Tamagawa numbers of motives",The Grothendieck Festschrift, Vol. I, Progr. Math., vol. 86, Boston, MA: Birkhäuser Boston, pp. 333–400,MR 1086888
  3. ^Narkiewicz 2004, §2.2.6
  4. ^Kleiner, Israel (1999), "Field theory: from equations to axiomatization. I",The American Mathematical Monthly,106 (7):677–684,doi:10.2307/2589500,JSTOR 2589500,MR 1720431,To Dedekind, then, fields were subsets of the complex numbers.
  5. ^Mac Lane, Saunders (1981), "Mathematical models: a sketch for the philosophy of mathematics",The American Mathematical Monthly,88 (7):462–472,doi:10.2307/2321751,JSTOR 2321751,MR 0628015,Empiricism sprang from the 19th-century view of mathematics as almost coterminal with theoretical physics.
  6. ^abcGras, Georges (2003).Class field theory : from theory to practice. Berlin.ISBN 978-3-662-11323-3.OCLC 883382066.{{cite book}}: CS1 maint: location missing publisher (link)
  7. ^Cohn, Chapter 11 §C p. 108
  8. ^Conrad
  9. ^Cohn, Chapter 11 §C p. 108
  10. ^Conrad
  11. ^Neukirch, Jürgen (1999).Algebraic Number Theory. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg.ISBN 978-3-662-03983-0.OCLC 851391469.


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