The sequence given by the perimeters of regularn-sidedpolygons thatcircumscribe theunit circle has a limit equal to the perimeter of the circle, i.e.. The corresponding sequence for inscribed polygons has the same limit.
As the positiveinteger becomes larger and larger, the value becomes arbitrarily close to. We say that "the limit of the sequence equals."
Inmathematics, thelimit of a sequence is the value that the terms of asequence "tend to", and is often denoted using the symbol (e.g.,).[1] If such a limit exists and is finite, the sequence is calledconvergent.[2] A sequence that does not converge is said to bedivergent.[3] The limit of a sequence is said to be the fundamental notion on which the whole ofmathematical analysis ultimately rests.[1]
Grégoire de Saint-Vincent gave the first definition of limit (terminus) of ageometric series in his workOpus Geometricum (1647): "Theterminus of a progression is the end of the series, which none progression can reach, even not if she is continued in infinity, but which she can approach nearer than a given segment."[4]
Pietro Mengoli anticipated the modern idea of limit of a sequence with his study of quasi-proportions inGeometriae speciosae elementa (1659). He used the termquasi-infinite forunbounded andquasi-null forvanishing.
Newton dealt with series in his works onAnalysis with infinite series (written in 1669, circulated in manuscript, published in 1711),Method of fluxions and infinite series (written in 1671, published in English translation in 1736, Latin original published much later) andTractatus de Quadratura Curvarum (written in 1693, published in 1704 as an Appendix to hisOptiks). In the latter work, Newton considers the binomial expansion of, which he then linearizes bytaking the limit as tends to.
In the 18th century,mathematicians such asEuler succeeded in summing somedivergent series by stopping at the right moment; they did not much care whether a limit existed, as long as it could be calculated. At the end of the century,Lagrange in hisThéorie des fonctions analytiques (1797) opined that the lack of rigour precluded further development in calculus.Gauss in his study ofhypergeometric series (1813) for the first time rigorously investigated the conditions under which a series converged to a limit.
The modern definition of a limit (for any there exists an index so that ...) was given byBernard Bolzano (Der binomische Lehrsatz, Prague 1816, which was little noticed at the time), and byKarl Weierstrass in the 1870s.
If when is even, and when is odd, then. (The fact that whenever is odd is irrelevant.)
Given any real number, one may easily construct a sequence that converges to that number by taking decimal approximations. For example, the sequence converges to. Thedecimal representation is thelimit of the previous sequence, defined by
Finding the limit of a sequence is not always obvious. Two examples are (the limit of which is thenumbere) and thearithmetic–geometric mean. Thesqueeze theorem is often useful in the establishment of such limits.
In other words, for every measure of closeness, the sequence's terms are eventually that close to the limit. The sequence is said toconverge to ortend to the limit.
Symbolically, this is:
If a sequence converges to some limit, then it isconvergent and is the only limit; otherwise isdivergent. A sequence that has zero as its limit is sometimes called anull sequence.
For anycontinuous function, if exists, then exists too. In fact, any real-valuedfunction is continuous if and only if it preserves the limits of sequences (though this is not necessarily true when using more general notions of continuity).
A sequence is convergent if and only if every subsequence is convergent.
If every subsequence of a sequence has its own subsequence which converges to the same point, then the original sequence converges to that point.
These properties are extensively used to prove limits, without the need to directly use the cumbersome formal definition. For example, once it is proven that, it becomes easy to show—using the properties above—that (assuming that).
For every real number, there is a natural number such that for every natural number, we have; that is, the sequence terms are eventually larger than any fixed.
Symbolically, this is:
Similarly, we say a sequencetends to minus infinity, written
, or
if the following holds:
For every real number, there is a natural number such that for every natural number, we have; that is, the sequence terms are eventually smaller than any fixed.
Symbolically, this is:
If a sequence tends to infinity or minus infinity, then it is divergent. However, a divergent sequence need not tend to plus or minus infinity, and the sequence provides one such example.
When it exists, the limit of a sequence is unique, as distinct points are separated by some positive distance, so for less than half this distance, sequence terms cannot be within a distance of both points.
For anycontinuous functionf, if exists, then. In fact, afunctionf is continuous if and only if it preserves the limits of sequences.
The plot of a Cauchy sequence (xn), shown in blue, as versusn. Visually, we see that the sequence appears to be converging to a limit point as the terms in the sequence become closer together asn increases. In thereal numbers every Cauchy sequence converges to some limit.
A Cauchy sequence is a sequence whose terms ultimately become arbitrarily close together, after sufficiently many initial terms have been discarded. The notion of a Cauchy sequence is important in the study of sequences inmetric spaces, and, in particular, inreal analysis. One particularly important result in real analysis is theCauchy criterion for convergence of sequences: a sequence of real numbers is convergent if and only if it is a Cauchy sequence. This remains true in othercomplete metric spaces.
In aHausdorff space, limits of sequences are unique whenever they exist. This need not be the case in non-Hausdorff spaces; in particular, if two points and aretopologically indistinguishable, then any sequence that converges to must converge to and vice versa.
The definition of the limit using thehyperreal numbers formalizes the intuition that for a "very large" value of the index, the corresponding term is "very close" to the limit. More precisely, a real sequence tends toL if for every infinitehypernatural, the term is infinitely close to (i.e., the difference isinfinitesimal). Equivalently,L is thestandard part of:
Thus, the limit can be defined by the formula
where the limit exists if and only if the righthand side is independent of the choice of an infinite.
Sometimes one may also consider a sequence with more than one index, for example, a double sequence. This sequence has a limit if it becomes closer and closer to when bothn andm becomes very large.
In other words, for every measure of closeness, the sequence's terms are eventually that close to the limit. The sequence is said toconverge to ortend to the limit.
Symbolically, this is:
The double limit is different from taking limit inn first, and then inm. The latter is known asiterated limit. Given that both the double limit and the iterated limit exists, they have the same value. However, it is possible that one of them exist but the other does not.
For every real number, there is a natural number such that for every pair of natural numbers, we have; that is, the sequence terms are eventually larger than any fixed.
Symbolically, this is:
Similarly, a sequencetends to minus infinity, written
, or
if the following holds:
For every real number, there is a natural number such that for every pair of natural numbers, we have; that is, the sequence terms are eventually smaller than any fixed.
Symbolically, this is:
If a sequence tends to infinity or minus infinity, then it is divergent. However, a divergent sequence need not tend to plus or minus infinity, and the sequence provides one such example.
For a double sequence, we may take limit in one of the indices, say,, to obtain a single sequence. In fact, there are two possible meanings when taking this limit. The first one is calledpointwise limit, denoted
, or
which means:
For eachreal number and each fixednatural number, there exists a natural number such that, for every natural number, we have.[11]
For eachreal number, there exists a natural number such that, for everynatural number and for every natural number, we have.[11]
Symbolically, this is:
In this definition, the choice of is independent of. In other words, the choice of isuniformly applicable to all natural numbers. Hence, one can easily see that uniform convergence is a stronger property than pointwise convergence: the existence of uniform limit implies the existence and equality of pointwise limit:
For a double sequence, we may take limit in one of the indices, say,, to obtain a single sequence, and then take limit in the other index, namely, to get a number. Symbolically,
This limit is known asiterated limit of the double sequence. The order of taking limits may affect the result, i.e.,
in general.
A sufficient condition of equality is given by theMoore-Osgood theorem, which requires the limit to be uniform in.[10]
^Van Looy, H. (1984). A chronology and historical analysis of the mathematical manuscripts of Gregorius a Sancto Vincentio (1584–1667). Historia Mathematica, 11(1), 57-75.
^Zeidler, Eberhard (1995).Applied functional analysis : main principles and their applications (1 ed.). New York: Springer-Verlag. p. 29.ISBN978-0-387-94422-7.
^abZakon, Elias (2011). "Chapter 4. Function Limits and Continuity".Mathematical Anaylysis, Volume I. p. 223.ISBN9781617386473.