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Nuclear space

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A generalization of finite-dimensional Euclidean spaces different from Hilbert spaces

Inmathematics,nuclear spaces aretopological vector spaces that can be viewed as a generalization of finite-dimensionalEuclidean spaces and share many of their desirable properties. Nuclear spaces are however quite different fromHilbert spaces, another generalization of finite-dimensional Euclidean spaces. They were introduced byAlexander Grothendieck.

The topology on nuclear spaces can be defined by a family ofseminorms whoseunit balls decrease rapidly in size. Vector spaces whose elements are "smooth" in some sense tend to be nuclear spaces; a typical example of a nuclear space is the set ofsmooth functions on acompact manifold. All finite-dimensional vector spaces are nuclear. There are noBanach spaces that are nuclear, except for the finite-dimensional ones. In practice a sort of converse to this is often true: if a "naturally occurring" topological vector space isnot a Banach space, then there is a good chance that it is nuclear.

Original motivation: The Schwartz kernel theorem

See also:Distribution (mathematics) § Topology on the space of distributions, andSchwartz kernel theorem

Much of the theory of nuclear spaces was developed byAlexander Grothendieck while investigating theSchwartz kernel theorem and published in (Grothendieck 1955). We now describe this motivation.

For any open subsetsΩ1Rm{\displaystyle \Omega _{1}\subseteq \mathbb {R} ^{m}} andΩ2Rn,{\displaystyle \Omega _{2}\subseteq \mathbb {R} ^{n},} the canonical mapD(Ω1×Ω2)Lb(Cc(Ω2);D(Ω1)){\displaystyle {\mathcal {D}}^{\prime }\left(\Omega _{1}\times \Omega _{2}\right)\to L_{b}\left(C_{c}^{\infty }\left(\Omega _{2}\right);{\mathcal {D}}^{\prime }\left(\Omega _{1}\right)\right)} is an isomorphism of TVSs (whereLb(Cc(Ω2);D(Ω1)){\displaystyle L_{b}\left(C_{c}^{\infty }\left(\Omega _{2}\right);{\mathcal {D}}^{\prime }\left(\Omega _{1}\right)\right)} has thetopology of uniform convergence on bounded subsets) and furthermore, both of these spaces are canonically TVS-isomorphic toD(Ω1)^D(Ω2){\displaystyle {\mathcal {D}}^{\prime }\left(\Omega _{1}\right)\mathbin {\widehat {\otimes }} {\mathcal {D}}^{\prime }\left(\Omega _{2}\right)} (where sinceD(Ω1){\displaystyle {\mathcal {D}}^{\prime }\left(\Omega _{1}\right)} is nuclear, this tensor product is simultaneously theinjective tensor product andprojective tensor product).[1] In short, the Schwartz kernel theorem states that:D(Ω1×Ω2)D(Ω1)^D(Ω2)Lb(Cc(Ω2);D(Ω1)){\displaystyle {\mathcal {D}}^{\prime }\left(\Omega _{1}\times \Omega _{2}\right)\cong {\mathcal {D}}^{\prime }\left(\Omega _{1}\right)\mathbin {\widehat {\otimes }} {\mathcal {D}}^{\prime }\left(\Omega _{2}\right)\cong L_{b}\left(C_{c}^{\infty }\left(\Omega _{2}\right);{\mathcal {D}}^{\prime }\left(\Omega _{1}\right)\right)}where all of theseTVS-isomorphisms are canonical.

This result is false if one replaces the spaceCc{\displaystyle C_{c}^{\infty }} withL2{\displaystyle L^{2}} (which is areflexive space that is even isomorphic to its own strong dual space) and replacesD{\displaystyle {\mathcal {D}}^{\prime }} with the dual of thisL2{\displaystyle L^{2}} space.[2] Why does such a nice result hold for the space of distributions and test functions but not for theHilbert spaceL2{\displaystyle L^{2}} (which is generally considered one of the "nicest" TVSs)? This question led Grothendieck to discover nuclear spaces,nuclear maps, and theinjective tensor product.

Motivations from geometry


Another set of motivating examples comes directly from geometry and smooth manifold theory[3]appendix 2. Given smooth manifoldsM,N{\displaystyle M,N} and a locally convex Hausdorff topological vector space, then there are the following isomorphisms of nuclear spaces



This section lists some of the more common definitions of a nuclear space. The definitions below are all equivalent. Note that some authors use a more restrictive definition of a nuclear space, by adding the condition that the space should also be aFréchet space. (This means that the space is complete and the topology is given by acountable family of seminorms.)

The following definition was used by Grothendieck to define nuclear spaces.[4]

Definition 0: LetX{\displaystyle X} be a locally convex topological vector space. ThenX{\displaystyle X} is nuclear if for every locally convex spaceY,{\displaystyle Y,} the canonical vector space embeddingXπYBε(Xσ,Yσ){\displaystyle X\otimes _{\pi }Y\to {\mathcal {B}}_{\varepsilon }\left(X_{\sigma }^{\prime },Y_{\sigma }^{\prime }\right)} is an embedding of TVSs whose image is dense in the codomain (where the domainXπY{\displaystyle X\otimes _{\pi }Y} is theprojective tensor product and the codomain is the space of all separately continuous bilinear forms onXσ×Yσ{\displaystyle X_{\sigma }^{\prime }\times Y_{\sigma }^{\prime }} endowed with thetopology of uniform convergence on equicontinuous subsets).

We start by recalling some background. Alocally convex topological vector spaceX{\displaystyle X} has a topology that is defined by some family ofseminorms. For every seminorm, the unit ball is a closed convex symmetric neighborhood of the origin, and conversely every closed convex symmetric neighborhood of 0 is the unit ball of some seminorm. (For complex vector spaces, the condition "symmetric" should be replaced by "balanced".) Ifp{\displaystyle p} is a seminorm onX,{\displaystyle X,} thenXp{\displaystyle X_{p}} denotes theBanach space given bycompleting theauxiliary normed space using the seminormp.{\displaystyle p.} There is a natural mapXXp{\displaystyle X\to X_{p}} (not necessarily injective).

Ifq{\displaystyle q} is another seminorm, larger thanp{\displaystyle p} (pointwise as a function onX{\displaystyle X}), then there is a natural map fromXq{\displaystyle X_{q}} toXp{\displaystyle X_{p}} such that the first map factors asXXqXp.{\displaystyle X\to X_{q}\to X_{p}.} These maps are always continuous. The spaceX{\displaystyle X} is nuclear when a stronger condition holds, namely that these maps arenuclear operators. The condition of being a nuclear operator is subtle, and more details are available in the corresponding article.

Definition 1: Anuclear space is a locally convex topological vector space such that for every seminormp{\displaystyle p} we can find a larger seminormq{\displaystyle q} so that the natural mapXqXp{\displaystyle X_{q}\to X_{p}} isnuclear.

Informally, this means that whenever we are given the unit ball of some seminorm, we can find a "much smaller" unit ball of another seminorm inside it, or that every neighborhood of 0 contains a "much smaller" neighborhood. It is not necessary to check this condition for all seminormsp{\displaystyle p}; it is sufficient to check it for a set of seminorms that generate the topology, in other words, a set of seminorms that are asubbase for the topology.

Instead of using arbitrary Banach spaces and nuclear operators, we can give a definition in terms ofHilbert spaces andtrace class operators, which are easier to understand. (On Hilbert spaces nuclear operators are often called trace class operators.)We will say that a seminormp{\displaystyle p} is aHilbert seminorm ifXp{\displaystyle X_{p}} is a Hilbert space, or equivalently ifp{\displaystyle p} comes from a sesquilinear positive semidefinite form onX.{\displaystyle X.}

Definition 2: Anuclear space is a topological vector space with a topology defined by a family of Hilbert seminorms, such that for every Hilbert seminormp{\displaystyle p} we can find a larger Hilbert seminormq{\displaystyle q} so that the natural map fromXq{\displaystyle X_{q}} toXp{\displaystyle X_{p}} istrace class.

Some authors prefer to useHilbert–Schmidt operators rather than trace class operators. This makes little difference, because every trace class operator is Hilbert–Schmidt, and the product of two Hilbert–Schmidt operators is of trace class.

Definition 3: Anuclear space is a topological vector space with a topology defined by a family of Hilbert seminorms, such that for every Hilbert seminormp{\displaystyle p} we can find a larger Hilbert seminormq{\displaystyle q} so that the natural map fromXq{\displaystyle X_{q}} toXp{\displaystyle X_{p}} is Hilbert–Schmidt.

If we are willing to use the concept of a nuclear operator from an arbitrary locally convex topological vector space to a Banach space, we can give shorter definitions as follows:

Definition 4: Anuclear space is a locally convex topological vector space such that for every seminormp{\displaystyle p} the natural map fromXXp{\displaystyle X\to X_{p}} isnuclear.

Definition 5: Anuclear space is a locally convex topological vector space such that every continuous linear map to a Banach space is nuclear.

Grothendieck used a definition similar to the following one:

Definition 6: Anuclear space is a locally convex topological vector spaceA{\displaystyle A} such that for every locally convex topological vector spaceB{\displaystyle B} the natural map from the projective to the injective tensor product ofA{\displaystyle A} andB{\displaystyle B} is an isomorphism.

In fact it is sufficient to check this just for Banach spacesB,{\displaystyle B,} or even just for the single Banach space1{\displaystyle \ell ^{1}} of absolutely convergent series.



LetX{\displaystyle X} be a Hausdorff locally convex space. Then the following are equivalent:

  1. X{\displaystyle X} is nuclear;
  2. for any locally convex spaceY,{\displaystyle Y,} the canonical vector space embeddingXπYBϵ(Xσ,Yσ){\displaystyle X\otimes _{\pi }Y\to {\mathcal {B}}_{\epsilon }\left(X_{\sigma }^{\prime },Y_{\sigma }^{\prime }\right)} is an embedding of TVSs whose image is dense in the codomain;
  3. for anyBanach spaceY,{\displaystyle Y,} the canonical vector space embeddingX^πYX^ϵY{\displaystyle X{\widehat {\otimes }}_{\pi }Y\to X{\widehat {\otimes }}_{\epsilon }Y} is a surjective isomorphism of TVSs;[5]
  4. for any locally convex Hausdorff spaceY,{\displaystyle Y,} the canonical vector space embeddingX^πYX^ϵY{\displaystyle X{\widehat {\otimes }}_{\pi }Y\to X{\widehat {\otimes }}_{\epsilon }Y} is a surjective isomorphism of TVSs;[5]
  5. the canonical embedding of1[N,X]{\displaystyle \ell ^{1}[\mathbb {N} ,X]} in1(N,X){\displaystyle \ell ^{1}(\mathbb {N} ,X)} is a surjective isomorphism of TVSs;[6]
  6. the canonical map of1^πX1^ϵX{\displaystyle \ell ^{1}{\widehat {\otimes }}_{\pi }X\to \ell ^{1}{\widehat {\otimes }}_{\epsilon }X} is a surjective TVS-isomorphism.[6]
  7. for any seminormp{\displaystyle p} we can find a larger seminormq{\displaystyle q} so that the natural mapXqXp{\displaystyle X_{q}\to X_{p}} isnuclear;
  8. for any seminormp{\displaystyle p} we can find a larger seminormq{\displaystyle q} so that the canonical injectionXpXq{\displaystyle X_{p}^{\prime }\to X_{q}^{\prime }} is nuclear;[5]
  9. the topology ofX{\displaystyle X} is defined by a family of Hilbert seminorms, such that for any Hilbert seminormp{\displaystyle p} we can find a larger Hilbert seminormq{\displaystyle q} so that the natural mapXqXp{\displaystyle X_{q}\to X_{p}} istrace class;
  10. X{\displaystyle X} has a topology defined by a family of Hilbert seminorms, such that for any Hilbert seminormp{\displaystyle p} we can find a larger Hilbert seminormq{\displaystyle q} so that the natural mapXqXp{\displaystyle X_{q}\to X_{p}} is Hilbert–Schmidt;
  11. for any seminormp{\displaystyle p} the natural map fromXXp{\displaystyle X\to X_{p}} isnuclear.
  12. any continuous linear map to a Banach space is nuclear;
  13. every continuous seminorm onX{\displaystyle X} is prenuclear;[7]
  14. everyequicontinuous subset ofX{\displaystyle X^{\prime }} is prenuclear;[7]
  15. every linear map from a Banach space intoX{\displaystyle X^{\prime }} that transforms the unit ball into an equicontinuous set, is nuclear;[5]
  16. the completion ofX{\displaystyle X} is a nuclear space;

IfX{\displaystyle X} is aFréchet space then the following are equivalent:

  1. X{\displaystyle X} is nuclear;
  2. every summable sequence inX{\displaystyle X} is absolutely summable;[6]
  3. the strong dual ofX{\displaystyle X} is nuclear;

Sufficient conditions

  • A locally convex Hausdorff space is nuclear if and only if its completion is nuclear.
  • Every subspace of a nuclear space is nuclear.[8]
  • Every Hausdorff quotient space of a nuclear space is nuclear.[8]
  • The inductive limit of a countable sequence of nuclear spaces is nuclear.[8]
  • The locally convex direct sum of a countable sequence of nuclear spaces is nuclear.[8]
  • The strong dual of a nuclear Fréchet space is nuclear.[9]
    • In general, the strong dual of a nuclear space may fail to be nuclear.[9]
  • A Fréchet space whose strong dual is nuclear is itself nuclear.[9]
  • The limit of a family of nuclear spaces is nuclear.[8]
  • The product of a family of nuclear spaces is nuclear.[8]
  • The completion of a nuclear space is nuclear (and in fact a space is nuclear if and only if its completion is nuclear).
  • Thetensor product of two nuclear spaces is nuclear.
  • Theprojective tensor product, as well as its completion, of two nuclear spaces is nuclear.[10]

Suppose thatX,Y,{\displaystyle X,Y,} andN{\displaystyle N} are locally convex space withN{\displaystyle N} is nuclear.



Ifd{\displaystyle d} is a set of any cardinality, thenRd{\displaystyle \mathbb {R} ^{d}} andCd{\displaystyle \mathbb {C} ^{d}} (with theproduct topology) are both nuclear spaces.[12]

A relatively simple infinite-dimensional example of a nuclear space is the space of all rapidly decreasing sequencesc=(c1,c2,).{\displaystyle c=\left(c_{1},c_{2},\ldots \right).} ("Rapidly decreasing" means thatcnp(n){\displaystyle c_{n}p(n)} is bounded for any polynomialp{\displaystyle p}). For each real numbers,{\displaystyle s,} it is possible to define a norms{\displaystyle \|\,\cdot \,\|_{s}} bycs=sup|cn|ns{\displaystyle \|c\|_{s}=\sup _{}\left|c_{n}\right|n^{s}}If the completion in this norm isCs,{\displaystyle C_{s},} then there is a natural map fromCsCt{\displaystyle C_{s}\to C_{t}} wheneverst,{\displaystyle s\geq t,} and this is nuclear whenevers>t+1{\displaystyle s>t+1} essentially because the seriesnts{\displaystyle \sum n^{t-s}} is then absolutely convergent. In particular for each normt{\displaystyle \|\,\cdot \,\|_{t}} this is possible to find another norm, sayt+1,{\displaystyle \|\,\cdot \,\|_{t+1},} such that the mapCt+2Ct{\displaystyle C_{t+2}\to C_{t}} is nuclear. So the space is nuclear.



Nuclear spaces are in many ways similar to finite-dimensional spaces and have many of their good properties.

  • Every finite-dimensional Hausdorff space is nuclear.
  • A Fréchet space is nuclear if and only if its strong dual is nuclear.
  • Everybounded subset of a nuclear space is precompact (recall that a set is precompact if its closure in the completion of the space is compact).[13] This is analogous to theHeine-Borel theorem. In contrast, no infinite-dimensional normed space has this property (although the finite-dimensional spaces do).
  • IfX{\displaystyle X} is aquasi-complete (i.e. all closed and bounded subsets are complete) nuclear space thenX{\displaystyle X} has theHeine-Borel property.[14]
  • A nuclearquasi-completebarrelled space is aMontel space.
  • Every closed equicontinuous subset of the dual of a nuclear space is a compact metrizable set (for the strong dual topology).
  • Every nuclear space is a subspace of a product of Hilbert spaces.
  • Every nuclear space admits a basis of seminorms consisting of Hilbert norms.
  • Every nuclear space is a Schwartz space.
  • Every nuclear space possesses the approximation property.[15]
  • Any subspace and any quotient space by a closed subspace of a nuclear space is nuclear.
  • IfA{\displaystyle A} is nuclear andB{\displaystyle B} is any locally convex topological vector space, then the natural map from the projective tensor product ofA andB{\displaystyle B} to the injective tensor product is an isomorphism. Roughly speaking this means that there is only one sensible way to define the tensor product. This property characterizes nuclear spacesA.{\displaystyle A.}
  • In the theory of measures on topological vector spaces, a basic theorem states that any continuouscylinder set measure on the dual of a nuclear Fréchet space automatically extends to aRadon measure. This is useful because it is often easy to construct cylinder set measures on topological vector spaces, but these are not good enough for most applications unless they are Radon measures (for example, they are not even countably additive in general).

The kernel theorem


Much of the theory of nuclear spaces was developed byAlexander Grothendieck while investigating theSchwartz kernel theorem and published in (Grothendieck 1955). We have the following generalization of the theorem.

Schwartz kernel theorem:[9] Suppose thatX{\displaystyle X} is nuclear,Y{\displaystyle Y} is locally convex, andv{\displaystyle v} is a continuous bilinear form onX×Y.{\displaystyle X\times Y.} Thenv{\displaystyle v} originates from a space of the formXA^ϵYB{\displaystyle X_{A^{\prime }}^{\prime }{\widehat {\otimes }}_{\epsilon }Y_{B^{\prime }}^{\prime }} whereA{\displaystyle A^{\prime }} andB{\displaystyle B^{\prime }} are suitable equicontinuous subsets ofX{\displaystyle X^{\prime }} andY.{\displaystyle Y^{\prime }.} Equivalently,v{\displaystyle v} is of the form,v(x,y)=i=1λix,xiy,yi for all (x,y)X×Y{\displaystyle v(x,y)=\sum _{i=1}^{\infty }\lambda _{i}\left\langle x,x_{i}^{\prime }\right\rangle \left\langle y,y_{i}^{\prime }\right\rangle \quad {\text{ for all }}(x,y)\in X\times Y}where(λi)1{\displaystyle \left(\lambda _{i}\right)\in \ell ^{1}} and each of{x1,x2,}{\displaystyle \left\{x_{1}^{\prime },x_{2}^{\prime },\ldots \right\}} and{y1,y2,}{\displaystyle \left\{y_{1}^{\prime },y_{2}^{\prime },\ldots \right\}} are equicontinuous. Furthermore, these sequences can be taken to be null sequences (that is, convergent to 0) inXA{\displaystyle X_{A^{\prime }}^{\prime }} andYB,{\displaystyle Y_{B^{\prime }}^{\prime },} respectively.

Bochner–Minlos theorem

See also:Bochner's theorem andKernel embedding of distributions § Universal kernels

Any continuouspositive-definite functionalC{\displaystyle C} on a nuclear spaceA{\displaystyle A} is called acharacteristic functional ifC(0)=1,{\displaystyle C(0)=1,} and for anyzjC,{\displaystyle z_{j}\in \mathbb {C} ,}xjA{\displaystyle x_{j}\in A} andj,k=1,,n,{\displaystyle j,k=1,\ldots ,n,}[16][17]j=1nk=1nzjz¯kC(xjxk)0.{\displaystyle \sum _{j=1}^{n}\sum _{k=1}^{n}z_{j}{\bar {z}}_{k}C(x_{j}-x_{k})\geq 0.}

Given a characteristic functional on a nuclear spaceA,{\displaystyle A,} theBochner–Minlos theorem (afterSalomon Bochner andRobert Adol'fovich Minlos) guarantees the existence and uniqueness of a correspondingprobability measureμ{\displaystyle \mu } on the dual spaceA{\displaystyle A^{\prime }} such thatC(y)=Aeix,ydμ(x),{\displaystyle C(y)=\int _{A^{\prime }}e^{i\langle x,y\rangle }\,d\mu (x),}

whereC(y){\displaystyle C(y)} is theFourier-Stieltjes transform ofμ{\displaystyle \mu }, thereby extending theinverse Fourier transform to nuclear spaces.[18]

In particular, ifA{\displaystyle A} is the nuclear spaceA=k=0Hk,{\displaystyle A=\bigcap _{k=0}^{\infty }H_{k},}whereHk{\displaystyle H_{k}} are Hilbert spaces, the Bochner–Minlos theorem guarantees the existence of a probability measure with the characteristic functione12yH02,{\displaystyle e^{-{\frac {1}{2}}\|y\|_{H_{0}}^{2}},} that is, the existence of the Gaussian measure on thedual space. Such measure is calledwhite noise measure. WhenA{\displaystyle A} is the Schwartz space, the correspondingrandom element is arandomdistribution.

Strongly nuclear spaces


Astrongly nuclear space is a locally convex topological vector space such that for any seminormp{\displaystyle p} there exists a larger seminormq{\displaystyle q} so that the natural mapXqXp{\displaystyle X_{q}\to X_{p}} is a stronglynuclear.

See also



  1. ^Trèves 2006, p. 531.
  2. ^Trèves 2006, pp. 509–510.
  3. ^Costello, Kevin (2011).Renormalization and effective field theory. Providence, R.I.: American Mathematical Society.ISBN 978-0-8218-5288-0.OCLC 692084741.
  4. ^Schaefer & Wolff 1999, p. 170.
  5. ^abcdTrèves 2006, p. 511.
  6. ^abcSchaefer & Wolff 1999, p. 184.
  7. ^abSchaefer & Wolff 1999, p. 178.
  8. ^abcdefSchaefer & Wolff 1999, p. 103.
  9. ^abcdeSchaefer & Wolff 1999, p. 172.
  10. ^Schaefer & Wolff 1999, p. 105.
  11. ^abSchaefer & Wolff 1999, p. 173.
  12. ^Schaefer & Wolff 1999, p. 100.
  13. ^Schaefer & Wolff 1999, p. 101.
  14. ^Trèves 2006, p. 520.
  15. ^Schaefer & Wolff 1999, p. 110.
  16. ^Holden et al. 2009, p. 258.
  17. ^Simon 2005, pp. 10–11.
  18. ^T. R. Johansen,The Bochner-Minlos Theorem for nuclear spaces and an abstract white noise space, 2003.


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