TheNubian ibex (Capra nubiana) is a desert-dwellinggoat species (GenusCapra) found in mountainous areas ofnorthern andnortheast Africa, and theMiddle East.[2] It was historically considered to be asubspecies of theAlpine ibex (C. ibex), but is now considered a distinct species. The wild population is estimated at 4,500 mature individuals, and it is classified asvulnerable.[1]
The Nubian ibex was first identified inmodern science byFrédéric Cuvier in his 1825Histoire naturelle des mammifères: avec des figures originales, coloriées, dessinées d'aprèsdes animaux vivans, in which he illustrated the animal with the label "Bouc sauvage de la Haute-Égypte" ("Wild goat ofUpper Egypt").[3][4][5] It was initially classified asCapra ibex nubiana, a subspecies of theAlpine ibex (C. ibex), which had been previously identified byCarl Linnaeus in 1758.[6] While it was referred to as its own species by some authors in the 19th[7][8] and early 20th Century,[9][10] the first widely recognized researcher to classify the Nubian ibex as a unique species,C. nubiana, was Hans-Peter Uerpmann in his 1987 book,The ancient distribution of ungulate mammals in the Middle East: fauna and archaeological sites in Southwest Asia and Northeast Africa.[11][5] They are now broadly accepted by scientists as a unique species.[1]
The earliest remains of Nubian ibex in Israel date back approximately 150,000 years to thePleistocene, and they have been continually present in the region since then.[6][12] In spite of the growing presence oflivestock like domesticatedgoats over the last 10,000 years, Nubian ibex in the region have remained present throughout this time.[13] However, their abundance has fluctuated over time in places likeEin Gedi, where they showed an increase in population in the LateHolocene between 949 and 5,164 years ago.[14]Radiocarbon dated bones from archaeological excavations indicate that the Nubian ibex has been in apredator-prey relationship with theArabian leopard throughout the Holocene.[15]
The Nubian ibex shares a genus,Capra, with all otheribex and goats.Phylogenetic reconstructions of the ibex/goat family tree have mixed results, with different studies reaching different conclusions.
OneY-chromosomal DNA analysis suggests twoclades (subgroups) within the genus: The first clade containsdomestic goats (C. hircus),wild goats (C. aegagrus), andmarkhors (C. falconeri). The second clade contains all other ibex, including the Nubian ibex. In this analysis, the Nubian ibex ismonophyletic (most closely related) to theSiberian ibex (C. sibirica).[16]
However, when the same study analyzedMitochondrial DNA, it was suggested that all species in genusCapra are in one clade except for the Siberian ibex. The study's authors provide potential explanations for this discrepancy, including a possible ancient hybridization of the ancestors of the two Y-chromosome clades.[16]
A separate mitochondrial study suggests that the Nubian ibex forms a separate, more ancient offshoot from most other ibex and may be monophyletic with the Siberian ibex.[17]
An additional Y-chromosomal DNA and mitochondrial DNA study concludes that Nubian ibex are most closely related to Ethiopia'sWalia ibex (C. walie), and they may have separated about 800,000 years ago.[18]
Another study usedmultidimensional scaling (MDS) to suggest that Nubian ibex are more closely related to Alpine ibex and European ibex than to all others.[19]
Genetic analysis suggests that their population was relatively high during the lastinterglacial period, and decreased during thelast ice age.[20] The genetic makeup of Nubian ibex as a species has remained unchanged for at least 2,000 years.[21] There is genetic evidence of ancient geneintrogression between Nubian ibex and bezoar ibex, which, in turn, interbred with domestic goats and left genetic signatures.[22]
The followingcladogram of sevenCapra species is based on 2022 mitochondrial evidence:[23]
Nubian ibex are the smallestibex species on Earth, followingBergmann's rule. They stand around 65–75 cm (26–30 in) tall at the shoulder. They aresexually dimorphic: males are significantly larger than females, with males averaging 52–74.7 kg (115–165 lb) and females 25.3–32.7 kg (56–72 lb).[6][24]
Weights of Nubian ibex according to age classes[24]
Sex & Age
Number of individuals (n)
Mean weight (kg)
Female (~4 years)
Male (2–3 years)
Male (4 years)
Male (~7 years)
They are a light tan color, with a white underbelly; males also have a dark brown mane down their backs. Their legs have a black and white pattern. They have a lighter rump with a dark brown tail. Males begin growing a beard at age 2 or 3, which continues to grow longer and darker as they age. During the autumnbreeding season, mature males grow a "rutting fur" on their breast and sides which is very dark brown. It appears in October in 3–4-year-old males, but it may appear as early as July or August in older males age 6 and up. However, not all males develop rutting fur, even at a mature age.[6]
Nubian ibexes have long, thinhorns that extend up and then backwards and down. In males, these reach around 1 m (3 ft 3 in) in length, while in females they are much smaller, reaching around 30 cm (12 in).[25] Male horns are thicker than female horns, and grow large bulges which prevent the horns from sliding while the males are locked in combat.[6] Male horn growth plateaus around age 7–8, where as female horn growth plateaus around age 4–6. There is a significant relationship between the individual's age and the number of horn ridges.[26]
Nubian ibex live in rough, dry, mountainous terrain, where they eat mainlygrasses andleaves, especially fromAcacia trees (GenusVachellia). They forage for food on the ground and may also rear up on their hind legs to reach leaves in trees. They can climb into trees while feeding.[6] They reduce feeding on plants with strongdefenses, such astannins and thorns.[29] Preferred plants vary depending on the amount of rain; rainy winters result in higher feeding preference forannual plants overperennials.[30] Ibex preferentially feed in spaces that are close to cliffs where they can easily escapepredators, demonstrating aLandscape of Fear: the farther from cliffs, the morevigilant ibex become.[31][32] Ibex will also spend more time feeding in green patches with high nutritional quality and that are closer to water sources.[33][34] Female Nubian ibex in Oman have been recorded consuming small bone fragments (osteophagy), a common behavior in mammals to supplement calcium and phosphorus in their diet.[35]
Ibex aresocial, and herds tend to consist of females, young, and males up to the age of about three years.Herds are typically up to 20 individuals, but may reach as high as 50.[6][24] Groups can also be smaller (less than 10) in habitats with fewer resources.[51] Female herds are often composed of related individuals that follow adominance hierarchy.[52] Female herds tend to remain around permanent water sources throughout the year, whereas males are more transient.[53] The males are solitary or form more transitory bands of up to eight individuals. During the breeding season, males join the female-based herds for the six- to eight-weekrut. Large males then do battle with much clashing of horns.[25]
Nubian ibexes arediurnal, meaning they are active during the day, and rest at night. Like other ibex and goats, Nubian ibex spend much of their time on and around cliffs, which offer safety from potential predators. Ibex perceive a greaterpredation risk as they move farther away from cliffs.[32] They climb and leap with ease, spanning several meters horizontally and vertically in a single leap. Ibex typically traverse cliffs in single file when possible, and keeping relatively horizontal. Their repeated movement over time creates well-wornhillside trails.[6]
Ibexmigrate throughout the day and throughout the year. During the day, they navigate between food patches as they forage. They may rest throughout the day to chew theircud, especially around midday.[6] Additionally, on cold winter days, ibex in Egypt have been documented following the path of the sun each day to stay warm.[54] At night, they sleep on cliff sides in small depressions that they dig. These shallow diggings createmicrohabitats where a diverse range of seedlings can germinate, adding to thehabitat's diversity.[55] In winter and early spring, the Middle East's rainy season, ibex often disperse to open plateaus where they can feed on new plant life. In the hot, dry summer, they congregate around shadedoases with water and greenery.[6]
Mating season is typically in October and November, during which a dominant male will pursue several females. Males produce a strong scented secretion when females are inestrous. As they pursue potential mates, they smell the females' anal region with lip curled up (Flehmen). Males can reach breeding maturity as young as 2 years, but may not be allowed to mate until age 5 when they are strong enough to fend off rival males. Females can breed as young as six months old, but often don't breed until age 1-3.[6] Studies suggest that some Nubian ibex subpopulations are developing a second mating season in the spring, in response tohyper-arid climates.[41]
Gestation lasts 5 months. Litters of 1-2 kids are born between March and July, although the majority of births are synchronized in a 3-4 week period that peaks in late March and April. Females leave the herd to give birth in a secluded space. Newborns can stand within 15 minutes of birth, and can nurse within two hours. The mother and young rejoin the herd in a few days, joining other mothers and young to form acrèche for several weeks.[6] Leaving kids in a sheltered crèche allows mothers to seek out richer food patches and spaces that are farther from cliffs, compared to mothers that keep their kids with them at all times.[56] Kids areweaned around 4 months old. Females reach mature size at age 3-4, while males reach it around 6 years old. Nubian ibex can live up to 12 years in the wild and 18 years in captivity.[6]
Nubian ibexvision is adapted to navigating visually on mountainous terrain. A study of theirretinal ganglion cell density shows that they share many traits with otherartiodactyls: a temporal area, horizontal streak, and dorsotemporal extension. They have a potentially unique dorsotemporal area of high ganglion cell density that benefits vision in the lowervisual field, helpful for navigating varied terrain. Additionally, they have a more loosely organized horizontal streak than other hoofed animals. Theirtapetum lucidum is morphologically similar to that of goats. It is blue-green, and enhances theirnight vision and vision of the horizon. The spatialresolving power in their temporal area is 17 cycles/degree, meaning that they can distinguish objects as small as 3 mm (0.12 in) from a distance of up to 30 metres (98 ft), allowing for food identification and predator detection.[57] The Nubian ibex's standardintraocular pressure is estimated to be 17.95 ± 4.78 mmHg.[58] They produce relatively low rates of tears compared to other animal species, leaving them highly susceptible to infection.[59]
Nubian ibex can balance their body'snitrogen levels on poor quality diets by reabsorbing large quantities of their bodies'urea.[60] This slows their metabolism when only poor quality food is available, but Nubian ibex can regain lost body mass rapidly upon returning to a higher quality diet.[61] Nubian ibex and other desert-dwelling ungulates have elevatedisotopes of Nitrogen (δ15N) due to their diet of plants that grow indenitrified soils.[62]
Most hematological, serum biochemical, and electrolyte values are consistent between males and females. However, females have significantly higherred blood cell counts,hematocrit, totalleucocyte (white blood cell) counts, and total serumbilirubin than males.[63]
In the 1970s, researchers inLahav, Israel, began breeding and studyinghybrids of Nubian ibex and domestic goats, called "Yaez" ("יעז").[67] In one study of these hybrids, plasmatestosterone peaked in August andtestes size peaked in September–October.[68] In a study on reproduction, researchers found that females were more likely to abort their young if they were first-time pregnancies and triplets (as opposed to smaller litters). Mortality rates of young were highest in spring and lowest in winter. Kid mortality rates increased with a higher proportion of ibex genes.[69] When researchers compared the growth rate of male goat and Yaez kids, they found that young goats experience a higher growth rate in spring while Yaez kids grow faster in summer.[70]
Ecotourism andoutdoor recreation may disturb ibex in nature reserves, causing them to change their behavior in order to avoid people. When possible, they seek out water sources with lower human presence, and more readily abandon high quality food patches when human disturbance is high.[43][73] Human presence in nature reserves may also contribute to decreased reproductive rates in ibex; when tourists stopped visiting Israel'sEin Avdat National Park duringCOVID-19 lockdowns in 2020, the ratio of young to female ibex more than doubled.[74]
Conversely, some ibex have becomehabituated to human settlements and popular nature reserves, leading to potential conflict.[75][40] Habituation is demonstrated by decreasedvigilance in areas with greater human presence.[76] These subpopulations seek out towns due to abundant food, shelter, and protection from predators.[77][34] Their habituation leads to property damage, consumption of harmful substances like garbage,reproductive isolation from other subpopulations, and reducedantipredator behavioral responses.[78][79][40] Ibex have been recorded standing on vehicles and entering buildings.[80]
Two main populations are present, one in theEastern Desert to the east of the Nile River and one in theSouth Sinai. The Eastern Desert population contains 400–1,000 individuals in reserves that includeElba Protectorate and Wadi Gemal Protected Area. A further 200–250 individuals reside in the SouthSinai region, sheltered by theSt. Katherine Protectorate,Taba Protected Area and Abu Gallum Protected Area.[1][34] The populations are declining due to poaching.[81] Egypt's Nubian ibex are officially protected by Agricultural Law No. 53/l 966 and amendment 1012 July 1992.[82]
Due to civil unrest, no recent population estimates have been documented.[1] On 16 March 1959, the British established theYob Wildlife Reserve in northern Eritrea specifically to protect significant populations of Nubian ibex in the area.[83][84]
The historically dense ibex population was decimated in the wake of theFirst World War when the sudden availability of rifles enabledBedouin to hunt them to near extinction. After the establishment of the State of Israel, when hunting wasoutlawed and nature reserves were created in which they were protected, the ibex population rebounded.[86][87] In 1966, the recovering population was estimated at 800 individuals nationwide.[88]
Three primary ibex populations exist in Israel: in theNegev Highlands,Eilat Mountains, and theJudaean Desert, which traverses into the PalestinianWest Bank.[1][89] There is habitat connectivity between these population centers, with an especially strongwildlife corridor between the Judaean Desert andNegev Highlands. This allows forgene flow.[90][91] An additional small population was established in theGolan Heights throughreintroduction in 1970, and now numbers at least 100 individuals.[6] The Judaean Desert population is home to approximately 800 individuals, the Negev Highlands are inhabited by around 400, and the Eilat Mountains to at least 150.[1][6] Israel's population is relatively stable and strongly protected, with over 80% of the population range located within wildlife reserves.[1] Israel's Nature and Parks Authority (INPA) conducts an annual population count using visual surveys and trail cameras.[92] On many occasions, the INPA rescues and rehabilitates injured wild ibex.[93] Israel's Nubian ibex are officially protected by the 1955Wildlife Protection Law.[87]
Once nearly extirpated in the country, Jordan has re-established their ibex population throughcaptive breeding and reintroduction programs. Population strongholds exist within protected areas, including around 250 ibex inDana Biosphere Reserve, 200 inWadi Mujib Biosphere Reserve, and 100 inWadi Rum World Heritage Area. Additionally, at least 60 ibex have been released into the wilderness to join other small populations. Reports suggest that the population is growing within protected areas.[95] Their main threat is hunting.[94][1] Jordan's Nubian ibex are officially protected from hunting under Agriculture Law No. 13, Appendix I.[96]
Nubian ibex have been extinct in Lebanon since the mid-19th Century. In 2017, a small herd was brought toAl Shouf Cedar Nature Reserve from Jordan to re-establish a breeding population. Now the herd is living semi-wild in an enclosure within the reserve, with plans to fully release them into the wild in the near future.[27][97][98]
Oman's largest ibex population stronghold is in theDhofar Mountains, with 600–1,100 individuals. Another 100–250 ibex live in and nearAl Wusta Wildlife Reserve, in theHuqf Escarpment and Janabi Hills. The population is in decline due to poaching, habitat degradation, and human expansion.[1] Oman's Nubian ibex are protected under Ministry of Diwan Affairs, Ministerial Decision No. 4 (1976).[1]
Small ibex populations are present in protected areas, including theHawtat bani Tamim Ibex Reserve. The population of this reserve has declined by 75% since 2005 due to poaching.[1] In 2022, Saudi Arabia began a reintroduction program in an effort to rescue the population.[99] Saudi Arabia's Nubian ibex are officially protected by a 1979 hunting by-law.[1]
Potentially a few hundred; no official population estimate[1]
Prior to 2010, surveys suggested a small population in theRed Sea Hills and the areas aroundPort Sudan, where they have been recorded for many decades.[100] Historically they were documented in the Erkawit and SinkatSanctuaries, as well as the Tokar Game Reserve.[101] However, due to civil unrest, no recent population estimates have been documented.[1] Sudan's Nubian ibex are listed as a permit-only hunted species under the 1992 Wildlife Conservation Act, and limited hunting programs continue.[1][102]
Likely present, no official population estimate[1]
Ibex have occasionally been detected in theHawf Protected Area.[103] Due to civil unrest, no recent population estimates have been documented.[1]
Nubian ibex live in 16 zoos across Israel, including a breeding herd in theJerusalem Biblical Zoo.[105] They live in 3 zoos across the United Arab Emirates, 1 zoo in Gaza, and 1 zoo in Singapore.[106] Nubian ibex live in at least one facility in Oman, theAl Baraka Palace breeding centre. Oman's wild ibex population is genetically distinct from its captive population, suggesting that the captive animals descend from a different population.[107][108]
Nubian ibex live in one zoo in each of the following countries: Estonia, France, Germany, Poland, and Switzerland.[106]
North America
As of December 2013, at least 34 males and 39 females live across 8 captive facilities; 7 of these facilities are accredited by theAssociation of Zoos and Aquariums (AZA). They are all descend from ibex that lived in Israel'sYotvata Hai-Bar Nature Reserve.[109] Captive ibex managers worried that one ibex group had hybrid ancestry due to morphological differences from other Nubian ibex, but genetic analysis suggested that they were pure-bred, and that differences were only due tointraspecific genetic variation.[110] There are many captive and semi-wild populations in the United States that are kept on privateranches fortrophy hunting.[111][112][113][114]
Nubian ibex played an important role in cultures of theancient Near East. They have been a common image inpetroglyphs (rock art), metal work, pottery, and other artwork across theMiddle East for thousands of years, with some artwork dating back to thelate Pleistocene.[115][116][117][118] One example is a life-sized image carved in sandstone in Egypt, dated to theUpper Paleolithic.[119] In petroglyphs, ibex are often portrayed as hunted bydogs and human archers. They are also frequently depicted alongside celestial imagery such as a star, sun, cross, or circle.[120] They were commonly hunted usingdesert kites (long, narrowing walls that form an enclosure), dogs, stone enclosures, and nets.[121][122][123]
A common motif in ancient Middle Eastern art contains a sacred tree, often theTree of Life, flanked on each side by an ibex. This motif is present across the region, from Iran and Mesopotamia to Arabia and the Horn of Africa.[124][125][126]Assyrian travelers brought bronze artwork bearing the motif as far asOlympia,Greece.[127] This motif is exemplified by theCult Stand from Ta-anakh from the 10th Century BCE, which also contains two ibex next to a sacred tree, and other nature-themed carvings. It is thought to depict the relationship ofYahweh/El (God) andAsherah, aSemitic, nature-oriented goddess whose essence was later integrated intoJudaism.[128][129][130]
The Biblical heroineJael's name means "Ibex" in theHebrew language.[131] TheTanakh (Hebrew Bible) contains severalreferences to ibex: "The high mountains belong to the ibex" (Psalm 104:18);[132][133] "A loving female ibex" (Proverbs 5:19).[134] "Do you know the season when the mountain goats give birth?" (Job 39:1).[135][136] The spring ofEin Gedi, near the Dead Sea, translates to "Spring of the goat-kid;" the location features inKing David's story, where he is sought "in the direction of the rocks of the wild goats" (1 Samuel 24:3).[137][138] Ibex are one of the species whose horns can be used to construct aShofar (Jewish religiousmusical horn): "Theshofar that was used onRosh HaShana in theTemple was made from the straight horn of an ibex, and its mouth, the mouthpiece into which one blows, was plated with gold" (Mishnah Rosh Hashana 3:3).[139] They are aKosher species, meaning that, when prepared properly, the ibex can be eaten underreligious law.[140]
Ibex skin was sometimes used to make parchments inancient Israel.[13] Ibex imagery is present inancient Jewish artwork such as theHuqoqSynagogue mosaic from the 5th century.[141][142] The ibex was one of many animals invoked in parables written byMedieval Jewish scholars, such as in Isaac ibn Sahula'sMeshal ha-kadmoni ("Proverb of the Ancient").[143] Ibex feature as imagery in Jewish love poems, such asIsaac Uziel's “Where will you camp, O my ibex?”, written in the early 17th century.[144] In the early 20th Century, Russian Jewish performerIda Rubinstein was characterized as "the great ibex of theJewish Ghetto."[145][146]
Yael (יָעֵל) remains a common name forJews, and is one of the most popular female baby names in Israel.[147] The Nubian ibex is the symbol of theIsrael Nature and Parks Authority and was chosen due to its iconic representation of Israeli wildlife, as well as for the resemblance of its rounded horn to aRoman arch, representing local archaeological history.[148][149]
Bedouin have historically raised young Nubian ibex in integrated herds with domestic goats, with whom the ibex can viably interbreed.[6] The Ma'aza Bedouin of Egypt's Eastern Desert have named several locations based on ibex presence and behavior.[150] In Israel, theAzāzmeh tribal wasm (symbol) on petroglyphs was made by modifying older ibex rock art.[151] Bedouin have traditionally hunted ibex for food and skin, and were often historically hired as hunters andguides by British and Egyptian officials.[152][153][154] More recently, some Bedouin in the Sinai region have worked as protectors of ibex and other wildlife.[155] In an anthropological study, members of the Sinai's Gebaliya Bedouin reported that they appreciate the beauty of ibex, and often enjoy seeing them on the landscape.[156]
InYemen, the ibex is a longstanding symbol of national identity, representing many positive attributes of the Yemeni people. An annual National Ibex Day, on 22 January, has been proposed to help protect the animal.[157][158]
The Nubian ibex in particular was in the BBC documentaryLife, and featured prominently in the popular television documentary seriesPlanet Earth (episode five, "Deserts").[159] They were featured in the 2023 PBS series Evolution Earth, which highlighted their urbanization in Israel.[160]
Nubian ibex imagery is prominent inecotourism promotion. The Israeli town ofMitzpe Ramon, where habituated ibex are frequently found, features a hotel called the Ibex Inn.[161] Jordan'sWadi Rum features a tour and camping company called Wadi Rum Ibex.[162]
Many Middle Eastern tour companies encourage clients to join them for an opportunity to view these animals in the wild.[163][164][165][166]
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