In the field ofmolecular biology, theMi-2/NuRD (Nucleosome Remodeling Deacetylase)complex, is a group of associated proteins with bothATP-dependentchromatin remodeling andhistone deacetylase activities.[1][2] As of 2007[update], Mi-2/NuRD was the only known protein complex that couples chromatin remodeling ATPase and chromatin deacetylation enzymatic functions.[3]
In 1998, several independent groups reported the discovery of multi-enzyme complexes conferring both nucleosome remodelling and histone deacetylation activities.[4][5][6][7] Xue et al[1] first described the human complex as theNucleosomeRemodelling andDeacetylase (NuRD) - this name has since been adopted for homologous complexes in most organisms.
The NuRDcomplex contains seven subunits: the histone deacetylase core proteinsHDAC1 andHDAC2, the histone-binding proteinsRbAp46 andRbAp48, the metastasis-associated proteinsMTA1 (orMTA2 /MTA3), the methyl-CpG-binding domain proteinMBD3 (orMBD2) and the chromodomain-helicase-DNA-binding proteinCHD3 (aka Mi-2alpha) orCHD4 (aka Mi-2beta).
NuRD can be subdivided into two discrete subcomplexes which confer neuclosome remodelling or histone deacetylation activity,each of which retains catalytic activity without the presence of the other.[8] The histone deacetylasesHDAC1 andHDAC2 and the histone binding proteins RbAp48 and RbAp46 form a core complex shared between NuRD and Sin3-histone deacetylase complexes.[9][10]
Mi-2/CHD4 may confer NuRD independent transcriptional regulation in some organisms and contexts.[11] For example, in the fly,Drosophila melanogaster, the majority of Mi2 biochemically purifies separately from the rest of the NuRD subunits[12] and profiling of NuRD component binding sites indicates that only a minority of loci are co-occupied by both Mi-2 and HDAC.[13] Similar results are reported in mouse embryonic stem cells where CHD4 shares only a minority of binding loci with core NuRD component, MBD3.[14] Independently of histone deacetylase, Mi-2 knockdown in neuronal tissue results in mis-expression of genes that are normally restricted to germline.[13] A similar observation was made in human erythroid cells, in which CHD4 but not Mi-2 is required for suppression of fetal globin genes.[15]
NuRD is traditionally thought of as a primarily repressive complex (in AP-1[16]), and in some contexts it is clear that it does confer this function. For example, NuRD is required to silence genes in neuronal differentiation.[17] However, more recent studies have presented a more nuanced picture of NuRD activity in which it is required for fine-tuning of gene expression during stem cell differentiation to ensure appropriate lineage specification.[14][dubious –discuss]
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