Nobiletin was found to potentially inhibit cartilage degradation.[2]
Nobiletin was shown to augmentAMPA receptor activity and long-term potentiation in cell culture.[3] Synergistic chemopreventive effects of nobiletin andatorvastatin oncolon carcinogenesis have been described.[4]Nobiletin enhances antitumor efficacy via suppression of IκB/NF-κB signaling in triple-negative breast cancer[5].
^Nagase H, Yamakuni T, Matsuzaki K, Maruyama Y, Kasahara J, Hinohara Y, Kondo S, Mimaki Y, Sashida Y, Tank AW, Fukunaga K, Ohizumi Y (2005). "Mechanism of Neurotrophic Action of Nobiletin in PC12D Cells".Biochemistry.44 (42):13683–13691.doi:10.1021/bi050643x.ISSN0006-2960.PMID16229458.Nobiletin is a nonpeptide compound with a low molecular weight from a citrus fruit and has the activity to rescue bulbectomy-induced memory impairment
^Matsuzaki K, Miyazaki K, Sakai S, Yawo H, Nakata N, Moriguchi S, Fukunaga K, Yokosuka A, Sashida Y, Mimaki Y, Yamakuni T, Ohizumi Y (2008). "Nobiletin, a citrus flavonoid with neurotrophic action, augments protein kinase A-mediated phosphorylation of the AMPA receptor subunit, GluR1, and the postsynaptic receptor response to glutamate in murine hippocampus".Eur J Pharmacol.578 (2–3):194–200.doi:10.1016/j.ejphar.2007.09.028.PMID17976577.
[5] Kim E, Kim YJ, Ji Z, Kang JM, Wirianto M, Paudel KR, Smith JA, Ono K, Kim JA, Eckel-Mahan K, Zhou X. ROR activation by Nobiletin enhances antitumor efficacy via suppression of IκB/NF-κB signaling in triple-negative breast cancer. Cell death & disease. 2022 Apr 19;13(4):374.