The first few members of the series arevolatile liquids;methyl nitrite andethyl nitrite are gaseous at room temperature and pressure. The compounds have a distinctive fruity odor. Another frequently encountered nitrite isamyl nitrite (3-methylbutyl nitrite).
Alkyl nitrites were initially, and largely still are, used asmedications andchemical reagents, a practice which began in the late 19th century. In their use as medicine, they are often inhaled for relief ofangina and other heart-related symptoms of disease. However, when referred to as "poppers", alkyl nitrites representrecreational drugs.
Organic nitrites are prepared fromalcohols andsodium nitrite insulfuric acidsolution. They decompose slowly on standing, the decomposition products beingoxides ofnitrogen,water, the alcohol, andpolymerization products of thealdehyde.[1] They are also prone to undergo homolytic cleavage to form alkyl radicals, the nitrite C–O bond being very weak (on the order of 40–50 kcal ⋅ mol−1).[citation needed] Alkyl nitrites are generally weaknitrosating agents, but nitrosate amines in the presence of a nucleophile catalyst.[2]