Nehemiah Goreh (bornNilakantha Gore; 1825—1895) was a Hindu convert to Christianity inBritish India. As a Hinduapologist, he wrote the Sanskrit-language textŚāstra-tattva-vinirṇaya and a Hindi-language synopsis of it, defending Hinduism against Christian missionaries. Later, heconverted to Christianity, and wrote texts critical of Hinduism, includingShad-darshana Darpana.
Nilakantha Gore (or Goreh) was born in aMarathi-speakingChitpavan Brahmin family in 1825, in the Kashipura village ofDeccan region.[1] His ancestors were hereditary counselors to the ruler ofBundelkhand. His uncle served as an advisor to theMaratha vassalNawabAli Bahadur ofBanda. The family later retired from public service,[2] and settled in the Maratha enclave in theAssi Ghat area ofBenares (Varanasi).[3] At Benares, the family maintainedAnna-purna-chattar, a charitable institution for pilgrims.[2]
Goreh's family did not let him attend theBenares Sanskrit College, concerned that the European learning there would make him lose respect for the Hindushastras. Instead, he was privately tutored in grammar and theHindu philosophy (darshanas).[2]
Although he came from aShaivite family, he adoptedVishnu as hisishta devata (favourite deity). In a letter toMonier Monier-Williams, he states that he did so because the "more venerable and more ancient authorities of the Hindu religion" (such as theAdi Shankara) were Vishnu worshippers.[4]
Goreh was a devout Hindu, and the public preaching by Christian missionaries in Benares and their apparent success greatly outraged and distressed him. In April 1844, he met William Smith of theChurch Missionary Society and asked a few questions on the nature of Christianity. Smith presented him with a copy ofJohn Muir'sMataparīkṣā, which criticized Hinduism and portrayed Christianity asthe true faith. The next day, Goreh wrote aHindi-language letter to Smith, detailing his objections to the Christian doctrine, specifically the one dealing with theproblem of evil.[5]
Sometime between April 1844 and April 1845, Goreh composed theSanskrit-languageŚāstra-tattva-vinirṇaya (dated to year 1766 of theShalivahana era). He sent a copy of the text to Muir.[6]
Goreh also wrote a Hindi-language text titledDoubts Concerning Christianity, a synopsis of arguments elaborated in theŚāstra-tattva-vinirṇaya. He circulated it through Benares, aiming to stop the conversions to Christianity. He met Smith again in April 1845, and presented him a manuscript of this text. Smith later translated this document into English.[6] The doubts raised by Goreh in the text include:[7]
Sometime later, Goreh faced a spiritual crisis, and wrote to John Muir's unnamedpandit inAzamgarh expressing his doubts about Hinduism. Muir and Goreh met several times, and Muir gave Goreh a copy of his Sanskrit-languageGlory of Jesus Christ (1848).[8] Goreh ultimately converted to Christianity, and was baptized with the name Nehemiah in March 1848.[2]
Goreh's family ostracized him, and his young wife Lakshmibai was sent back to her father. Goreh got her back with the help of the local British magistrate, and she converted to Christianity.[9] She had been sick for a long time, and died two days after her baptism. S.L. Katre, who published the first printed edition ofŚāstra-tattva-vinirṇaya states that she died of shock because she was converted against her will; Katre makes no mention of her illness. The Christian missionary writers state that she was "blessed" to have died after her baptism.[10] Later, Goreh's widowed father also converted to Christianity. His younger brother was not allowed to meet him for four years, but later the two brothers shared a close relationship, although the brother remained a Hindu pandit despite Goreh's attempts to convert him.[9]
Goreh became involved in missionary activities such as preaching to Hindus, writing texts on Christianity for them, and lecturing to fellow Brahmins and members of theBrahmo Samaj.[11] He became a tutor to theSikhMaharajaDuleep Singh, another convert to Christianity, and accompanied him to England, where he metQueen Victoria.[12] He kept in touch with Muir, who introduced him to OrientalistMax Muller during his first visit to England.[11]
In 1860, Goreh publishedShad-darshana Darpana, a work critical of Hinduism.[12][13] As anAnglican, he also wrote againstRoman Catholicism.[14] He was ordained as adeacon in 1868, and as a priest in 1870.[15] He joined theSociety of St John the Evangelist, and spent his last years in the Society's house inPoona (Pune).[14] He died on 29 October 1895.[16] His daughterEllen Lakshmi Goreh was also a Christian missionary.
William Smith wrote his biography, titledDwij: The conversion of a brahman to the faith of Christ (1850). Charles Edwyn Gardner wrote another biography titledLife of Father Goreh (1900).[2]
As Nilakantha Gore:
As Neremiah Goreh, after conversion to Christianity:
Extracts of his writings were published in theIndian Church Quarterly Review.[17]