Nicippe, aThespian princess as one of the 50 daughters of KingThespius andMegamede[5] or by one of his many wives.[6] When Heracles hunted and ultimately slayed theCithaeronian lion,[7] Nicippe with her other sisters, except for one,[8] all laid with the hero in a night,[9] a week[10] or for 50 days[11] as what their father strongly desired it to be.[12] Nicippe boreHeracles a son,Antimachus.[13]
Also known is one apparently historical figure of this name:
Nicippe, daughter of Paseas, who dedicated a statue toAphrodite Symmachia at the temple inMantinea which was founded to commemorate the alliance of the Mantineans with the Romans in theBattle of Actium.[14]
Callimachus,Callimachus and Lycophron with an English translation by A. W. Mair; Aratus, with an English translation by G. R. Mair, London: W. Heinemann, New York: G. P. Putnam 1921. Internet Archive
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