Neurofibromas arise from nonmyelinating-typeSchwann cells that exhibitbiallelic inactivation of theNF1 gene that codes for the proteinneurofibromin.[2] This protein is responsible for regulating theRAS-mediatedcell growthsignaling pathway. In contrast toschwannomas, another type of tumor arising from Schwann cells, neurofibromas incorporate many additional types of cells and structural elements in addition to Schwann cells, making it difficult to identify and understand all the mechanisms through which they originate and develop.[3]
Neurofibromas have been subdivided into two broad categories: dermal and plexiform. Dermal neurofibromas are associated with a single peripheral nerve, while plexiform neurofibromas are associated with multiple nerve bundles. According to the World Health Organization classification system, dermal and plexiform neurofibromas aregrade I tumors. Plexiform neurofibroma are more difficult to treat and can transform into malignant tumors. Dermal neurofibroma do not become malignant.[citation needed]
Dermal neurofibroma in a person whose lesions first appeared when he was a teenager
Dermal neurofibromas typically arise in the teenage years and are often associated with the onset of puberty. In people with neurofibromatosis type I, they tend to continue to increase in number and size throughout adulthood, although limits exist as to how big they get, and cases progress at highly variable rates.[citation needed]
Plexiform neurofibroma of the head and neck, before and after removal
Plexiform neurofibromas can grow fromnerves in theskin or from more internal nerve bundles, and can be very large (with mass in the tens of kilograms).[5] Internal plexiform neurofibromas are very difficult to remove completely because they extend through multiple layers of tissue and the attempt would damage healthy tissue or organs.[citation needed]
Plexiform neurofibroma can cause disfigurement, neurological, and other clinical deficits.[citation needed]
Plexiform neurofibromas have the potential to cause severe clinical complications if they occur in certain areas.[6]
About 10% of plexiform neurofibromas undergo transformation into amalignant peripheral nerve sheath tumor.[7] Plexiform neurofibroma is a known precursor for MPNST in NF1 patients.[8] The formation of malignant cancers from neurofibromas is associated with the loss of expression of theCDKN2A orTP53 gene in nonmyelinating Schwann cells that also exhibit biallelic inactivation of the NF1 gene.
This picture illustrates the structure of the NF1 gene product,neurofibromin 1. This protein is 2818 amino acids long with 3 alternatively spliced exons, 9a, 23a, and 48a. The IRA domains are hypothesized to function as negative regulators of RAS, along with the GRD domain in between them.
TheNF1 gene is composed of 60exons spanning 350kb of genomic data, and maps to chromosomal region17qll.2.[9] This gene codes for neurofibromin which is a large 220-250 KDacytoplasmicprotein that is composed of 2,818 amino acids with three alternatively spliced exons (9a, 23a and 48a) in the encoding gene. The functional part of neurofibromin is aGAP, or GTPase-activating protein. GAP accelerates the conversion of the active GTP-bound RAS to its inactive GDP-bound form, inactivating RAS and reducing RAS-mediated growth signaling. Loss of RAS control leads to increased activity of other signaling pathways includingRAF,ERK1/2,PI3K,PAK andmTOR-S6 kinase. This increased activity of downstream RAS pathways might work together to increase cell growth and survival.[10] Genes that code for proteins that regulate cell growth, such asNF1 andTP53, are referred to astumor suppressor genes. Neurofibromin has other growth-regulatory properties besides its ability to regulate RAS activity, but these other functions are poorly understood at this time.[11]
There are two kinds ofSchwann cells, myelinating and nonmyelinating. While myelinating Schwann cells cover large diameter (>1 micrometer)peripheral nervous system (PNS) axons withmyelin, nonmyelinating Schwann cells encapsulate small diameter PNS axons with their cytoplasmic processes. Nonmyelinating Schwann cells are theneoplastic element in neurofibromas. This conglomeration of nonmyelinating Schwann cells and axons is called aRemak bundle.[citation needed]
While nonmyelinating Schwann cells are the origin of neurofibromas, the mutations that make them susceptible to this transformation occur in Schwann cell precursors during early nerve development. Mutated nonmyelinating Schwann cells do not form normal Remak bundles. Instead, they fail to properly surround and segregate target axons. It is unknown at this time why, if both types of Schwann cells exhibit bilallelic inactivation of the NF1 gene, only the nonmyelinating variety give rise to neurofibromas.[12]
Neurofibromas arise from nonmyelinatingSchwann cells that only express the inactive version of the NF1 gene, which leads to a complete loss of expression of functionalneurofibromin. While one defective allele may be inherited,loss of heterozygosity (LOH) must occur before a neurofibroma can form; this is called the 'two-hit hypothesis'. This LOH happens by the same mechanisms, such as oxidativeDNA damage, that causesmutations in other cells.[citation needed]
Once a nonmyelinating Schwann cell has suffered inactivation of its NF1 genes, it begins to proliferate rapidly. This condition is calledhyperplasia, which is cell growth beyond what is normally seen. However, despite increased numbers of nonmyelinating Schwann cells, there is no neurofibroma yet. In order for the neurofibroma to develop, cells that areheterozygous for the NF1 gene must be recruited to the site. It has been hypothesized that the proliferating nonmyelinating Schwann cells secretechemoattractants such as theKIT ligand, andangiogenic factors such as the heparin-binding growth factormidkine. These chemicals promote the migration of different kinds of cells that are heterozygous for the NF1 gene into the hyperplasticlesions created by the nonmyelinating Schwann cells. These cell types includefibroblasts,perineurial cells,endothelial cells, andmast cells. The mast cells then secretemitogens orsurvival factors that alter the developing tumor microenvironment and result in neurofibroma formation.[citation needed]
Dermal and plexiform neurofibromas differ in later development stages, but the details are unclear at this point.[10]
Histopathology of neurofibroma: A spindle cell lesion composed of slender fibroblast-like cells withstoriform pattern and very low amount of stroma.[13]
Dermal neurofibromas may be 2 to 20 mm in diameter, is soft, flaccid, and pinkish-white, and frequently this soft small tumor can be invaginated, as if through a ring in the skin by pressure with the finger, a maneuver called "button-holing".[14]: 619
Dermal neurofibromas are not usually surgically removed unless they are painful or disfiguring, because there are generally so many of them and they are not dangerous.
CO2 lasers have been used to remove dermal neurofibromas. In a paper titledHypertrophic Scars After Therapy with CO2 Laser for Treatment of Multiple Cutaneous Neurofibromas Ostertag et al. said this about treatment by laser: "The cosmetic disfigurement is the most important issue in the decision to treat cutaneous symptoms of neurofibromatosis. Treating patients with extensive neurofibromas with [a] CO2 laser is still the best choice. However, it is strongly advised that a test treatment be performed to judge the effectiveness of the procedure and whether the developed scar is an acceptable trade-off."[17]
As of 2002, the primary treatment option for plexiform neurofibroma wassurgery.[18]
Removal of plexiform neurofibromas is difficult because they can be large and cross tissue boundaries. However, besides pain, plexiform neurofibromas are sometimes removed due to the possibility ofmalignant transformation.
The following examples show that plexiform neurofibromas can form anywhere and can make surgical resection difficult:
A large plexiform neurofibroma in the leg of a 6-year-old male. The authors state: "Our case was operated, as both the cutaneous and deep branches of the peroneal nerve were involved causing pain and numbness in the leg, and because there was a possibility for malignant transformation, as growth in the mass was realized by the family members of the patient." The authors also note, "However, complete resection is quite difficult due to invasion of the tumor into the surrounding soft tissues."[19]
Once a plexiform neurofibroma has undergone malignant transformation, radiation andchemotherapy can be used as treatment. However, radiation is generally not used as a treatment for plexiform neurofibromas because of concerns that this could actually promote malignant transformation. There has even been a documented case of a Schwannoma being induced from a neurofibroma due to radiation therapy.[22]
ACE inhibitors have been proposed as a novel treatment of neurofibromas. ACE inhibitors are currently used to treat hypertension and congestive heart failure, to avert remodeling and reinfarction after myocardial infarction, and to ameliorate diabetic nephropathy and other renal diseases. ACE inhibitors work by indirectly down regulatingTGF-beta, which is a growth factor that has been shown to influence the development of tumors.[23]
Tipifarnib (also known as drug R115777) inhibits the activation of RAS. This drug is aFarnesyltransferase inhibitor which inhibits the Ras kinase in a post translational modification step before the kinase pathway becomes hyperactive. It successfully passed phase one clinical trials but was suspended (NCT00029354) in phase two after showing no improvement over controls.[24][25]
The many drug therapies under study for neurofibromas[26][27] are in various stages of research; more time will be required to determine if these are viable options for the treatment of neurofibromas.
Sirolimus, a compound that inhibitsmTOR signalling, is being studied to treat plexiform neurofibromas.[28][29]
The combination oferlotinib with sirolimus was studied to treat low-gradegliomas.[30]
Early research has shown potential for using the c-kit tyrosine kinase blocking properties ofimatinib to treat plexiform neurofibromas.[31][32][33]
Gene therapy for theneurofibromin 1 gene represents the ultimate solution to preventing the cluster of maladies which are enabled by the mutation.[42][43] As of 2006, therapy for NF1 tumors had not been tested due to the lack of an appropriate NF1 tumor model.[44]
^abYamashiroya VK (August 2002)."Chapter XVIII.11. Neurofibromatosis".Case Based Pediatrics For Medical Students and Residents. Honolulu, HI: Department of Pediatrics, University of Hawaii, John A. Burns School of Medicine.
^Mautner VF, Friedrich RE, von Deimling A, Hagel C, Korf B, Knöfel MT, et al. (September 2003). "Malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumours in neurofibromatosis type 1: MRI supports the diagnosis of malignant plexiform neurofibroma".Neuroradiology.45 (9):618–625.doi:10.1007/s00234-003-0964-6.PMID12898075.S2CID24072091.
^McCarron KF, Goldblum JR. Plexiform neurofibroma with and without associated malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumor: a clinicopathologic and immunohistochemical analysis of 54 cases. Mod Pathol. 1998; 11:612–617. [PubMed: 9688181]
^abRubin JB, Gutmann DH (July 2005). "Neurofibromatosis type 1 - a model for nervous system tumour formation?".Nature Reviews. Cancer.5 (7):557–564.doi:10.1038/nrc1653.PMID16069817.S2CID7909466.
^Packer RJ, Gutmann DH, Rubenstein A, Viskochil D, Zimmerman RA, Vezina G, et al. (May 2002). "Plexiform neurofibromas in NF1: toward biologic-based therapy".Neurology.58 (10):1461–1470.doi:10.1212/wnl.58.10.1461.PMID12041525.
^Cebesoy O, Tutar E, Isik M, Arpacioglu O (October 2007). "A case of isolated giant plexiform neurofibroma involving all branches of the common peroneal nerve".Archives of Orthopaedic and Trauma Surgery.127 (8):709–712.doi:10.1007/s00402-007-0303-1.PMID17377797.S2CID22638321.
^Clinical trial numberNCT00652990 for "Sirolimus to Treat Plexiform Neurofibromas in Patients With Neurofibromatosis Type I"
^Clinical trial numberNCT00634270 for "A Phase II Study of the mTOR Inhibitor Sirolimus in Neurofibromatosis Type 1 Related Plexiform Neurofibromas (Protocol 102)"
^Clinical trial numberNCT00901849 for "Tarceva/Rapamycin for Children With Low-Grade Gliomas With or Without Neurofibromatosis Type 1 (NF1)"
^Clinical trial numberNCT00727233 for "Sorafenib in Treating Young Patients With Neurofibromatosis Type 1 and Plexiform Neurofibromas That Cannot Be Removed by Surgery"