Arp 229, CGCG 502-67, MCG 5-4-44, PGC 5098, UGC 938, V V 207
NGC 507, also known asArp 229, CGCG 502-67, MCG 5-4-44, PGC 5098, UGC 938, andV V 207,[2] is alenticular galaxy in the constellationPisces. It was described as being "very faint", "pretty large", "round", "brighter in the middle", and "south ofNGC 508" byJohn Dreyer in theNew General Catalogue.[1] The two galaxies (NGC 507 and NGC 508) are a part of theAtlas of Peculiar Galaxies, where NGC 507 is described as "Circular or near circular rings of small density difference."[4]
This image shows a vast cloud of hot gas (X-ray/red), surrounding high-energy bubbles (radio/blue) on either side of the bright white area around the supermassive black hole at the center of the galaxy.